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201008652 <br />srA�� oF N�sr�s� ) <br />� �. <br />caurrrr o� �6u�Fa �ra ) <br />�n Octoher 7�.6, 2010, hefare me, the undersigned, a Notary Pubiic, duty commissloned and quali�ied in said <br />County, personally came Ellen L. Goerl, Trustee under the Ellen L. Goert Trust Agreement dated August 21, <br />20UG knawn to be the identical per5on(s) whose r�ame(s) is af�ced to the foregoing instrument and <br />acknawledgec! the execudon thereof to be her voiuntary act and d�d. <br />Witness my hand and r�rial seal the day and year st above written. <br />r <br />1, <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br />My oommission e7tpires: <br />BEJ�ERAL HO'TARIt - State of �lebrask� <br />W1M4N T. SAH�NSKY <br />MY Canm. F�. ►lua 3Q, 2013 <br />u,s._rue�r�ka warranty D�Rev.nl1z/aa) F�iG riv.; a9i5-xoisseo-io <br />