' "'.?. +f`• _.. rn;• ..�,�'• .y..,..,.�:.— — �--
<br /> i* — '
<br />_`si �
<br /> , �
<br /> � £��
<br />. �WPI'�8S1 t2tS iEtpl6v2ffi�ii9 a0W OI hCi�3�Gi edOCtiCd QA(hB j►tOpt�,SII1fl�CUtE1���8�ItI��C9.BL�Q -
<br /> , �`. fuku+�s aaw or herea€ees a g�t af th�pza�ray.AII�la�eut�s�d r,�diaon�sUal1 aLro be wvaa�by th�s S�urIry Instn*me�e. _
<br /> ':�;_� kll of the fozego�ig i�raff�aed m in ttus�ecusIty Ias�ea+t ag the"Prap�aty." _
<br /> y •,• �UURRO�iVLA GVV�iHIV ig!i��anvWer i9�wic�Cy sei�ed ai¢►�cs�is i�oy convaycd aao a�no;i�t�s�°.�s 3�i
<br /> �`�` oouvey t�P�aop�4y and thstt i�w FYag�tty is tmeac�misa�d,er�ePt fos eacum�rmces of r�card. Ho2meJet w�reuL�Q.nd vrlil
<br /> de�ead ge��1ly the titIe oo the Property agamst all cl�vms ancS sf��nds,subject to any eaaansbra�ces of raard.
<br /> ,` �II5 SECilRI7Y INSTRiJR+�IVT oombmes mnifmm ooven3nts faa n�tianal use aud ann-uaifanm coveaants wird�limit�d
<br /> - v�4s►s by}�ulsdtcdon tn constimt�a amif�m setaeity insuument eaverin�;rea!proge�7r. '
<br /> UNIF�ItAQ('AV�NAiV'I'S,�u�sower sad l.en�r wvr�nt and�r�follo�va -
<br /> �,. � L P�yffient a��rr3as�ps0�d I�te�sti 1Pre�aymFat end l.ate Cflargea. Eorzower shall P��Y F�y whea dne the ,
<br /> {uincipal of aad iniarest on the dEbt evid�uoed by ths Nate and any prepayment and laie ch�gzs d�c under the No:e. ;
<br /> `_ �.�mda fcrr'H'aaas aad Hnsnraaea Sub�ct co a�p3ir�2e taw ar m a�vriuen waiv�hy Lcndcs, BnrrourES�sall�y to _
<br /> Lcnder on tPee day mnnthly pay�r�sse due�tha Note,an�I the Mot�is gaid in fu11,a su�m("F�ds")far.(a)yeaziy taxes
<br /> and ass�meuts�hisb may atl2in�ovea tt�s Seauity Ins+�t�meAt as a Iie,n on the I�togrriy;(b)YeasFy teas4hoW paymeats -
<br /> .�,�: �groaad�ats an dx Propefty.if aIIY+(�)Y�Y��P�P�Y�F�(�Y�Y Elnad ins�raaa2 pmemi�.s.if
<br /> �L �Y:(�)Y�Y��P�•��b:�f�I�Y�Payahls bp�ecr�vr�E4 I.eade�r.in accard�nce wisb the
<br /> pnnvi�3ons of pa�sgrap6 �.in lieu of die gay��t nf mortgage ins�ce premimns.'It�e�:items sie celled °Es�aoe�Items.°
<br /> ,. ���}� I�endra may,at aay teme.caIIsct mtd 6aFd Funda in fm�a�t at�t tn exc�d the a�am suna�sat a leadgi far a gede�aIIy ralai�
<br /> m�e Iaan�uy req�¢e f�B�rower's esaaw cs�mt�r the federal Real 13vrate Seutemau Pm�es Act of 19?4 as
<br /> •,•_;, am�erc�ed fi+Bm tane tn time,l2 US C.S�xian 2fi01 et seq. (°R�SPA°},anless aaothea taai L'nai applirs W the Funds sets a!�r -
<br /> amaqmt If so.I.�der maY,at aay�e,wllest and hold Fmods in aa amoant not tn eaoeed 4he l�sser a�noan�L�der m�5►
<br /> °:�;'���: �ase tDe auiauat of Fuuds d�e an the ba�s af a�t data Eaid teasanabls e�ma�oY e�eadiut�es af fi�ure�ow Items� _
<br /> '�"".� othe�wi:-c in scoa�d�ee�a a�e 1aw.
<br /> �a Fims�s�S!he�e1fl in�im�+n whose deposits are msmed by a feileial aSeacY,ia.*urJmeat�+,ar eatitp(indudln$
<br /> ,��:;,;, �;.: L�de,if k�A's-�is sur�an:q,�+s�smrt���in�ny Fec1,e.�al Hmme Laan Bank.Lender sLall agpl�the Fands oo pay tl�F�Caow
<br />'�?������ Itt�s.Y�r�s�+noi d�ge Bau�+re��boldiug and applymg the F�ds.aunaaltY�Y�S the esccaw aceaunL�F�ifyiag
<br /> `� �� Ct�e Fscrmxr L�ms,��f�u�s paj-s Ban�uwer inYra�st an the Fi�ds aud appBrah2e Iacv�s I.ee�dea W�su�st c6arge.
<br />' l�pweve��m����oaower to pay a ane-9ime c(�arge fot an imdep�rd�t re31 esrate tax�as�ug s�vice ased by
<br /> i�el m wr�mestian wi�t�i.s Ir�.vrr:�ss applisai�2e iaw pmvIiies otheawi.�.Unte��a�e�t is mada az applit�Tale 1a�v
<br /> ..`�r°� reqmres��zt to be pai�,L�d2r�3E aat 6e required to pay Haaawa auy mt�t or�ga on the Fimds B�mwer aad
<br /> ��. �rasy sg�e in a�g,�assrevea.�at m�sha11 be paid on ti�Funda Leade�c sha11 give t�Boamw�a.wit�+oui chcag�mo
<br />. t�unul aooauntmg of the�s,sianwing c�its and debiLs tn ths Fmtds and d�e pmpose for whicL each de'�c�tha Fuada was
<br /> ���; �>: a*.suS�1he Fimds aie p1e�'�d as ad�onal sec�ity fnr aII s�se�ed by thi�Se�iry Insuume�r.
<br /> ����r-,%�: If tho Fimds 6etd by B�d�a e�the amwmts permitsed to be held by agplicabfe law,LeedPS sba�ao�t rx,tt Scs��r¢r for
<br />":;,,::.�,,.
<br /> � s'�:.r�if, dte 6a+L5tS3 FuAde II�BCO�dauP.�wit�i4.}!S:GCq11iI�mE01S Of 8pQ13C8ble IBw.df ih6 emoQIIt Of dte FctB�.S dB2�by I t'Sr f3 s�y�,iS
<br />.:-�i"t'f>1i . ' .
<br />��Sf"a;yt'�' .-- .
<br />.',?xi�}�''. _ IIOL�t tD�ji th6 ESQOR►Tt�3.'�1t31 d1I8,I.Edt�Pi mSy fi0 IIOtlf�i EOIIO�V?S tII���' „',1�dl.8afb CB.����5,''�BT�'�ll�
<br /> :�,,.. � ro I r�d E r t h$amauat�...�m�up t h e d e S c i e a c y. B m m w e r s h a II m:.�c e c�c�e�c y�n•�r�mar�t�cza�ve
<br /> .� �' . maathly p�ym�ar�.atLc�rJk#'r�e�sian.
<br />:,:;`',r�;,,r [Jpoa gayment in F��ftTII sgrr2�a,.^�ed by this Sr�iry Ins�t.I.endra�pm�,."y m,fund t�s.�:�tar aa;�•�'��
<br /> �, beid by L�xi��,mm�a'�u�r��;•IC�a�de.r s$aU a�e�sell the Pcapeaty,Lead�r,D�w the scqu���ca�uCt�e
<br /> Fi�t�►.s1�Ii ePPIY�-";�'L�rr�C�fi:�{�;t•i�eudes ai Yha t8ae of rrqui.�aa or sa2e a9 a ctedii a�nsi ths s[��!iby,�ttt�9
<br /> S�aity In�nt ' .
<br /> 3.A���at�on at Ff�.��.Untess applids2e Puvi giovides othatw3.�e.aU paymEmm n�ved by Leu�+w�.�hs
<br /> 1 aad Z 9haU be app13��Gc�;tg.�;��repaymeat citarges dne anAec the NoL�secand,ta�ts payable apt:t��p�z�t►2:
<br />'1`;{r, lbint.to int�st da�fomth,ia��Sittc�aad 1asi,to aay tar��dae�thc Not� �
<br />;u;F?1:,.., 4►C�ar�esi 13�� Btx�+2wat�t�1�Y eSl t�es.ar',e,s�eals.charSes.fincs�d imyos�oav atubutable to the� '
<br /> �;:�cst�.�•, afiic'6 m�y s�in�ity:c�a tkt'a.3�'�tt�:'�Insua+��aad Is�ehcl�paymanis ar giaua�reats.if�y.Sauowri sh�tl paq 1�9ose
<br /> ;;.�..,; oaliga�tions in tho maans��vidgd m�a�h 2,or if not pai�in that msmner,B�mwer shaII pay thran an ame d9recfly to the
<br /> �ettn ow�d paymeat A�rawer s��omptiy fa�musb ta I.eadc�ail notioes of ama�is to be�p�d undea�is pa�agr.�h.If
<br /> . . Botr¢uwz r.u�tces these p�rym�la dtre+xt�°,B�mwrr s'hall pmmpb'y ftanish ta Leader receigta e�ideaciag Qre gayments.
<br /> . Bu�w�r shaU gramp8q di�charge anY liea whic6 has priaaity ovea tbis Security Insuu�st anless Ea�sovrer.(a)�rees�in
<br /> � wr�iing ou Q�e peymeat of tt�e oloHgaiian seQaed by We lim in a msnna acceptatok ro Leadrs;(b)cAatests in goad faith the tiea
<br /> by,ar ddeudta aguin.,��`tx�c�aent af the tien in. l�gal Pnnoe�ings wb�C6 i�the I.�sdrJ's apinian cq��s4e to praveai the .,i.
<br /> n gum x�n ga
<br /> tafarc�nent of ttw 1i�n:or(cs s�a�s f�n tbe 6o3der of the lim�a�mt saasfact�y tD I.eadv sab��g the tie,n to �
<br /> ;"';;;��.., ddn 3ec�ity Ia�i.1f I+endrr dnic�rrinfinzs thPi a�►pa�t of 8ie Pmparty is sub�ect w a llaz ryr�icD may a�ia priarity ava tLis
<br /> _�_ :� . .. Sepuity In�t,I�tiar may gasr�:IIc.anwer a aotiee ideatifylag @te lieA.Bmm�ver siw]Il�tiisfy the tien or laice oae as�� �
<br /> ``-'".',.;� oP ti�e�cdons ses fo3th above miWn ItY c�ys of the givmg of notk�. � �
<br /> Fo�aoza orao
<br /> ��II(��tOZt2J•Ol P��2af• tnhlab: , _
<br /> j(r,,;.
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