. .. . . ;� _ _ _
<br /> ���;�- - - -
<br /> �_=-
<br /> _'^<_l e n�
<br /> T01'aE'i'I�E�M'TH�11 t�e improvcmeuts now ox hereaf�cr e�cted on she propeity.and ali ea���vapp°�un'�`��i�s.and �`�'.
<br /> � � fixtums aow or h:reafter a p�rt of tiie prnperty. F►�I re�lase�eats sad additions shr,�il also be covered by chis �Ewrity �;_
<br />_._ inctrtiment. All af tti�foregoici§is referirzd to in this S�.vrity Iast�ument as the'Pcoperty." ;�.
<br /> �'�� SOfiROld�i CQVENANi'S th2t Bonawer is lawfutiy seised of the estate kereby conveyed and has tk�right to grant aa� ���.
<br /> — cflnvay the Fro�rty aad that the Prog�ity+ is►�*���R+bered.exce�t for encumbranoes of record. �omu�ver nrarrants mio wili '�---
<br /> , dafcnd geaerally ds�title to th:ProPertY�ainst all ctaimg and demands.subject to any eacumbranses of reoard. � �
<br /> �.: ...�,
<br /> ° "'' 'fHIS§F.CUYtaTY IN�ItUMEN'P cambines unifmnn oovenaats foa aationa! use and noo-aeifor�n wvenants with liraited --
<br /> variations by jnrisdiction to oonstitute a nniform security inssrumeat covering cea!propeny. �
<br /> UNiFORM COV�2+TADYt°5.Boaower urcd Lender covenant and agree as foflo�vs: -
<br /> ��`�, 1. Pl�yme�t oi pi�.t�p� aad Inier�t, PgePaJ�en3 ait� Lm4e Ch�rges. Borrower shall prompdy pay �vhen due the ��`_�
<br /> .. principal af and interest on the debt evidenoed by the Note aad anY Piepayu�.ent a�zd late charges due under the Piote. �_�-
<br /> 2,Flutsi5 fa��gas�s�u1��a�te. Subje�to applirable!aw or to a written waivec by IRnder.Sorrower shall pay to ---
<br /> � T.euder on thc day mflnthly paym:nu are due under t�e HIa!e,until the Note is paid in fiill,a sum('Funds')fur:(a)yea�iy ta�ces �-
<br /> and assessmsnts whic�m3y attain priority over this Se�a�rity tn , nt us a lien on the Property;(b)Yeariy teasehotd payments ---
<br /> or�rowid cenis on th�Prop2rty.if any:(e)YearlY hazard or pmperty ins�uar�ce premiums: (d)YearlY flood�na�Taaqg g�miums, �-
<br />'��� � if acry;(e)Yearly mastg��a i��ranoe premiums. if any:and(Q anY s�ns P3Yable by Borrower to L.�uder. in aa:ordan�with �:_
<br /> the pmvisions of p2ra,qruph 8. in lia►of the paymeut of¢�rtgage insuraace preminms.T[rase items are cailed°Fscro�v Items.' �: .:
<br /> .;.: Lender may.at any tia�.aollezt and�old Funds in an azuonnt not to exceed the maaimum amaunt a lender for a fe,derallY �.�
<br /> rela!ed r[lUrt�ge Eaan m�y n�quite for Eorr�wer's ese�ow aecount�nder the federal Real Fstatc Settlem�t Paroednres Act of �•-�
<br /> • 1974 as am°`n�Od from pme to time. 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 et seq. (`RESPA').unless another law that applies to the t=unds ��-
<br /> ` sets a tess�r amnunt. ff so. Leader may. at any time. cott�ct and hotd �unds ir►an amount not to exceed the lesser amauirt. ��
<br /> m �`-
<br /> Lead;r may��te the amount af Funds dae on the 6asis of aurent dasa ond reaso�le estimates of e�qseadiwres of future
<br /> qs ' �:
<br /> Fscrow Items or oth�+ise in acoordancx�with apPlicahle laQr. —'
<br /> • 'll�e Funds sh�ll b�heid in an instiwtion wha�e de�nsita are insnied by a federa! ageasy. insm�mentaliry, or entaty �"
<br /> � (including/.en3er.if l.eas�er is surh an institudnn)or in an,�Federnl Home Lvan Bandc.Ixadec shall agply the Fands m pay tbe
<br /> Escrow Items.R�astcr may nvi ebarg�Bormtver for hotdina and apglying tise�imds,annvally analyring the escmw acoouna.or �.
<br /> verifytng tir�ss�eoiv Items.nWess I.e�r pays BorrowEr irserest an tbe F�mods aud agplic�ble tari peamits Le�Ier to make sucb
<br /> a chatge.Hon�ver.Lea�er may requi�+e Bornowee to�►ay a w�-time chargc3 for an i�dent real estate ta�r.ieporting senrice -- __
<br /> u:ad by Lend�r in oann�ction �vit6 this laan, unless agpl�'�ub1e law pmvides otheiwise. Unle�s an agre�nt is made or -�
<br /> •.`.` applIcable!aw requuss intsncst to 6a paid,Lender shall nos 9se ceqaired to gay Borr�vrer airy intece�ar eamings on 4lie Funds. --
<br /> • Bo�um��an8 I�r may ug�ee w wriang,ho�vever.ttmt ir,terest shalt be_paid an the Funds. �.ender.shatl give t4$arrnwer. �":
<br /> ,. ..� witht�nt e.�a4ga.an annnal axountin�of thc Funds, showi��crzdits and d�iu to the Fw�4s and the pu�pose for a l u r l i e a c D �
<br /> de�it ta the F�was ma�de..'I?ia Funds ure pledged as add*'�.'iraaal secarity fbr all sams secured by tiris SECVriay Insuume�. -
<br /> ' If the F.vrids 6�t�1 by Leade�r eaceed thc�aaiounu per�itrr.d w 6e held tyy a�plicai�le laor.lr.nder shall acoount to Hos7u�.-�r . . �..._
<br /> � for the e���nds in�ocotdsmce with tdte teqnirements of.appticuble la�cv.If ths amo.int of t�Fuads hetd by I.end¢r aQ atutf
<br /> time is aot si�cieat.to pay tha Esstow Items�vhen due,lr�..ic+der may so notify Bmro�rer in wriEi�g,aad,in suc6 sase Borrower •�
<br /> shail pay to Le�rr the umoun3 a�oessary to maice crp ehe de@�ieney.Barnower shaU malce ap d�e defaeasy in ho more than ir�
<br /> �
<br /> f_: : • tweTve manthly pay�meats.az�,a�'s sola discietiou.. = -
<br /> ,';.. U�on paym�tt u�.fnU af all s��ms:s�,vred by this S�capity iastrament. 1.endxr shall pl��fly refund to Bomnwer any �=-
<br /> ��, F�usds he2d by Ltxxl�r.If.under paaugmph 2t.Lender sFmlb ecqnire or sell the Property.Lend�.,grior to the acqnisiUi�n or sale
<br /> of the Pmpxriy.s1ta1!npply riny Funds heid by Lendes at tt�time of ac�quisidon ar sale as a ci�a�:x against the sums secvred by �ti�:
<br /> this Sec�rity In.mum�t. ' �
<br /> 3.A��{►iicattun oY P�rym�nts.IInless appiic�bte law pr�+ides othereirisG.all payments received by i.ender u�der parag�y bs . -= -_
<br /> � 1 and��dit��':fi-Gx apgliad:fiYSt, ta anY P�Y�►t charges dus uadez the Nat�c;second,to amoiwts payable under parugr3pb 2;
<br /> tlti�,c�,i.�i�st daa;fourth,to principal due;and ta5t,to amf.leis,x3msges d�un+dei tlte DIote.:��'�� •.''� .
<br /> .. 4..�;Li�as.Borr�wer shafi pay all taxes.assss�.•.c3asuges.fines and i'mpa;i�!�itaics attributable to tbe P�apeirry —
<br /> • .•.<:;�;�;y��cb may attsdn ptiority over this Seruriry Instru{�xpY,and leaschold paym�e*s or gronnd.c�Cfs,if.any. Borrower shall pay. • ,•;:ti�
<br /> ' -: �r' [�Sest obligations in the maanez provided in para�ilr;;�.or ig t�at�aid in thFu 4��nner,Bormwes sh�ll pay them on time directty . :t
<br /> ';�#�,;,. . � to the pe�son�ow..d paymxnt.Bnrmwe�!lt�c'.I�mm�ti��'�;zr�uh�to Ga�der alt nouces af amau�Ei.'t�be patd undes tLis paragragb.
<br /> �S�§', . [f$arrow.,•z malces th�a payraeuts djre�i3y..�doortower shalE pt+xrtpll,'1�fumish to Le�r ra��tiui�ridencing the paymcnts. ,
<br /> Bo�row�r alsall ptomptly discharge any lien nihish has priori!�j over ehis 3scurity lnstni►M',�4 untess Borrower:(ay agroes in '�`�
<br /> ; ' writing tn ttu paymeni of the obligation secured bythe lie�r un a m�nner aooeptab�!e to I.endts:(b)contests in good faith the lien �,:.
<br /> by, or defends again:t enforcement of the lien ia. legnl�prooesdi;ns which in the Lenc�r's opinion o�etute to prevent the --
<br />.°'�� c.tforoemeat of the tien;or(c)secvres fmm the holder of ah�s lia�;�j�r,�eement ss�tisfacr�q�y�tn:E.ender su6ordim�ting the li�a►to
<br /> `:;;;'� . this Security Inswment.1f Leaster Qetrrrninea that an ar1 of tit�,�Y� rty is su.b'�ct to ali�x7��which ma attain
<br />--- Y P 1Pe 1 Y P�rit�r c�7��t
<br />. ., thi�Security I�t�wment,Lercd�r may g•re Borrower a na�se iQcnt�it jing the Ggn.Borrovou;i�ral�sarisfy the lIen or t�kc nnaiar �
<br /> qf1 ah
<br /> . •� mone of the actions set forth ubove within.l0 days a�t,ttrs pving of notice. . .• �-'�
<br /> . �� .-
<br /> ': Fam 3028 �l90 �--
<br />�s:��i.'. � PaaL,mN . �'-
<br /> ,.�,�. . . . . • ' �.
<br />�•�i<i:'�.• . . .. .. ' - —_.
<br /> .�' :.
<br /> ' .. .. . .. . � � ;�•' � . � ' lE��1'+1��� •_ . , ' - _ . • ....vq.`. ;y�� l .i -
<br /> � • . � � � � t. . . � - • ��U�irSr .. � . � _ \� ��:��rv.l#r.. -
<br /> , _ . . . _ . � . ��1' .
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<br /> ' � 9. . . ': . ! ' . . . .. �. � � . ., ' ` . . • . . •.
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