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<br /> • WA�@RPSS'YaY DBY�D �""_"-
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<br /> �, ` Tha� Graa�toss, It�auneth J. Roti.m�8k and �lena M. RotiA22c, .- � --
<br /> � ��::
<br /> ` huebaad a�d wife. I�y Johst R. Sramn�ll. L�eis attoraey ia� �act, ia _._
<br /> `� corssideratiaa� of t.he sum of One IIol.aar �$1.0�? and other Jood and �'
<br /> va}.uable consideration. �eceipt of �a�ii.ch is hereby ackan�vlec�ged, ����
<br /> :` <�� t�xantee, �e �ollowiag �--�
<br /> :;a�`�;� cQnvey to F�rboar DeveZap��nt (3roup. Zac•, o,�,.-
<br /> 2`,`�?�: .. describ�d real estat� ia$ de�ined ia 1+1eb. Rev. ��at. 8��.. 76-Z�i)
<br /> ��m.
<br /> in �all Co�n�y, Nebraska.: �` �
<br /> ��:�._
<br /> '• ,4.
<br /> A tract of laadicomprieing a gart oi the easterly Th3.zty Pive f35.0) feet of �
<br /> I�ot Ef.gla� fe) tIoraaaod Subdiviefon in the City of 6rand IslanB. NeBraeka and �
<br /> . a part o� P.h� Saet Half o£ the Nozthqrest Quarter (B1J2 8�1/4�, aIl befa� in �;t
<br /> • � Sectioa T�:n (zR�, Ta9oaship Bleven (Scl) Horth. Range YJfne (9) itest af the 6th �
<br /> P.iK., 1HaZl �,iszLy. Nebraeka, and mcYre Particularly described as folla�a:. _
<br /> _ �.• .
<br /> . Eeg:cs�rs.�.ur�.� '+�e.nos�la�r,c�ait carner o€ Liaooln Heighte'Subdivamian. atifd poix►t �-
<br /> "` aleo 6etsrr�:.xS�; y P;'v�"C35.0) feet �er+t of tfle Qaet lisla ofc e�id S,.at' Sight __-
<br /> (e), lioxvcooi3r�.k�if��fvioio�i; thence• nartherly; parallel vfth the es� line o€ �,,
<br /> eaid Lot IIfgitt�:�:te?. a dietance:.v� Pour SuAdred Bighty Nfae aad Fifty �� �,_
<br /> �1wd�cedtl� (48J.51) feet to a poi�.on the north linQ o£ esid Lot Sight (gk;• •r°•��•
<br /> theuce eaeterly, aloag sad upon �he north liae oE eaid LaL Sight (8}; a —_
<br /> distance of Thirty Pf�ce (35.0) feet to the northeuet cornor of bot �ight (8} �
<br /> - and aleo be#ag on Che weet line a� eafd Eaat Haif of the Horthxe�tt ouareer __
<br /> E� - .
<br /> � (S1/2 NW1/41; thanc9 noreherly,;:a�ong and upoa the �est lfae of said SaRt ::
<br /> Half of the Horth�sreat Quaxtes;:(�/� N�11/�)• e dietance of 6even Huu�d �`�:
<br /> Sevonty 8even and Fcrty �.o.tRin�r!�rl�s (777.42) feet eo a pOfllt YhiCh �O 81ve
<br /> � . Hurralr�ed Bfgbty Ouo and i��.va�.�entHs t581.5) feet eauCh of the no�tth�eet corner
<br /> � o�.,:�a�,id Saot Ha1f o� '��;:iff�:rtl��ea+t Quarter l81/2 NWi/4)� thonaa eaaterly. .m•-
<br /> pa;��i�.3.'e7. mitk�;.�fie north 2Ytt�:o�:�amac.� Saei aa].f of the North�ees Quartvr !L'1/2 . __
<br /> :, • .�6Y.�'�b)�: a df.�?;��e oE Pour�l�:u'.i�Zlrt�i;�Fluur aad Z'hz�ea Alutdsedtlia (40b.03I fea�.:to •--°
<br />. j, ��.
<br /> . �� ;�;;..�i:�'�•�S.y�ant on the s�eeterly rig�.N.'�i:�,,aray lina of the IInioa 'Pacitfe Ra#l�iv3
<br /> � � . ��•:l,Ritn��: thence eoutheaetmrly. �]�ib�3 and upa� Baid arestorly �a3.l.�aad rfg3�;.'�� � �
<br /> � � wiy 3fne, a dietaace of ttae Ttiau�c.•3� I^uu7�xrad Sissty Bfght aad:.J��:c�,�ity,Ac�v?�zs. . .
<br /> ' � Huadsedthe (1266..87) £eet to.4ttis:.t�rtli��r�r cornar af oaf d Y+z��ea�;� I�:����` �,
<br /> � •• '��!•� Subdivfeion; thence xester2y a���is�y5 and u�srr,� tha narth line of osid f��tiatGS�Jftt �;-..;°
<br /> '• Hofghte 6ubdivieLon� m al.���an�ira` of £+iii� HundYed 8fx and �gfitiy-,:y1T�:u� �-,;
<br /> Huarlredths (50fi.e9) ¢car�t �o t�a po3nt og beginaing and canit►��#t�:ng• 13.133 •''"'� iT
<br /> . � acres, maro er leae. � �� � �
<br /> 1�:���
<br /> Grantor� cavenant with tYte Gran�ee that Gsantor�: : !'��-
<br /> a::.;
<br /> � � I. ar� lawfully seised of such rea1 estate aa8 that it ia ��ee �.
<br /> frem eYacumbrances excep� easements, covenaats, a�nd
<br /> restrictions oE record;
<br /> 2. have legal pawer and lawfrul auChority to convey the sa�;
<br /> 3. warrant �nd will defe�d the titl� to the real estate
<br /> _ .. against the laa�fui claims of all persona.
<br /> �� 4. Grantora m�Iee no repr�sentations, expre8s or im�lied, oa the --
<br /> �.. merchantability, condition, suf�abflity or fitra4es� fo= aay .
<br /> purpase what�o�v��, inclu8img witheut Iimi.tatio�a. ca�npliance � ::�:
<br /> ` . �ith applicable envsron��atal 1a6��. t ---
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> ��_
<br /> �._�
<br /> �-
<br /> ��
<br /> .. . j::: .
<br />. _ _ � � RTA�'JI t ��t.',S�'fti�u��li4'. .�� ��'�. -Ay�.,t:� ' � � r� .. . . � -.. ' . `.. T-{ .
<br /> �:ia'�='+�— - ..�� �,r. - .
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<br /> Y�MANMR(pt �Y�t'�T Y!'�1.5�.Y r..�•r+n;7;�-;xrt•sr.�'r.���k��-
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