�ty � .,_.. .: ...c'n._ , �._.;_ .:..�y •.�.. . ----- ""_� �
<br /> � •
<br /> _" 9�- ��'s�9� �_:�
<br /> - g�}�rtnxa��.ay no tanger bx�r3 the apu�n of I.endea.if mor�;aqe ins�uaace eav�e('m tha amoimt�d for t�°pe�d �-Y•:
<br /> �``, d�t Leud�*r rqair2�a)Dmvid�bY�ias�er a�poved by I.atdfr�n beoomES ava�ab2e aasi is abtainsd.Haaawea�all pay the .-�,:_
<br /> . pzemivms r�u�w�aint�n caos4�e ias�noe in effect,o�to Fmvist� a Ioss r�eave. undl the reqnirem�a for mnmtgage '���
<br />_- 's_n.R�-���d.s in°^�^^���.��:.��'��r�t�t�+�n Ba�sowtt�d Lend�ct agplis�bs L3w. _:�.-
<br /> 9.ff�e�a. Lender ar it9 egant may m�Icc re,�sonable maie.a ugan aud i�.,c8ons af ths Pmgerry.Lgndea stiall�,�ve e T��
<br /> i ,,a,:
<br /> Bmrawca no�oe at tLe dme af ar priw m aa insgtxtian a�fYmB reasa�abie cause fos dce insperkon.
<br /> .�
<br /> 10.Caademn�at�na. 'I�e pmoxds of any a�+ard or cfaim fot damages,d'uect ar cansequearial,�n oonnection with any --=
<br /> . condannatian ar othea taldag af any pan of the Pre�ty.ar fQS conveyance in tieu of cande�naiio�,aie hereby as�td and e��=i-
<br /> u..
<br /> .�. st�ali ba gaid to I�d� �� �
<br />-�.<� 1n tIle evene of a wral��of Ehe Properny,the pmoeeds sha]16e app]Ied w thc swas sscured by this Security Insu�imgat, y . �
<br /> w�ethea ar aat then dse,with any excess paid Bo��rower.Isa the eveat of a p�l mking of d�pnog�ty m which the fair roa�et ��-_
<br /> - _ v�tue of the Praperty iauned�ty 6efare the tafdng is equal to ar g�earrr th�the aasoamt af ths snms secured by this Secam�► �i�
<br /> °' Ias�umeat i�medi�iy fieioze the�tg,an2� 8oimwea and Lendsr otkfavrise agree m wreing,the sums�by ttus _�-
<br /> Ssaui�y Instra�e�t s�ari 6e se�ed by�:e amount of the pi�oeeds multiplied by the foIiaw�g fiaction:(a)the taral amaunt 4f o =
<br /> � .-< tl�e sams secured im�diateiyr befare th�e tak�g,divi�led by(b)ths faie ma�tCet valne of the Ptopetty�Y hefoie the �=
<br /> ta�ing.Any hzil�nce st�II be paid to Baaoarer.In the eveat o�a pu�ial mYing of the Pcaperty in wbicf�the fadr m�lcei vaIue of d►e �`':
<br /> �coperty immediasciy Uefore the ta�ing is tess � t�e amouat of the s�s s� unmediasety bef�t�e takmg,�2�ss � � _--
<br /> Boaowsr and�drl othe[wise sgQee in wii�a�g ar untess ap�tic�ab�e law arhraa��provides,ehe pmceEds shaIi ls�appYi�tta.�sa �_:
<br /> �ms s�d tiy�Sec�ig►tnstn��t whu8tar�r not the sams aTe than due. .
<br /> 1f the Pca�e�4,y is abaudu�d by Baarawer.ar i�after notice Dy 1.e�dra m Bo�wea tbai the wndemaar offers to ma�an : �,
<br /> aevatd�sett�e a ctaim f�r damagc9.B�mwe�r fa�n to respand tn Leader wit�sn 30 days afu�thz dare the notix is givea,I�n� � �,__.
<br /> is su�.io calPe�t a�t�pply the g�zds,at its aption,eisher m r�stozarion aY repair�f tbe Ftopeity ar to the smo�sec�ed _`.,:.-;:�-
<br /> _-= by @tis�s�In�nm�t,w�etber�aut tts�n due. i..
<br /> _;�� U�,�a B:�d�er aud Bormwez athe�wise agree in v++ritin8.aaY applIcation of pioceeds w�ic�t�alt�all not extead�pa�avae �:�
<br /> �'•��` . fr2 d��e��e mon�8�}►PaYmeats r�feaed tn���hs i and 2 ar c�ang$the emotmt�r:'��a9�� ��"
<br /> 12.B�rrower Net Relwsed;Forbwrance�y�rm�er Nat�Wafve� E�a of the ti[ne 5ar�rmant ur madifu�tiaa �"""
<br /> er •
<br /> i�..;:.
<br /> o��`�n o€tke saras saaaed by this Seauiry In�t granted by I.�to any sa�oessnr�n tat�of Barrowet sha13 � zs:�-;:.
<br />. not��ret�t�e liability of dee o�ignnal�ormwca ar Bc��?ea's s�s m in�t L�d�s6all aoi he req�d w A."°?"`.
<br /> otignnal
<br /> j �`�YA�".
<br /> . �g�C�dIIISg 8$8�gIIj►NC�4S�i ID�Dtt'lCSt Df IC�l1SC'kl�l�i�11�.,:-'"OL f07 JYdyIiDCa[Q�Ot�L'�SB IIiO�lf}t B�CBII Of
<br /> � the s�ns seaued by this S�ry Insmnm�t by reason af any dej^�x�3 m»����;�e arigmal Ho�mwer or Ba�wer's sacccssois �:%::�
<br /> � .�m6er�st.My farbea�aace by Y.ea�dei in exerei�ug anyr dght or remedy s�7if�m:�e a waiver af ac y�eclaede the ex�e of any �<�.�;_
<br /> �c ragbtarran�y. i�'��:
<br /> .�.:
<br />:�..�; u�.�ce�ass�ad A�S s�„aoinc�na s�va�L��r�;co-�g�e�a.�Le cm��ts ,ana e�.ents �8 tw$ _.._
<br /> ;�°�_`'s. 5�;:�rmucnt slta7l biad anW��t�'ct the saocesgors and�3ns of L�ender�d B�cr.sn6jeci w d�e p�v3�s of =_--�-
<br /> -_" -`- p�a� 7?. E�wer's aoverwnss �3 agermea�ts sha11 be 1+.�int an� sevcaal. Any Ba�ruwer wbo c��gns thts �ccnsity �`�
<br /> '` „f � . Ins�mntvt but dOC,4�GseCntC the Note:(8)is W�+�in$111I8 Se�ui[Iy pn�mart c�tily tD��Sud C�vC'�►th2i , = 6._
<br /> � snc_-
<br /> � '' �ffi09Vi'd'81II�lC3L$]Y�8��dfi f�1C f�T6��S SCCUIfI�f TncKmm�ssr�f9��S Dtlt�SI Q�J�itl p331�.C' &[I�3 ' -"s""::
<br />.;;�.�:�: saeoted by ihi�S�uitY Ins�ea�aad(c)a�ets�st Icoder and aay other S�,~�wes ma�.rt,g�ee to ��`awdifY,fo�r as d'` `�
<br />=_::',. malce�y aoc�mmudntinns��reg�d t�the tams of this Sec�ity instnunent ai t3+e 1Note vrfiflrmst that Ba�ower's canseat _.�
<br /> _'�" 13.Lou Clat�. If ftiee Iaan secttred hy th'ss�ec�iry Insunment Ls s��c w a taw wToich sets maxiin�taan ch2iges. --
<br /> �d that law is SmaIIy iafap[eW!so d�at the in�carr otSsar Iaau charges coli�;rm�ar to be caltected'm Ca�un wi�t t9e ioan -_
<br /> .. eascad�e pamitteci 1i�nim.tbea:(a?aaY suc��s aib�rge siu�U me re�nced by tha smount a�ssary ro re3aoe t�e c�argo to tI�ee _""..
<br /> � pe�mitted�and(b)�wy sums a1�dy aollecte3��o B�row�r which e�c�eded Pe�miued�vriD be tef�ded tfl Barower. =__
<br /> � t.eadu may choo�e ta maice this refand by�duciAg the pr�gaf owed ander the Nate cr��Ljy:irr�1Cimg a d'acct p�ymeat to
<br /> "�'.,,_ . Boa�awe�If S zef�md reduces p�il;��.�n w�U be ueateA as a pa�tal pse,pay�et�'�i�:;;pY��88 —
<br /> � and�dea Note. � .
<br /> . 1�.N�. Any aaW�e to B�mwetir pmvidtrd;f�m�ia.this Sa�dry�t shall 6e�rea by u a by caa�ing it . �".'
<br /> ` �y fitsR,td€��mai��nL�aDpli�abie L;.�reqainrs ase of another�et�od.7�e nat�ce sh�116e d�ected m th�e • Ad�kt�s a —
<br /> • any o@�Z'�ddc�ss T3orrower d�gtc�a�y not�a to iRader.A��r.�r�oe tu i�sha11 be givea by 6�.cl�ss ma�to�a�er's
<br /> `;:� addces�staud h�in ar ary ottfer a8c�resc L�da d�nates Dyr�tice to B�rawer.llny aoboe pmvided fa in tLis 50c�rity -
<br /> . ,. :'. Ins�t shall De de,emod ou hava ban given to Bonawer a I�rr�dep when giva;as pravided"m thls para�aph. � =-..
<br /> � � . iS.Goverr�iu�L�v:&v4�6�+t9• �is S�► Insbumeat sbaU 6e �overaed by fe�etal taw aad the taw of tbe . --
<br /> , �� jari�tlic�ioe in vfitcb t�a pmpaty is bocate�In tLe eveat tbat any pmvL�a�ar c1�se of e�is Sec�ity Ins�amtnt ar the Nate -_.._
<br /> � . � a�with apglicab2e 1aw.saeh cou,�sct shaU aat af�ect otha gsuvi�ons of this Secmity Fir.�t or tbe Nooa whicb c�n ba _
<br /> � � givm affect wlthout the oonf7icting pzsvi�lon.To t�is ead the pr.tvisians of tlus Sacurity Iast�r,m�t�nd td►e Nota�e dixfuvd w =-�
<br /> � � De�esrrerabL�. -
<br /> es
<br /> • • �.__-
<br /> _ �_.,:
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