<br />LOAbI # s 3Z54272
<br />residence far at least one year after t�e date of nccupancy, unless Lender athervuise agrees in writing, which cvnsent
<br />shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyand Borrawer's control_
<br />7. Preservation, Malntenanca and Protectlan of the Property; Insp�ctlans. Borrower shal! not dest�oy,
<br />damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriqrate or commit waste on the Praperty. Whether or not
<br />Borrower is residing in the I'rvperty, Borrawer sha11 maintain the Property in order to prevent the F'raperty from
<br />deteriorating or decreasing in value due to its conclitlon. Unless it is determined pursuant ta Sectian 5 that repair �r
<br />restoration is not economically feasibls, Bvrrawer shall promptly repair the Properry if damaged te avoid further
<br />deterioratlon or dam�ge. If insurance or cvndemnation praoeeds ar� paid in cannection with dam�ge to, or the taking
<br />of, the Praperty, Borrower shail be responsible for repairing or restaring the Property only if Lender has releassd
<br />praceecEs far such purposes. Lender may disburse prc�ceeds far the repairs and restarativn in a single payment pr in
<br />a series of pragress payments as the work is completed. If the insurance or candemnaban proceeds are not sulf'icient
<br />tn repair ar restare the I�roperty, Borrower is nat relieved of Borrower's vbligation for the completion of such repair ar
<br />restaration.
<br />Lender or its agent rnay make reasanable entries upon and inspections of the Praperty. If it has reasanahle cause,
<br />l.ender m�y inspect the interior of the imprpvements on the Property, Lender shall glve Borrower natice at the tirne of
<br />or prior to such an interiar inspection specii'ying such reasanable cause.
<br />8. Barrnwer's l.aan AppllcafEon. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Lnan application process, Barrower
<br />or any persons or entities acting at the directian af �orrawar ar with Barrower's knowiedge ar consent gave materially
<br />false, misleading, vr inaccurate information ar statements to Lender (orfailed fo provide Lenderwith material informatian)
<br />in cannectian with the Loan. Materia) representations include, but are not limited ta, representa#ions cancerning
<br />Barrawer's occupancy of the Property as Barrower's principal residence.
<br />9. Protectlon af Lande�s lntareat In thv Prop�rty and Rlghts Undar thls Securlty Instrumvnt. If (a) Brrrrower
<br />faiis tv perfarm the covenanis and agreements conta�ned in this Security Instrument, (b) there is a legal proceeding tliat
<br />might signiflcantly affect t..ender's interest in the Property and/or rights under thls Security Instrumen# {su�h as a
<br />praceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeitur�, fior enforcement of a lien which may attain priarity
<br />averthis Security Instrumentartaenforce (aws or regulatians), or (c} Borrowerhas abandoned the Property, then Lender
<br />may do and pay for whatever is reasonable or apprnpriate tv protact Lendsr's interest in the Praperty and rights under
<br />thls Security Instrument, including pro#ecting and/or assessing the value of the praperty, and securing and/or repairing
<br />the Property, l.ender's actions can include, but are not limited to: (a) paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority
<br />aver this Securiry Instrument; (b) appearing in court; and (c) paying reasonable attorneys' fees to �rotect its interest in
<br />the Property andJar rights undar this Sscurity Instrument, including its secured position in a bankruptcy proceeding.
<br />Securing ths Property includes, but is nat Ilmlted to, entering the Property to make repairs, change Ivcks, replace or
<br />baart! up daars and windows, drain water from pipes, ellminate building ar other cvde violations or dangeraus
<br />condltions, and have utilities turned an or aff. Although Lender may take action under this 5ection 9, Lender does nat
<br />have to do sa and is not under any duty ar obligation ta do so. It is agreed #hat Lender incurs no liability for not taking
<br />any or all actions authorized under this Section 9.
<br />Any amounts dlsbursed by l.ender under this Section 9 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate irom the date of disbursement and shall be
<br />payabie, with such Interest, upon notice from Lender ta Borrower requesting payment.
<br />If this 5ecurity Instrument is an a leasehald, Barrower shall complywith all the provlsions afthelease, Borrower shall
<br />not surrender the leasehold estate and lnterests herein conveyed or terminate or nanc�l the ground (ease. Borrawer shal!
<br />not, without the express written cnnsent of Lender, alter or amend the ground lease, If Barrower acquires fee titie to the
<br />Property, the leasehald and the fee titl� shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />10. Mortgago lnaurance, tf �ender requfred Mortgage tnsurance as a condition af making the Loan, Borrawer shall
<br />pay the premiums required to maintafn the Mortgage lnsurance in effect. If, tor any reason, #he Mortgage Insurance
<br />cavera�e required k�y �ender ceases to be available irQm the mortgage insurer that pre�iously provided suah Insurance
<br />and 8orrower was required to maka separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance,
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coaerage substantially equivalent ta the Mortgage Insurance
<br />previously in etfect, at a cos# substantlally squi�alent ta the cnst tcr Barrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in
<br />effect, fram an alternate martgage Insurer selected by Lender. If subatantiallyequivalent Mortgage lnsurance coverage
<br />is n�t available, Barrower shall continue ta pay to Lender the amaunt of the separately designated payments that were
<br />due when the insurance cvrr�rage ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a nan-
<br />refundable lass resenre in lieu of Mortgage In�urance. 5uch losa reserve shall be nan-refundable, natwithstanding the
<br />fact that the Loan is ultimately paid in iull, and Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest vr earnings on
<br />such loss reserve. Lender can no Jonger require lass reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance cover�ge (in the amaunt
<br />and forthe period tha# Lender requires) provided by an insurer selected by Lenderagain becames available, is obtained,
<br />and l.ertder requires separately designated payments taward the premiums fr�r Martgage insurance, If Lender required
<br />Morkg�ge Insurance as a canditian af making #he Loan and Borrower was required to make separatefy designated
<br />payments toward the premiums far Mortgage Insurance, Berrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain
<br />Martgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non-refundable lass reserve, until Lender's requirement fo� Mortgage
<br />Insurance ends in accordancewith anywritten agreemeht between 8arrower and Lender providing for such termination
<br />or until termination is raquired i�y Applicat�le Law, Nothing in this Sac°tion y o affects Borrower's obligation ta pay interest
<br />at the rate pra�ided in the Note.
<br />Mortgage insurance reimburses Lender �or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may incur if
<br />Borrdwer does not repay the Loan as agreed. Bvrrawer is nat a party ta the Mortgage Insur2�nce.
<br />Martgage Insurers e�aluate their total risk vn all such insurance in faroe iram tlme to time, and may enter into
<br />agreements with other parties that share or mod'r(y their risk, ar reduce losses. These agreements are on terms and
<br />canditione that ar�a satisfa�ctory to ihe mortgage insurer and th@ other party (ar parties) to these agreements. These
<br />agreements may requfre the mortga�e insurer to maka payrnents uaing any saurce ofiunds that the mortgage insurer
<br />may have availabfe (which may Include iunds obtained irom Mortgage Insurance premiums),
<br />As a result of theae agraoments, Lender, any purci�aser af the note, another insurer, any reinsure�, any ather entity,
<br />or afflliate of any of the foregaing, may receive (directly ar indisectly) amounrs that derive tram (ar might be characterized
<br />as) a portian af Barrower's paymenis far Morigage Insurance, in exchang� for sharing or modiiying the mortgage
<br />insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreement provided that an a�iliate of Lender takes a share of tha ' s er's.
<br />:,
<br />NEBRASKA-Single Farnily--Fannio MaaFroddt� Maa UNIFORM INS7RUMENT Fonr� a� 7/01 Initi�tl� t ���
<br />�r t�9 -2007 Onlina p�um �rrts, �nc. Pqq� 3 of 9 E��En 070.5
<br />