i, � ^ -" ,n �', .,� :;'' . '.;^ � � r,w,f.�n •.� .. . :: , .�
<br /> ' .a.. �� ';� �t t,. , E ��� , . . .. .. ..�... ..:...;G ' •
<br /> !; !' •, ,. '•rx r w+�r.s,. ' awl�'ipl�liN '`�''' ' ""'`
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<br /> . UNIPORM O�VENANI'8.H�rrow�r�ad Ld�r a�Mwt�od qrw at folWwc �. .' =
<br /> t. h�m�u1 d h4aoiN1 u� Iobr�N� h�/awt u�l.�t� Char�r. HarowK�11 prompll! P�y wb�a dw tM 1,..r
<br /> priooip�!ot a�IaarMt au 16�d�Ot Nid�b��M NN�wd�a/I�P�fm�at�nd I�u atur�w dw uad�r Uw Nou.
<br /> � FyY I�r Ta�ao/Iaweam�. Subj�et u�pplb�61�law or t�� wrilt�w walhe b� Iw�W�r.Bo►rowK �lull P�f a
<br /> •• � God�r oa tb�day monthlY V�Ymwt��e�dw und�r tM Nau,unw�6.Na•4 p.id in luu,.sum("Fuad�")far:(�)y�uly tu�M�a/ �_,�,��..-- .,.
<br /> �u wtiioM au��thio priorMy nK 16b S�ourfy InM�u+mat�a Wo 001M P�opwlr(11 rwly M�iwtd pyan�uU ur lro�4d
<br /> r�o�Ib PtopKq.il N►y;(�)�rl�Ywt�or peop�tty lo�unwo�pnalunK(0)rwir Ilood Imwu�a pew►t1um�.11�ori(�1 f�l
<br /> , �bwra�o�pniNww.ll Nr�d(A�o�wwa�p�ribM!�8oe►�wa to L�nd�r.in�000rd�na wi�Y th�pro�Waa�ot Pw�nPM �
<br /> t.I�IMu d tM p�rao�at ol mort��ia�uraao�pnmlwur.Tlw�Itw�u�oa1Hd"P.aorow Ilam."lwnd�r msy.�t w�Ww.oelMot�ad _
<br /> ' boid Pw�in w aa�oud oot W�:oMd tM�m�aimum�mouot w Mndw foe�bd�rally r�t�d mortQs4�Ww msr epuin lor BornwKY
<br /> Menw a000uot ua0�r tM bd�r�l RMI F�ab S�tqww►t Pno�d�rM Aal ot 19I1 u w�od�d Itoro tim�a�f�w.12 US.C.� 2b01�!sw.
<br /> ("RFSPA•).ua4s�oollwr bw qW�pplM�t�tM FunM�w s t�aawuu�lf�o.L�nd�r wsy��t�oy tlaw.oolbci rad hoW Fuad�In �R;;_
<br /> � ' �uaurd w�t t��n�d 1M f��wouaR L�oAr m��MIIm�N tM amouat of FuuO�dw a► 1!r bui�ol ourr�ut ONa�ad na�ana6N �:"'„
<br /> wAlatr ot�zp�oditurM ol lutun F�erow IIMw or M4�rwlw io woord�na with�ppllabH I�w. .— --
<br /> 'if�F�i.11 M heM tA ea lenlltulioe wha� depo�ltr v�tasured bp a lcdaral aQzcwy.laitrum.uWit�,ur wUy(iuoludiu�
<br /> Lw0�r.11 I.w�K d w�oh an Io�lltutioa)or ia�o�F�al Hom�I.a�a Baait.IwuO�r�hap�ppl/W�Fuod�W p��!Iw Fxaw lt�.
<br /> l,�K ma�oet oh�r�8orrow�r tar boldio��ad�PW)�t 11w Fund�.wauaUf uwlYsin�1h��ow�000uat,or��rityla�th�F�orcw `
<br /> • ' ta.�.unMw lwad..pq.Bo�row.r inan.�aa�h.Fun4n wd•ppUoaa.law pKaa�a L.ad�.w m.k•.uob.oh..�..How.•.r.lu�drr �-
<br /> . m�y nqu4�BarowK to py�ourtiaM olwp lar�a faA�pwW�ut nd M1aa 1as r�portiu�wniw w�d br LN►d�r tu oonn�otloo wrilh�� —
<br /> I Ibi�bw.uoM��pplto�bM Uw pro�otb�rwiw.UaM�a�m a�Mmout b mod�ar appliaabt�Ww eequba MtarM to b�y�i0.I�id�r — _
<br /> , � �b�p nol b�equir�d W pay Borrow�e w�iat�Mt ot aeataQs oa tb�Fuad�.Borraw�e aad l.�ndn�aNy�QrN ia wrfUn�.4owna,tlut �^. � -'� .
<br /> ; Iw1KMt�116�p�fd oo tM Fuad�.I.Kd�r�hdl�i��to AarowK,wltbout ohu�.an�nnwl a000ualin�ol Uu Funds,�howio�cndlU " .
<br /> � �ad d�WU to tM Fuad�wd t6�purpow for whioY�ao6 d�Wt to ttw Fuud�wa�m�.7'h�Fu�an pl�d�d u�ddillorpl MourU�lar. ; .-
<br /> I ,,;�. .
<br /> dl w�m�wound 6!tUlt S�ourly Iwtwon�u� v , `.' .
<br /> o u
<br /> U lM Fuad�b�W b�I.�ad�r�YO�A tM�awuals pKmNt�d to b�hd0 by sppUa�bM law,Iwad�r■b�q�awwnt W Borrovnr fa , ',? ;
<br /> Ih��sor Fuudn iu aooaraaaa wilh Ih�rpuir�awnb oi sppUoabM law.II IFw amouut of w� Fund�h�W Gy Iwnd�r ai aor�lm�I�not �
<br /> � wdlbMot W p�r tM Faorow lumr wh�n dw. Ladu au� �o nWt/y BonowK in writin�,wad, b tuo4 e� Horrow�r �hNl pry 10 . �
<br /> i L«M�r �M �mwat a��r�to w�W up tM dHbbnny.Bonow�r �iwll m�k�up ttM.d�tiaNuol fu ao rnw�tFun 1w�1��o�wntbl�t .�
<br /> W!��t LM�d�r'��dUorNlou. , - ---
<br /> Upon p�rm�at ia iu4 0/dl�uw Mouad bp thN S�ouril�laqrum�at,LwA�t�II protaPqY ntuod to BorrowK our�uAdr ..�.
<br /> MW b�LMda.It,uaOK p�rqraph 21.IwndK�h�U�oqub�oe wll th�P�ropKq,Gad�r.PAor W tM wquWtion ar�ab ol tht Prp�rl�, ' ,a
<br /> q�W�ppl��►�Fund�MW bp 1waAK�t IM tiaM ol�aquidlloa a��a ondlt yaLa1 tM iu�w Mour�d br Ihl�S�cu�llr�qw�al. '.• s--
<br /> ' 3. Ap1to�Hw�t i'aym�ols.Ual��ppUo�bM�w pro�ibM oth�rwiw.�li parmK►b no.i�.3 Ly i.�n3�r uaEai'par�rsplss 1 .��
<br /> wd 2�hall b��pp1Ud: IIM.to aa!P►�WY��oAae4w dw uadK lM Notr,�woad,W wounet pay�bl�und�r parsQr�ph�i thlr0.to
<br /> lolarrt dw;tourtb,a prinotp.l ew;ma f�.�,�o an�taa ohar�«au.wd..ih•Noi•.
<br /> 1.C7�r�Wor.BorroMr�r adall p�y dl usM,�wwm�att,charp�r.tin�s�ad impo�Niont attriEut�bl�lo tfu Proprrtr Whbb .
<br /> my�ttUo priorfq o��hb S�owlq IrulruaNa�,and leawhotd p�ym�nb or�round reu�s,lf wuy.Qoreowa�hall pay thu�uWi�tiau
<br /> 1 �u Ib�mwn�r pro�id�d in par�nph 2,or 11 nW paid ia lhrt m�on�r,Borrow�r shall pay Ih�m on titq�dk�apy to th�p�noa owed �
<br /> pypwal.Horrow�r�h�ll pranptly Wrnbh lo iaud�r a1l aNioM ot�mount�to 6�paid uaMr thit p�rs�nph.If Borrpw�r mdtN tha� .t5�
<br /> pymwq dir�oUy.Harron�r�lull promptly(urnUh to I..�rdrr r�ipb�v{d�noin�Ih�paymalur.
<br /> � Borrow�r�hall prompll�dboh�r��ny Iiw wt�to6 hn prlority ov�r Ihi�S�ourily I�uaM�t u�Horeow�r:(�)�an�t in f.
<br /> wrllit�to 1M p�gm�qt ot!h�oWi�allon Mour�d br tM li�n la�rtrna�r wapt�bl�to l.��r:(�)oonaw in�oud i�ith th�Iba by.or �
<br /> � ddwd��aY�t�nloro„a�tN of IM Wn in.IKaI proowdiap whiob tn tl►�I.�nd�r'�opinia►op�nb w pn��nt tM�nforo�m�nt of tk� -'
<br /> IMa;or(o)MourM traa 1iN hold�r ol tM Iim�a qr�nn�nt nN�faotory 10 GnA��ubad3wlirq IM Iha W�hL S+oorlq Inrltumw�R It :,
<br /> L«�A�r d�tKmlaM th�t�ny p�rt ol tM Prop�rq b�ubj�o!to�Uw which m�y�tuin prbriq o�a 14i�S�curlly Instrum�al�I.�nda
<br /> m.�N..Borro...r.��o.ia.nutyuK�n.u.p.Borrow�r�iwli alidr Ilw Ibn or I�k�anr or moM ol tl��olioru wt forth�bot�Miehin _
<br /> lo da�n ol Uw�iria�ot aoUo�.
<br /> S.Hasu1 w Pe�p�ely i�uur�nw.Horrow�r dull kwp Ih�improv�m�nt�now eYistinQ or don�lta�rwt�d on th�Prop�rlr
<br /> • i�wnd�iwt IoM 6p fir�,hwrd�InoluO�d wilhia 1h� l�rm^�Ytmdd oov�raQ�"�nd any oth�r hasardr,inoludinO tlood�a tloodiap
<br /> ta w6io6 1.NdK rpuirM i�wraao�.This in�urano��hall b�auinl�fnd ia th��mounit twd for lh�p�rtods thsl I.�nd�r rpufeM.Th�
<br /> Inwrsqo�wrri�r protidin�th�Ituwana rhNl b�oM�sn by Borrower�ubjwt to L�nderY approvd whloh shoit not b�unna�on�Wy
<br /> ailhiab.It Harrow�r tail�to auinlain oov�ra�dMOribd�bore,L�nd��m�y,al Iwnd�r'�opUon,obtaia oowr�lo prolaot I.�oda'� �
<br /> ei�hu io tM Pirop�ty la�000rdana wiW p�n�r�ph 7.
<br /> AU{nwrrana polloiM�ad na�wdt�hdl 6��oapubM to l.�nda�nd�hall inolud� a ttaad�rd morlQaQ�olaus�. L�ndor�fuU
<br /> bati th� ri�t to hold th� polloiw �ad nn��r�. If L�od�e epuirM. Borrow�r �h�ll prompll� Qiv� W lwnd�r �11 r�a�{pb oi p�W
<br /> proaium��ad rNwwN nWioM.In th����nl of low,Hxrow���11�i��promp!natia to th�imur�na�oarrl�r and I.�nd�r.I.�odr aoy
<br /> ^ � mdt�proot of IaM N aot m�peanptl�by Borrowr�r.
<br /> Ual�L.�nd�r u�d Borrowrw�oti�nwis�a�M ia wrilh�,i�uur�no�proc�rlull b�pplid to ratoralion or r�p�ir ot IM
<br /> prop�rly damapd.lt tM rKtoratlon or repair ia�amially Iwibl��nd Lendar'�wourily[s not Iw�n�d. lf th�r�stor�tion or npir
<br /> is oot�oonomioalty IwiWe ar[.�ndv'�wcurity would b Iw�wd.th�ituu�anc�prceeod��hall b��ppif�d to th��umt waurd by 1hU
<br /> S�ouritr Irulrum�at,wh�lh�r or nd tiwn dw, wilh any ntcw paiA to Borrower. II Borrow�r abandonr Ihe Prope�ty. ar does not
<br /> awwtr within 30 dyn a notic� (ran l.end�r Ihat the inturance carrier ha�ollered to rottla a claim,tha� L�nder may colbcl Ih�
<br /> Iruuraaa poawd�.Lend�r may we the proceedi lo repa{r or ralor�Ihe P�operly o�to pay�um�wound by thV Socurily Imlrum�nl, .
<br /> wMtiut or�wl tMn dw.TM 30•dsy p�riod will begin when th�nodce b Qiven.
<br /> Uniw l.�nd�r�nd Horrov�oth�rwi�e aerN in writin�,�ny applicr�ion�of proaeJ+to prinoipal�hall not extend or pafpone
<br /> • tM dw Aau ot!M monthlr paym�nb r�terrd lo in p�ra�{rapiu 1 and 2 or change the amount ot th�paymenu.It under paraQnph Y1
<br /> : t6�Propet�is�cquind br[.enda,Borrow�r's rKdt to an�i�wrance policier and proaed�reaultinQ irom d�maQ�lo th�P�op�rty prlor
<br /> lo IM aoquidllon�ha0 paw to L�nMr to tM ext�nt of Ihe�um�wour�d by thir Seaurity frulrum�nl fmm�diately prior lo the aoquWtion.
<br /> �. Ocurpanoy, Pr�evalt�n, Maiat�mnd an� Peobotlon ot Ih� Prop�rly: Borrow�r'� Loan Applicatkn:
<br /> L�saL�l�+. BorrowK shdl acouPg, �Wbh,md u�e Ih� Prop�rty u Borrow��'t priacipal rMidena within datr day�oftK Uu
<br /> �:�nution o(Ihlt Srourity Indrum�nl and�hall continw to 000upy th�Prop�rly a�Borrow�r's principal naid�nos lor ot Iwt on�yur
<br /> _� � ._���_..��_.��...s��.....� t. ..�.t�a... ...wt..1......,..n� d.11 �uN Ir unruw�aElt wilhhdb or unlu� . .
<br /> ' ii�w wii w:i v. ..w'vy�iwj�:....w. . ...�..� ... �, ...."^ '-'--'-' ----- ` ..
<br /> 1 utw�wlla�oiroum�4no�a�xi�t whioh sro i�yond Borrowa'�control.Borrow�r�hall not dutro�,damaQ�or impak th�Prop�rt�,allow
<br /> � lM Prop�ety to d�teriorau, or canmit wnN on th� Prap�rty. Horrow�r �h�ll be in d�l�ult 11 �ny lorfoilur��ation o� procMdin�.
<br /> wMthK oitll ar or{min�l, b bKun th�t in L�nd�rY Qood tafth judam�nt could rault In lorleflur� ol ths P�o{rerty or otMrwiN
<br /> ! mN�rWlr impair lh�li�n creN�d Ey thb Seourilr Inrirum�nl or Lend�r'�a�curily Inlererl. HorrowQr mry Qure�uch a detault and
<br /> r�iq�tab, n prorW�d in para4��ph I�,br caudnQ th� aclbn a procs�din�to b dbmis�ed wuh � rulfn�lh�t,fn Lendrr'�good taith
<br /> d�t�rmination,pr�oludN lorbilun ol Ih� Bor�ow�r'i inqre�t in lh� Property or other mN�rial impafrm�nt ol th�li�n creotQd Oy 1hV
<br /> Sroluit�intlruaHat or L�ndK't Mcu�il�inUr�r Fwrr.+Ner tha!!also be itt deloutt i: Qurrowur,Juriu�lhe foan applwatian procen,
<br /> NE�RAiKA•Sln�b F�milr•frwl�M��R.�NI�litr uWOw IMt111u1FMT ►r��02�f/f0
<br /> �IH
<br /> I O,•S�•S,.St,os PA�E Z �f S a��
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<br /> ��5 �
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<br />