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<br /> ��..� "R.. .� , _
<br /> �C` °-
<br /> �.�ss'�. :.1 �7�� ���3d�� r��_,
<br /> �i.'3
<br /> S. Ssznad or Pc+operty Ix3..msa�. �orruwez shal� kePp tbe improve�ents now eaisting oa hereafter ere�ed on th� �;_
<br /> Psagerdy insused�ainst loss by fire.harards includeA�vithin the te�m 'extended rnverage°and any otfc�r haiards. ircluding
<br /> _ —_ tL�a.�Ar,�utir�. fo:•»�tur�I.�:.;tcqilit."S, iiLSUtIIIi�.'RtiS i�Sh811 be maintnined'!B thP 3moLtALSIIF+_�fOi t6E p�[Ods �;:
<br /> � tiaat Lende�seQuires,The irsurance rareisr pro�idin�the insura�ce sh.all be chosen 6y Borrower subject to I:ender s appmvai ��
<br /> ` � whirh shail not he unreasonablv wichhetd if Barrovrer fails to maintain oovsrage describ�.d above. L.cnder may,at Lend�r's �''�^
<br /> option.obtain oovera�e to protPCt Ixader's rights ia tlse Progerty in scoasdance with patagr.�ph 7. �r'�,
<br /> �, All insuranre poiicies aad reae�vals shall be 2cceptahle to I�nder and shall iIIClude a standa�d mortgage ctause. Lender �'.
<br /> shall have the r�ght to hoid the policies and reuewals.If Leud�er reqnin�.Boaower shall promptiy give to I.eader all reCeipu of �-
<br /> ,'•'� . paid psemiums nnd rzne�val natices.In!!ta eveat of[os�.Somorrer shall give pmmpt norice to the insuiance carrier and Le�rder. �
<br />'-=`r; Lendcr may make pmo�of lasa if nflt mad�pmm�tly by Sorruwer. �"` �
<br /> Untess Lertder aad Bormwer ot�emise agree in�vriUtng,insnianoe proee�ds shall be appli�to restoration or repair of t�e ,qz.,
<br /> '�'�'%�'� Pc�petty dnma;ed.if the restora.tian ar rzpair is economicaUy feasbte acd I.eudEr's security is not less�ned.If the restorati�or __
<br />::.,�;.rk:: re�sair is nos eacnamiqlly feasibte or Lender's sewriry�vould be tessened.the insurance prooeeds shall be applied to the s�s _
<br /> � •,:.:::: se�ued Dy thiv Seruaity Instrument� vrhetber or not t�en due.wflth any excess paid to Borr�vfer. If Eormwer a�ndons tte ;�` .
<br /> " .
<br /> � Praperty,or d�es nat answer witbin 30 days a norice fram I.endrr that the insuTaIICe cazrier has offered to s�tle a ciaim, then �;�;;�`_�
<br /> • E�nder eray caSsci th�insurance proceeds. Le¢d�r may use the pmoeeds w repais or resto:e th� Praperty or to p3y sums
<br /> ` ,: sec�nd by t6is Se�uriry Instrumemt.whet��r or nat t�n due.The 3Qday periad will begin when t�aouoe is given. �-
<br /> �'`�;�,.� Ueless Ixader artd Barrower ot�ee�vise agree in vrriting, any application o€preicee�s �o p�rirci$a��Il aot extead or
<br /> .�; "' _ —
<br />��,�:; ;' postpone cHe due date of the monthEy pay�ents�ferred w in pa.-agrEphs I and 2 or cHae�e it�a��'of the payments.If ■�,���
<br /> .:��;�'�f� uader pacagraph 21 the Pinperty is acquired by Lender.Borrower's eight to any i�nsanoe poL^�a�[�s re.uiiring from �t
<br /> S��`�'` � daanage to t�e PruFerty gri�P to th�acqnisi6on shall pass to Leader to the e�eni of the snms sec�d irr�*•��carity =-
<br /> �_ ,,,,� lnctmcrwnt
<br /> . • immodiateiy Frior co t�e acquisitioa.
<br /> . 6.Occ¢�ncy,Preservatfon.Muinten�nce au�f Pemtectisa oF¢�Proparty;Buseowds H.ean A���an;L�a+i�s. �=
<br /> .:��`sV• Bormwer sBtt?�osc�p'�+•establish.aad use the Prupa�ty as BorroF-e�s principal tesideIIce a✓it�icc�zacty days aRer the ex�of
<br /> � ;�.;�� dus Secarir�Instnuaent aad shaU oontinue w aauPY�=�e��s Borrower's pr'tacipal rr��for at least one year after �;;,
<br /> ���• . the date og ocatpancy.�mtess l.ender otheiwise agr�s,n�,w6icd oar�seat shafl aot 6e unreasom�blp c�tiifieW.or uatess
<br /> �.� ext�nuating circurastances exist �vfuch aze 6eyoIId �cs�vwer's wntrol. Borrower sha11 not dcstroy. dz�e or impair the �--��
<br /> � ,• Raperty,a!!ow the Pmperty to deterionte.or oo�it waste on the Property. Burrower shall 6e in def�*f if any forfeitw�
<br /> '. a�rion or prm�eding.whetber civ7 or criminaf.is begun that in Lender's gaad faith judgm�ent wnld result in forfeittue ofF the �'"
<br /> Pmyerty or athezwise�mterially�mpair t�e lien created by this Securiry r��,�m-nt or Lender's secuaity iataest.Boaower may �.��
<br /> cure suc�a defautt aed rainstate.as pruvid�in paragraph 18.by causing the actinn or prooeeding w be dismissQd�rith u raling ���.
<br /> . . that.in Lendet's gaod Ea�d�termination, precludes forfeitase of the Bomavrea'a interest in the Praperty or other matcrial �;-�:
<br /> • imQaim�ent af t6e li�m cc�d by th6s Security Instrument or I�eader's secarity� inrerest. Borrower shal!also 6e in default if
<br />`�il�„n,,,�::. Borrawer.d:�ing the loan applicatiGa gc�ecess.gave rnaterially faJs=crr inaccurate infoimaii:�z w-�.stateanears tu Leader(or�itifad �_'_
<br />-;=i;�:;,`�':� .oc�
<br /> � t. to provi��der with any materiul i�'flmiadon)in connection vns��e loan evidenced by�'�P:�'�+t�,incG�inB.but aot f�',u,ss�od
<br />,«,z��.,�,; - -
<br /> ..:, s.,�;',.t� w���o�s con�eming Botrower's oa�pancy of the 1'roFercy as a prineipal tesidence:�jT1Ft�s Security Iruvument is ono �-`
<br /> ' ,t , Zeaschn:d�. lBorr�arer shatl oomply arith al! the psnvisions of tt� lease. If Borrower ar,quir�cs•�ee titls t�,�r1� Progerty, tl� _.
<br /> ,:,;;•�,r�; Ieasehaiu�ar.�tbe fee atLe sh�ll not uw�ge ur,:ess Lenider ag�rs to th�e mergec in writn�g. , ,
<br />,'�}�'�'t�:F� ?.�t�of�.e��9es's�fit�Qhe Property.If Borrovr�r f�ils W perform the co��s and ag�menis cu�a�Cy�,t IA.
<br /> 'r r..
<br /> ;�� .t.,•, ttis Secw�ity irsl�asea�t.or there is u isgal proc�eeding that may si�ifis�tly affect Lendei:r t��ts in tht PraPertY(su�i4:^:�a
<br />�:��:�{%�;��`.: pt�ooeed;��ia bantcn��tcy.probate.for oondemnation or forfeitnre or to eaforce laws or r�-a'.•arion�y,then LenGer may do and .w�_.:
<br /> ` pay for vrl:a.at�ever is�res�ry to pmtect,the value of the Froperty and Lertd�r's rightc in tt!e Prop;;rty. Lertder's acaons may •�`ir5'.ii+ni.
<br /> ' •� include payiflg any sums secured by a lien whic6 has prioriry over thss S�cmurit� Sasim�at. agpearing in court, paying
<br /> '. reasonuh�a atcurneys'fees and ea�tering on the Property co ma{ce mgai�s.Altlzough'd.end'er�qs,•;aake ac¢ion under this p�a�apb �.
<br /> � 9,II.endar Qaaes aot have to do so.
<br /> My�•acaounts disbuisEd by i.ender under this paragrapi� 7 shal! beoome additional debt of Borro�er savred by 9tiiis —
<br /> ' � Security I�sarument.Ualess Borrower and Leader�e to other te�s of payment.these arrioants shall b�u�interest from the
<br /> ' datc of Qi�chucse�t ui tIse Note rate and sha0 Qe payable„ with interest. upon notioe,from Lender w 83►irrnowear.tequestiug -
<br /> ' payment. - . ��
<br /> ,' _ 8.bio�t�age inwranoe.If�l�ender required mortgage insurance as a oondition of atal�n�tl�loan sec,vred by this Securiry --
<br /> � U�._,*�,t� Etarnowcr shall pay the pcemiun�v ra�uired ta miintain the mortg�ge ins�ranx E�effoct. If, for aoy reason. the �'..
<br /> . � mortgage insora�tce caverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shali PaY the Premium�r�air�d to �,
<br />-y ob¢ain cuverdge substantia}ly equivalent to the mortgage isuuiance previously ia.af;±'ect.at a cost substamtially equivatent to the �
<br />�''"`:, cost to Bo�ower a€t6e mortgage insurnnoe pneviously in effact, from ar�altarr•u2e mortgage insuter approved by I.��r.If �� �
<br /> �� _ su6stan?iatIy equivsilent morrgage ia,urunce covetage is not availahLe,8orrower shalt pay tn�nder each mon4h a sumi��zt�w
<br /> one-tweifth of tHe yearty tnortgage insurat�e prea:iuns being paid by Borrower when the insur,�;�,�ce aove�age tapsed or apti��to
<br /> .�� � 6e in effect.Lender witl acocpt,nse aad cetain ttiese raymenes as a toss reserve in lieu of ��r¢gage in�,tn�rr.� 3ass•:xeserve
<br /> • • 9�arm 302a 9J9D �
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