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<br />THTS DEED is da�ed and executed this l/ day a�
<br />_ ��r--�K�C.. , 201Q, by Ronald S. Depue, Attorney at Law, Trustee,
<br />and is with reference to Deed of Trust wherein Gal.van Canstruction,
<br />�nc., is Beneficiaxy, and Tommy Umrnel, Sr., a�ingle person, and
<br />Tommy Ummel, Jr. and Cary K, Ummel, husband and wife, are Trus�.or
<br />and Ronald S. Depue is Trustee;
<br />WHEREAS Trustors, for�craluabl� consideratian and in arder to
<br />secure to Benefi.ciary the payment of �raluable consideration, did
<br />execute a Deed of Trust, which was filed on May 21, 2010, and
<br />ide�tified as Document No. 201.003485, conv�ying to Trustee,
<br />Trustee's successars or assigns, a certain parcel of real estate
<br />described in said Deed as follows, to-wit:
<br />Lo� One (1), Brodsky Industrial Empire Subdivision, in the
<br />Ci�.y of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br />and the said sum of money has been fully paid to Beneficiary, and
<br />Beneficiary has requ�sted that the estat� conveyed by �.he said Deed
<br />of Trust ta Trustee in the sai.d prope�ty hereinbefore mentianed and
<br />described b� now released to said Trustors.
<br />TH�REFORE, the underaigned Trustee does hereby release, convey
<br />and quitclaim unto said Trustors all righ�, title, interest, claim
<br />and demand whatsoever which Trustee had acquired in and through �.he
<br />above-described Deed of Trust, �ogether with al1 appurtenances and
<br />privil�ges thereunto belonging or appertaini �
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<br />ONALD S. D , EE
<br />SS:
<br />The foregoing Deed o� Reconveyance was acknowl.edged befox�e me
<br />on ___ �� , 201p, by Ronalc,�-� Depue, Trus�.ee.
<br />G�NERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska
<br />�N��� �a,vnrvrv� �. sutin,arv
<br />�� =- My Comm. Exp. Aug,10, 2q11
<br />Notary Public
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