• _.�,.�«..�...i—. "'�"' C...�1-:
<br /> F • . 9�� ��:�� ..
<br /> � 16.l�orrower's Copy.Borrot7ec ehall he given one oanform�rl cop�of tt�I�iote and of ttue��urity IassrumenE. _.
<br /> 17.Transter off the I'w�srty or a�xnefictal ImRarest ia Bonower. If all or anq �art of the Property or any ��.:
<br /> iaterest in it is sold or uunsierr�d(or if a benefiscial intsee3t in Bonower is sold or traasPerred end Bmtrocaer is not$ ,��� .
<br /> --_- uamrsl pErsanl c+ithmut Le�der's prior vrritcen consent,Geades may.IIi lYS OpItOit�f2QUlt@ 1fYlfttCal.StE jJ3f:31CIIL ifl�U11{O� �
<br />—-- .-�.* � ,� ..�°.,."'—i� T'.,"'-.1"M2°.�:.�.^.o:wvx tilic m+t�nn �'�ati n�: :sa e��i bY Lc�d:r. �E ex�e i� �-�:�°
<br /> - 8F1 dtiut5 taw.'vaw wtv s - --�
<br /> • pmlv'bited bq f�deral law es of the date of this Security Iastrurnen� . .
<br /> If I,ender eaercis�s this o�sson.LenQer sh+�ll give 8orcower notic�of acceleration.Th�nvrice sh�I!psnv:ti�a�ria� .
<br /> of no4less than 30 daqs from the date the nofice ie d�livered ar mailed�+itt►in which Bonocves muss p�7 a1l-wms�.°�3 .
<br /> by this 3xuritY Instr�men�1f Somower faila to paq tti�6umsprcor to the eapixation oi this periad.L�a,3rx may it►��Sri9 . ,.
<br /> Y
<br /> ;�;:� anqremediespermittedbythisSe.curitylnstrumentwithoutfitt�th�aoti�ordemaadonHcnsower. f;,�.;;<<
<br /> . �� 18.�ortovrxr's Rig�t to Reen�tate.If Borro�ver megts oe�taia oonditions.Bmroc�es sh911 �ave the riglit ta hts w ::,,�,tt
<br />` �:, enfor�xaaeat o�thia Securi4}►Instrument disooatinued at an time rior to the earlier of:(a)5 daqs(or such oth�psricr� '" �:�<
<br /> Y P �,-�:
<br />— as plicab�le law may sp�fy for rzinsuiteiaent)before sale of the Pro pussuaat to anypawer of sale c�tair��d� ,��{���
<br /> , this��S e�n�ity Insuv�en� or(b) eat*Y o f a�udgasent e n forcing this�im t y Insuument. 'Ihose o�n�ati��s are ttaS s{`��
<br /> en vrould is�due uader this Security Insmsmeat and e�s�'ce2�as if n.� �'`':.
<br /> Botrower. (a)Pa3B II..ender all sums cvhich th
<br /> acceleration hsd oocurred: (b)cures t�ny default oi aay othEr wvenac�ta or agreementr(c)FaYs a!1 esgrauses anc�srtsd in S
<br /> ny , .
<br /> euiorcing this Securisy Iastromen�iaciuding,but aot Gmited to,rezsonable attnmeys'fe�s:and(d1 ta�s s�s.."'s�aaa�r ��:��
<br /> I,ender may reasonnblp re�uire to�s��ue that the lie�of thia Security Ynstrument,I.ender's rights in th.Property a��3 �...
<br /> Boarowet's obli�ation to p�Y�s s�tYas s�by thi.s Security InstrummtshaU contiuue un�h,�a�d.Qpnn teis�te2�seat ��r ?:
<br /> lry Bor��ser,tius S�ri�InstruraenE and thz obligationa�henebp sha11 res�nain fuUy eHeciivaa;af no��rnzicrn - --.-
<br /> ' h�d�s�.wrcd.However,t�a.s rig2at to reinstateshall t�ot appIp in the cese of scazl�ration�nd�P�S�Pb l7. ��;-:--
<br /> 19.Sale of Not�:ChanYe of Loaa Servicer.The Note os a partial iateiest in the I�ate(to�eth:r with this See�ritp -_-
<br /> I a s t r u m e a 4)may be sold one or mote times without prior notive w Borrower.A sale fluap res�lt in a c�g.°.in ttv�ersatq �:,
<br /> (kaown as the`L o a a Servtcer')that oollects monthlq PaYme�ta due un d e r t h e h'ote an d t h i s S e c�u i t y I a s t r u m e a t.'I"c n�e ,,.
<br /> � �� al�map be ane or more changES of the Loan Servicer unrelsted to a ssle of the Note.If th�e is a ch�.a�04 the I.aan s�.::�
<br /> Serviar,gurrower wi11 be given written aotice oi th�s change in acoordsaoa with paragra�h. 14 abrave ass�3 appl.ica 'h.a lace. .: ;,.
<br /> The aotioa will state tho nsme and addcess of the aezv Loaa S�rviosr aad the addre�to cvhic�payments shmut�b��ssa�da. �.,:
<br /> The nntico wiU als�contaia any ottterinformation reqtrired bp agglicable law. - �
<br /> .. ��,� 20.�zardoaxs Sobsmaces.Bornower shaU aot cause or 't the piesence,use.�.scara�or se!�s�e of ; ,
<br /> �`�. ".`: aay I�iazardous Substanoas on or in the Pro�etty.Barrawer not do.nor allow anpone e1t�e w do�a�ySbinga#ft�ting
<br /> ;.. . the pi.aperty that is in vialation of eay F�vuonmeitEal Law.The preceding trro�ntenoes sh�ll nat a lp m�hs greeen� ��:°,.
<br /> ' ' tE 1
<br /> 'r..�';. of small qusutities of Hazardo�s Substanoes tttat are y r000EaiEOd w be
<br />�'•,:::�; use, or storage aa the Propesty
<br />,�r��f�`tY. agpm�nate to narmal resialential u9es aad to ma�atenanse of the Property.. .
<br /> �i`A� Barrowet shnll pronnPtlp give Lender written notice of any investig�hon,claim.deias��3,lawsuit�or oitne�t t�:tiera b�y' _
<br /> ;��'= aaY govemmental ar �StOTS/ Q$CIICp O! �L1t78L6 Q8![� lIIYO1YlIIg L�1C PtOpEf� 8Dd 8.�y H87�tf1011S Sil��.'dY '�-
<br />..,�•'�;. Envirvnme�al Law of w�iich Barrower has acwallcnowtedge.If Borrower learas,or is notifsed by any�v�rnmc�ta!�or -
<br /> ,..
<br /> . � ragulator9 authority, that anp removal or othar remediatiom of unq Ha7ardous Subc�u�e affacti�g tha Progs.�tp is
<br /> �� � n�rf.Bosrower IIhell pmm�t1y�ta�ke all neo�r9 remedial actions ud socordence with Envirnxsane�tol Lasr. ' .
<br />-_a��;":� As u�eel in thifl psra�uph Z�,"Hazardous Suhstaar,�s°are those subeteaees daf'ined as tas�c or haa�aus m�►tGt�.ss �,.,•��.'
<br /> ,„: by Euviron�entnl Y.uw aasi th�follo�riag sul�noe��soline.keroseas,othEr flammab'.a or to�sc psttoi�+am pro�i�. •"''""
<br /> taxie cades anca h�icid�. vulatila solveats. materiats cmntnining asbesws or faemalde�d�, aasi taditrs�6r.*�
<br /> �..,..;,;,. � . ���-:
<br /> ,,.� matenals.As used ia tLi��atagraPh�i1.°Bnvironmental Law"me�.s fa�derat laws end Is�vf th9�tui.,"+diction w�e ttoa
<br /> . .�-_. Propertyislocatedth�trr.ts�+tohesldi.safetyorenri�onmento�lpmteccion. , ;r,.
<br /> NON-LjNIFORMC�jIF.I�TANT3.BOfPOWCt a71,�.D.Cit'QCt�TtIl:?COS�'J73"if)1!�Sot+CCS9 f8I10� ��';•,
<br /> �" '� ' 21. Aesxlegataon, Remedias Leader ahr3a give no4ioa to �lat�r,tv►�s prIot �o a�ei�iioa Yniiasra.a� ' ;.`,
<br />�"�1�.�lh�ia: .- —_=Y-.
<br />;�s�;�� Boaowes's bmc�ot a�my cov��t ar agreament ia this 5ecaritq Yus��rra�ent i�rtr-aat siar m a�'1ac�r43itm• ---
<br /> ���.[^�` aader Pam�aPh 17 antess�pp�icablolaw provi8es oiheswisa�.The notica s�sil1 s�:i9IT(��j���a��x 6�l:��a
<br /> aetioa reqoired to curo the de�ault; (cj a dato,not Iess th�a 30 days�rom t�i�ciir:�a t�ne aonao i�.giv��to
<br /> Borrower,by ehicb tt�e dofaalt must bm 6ured:md(d�thst fail�re to care the default on or-b�nro l41e date
<br /> � ied ia the aottce�sy resalt ia accele�n4ion oi the snms secn�ned by t6i�5ecurity Ias4rumt�t���➢��3o aP `—
<br /> ' � a Property.The notiao shall iarther inforea�oraoever of tho rig�t to reinstate a�tecr:cr,�ltcu3ian�s��4hs ---
<br /> � ` ri�ht to br6n=�eonrt action to assert tbe aon-ozistear�a oi a de4�ult or�tap oth�s dslYonce oi.�a�rrnxc.�,ta
<br /> �� acce2eration ead smle.I$4he defffiolt is aot cnr�d oa o*��3+cue the data specifie3 in t4ta aati�L��tt4.m���it�
<br /> : .E��. optioa.may requi:e immediste psymea4 in�ull o!ntl�+2�se.�nnd by this 9ocaritg lfptSromcnt�qti4i�nt "'_...:
<br /> fosther demsnd a3ad may involce the garr�n�'sale aa8 any oti�t�r rr,medies permitters��bF ap,�liw�bl�P.
<br /> . : Y;�ades shall be entitla3 to coDloct al!e��nsr�-hw��in pursois�g tha reraedies p�ovai�4�ri ti�is h � ..�
<br /> �• . � 21,inelodla�,bot not timite9 So,reasonsblo�iturneys��ees nnd coaos at title�vidon�. P'='`�
<br /> (': .',: �
<br /> � �:��,: U the power oi sale is I�+va�o i�,Tr�stee s fi s l l sccor d s no t ice o Y de fa�I t i n�r�►c�n t n t y i fl��i c�i a aypr-,3 of �-r-:
<br /> `'� �a••.f the Frogtrsy is�a�atesA tad sh�31��ai!copi�ot such aotico ia the aaaas�mr :1� 6y�pplicsb le F s:�s 40
<br />���, '; Borrower and to t$o o4P�er p�a.as� b-,8 by appYieabYe lerr. After the t e seqolred by ap lis.��ias tm�r. �,
<br /> 4P pres�
<br /> Trastee shsll=ive pab�i_�raot¢ce of su a l t o 3hn E�son�aad'na ffio:nz�r.�.pres�ri b e 8 by app 3 itu E�la a�v.Tiru s teo, F-:.�,
<br /> '. '� without demand aa Horaower,sLn19 s�l!tha�aoparty at pnblie nu�sian to the hi�hest bsdd�s.as�tue time aad
<br /> �'-��� � placo aad nader t�e ter�s design�tecl in tba notice o!salo in oaa or more parcols aad in�p a�der Tnustee
<br /> �`''��'�� determ�a�Trostee may pflst�s�sne sate oi dl ar a�p p�c�1 oi tho Progerty 6y public anno�naament m2 t11te
<br /> '�i!�r.� .
<br /> °��•� ttme ar�A�►txae of any proviom6��acheBuled aata Le�s�rr or its designee maq pozehpse the PrapsrEq a�t�:a�g �
<br /> ��::;�,,..
<br /> •''�' sate.
<br /> �,:. . :.
<br /> ;�:•� _
<br /> ,��
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