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<br />CONSTANCB F. CQFF�Y, H[T$HAN]) ,4ND W�'E, harain called tha grantor whether ono or more, in
<br />consideratirnn of One Dollar nnd othew valua6le considoratlon received frnm grantee, do hereby grant,
<br />bargain, sell convey snd con�trm unto CAS$Y'S RBTAIL COMPANy, an lawa corporation, herein
<br />called tha grantee whather one ar more, the following described real property in I�a1], County, NE;
<br />T1►c Weat 125 feet of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Burch Subdivisian, an Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Ne6raska, BXCEPT that part deeded to the Gity nf Grand Islarad in Deed
<br />filad Saptember 6, 2000 at Document No. 02000p7319 and rarecordad October 2, 200a at
<br />I�ocument No. 020000S191and describad as follows: A tract of land comprlsing a part of Lots 2,
<br />3 and �4, Burch Subdivisiott, in 5ection 27, Tawnship 11 North, Range 9 West o�the 6th P.M., in
<br />the City a�' Grand I�land, Hall County, Nebraska, moxe particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the 5outhwest cornar af said Lot 2, said point baing 33.00 feet east of the West line
<br />of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4), the�nce north on en assumed bearing of North Ql Degrees 21
<br />Minutas 00 Saconds West along the East right-of-way lina of Locust Stre�t a distanee of 180.02
<br />feet to tha Northwost comer of said Lot 4, ihence South $9 begreea 50 Minutea 34 Seconds F.,ast
<br />slong tho North line of said Lot 4 a distance of 8.19 feet to a paint, thance South pl begrees 24
<br />Minutes 0$ Ssconds Bast a distance of 180.02 fect to a point on the South Iine of said L.ot 2,
<br />thanco North 89 Dagrees 50 Minut� 37 Soconds Wvst aCong the Sauth line of said Lot 2 a
<br />distamce of 8.35 faet to tho point of beginning,
<br />To have and to hold tha abova described premisea together with a11 tenements, hareditacuernts,
<br />appurtenancas and reservations thereto be(onging unto the grantee and to grantt+o's heirs and assigns
<br />forever.
<br />And tha grantor daes horehy covenant with the grantee and with grantee's hairs and assigns that
<br />grantor ia Jawfulty saixed of said promisea; that they are free from encumbrance ezcept covenants,
<br />eqsementa and restrictfons oF recotd; all re�nlar txxe� p�nd special a�ap�aaments, eaccept thoae levied
<br />or nsseased aubeequent to date hereof that grantor ha� good right and lawful authority to convey the
<br />same; and that grantor warrants and w't11 d�fend the title to said premi�es against the lawful claims of all
<br />persons whomso�ver. �'
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