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<br /> J,�����=="� TOUEI'HP.R WITFI uil tho improvemcnta now on c�rcuf�cr erecled an the propeny,und all caxementa,uppurtenanccs,
<br /> __-__—_`.� w�d fixturc4 naw or hereaf�er A p�n of�he propeny. AI!replocements and additions shwll alco 6e cavcrcd by thf�Security
<br /> In�ltument. All of�he faregoing is refertcd to in thix Sccu�ily Inswment ux the"Propeny."
<br /> -- BORROW@R COV�NANTS thul Borrowcr i�lawfully r�eised of tha estate hcrcby conveyed and haw the right to grant
<br /> ;' �'a"� ond convey the PropertY and Ihat�Ite Praperty is une�cumbercd, except fur encumbrances ot rccard. Borrower wum�nts and
<br /> will defend generally the litle to thc Propeny ugninat all claims and demands,subJect to uny cncumbranccs af recoM.
<br /> - ' � � ��••� •'1' �` THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combine+ uniform covenams for nationul une nnd non-oniform covenon�s with
<br /> � �.� � �
<br /> ' �,. ,.,. '° limited voriations by jurisdiction to con�titute u uniform xecurity ingtrumant covering real property.
<br /> �:.;
<br /> - ,�'��'•='� UNIFOR(►1 COVENANTS. eorrower und I.cnder covenane and ag�e ua Pollows:
<br /> �`,,r�_,„1,-='-�' 1. Nnyment oi P�incipAl and Interecti Prepaymenl and l,ate Charges. Borrower shall prompdy pay when due Ihe
<br /> '�'��'��� ' principol of and Interest an the deSt evidenced by�he Note nnd any prepayment And lute chargea due under the Note.
<br /> ���;,�¢,f'�l�': 2. Funde for'[bxes wnd Insurs�nce. Subjcct to upplic�ble luw or to a written waiver by Lender,Borrower shall puy ta
<br /> "'��r�,.:, ;, � Lender on the duy mnnthly paymanls cu+c due uodcr the Nwe,until the Notc is puid in full,a sum ("Fund�')far:(a)yeurly
<br /> x'_..�,_ �t`� .c
<br /> �`�'"'S+�' " Iwxea und assossments which may uttain p�iority over this Security Inrlrument as a lieo on�he Property:(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> -��°�`�N` �=� � payments or gmund rBnts on Qie Prope�ty, iF uny; (c) yeady huzord or property insurance premiums; (d) yearly tlaod
<br /> '��`'�"'�°''�"'" �" i,�,urancc premiurns. If any; (e) yearly mnrt�nge inr�urance premiums, if any; and (�any sums payable by Borrower to �
<br />_ _:.�.�:=:�-_�___._._,....
<br /> - - ' Lender,in nccordance with the provisianr�of purrgraph S.in lieu of�he puyment of martgage ingurance premiums. 'l'hese
<br /> -- ` '"" '�• '�."�i it�rns are caUed"Pscrow Items.' Lender may.ut any tlmc,collect nnd hold FLnds in An amount not Io exceed the maximum
<br /> - -��'��`-.��:.�:'�'a`�_.� amount a Iender far u federally related mon@oga toan mey requine fur &�rrower's escrow arcaunt under the federal Real
<br /> _'--- �:,��;::'��;�:�.�,'�-- Eswte Setqement Procedures Act of 1974 us amended from time to timc. 12 U.S.C.$2b01 e�seq,("RESPA"),unless unother
<br /> - —= T r.= _..,;,_ . law thul applies to the Funds sels a les4er amaunt. If sa.Lender may,ut any time.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> -��' � exceed 1he lesser amount. Lender may es�imute the amount of Funds due on Ihe bnais of current datu and twsonable -- _
<br /> --_;�.:`'.:����:;,.;;:; ., �'.. ..' es�imates af expenditums of future Escrow Uems or otherwise in accordance witb applicable law. ��i;,._;
<br /> • .��,�.' The Funds shall 6e held in nn institution whoxe deposits are insured by a fedeml agency. instrumentality.or entiry ��n, :
<br /> ?��. �' ° (including L.ender,if Lender is:�uch an instiwtion)or in any Federal Home Laun Hunk. Lender shall appty the Funds to pay �_
<br /> -- •; " �:Y,r � � the Escrow Items. Lender mny not churge Bormwer for holding and applying the Funds,annually unalyzing the eLCrow
<br /> �� �• � � .. . . uccount, or verifying the Escrow Items, unles4 Lender pays Borrower inlerest on the Funds and applicable law permits
<br /> - . �• _ ,; �.��� Lender to make such u charge. However. I.ender may require Borrower ta pay a ane-time charge for un independent renl
<br /> ":•�'�� estute tux repoding service used by Lendar in connectian with this loan,unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an _
<br /> �� ��4 '
<br /> � • agrecment ia madc or applicuWe Inw requi�es intcrest ta Ix puid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inlerest or �`T
<br /> - � eumings on the Funds. Borrowcr and Lender mny ugrce in wdting,however,thnt interest shall he paid on U�e Funds. Lender
<br /> � �-�' '� � , � shull give to Borrower,wi�hout charge,un annuul uccounting of the Flmds,showing credits nnd debils to 1he Funds and the _
<br /> � "' �,�,�. ' �° � � purpose for which euch debit to the Funds wus made. The Funds are pledged as addilional security far ull sums secured by =___
<br /> � _.d+r� u�it��► _ =_
<br /> ��.;i.�ty�.a: . - thi�Securisy lnstrument. �
<br /> ,T�'„ , lf the Funds held by [.endar exceed Ihe amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender �ahaU account io r�
<br /> � Borcower fur�he excess Funds in uccordance with the�eqwremeMw of upplicnble Inw. If the nmount of the Funds held by �;�__
<br /> � � � � � Lender at siny tirne is not sufficient ta puy�he Escrow Items when due,Lcoder may so notify BoROwer in writing,and,in ����
<br /> - n
<br /> • such case Borcower shall pay to Lender thc nmount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up Ihe
<br /> '�� N:���" dcficiency in no rnore Ihan twelvc monlhly pnyments,ut Lcndcr:sole discretion. �
<br /> • �j'�'x ' � Upon puyinent in full of ull sums secured by thi�Security Ins�rument.LenJer shull promptly refund to Borrowcr Any �;;_„�
<br /> ` �'' � • Funds held by Lender. If,under parugruph 21.Lender tihnll ucquire or+ell thr Propeny,Lender, prior to the ucquisition or
<br /> �' `�`�• '` �'� sale of the Property. shall upply uny FunJs held by Lcixler at ihe time of ucquisition or xule ac n credit ugainst the sums _ _
<br /> ° secured by this Security Instniment. --
<br /> �� ' .,- 3. Appl�ation of Paymenls. Unlews npplicable IAw provides o�herwise, all puyments received by Lender under �-•:>'=.�•
<br /> • ',•,.;� � paragraphs 1 and 2+hall bc applied:fin�,to uny prcpayment charges duc undcr the Nate;sccond, to umounts pAyuble uncler �'_
<br /> �'"`�k - pnrngrnph 2:third,to imerest due:founh,to principal due;und 1 us�,to uny Inte churge�due under the Note. .(,s.,�:.
<br /> �� � '`��'`"`' 4. Charges; Llens. Borrower shul) a all taxes, uxtiessmcnts, charges, fines and impc�sitions attributuble to the ;_;...
<br /> �'+.��`r. P y
<br /> � • � : Propeny which rnny auain priority over this Security Instrument,and leusehold payments or ground rents,if uny. Borrower -���
<br /> .',,:.,,... • ...:�::�'•� � .,,;�,�,.-_
<br /> shnll pay Ihese obligntians in the manner providcd in paragraph 2,or if not puiJ in that manner,Borrower shull puy Ihem on
<br /> � timc dircctly to the penon owed puymcnt. Borrower xhall promptly furnish to Lcnder all notirex of umaunts to be paid under
<br /> °�"� �' ' � this parugruph. If Borrower mukes the.r•e payments directly,Burrower.hall prompdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing „ .:=
<br /> _ `,,,`j,_„ .: ''
<br /> � . , the payments. �,4:-�`.
<br /> • • ° . • Borrowcr�hall promptly disrhargc uny licn which hu,priorily ov�r�his Scruriry In.lromcnt unlcss Bortower:la)ugrces
<br /> �r�v
<br /> •� �' • • in writing to the puymen[of the obligation u�ured by thc licn in a manncr ucceptublc to Lcndcr,lb)contex�s in gc�ad failh�hc �_- _.
<br /> '?' •,"�: " lien by,or defends ug+tinst enforcement of thc licn in,legai pnxcedingx which in�hc Lcndcr;opinion operatc to prcvent thc �,
<br /> �� �L'. enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holdcr of thr lien un u grcemrnt satist'uctury to l.rnder subordinuting the lien ���-
<br /> ;;.;;,.,� .., .
<br /> ta this Secudty Instrument. If Lender detcrmines that uny purt ol'tlk Property i+subject io u licn which muy uttuin prioriry ° ,;!g�-
<br /> �';': " over this Secudty histrument,Lendcr muy give Borrowcr ti notice idcntifying thc licn. Borrower xhall xutisfy Ihe lien cx take
<br /> `t��.%�� one or more of ttie actions sct forth abovr within I11 duys of the giving uf no�icc. '�� ;,
<br /> • � � S. Huzard or Property Insurance. Burcowrr�hall kcrp the improvemrnts now exis�inF ar hereafter crcctcd on the �
<br /> Property in�ured aguinst Ic»x by fire,hazurds includeJ within the trmi "catendrd roverage"anJ uny other hu•r.ards,including
<br /> floodx or floading, for which l.cnder reyuircs insurunce. Thi+insurunce shull l�e nwintumeJ in�he untounth and for the
<br /> . . . � Form WxN 9A►n �r�,,,Y 2�q n puxr.,� �,.,
<br /> i • �.
<br /> �i �
<br /> • . �
<br /> . ' . . . . . �. .
<br />. . �� .. . . . . . . '��.
<br /> , . � . i i - � ' - . .
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