'i�� ;��vin '7 r'uti �Z'`'�}`fyk ,,:�V :,.i(�L�S+��,ln q�:'�-r�^+]'r :f(A;'.�, _. ..rtii- ' -�:.�.:i'R��F truuu .'_" _"F" '�'R��
<br /> �; �� t p,/" ,� 1 }`.�.'1�g hf �L(.11 ,� r
<br /> �Y� `� � .N�. 14 •�A�d'�' � a-
<br /> . .�r+• - . .
<br /> � •-^ t'�.R•r!`TaL.�.._. . -_ _._
<br /> r6...N++ . . ' ' q • -_
<br /> • ,--�—
<br /> , , � • ... '� - ...._ ._._..._.. .... ._"_'_..� - �
<br /> �'Q`f-.�.e_...�.
<br /> \1'- .
<br /> f .. , ,.. :,. ._ , • V �-�_._
<br /> ��� = 92— �03�s� -_-_
<br /> �.: ,` � �` ,
<br /> �l ���T g Ii h�/�hL�ttlls!o p�,y�ny wm or keep any coven�nL provided tor in thb mort;a�e�the MortgaQee�at
<br /> . '��b'��1•��1��"+Vf1� �Fr • �/�
<br /> �.. ��
<br /> _ -� � ��.... �ts option,may pqy or perform the wme.and nll expenditurea so made ehall be added to the princip�l aum
<br /> 'v;-.�:��;�:z��...�.
<br /> . owiaQ on the above note, �hail be �ecured hereby��nd�11 bear intereit until paid at the rate provided
<br /> ,`^•='�`�"''`;•A`''� tor la!he priaclpal indebtedaea�.
<br /> �'Nrxr.�h>••�,�r�� -•°
<br /> ° �•�� . ^ ?. Upon sequest of the Mort�AQee.Mort�a�or ahall execute and deliver a aupplemental note or natcs
<br /> : `:;. };�= -'-. . ;Y for the�um or aums advsnced by DlortQ�ee for ihe�Iteration,modernization,ar improvement made at
<br /> ' ,,-�•��_._ _°.,_.._:'�._ the �ortgagor'e requeat; or for rnaintenance of said premiaea,or for taxes ur assrsamenta agr►inst the r __ T
<br /> ° � ; �' ' '" �►e� �nd for any other purpose ebewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notra ahAll 11e eecurPd
<br /> � A :. °„- r +
<br /> , o , -- . �, hereby on s parity with and as fully aa if the advance evidenced thereby ��•ere included in the note Hrat
<br /> ._n�; ° �� . described above. Sstid aupplemental note or notes ehall be�r interest at the rate pro��i de d for in t he pr in-
<br />, - • ,,,,,,;,:, ��•, eipal indebtednesu and ahall be pityAble in approximately equal monthly paymenta for auch perlod aa may
<br /> � ` '" " " be a�reed upon by the Mort�A�ee�nd Mort�a�or. Failing to agrec:on the maturity,the w•hole of the gum
<br /> � �i -• or sunns s�o advanced ahall be due and payable thirty (30) daye aftor demand by the MortRaAee. In no _ ._
<br /> , ' . ".' � event ahaiD tAe uwturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note flrat described above.
<br /> -, . .`.,. . . 8, Hephe herebY wf�u.i��fet�t and iets over to tho Martgagee�to be applied towud the payment uf --_
<br /> G'?f^"`"''{`' the note and�►11 suina secu red hereby in cu�e uY x deYAUlt in the performaRCe of�ny of the tecrns aad cundi-
<br /> tiott�of thia mort�age or the ssid note,all the ren�».revenuea sand income ta be deri�•ed fr:.m ihe moi•t-
<br /> � � ��ed prnmisea durin�auch time as the mortgAge indebtednes�a ehadl remain unpaid;and the Diort�agee
<br />- � " , ehall have pov�er to appoi nt any aQent or tagents it may deaire for t!►e purpose of rent ia�the same and col-
<br />� .. ' lectin�the renta�revenues and income.and it may pay out of said incomes all nec:essa�•y cummissiuns and _ �---~-
<br /> � ' expenaea incurred in renting And managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br /> � ,�. rem�i�ing.if any,to be applied toward the diacharge of said mortgage indcbtedneas. __.
<br />- � • 8. Ke%he wW cont3nuou�ly motntaia hazard i�uurence� of euch type or typea and �nounts aa
<br />� , '' MortgaQee m*y ftom tLne to t3me requlre, on fhe impsovementa now or hereatter on said premiae��end
<br />. ,. �' eccept wheA p�yment for r�ll wch premiunu baa theretotore been made under(al of parap�aph 2 hereof� -
<br /> � •;;'f��„�� �vW pqr prnmptly whep due any premiupa�thee+efor. Upon detault fhereoi,Mortgagee mqy pay the same.
<br />' ' •s��'•'��;��.'r. ,. All iiuwraace thall be canied in companies spproved by the Mortgegec and the policies and renewals �,;�_:__
<br /> ���°!���`� ` thereoi �ball be held by We Moct�gee and have attached fhereto la�s payable clau�e�in fnvor of and in ,;,,
<br /> . " • '� ' , fonn accepW�le to We Mort�gee. ln event ot lo�s Mortgagot wW give �tnmediate notice by mail to the �`-'�
<br /> �� ' '� �� Mort�aQee.who mqy►mdce proot of lo�ft not made prompUy by Mortgegor,end esch insurence company
<br /> _ :�a.
<br />. .,•i,,,.,..�.1i,,..i� '': eoecemed i� hereby w�orized and directed to make paymew2 for �uch ias4 dlrecdy to the Mortgagee =_-
<br /> iact�aad of to the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee joir�tly, and t�he insutance prceeeds, or any pArt thereof.
<br />" �.`�';•`����"��'� lied by the MortgaQee at its o tion either tfl the rec�luctfon of the indebtedness hereby qecwred �
<br /> ...:,.,. maY be apP P
<br /> � �. � '`'�� or to tl�e reatoratlon or repair ot the property damaged. In event of foreclueure of thia mortgage,or other
<br /> tria�ter of title to fhe mortgeged property in extinguiahmerat oi the indebtedness secured hereby�all ___
<br /> tl�t� title and intee�eat of Lhe Mort�a�or in end to any inwrauce policiea then in force ohall paea to the -.-.--
<br /> ,� ,. �� :,Yr;`�=�
<br /> or atantee• �� •�� �'t.��.,
<br /> 10. Aa additionnl and collateral security for the puyment of the note descrilmd,and all suma to become '�t.`r
<br /> � due qnder this mortgnge, the Mortgag�nr hereby aaeigns to the Mortgagei� all IeASe bnnuses, �rofits, reve- ��`
<br /> tA ���..._-R-_
<br /> nue�,royaltiea,rights,und other benefits aceruing to the Mortgagor under uny and a91 oil and gas leases ".-"'• -.
<br /> � ' � now,or daring tne life of this rnortgage, executed on said premises,with the right to recei��e and receipt •�•�; •,,;���
<br /> for the anme and applv them to said indebtednesa as well before as after clefault in the conditions of thia �;:''� � "
<br /> �� mortgage,and the Mortgagee�may demand,sue for and recover any such �a�•menta ��•hen due and pay- ��";���+����'
<br /> � ;ti;:;�- ',"L'�i,1'::�v;:
<br /> � '� '�' abic.but shall not be required so to do. This assig�ment ia to terminate and become null and void upon �:�.1�,1�--
<br /> .. , ` reles�se of this mortgage. ' . _:
<br /> ��� 11. Ne/�he ehall not canmit or perniit waete;xT:d�lsall malntair�the properly in as good condit�on aa at �- , � .=
<br /> _ • �G preaent� reASOnabie ��•eur and tenr excepted. Upo�Ac�y failure to so ma�r�tuin, Mortgagee,ut its option, � `;,,��� .-F-
<br /> may cauee reasonable muintrnance work to bo performed at the cost of biortgagor. Any amounts paid �: �,,��.
<br /> • . • therefor by Mortga�ee sl�all bear interest at the rate pro�ided for in thc principal ii�debtedness, shall I � ���' '
<br /> thereupon become a part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, rntnbl��and on a pnrity�vith all
<br /> other indebtedness secured iiereby,and ahall be payable thirty (30) days aft�c demand. •
<br /> 12. If the premisea, or any part thereof,be condemned under the po�vrr of emim�nt domain, or �
<br /> acquired for a public use,thr dumages uwarded, the praceeds for the tulcing uf,ur the considrrution for �:''�I�',..'�
<br /> ; auch acquiaition,to the ext�•nt��f the full nmount of the remuining unpAid ind�bt��dness sccur��d by this � ;
<br /> • • � „ mortgage, or hereb�• as�igned to the Mortgnge�, and shall be paid forth��•ith to said Mo��tgngre, to be '
<br /> • • applied on account uf thc Inst rnaturing instnllmrnts uf sucl► ind�•btednt�ss. �. '�"''
<br /> . ,•,
<br /> ' l8. If the Alortgagur fHils to mukr am• paymrnts��•h�n du��, or to conf,�rm to und cumply w•itli any 7�'`�%'� � '
<br /> . �.;, ,�
<br /> � �� af the conditiona ur agrecmenta contnined in this murtgagr, or the� n��t��� «�hi�•h it securi�s, then the ' '
<br /> . � entire principal sum nn�1 nrr��ued intev�est ahidl �tt once brc��mr du�� and �,a�•abl��. at the i�l��ctiun of the '
<br /> � Murtgagee; and thiF murlguge m��•thereup�►n br furrcloscd immrdiatcl�• for th�� ►ch��lr ��f tl►�� indebtrd- �
<br /> ness hcreb�• securrd. ��irl�Kiing th�� cosl of e�xt��ndinK the �tbstritct ��f titl�� fr�m� thr dcttr of this mort-
<br /> goge to the limr of�ummeu�•ing auch suit.n roasunublo att�n•ncy'4 f����.:uul um� sum:� p:�i�l l►y thr �'��terana
<br /> A.7r..:nidrofinn nn u�rulllN nf 1�11•V11111'9IltC �ll' II1SU1'lUICQ lll�t�IC IIII�t��.11�`1�11�`SX M'CUYC���It'1'i'�)1'. U��Uf��'�lll'�1 . . .
<br /> . _ .. ...........__._.__.. .. . .. _
<br /> _.. ahall be included in thr i���eree uf for��cli�sw'r.
<br /> 14. If the indc�btc�dn��ss s�rur��d hrrrby Ix�uu:u•ttntr��d nr insni���1 umlrr'fillr:iK, 1'nit�•d �t.tt��. ('��d��,
<br /> such Tid�nnd R�jR�lntiunsi.sue�d th��rrandrr:�n�1 in��tt'����t�m Ihr d:at�•h�•n���f�h:►II�;��v��rn tlm riuhts,�IuU�:.
<br /> , nnd liubilities��f th���1711't II'9 �IPYP�O,�111��:t111'�1Y�1\'1�11111•��f 1��1���P��f�l�•Y I11�11'llttl�•111c�•\�•t'1lf�'��I11 t'ullll�•�•Unfl
<br /> •�•i!h �:�i�i indrhtr�lnras which ure inronsistrnt a�ith �:�id 'Citlr �n• I:r�,r�ilati�m. :u•�� h��r��h�• anu����i���i t��
<br /> . conform therrtu.
<br /> Thr r���•rnrint� h��r��m �•ontnoiod xhall bind, nnd th�� brnrtit. and :�d�:uit:i��•� •h�►II inu�•r t��, th�•
<br /> �
<br /> ' -
<br />