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201008645 <br />DEED �F TRUST <br />(Continued) <br />Page 7 <br />dnes �grse in wridng ta Qive up ane af Lende�'s rights, that does not mean Trustor will not havs tp cpmply witFi the other provisions <br />of thls Deed of Trust. Trustar alsn understands that !f Lender dods consent to a request, that dnes not mean th�t Trustar wll! nat <br />have to get l.ettder'� consent again ifi the situafion Ptappans agalh, Trustar further uridsrstands that just beaause Lender cnnsents fa <br />vne ar more af 7rusto�'s requests, that daes nat mean Lender wp! be requirad to vansent #o arry vf 7rustor's tuture r�quesEs. Trustor <br />wa3vea presen#ment, derttand for payment, protest, and notice of diahonor. <br />Severab3lity. If a aourt fihds that any pravislon of this De�f of Trust is ncat valid ar should not be enfarced, that fact by itself will not <br />mean that the resf of this Deed of Trust wiil n�t be va�Iid or enforced. Theretore, a court wflt enfprce the rest of the provis�n[�s nf this <br />aeed of Trust even if a provislnn of this paed o! Trust may ba found to be inv�lid or unent�orceable. <br />Successors and Assigns. Subject to any Ilmitativns atated In thls Deed af Trust an tr'at'asfer af Trustor's intereat, th9s Deed of Trust <br />shaA be binding upon a�d inur�e tv the banefit of the p�+rti�s, th�ir succeasors and asaigns. If ownership of the Properly bec�mas <br />vested in a person other than Trustior, Lender, without notice to Tr�stor, m�y daal with Trustor's successors w(kh reference ta this <br />Deed of Trust end tF�e Indehtedness !�y way af forbear�nce ar extensian withuut releasing 7rustor fram khe uhfigations of this Daed of <br />Trust or lia6ility und�r the Indebtedn�8s. <br />Time is oF tha �sence. Tfine la vf the essenc� fn tha p�rFormance of thts need of Trust. <br />Waiver of Momestead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and waives all r�ghts and k�enef(ts af the hamsstead sxemptlan laws of the <br />Sta� of Nebraska as to ap Indebtedness secured by this peed of 7rust. <br />DE�INITIONB. The fallawing warda shall have the following meanings when used In this Deed af Trust: <br />B�nefic�ry. The word "Beneflclary" means 6ANFC L7� Tli� WE5T, and its successors and assigns. <br />Bvrrvw�r. 7he word "Borrower" me�ns JEFFERY J EARL and PENNY E EARL and EnnEudes a11 cn-signers and co-makers signing the <br />Credit Agreemant and atl thefr successar� and assigns. <br />Creciit Agraemsrrt The words "Cr AgreemanY' mean t�e cradit agreament dated October 29, 20�10, with credit iimit nf <br />$10,d4Q.Q0 frnm Trustor to Lender, together with all renewafs of, Qx6ensions af, modiflcativns qf, reflnencings of, consolidatians <br />of, end substltutians fnr ths promissary na�fs �r agr�aement. The maturi'ty d�te af thls l�ed of Trust is November 3, 2035. N071C� TO <br />7RUS7UR: 7HE GREDI7 AGREEM�NT CQNTAIN5 A VARIABLE INTER65T FW"1'�. <br />Deed of Trus� T'ha worrls "peed vf Tnast" mean this Deed ot 1'rust among Trustor, l.ender, and Trustee, and Includes without <br />Iirnitatian ail assignment and sacurfty Interest prpvisions relafing to the Personal Property and Rertfs. <br />Enviranmantal t,aws. Ths words "�nvironmental Laws" me'�n �ny and all state, federa) and local statutes, regufatiorrs and ordinances <br />refating to the protantion of human health or tha enviranrnent, Includ(nq wlthout limitation the Gomprehensive Envirvnmenta[ <br />Raspanse, Compen�ativn, and Lfab�lity Act of 7880, as �mended, 42 U.S.C. Secdqn 9601, at seq. ("CEFtCLA"), the Superfu�d <br />Am�andments snd Reauthorizetion Aat of 198fi, Pub. L. Na. �9-489 {"3ARA"), the Hazardous Matariafs Transpvrtation Act, 49 lf.S.C. <br />Sec�fon 1801, et aeq., fhe I�esource Cohservsdian and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 69U1, et seq., nr ather applicable state or <br />federa! laws, Pules, ar regulatlons adopted pursuant thereto. <br />Edeirt of Defaulk Th� words "Ev�nt of DefaulY' mean any oF the everrfs of de'fault set forih in this Dead nf Trust in the events of <br />defauif secNon of this peed of Trust. <br />Existing indedtednesa, Thv wvrds "Existing indebtedness" mean the indebtedness described ih the Existing [.iens provision of this <br />Deed qf TCUSt. <br />Maxardous Su6stances. The warcis "Hazardaus Substences" mean materiais that, because pf fheir quantity, cancentretfon ar <br />phys[cat, chemical ar infectious characteriatica, may cause or pose a present pr paterrtial hazard ta human health or fhe environment <br />when improperly used, traated, stored, d€&pnsad of, g�nerated, manufaotur�d, transported or otherwise handled. The wards <br />"Haxa�'laus Substanaes" are used in their very braades! sensa and includa without Ifimitatlon any �nd all hazardous or toxic <br />substances, materials or waste as deflned by ar Ilsted under the Envirvnmenta! Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" alsa <br />includes, without lirnit�ttpn, petrdeum and pefroleum by-products or any fractlort thereof and asbsstas. <br />imprvvements. The ward "Improvements" means ali exisfing and future improvements, buildings, structures, mabite hnrnes affixed on <br />the Fteal Proparty, facit�ties, additinns, replacemer�ts and other conatruction on the Real Prnperly. <br />Indebtednes�. The ward "Indebtedness" means �11 principal, interest, and other amounts, casta and e�cpenses payable ander the <br />Credit Agreement pr Rele�6ed Dacumsnfs, bo�ether with ap renewals of, extertslnns af, modificatipns pf, cnnsolidatians af and <br />substitutions for the Credtt Agreement ar Relafed Docaments and any amounts expended ar advariced by I..ender fo d�snharge <br />1'rus6o�s obligatiohs or expenses incurred by Truste� ar l.ender #o enfprce Truatol's obli�atians urzder this Deed of Trust, tagether <br />witt� intsre�t dn such amaunts as prnvided in thls pead pf Truat. <br />Lendet. The wo�c1 "L�nder' meana BANK DF THE WEST, its successnrs and essigns. i'he words "successors or assigns" mean any <br />person pr company that act�uires any interest in the Credit Agreement. <br />Parsonal Prap�rty. The words "persanaE Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and ather articles af personal property now or <br />hereafter dwned by Tru�tor, and naw or hereafter attached or afPixed ta th� Real Proparty; together with al) accessions, parts, and <br />additipns to, all replacements of, and ail swbstitutions far, any af such property; and tagetf�er with alf proceeds (ir►cluding without <br />limltatian ail insurance proaeeds and refunds of premiums)-frvm any sale or other dispositlon oi the Praperty. <br />Prapeirty. The word "Propert�' means collectively the Real Pro�sarty and the Persona� Praperky. <br />Reai Property. 1"he words "Real AroperEy' rnean the real pmperty, iri6grests �nd Hghts, as further descrtbed in this �esd of Trust. <br />Related Daoume�s. 7he words "Related Documents" meen all promissary nvtes, credit agreements, ban agreemenis, environmental <br />agreemerrts, guarantles, securlty agreemerrts, mortgaqea, deeds af trust, security deeds, collateral inortgages, and all other <br />Inst+'uments, �graements and dacuments, wheth�r now or hareafter exfsting, executed in cannecdon wfth the it�debtedness. <br />