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1 11:••: <br />NUTICE OF D F ULT <br />The undersi�ned, b�ing the Successor Trustee under a Trust Deed filed for record in the <br />records af Hall County, Nebraska, by Francisco Ferreyra and Angelica Ferreyra, husband <br />and wife, as Trustors, in which Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. snlely as <br />a nominee . for Drapex and Kram�r Mortgage Corp., A Corporation, is named as <br />Beneficiary, hereby gives notice that a breach of an obligation for which the trust <br />praperty was conveyed as security has occurred, and the nature of such breach is the <br />Trustor's failure to make debt payments as they became due. The current lawful holder <br />of the promissory note is Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. You are hereby <br />notified that because of such default, the indebtedness secured by said Trust Deed is <br />accelerated. You aze fiuther notified that because of such default, the undersigned has <br />elected ta sell or cause to be sold the trust property to satisfy the obligations under the <br />Trust Deed; the trust property being legally described commencing on the cover page of <br />this instrument and incorporated as it fully set farth herein and commonly known as: 618 <br />W. 10th Stre�t, Grand Island, NE 68$Dl; <br />After the lapse af not less than one (1) month, the trustee or the attorney for the trustee <br />shall give notice of sale. <br />This Communicatian is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained <br />may be used for this purpose. The cammencement of the foreclosure actian does not <br />affect the rights as set forth i�n the initial demand letter <br />Dated b O . <br />Successar Trustee <br />Erika Knapst n, NSBA 240$8 <br />Kozeny & McCubbin, L.C. <br />1240Q Olive Blvd., Suite SSS <br />St. Louis, MO 63141 <br />(314) 991-0255 <br />State of Missouri ) <br />� 35. <br />County of St. Louis ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged b�fore me this �_ day of <br />� ,�, 2010, by Erika Knapstein, Successor Trustce. <br />� � Not Public <br />K&M File Name: FERFRNOR <br />AUD <br />Not�ry P�ub�c - Notary Seal <br />�te of Missouri � <br />�� �� M�ay 1�2 20iA <br />� rt .10880�78 <br />I II��� Iil� �� IIN IIIII IlIN IIIII lIIII III�u Iil� � II� <br />* K M 5 p 6 T 6'1 K M+� <br />