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<br /> �;� c, `�f �, �t`
<br />- . �T&�I II3 H8NR8
<br /> 100271 07/08/1996 �'�
<br /> � 9.Coa�naation."fi4�e piacee�s of any a�;rard or claim fnr damages.direa:t ar a�n���►rial.in wnnectlan�ritti any �
<br /> co�dea�atton oz o�Ler t�.kiag of the Prap2rty. �r part there�f, ar for camveyac+:e in lieu af catutetunat�op, are he�eby ;F•
<br /> ��;-'
<br /> -_ ncc_'�r��sh�ll te pait!m Leoder.sabject w the te�'ms of any mnttgage,dr�c!of m�st ar ouer s�urity agreemznt«itb a �•:�-.
<br /> � _ lie�w�st�has pricsrity ovEr tiiis D�!af Tnus. �=
<br /> _.i 10. Ban�ovs�Dlat Rdea�e�i �o��r�sto2 By l.tnder Ala� a W�v�. ExtensI�n of elte titse for p�y�nt nr �
<br /> mudi4�caiion of amo�tUation af the surus�ecured by th9s Qee�1 of'Tnast grautrd by Lender to any succrs�or in in�erest of� �
<br /> Be►muw�z st�all mt Rpe.rate w releace.in any a�azmer. the lialiility uf�he original Bom�vnr and Born►wer's ruscessnrs in� �; :
<br /> istie�+est. l.�nder s8a0 moi he requird ta cflmmernre pcoceedia��s agaiu�t sucta su�ssnr nr refuse to catend ti�e fnr pay�eni s"
<br /> ur aiherwise�ify amortizatfon of the sums secured by tJnis Ueed af Tn�se by�easun of any demand made by the oripna� � �'��
<br /> .: Bo�nwer and Sormwer's su�ors in intetect. Any farbea�auce by i.ender in eaei+cising any right or remetby hereueder. � �;
<br />"'"`s os ot�civylse afforded 6y anplic�bie la�v,sY�ail unt be a w�iver of or prectude the eaee�cise af say such right ar rem.edy. �
<br /> 11.S.�s and Assl�r'�tio�d:�ui4i r�s s�vara�Idab�i3q�Co-�3�a�s. 'Rtr ex►vgnant��d aBr�,.�.�I�crein ��.�_
<br /> ' conrained shall bind,and thE rights heteunder shatl imue w.the r�cective successo�s a�as�signs of Lender and Borrower. �
<br /> snbj�ct to the pravisians af pazagragh 16 hzreof. All wvenxurs and ageen�nts of Borrower shall be jaint and�eve:al. _
<br /> /1ny ga�ower who ca-sigus ttris Qeed of Ttust.6nt dnes aut exacute the Idate.(a)is�-signin�dvs Deed of Tn�st only m �„
<br /> <• � giaa3 and ca�vgy thsi Barn►wer's iuDerest in the Prapeny to Tn�stee�mder the tsnns of this Deed af Tcau�.(b)is nnt
<br /> petsanzily liable an dte Note or undex dns Dee�of Tnut.and(c)aSn�es that Lxnder aual any other BoaoF,rer hereunder ��.-
<br /> n�y agee m e�ctead.madify.farbear.ar na�Ye any atlser accommadatious aridi negard ta tUe tem�of th'ss Ue�d of Tnisc or =_;
<br /> � t5e Nate.witMut t�t Eturawee's cotuen2 sud without mle�siag t6at Harrovz2r ar modifyin8 th3s deed of Trast�s to thzt ��._
<br /> ^ Bartawes's interest in the Pr+apertY• -
<br /> .—_- i2.NaHae. Eacepa for aay uatice required un�+er applicable !aw to 6e geven in annther m3nner. (a)aY►Y�atice w �-.:.
<br /> Barmwer provid�fas ata this Dced of Tr�st shali be given by detivering n ar by mailing such nauce try certi�ed mai�
<br /> . ad�dm�i t�Borrmw�s�3[ve Prapectq Astdress or at svcb ather address as Bormw�es may de9gnate by�atice to Leader ao =
<br /> ptwida€,i��,'s�.and @)a�+�ice ua,lentler s6all be given try certifcai a�v't ta L�der's address stated h�eceia or to sirch �^
<br />.�-s���-`�' other adrl�zs Le�et may de�igz�tf�!tS►nodce to Bonower as pmvided hereia Any na�ce pravHded fox in this ID�Fsf �
<br /> ':j�`` - Tmst sis:.��e deemod�have been�,s�s+�to Baieawer or l�n�der w�en given ia tbe�desitgmaated 1�ec�. �,
<br /> 13.Gas�it�ii�r�evaa�sility.'Y'�e stane a�local laws agplicable t�chis Deed oF Trnst st�Ce eBe laws of t1r� �-�
<br /> �; juri.�ic�ta in whisd ri��soperty is�ocated. 71�foregoing sentence s6ai1 rnoc Ci�it the appllcubilnty a€�!law tn th�s �`
<br /> ' ��'TL•ust. In ti�e event t�s�ptm�ision or cla�sse of dris Deed of Trust or ttte Na�canflitts�viih ap�licable Oat*r. �
<br /> such c6dAict s�all not affect as�r�covisions af this Decd oE Trust ar the Note which can be givea effeci vritYruut t2� r�'_
<br /> oonflicdng pmvisian.a� ta this e�ttte pmvi�ans af tl�is dI�D of Tmst and We Nate are derla�xi t�be srve�able. As �:
<br /> e
<br /> ��� used�rein, 'cosYS'. '�t�ses'and 'attomeys` C•:s°i�lude all snms m the eatent aat prolu'biu�tl6g a.,�.n'lcable 1aw or �.
<br /> .: <' • . limdted l�rei� —•
<br /> °°c,.,•r ' 1�4. Bormwer's�y.Borr�wer shall be fumi5hed a confoimed wp��r.�t6e Note and of this Qc-taff+�Tmsa ai tbe �-�:
<br />:�;;��� � • time of ecerution ar a4ier ceco�da�nr�ereof.
<br /> • � 1S. R�ab�b�Crn l.oan l�',�t�. Sorrowet si�ll fu15ll all uf L�vrtoti;e='r, d.'l�a�s ;�"r �.g? fmts�� _..
<br /> �' ` ' rehabilitatton.i�Pm�'�cmra�i,repa�++r.a3her int�a,gieement wtucb BarruvrEr�S�n wi€+�i�r�. fc�tzn3�ac,at�'s � G _
<br /> �; a �
<br /> '�` o�tion. m�►Y rtquire.]DsM�suree q�rtcate and tialiver w�xuder. In a foran;aa��.':e.�Lender.2��.�r.���� � ;:,,:_
<br /> a
<br /> '� righYs.c1�I�os dc-�iu.�s whia'4 i3w�anver way l�ave agiinst parties wtw suppjc�[�bor.�1s oz se�:vcs���e�.r;as� , , .,
<br /> . �.:. with impravemeais tas�tn the�tu�sry. " • -
<br /> �.��� li.Tra�'es aR d�be Pinap�tq�ar a Beadici�l Intaest tn�er. (f all or any part of ttre Prope�sy o:aay��r� ��:
<br /> :_��" in_it is sotd ar�liir;t�Cor if a 6etie�ci�1 intetest tn Bamnwer is sald ar transfet�aod F.ssmm.�s,� �1 a�[�a3
<br /> petson)wIthoat Leu3ltt':L�yicior�=,ritten conss�u. Ixnder n�y.u its apdon.require im�ediate PaYa'eat.�ui fi+�of all s4�s . .. _
<br /> �� �by�p����-y� Hpw�er. t�ts apaon shall uat 6e enercised hy Lender if exercise 1s prd�7tr'�.,�by fe�ecal ,
<br />;;_�'_ . liw as of tbe date of tbis Dged t�flffm�.
<br /> .:;, 'r . tf Leader e�[encises dils o�'�r�n,il�ender st�ll glve Bomnwer nndce of acceteradon.Tbe aatice s6all provide a�uu�x+9
<br /> of aot less thaa 30 days faom the c'srt°dae mdce Is delivered or m7ited wittun v�ic6 Borrower mns4 paY a11 sums seY.�ru�tsl � __
<br /> , .,�� . bY tLts Doal of Tnist.If Bamower Eaits m pay these surn.s prtor w the expir�tton of this petiad. Ltader may imroice any . °
<br /> �:�' remedies peimitted by this Deed of Trust wIdwut funher antice or dem�on Bnrmvrer. . _
<br /> � NOK-UNiFOR11A COVENMiTS. Boimwer and L�ender fuctber cove�t aad agree as folfows:
<br /> ' 17. Accda�lon3 R�. Exo�t as proviQed tn p�ra�apb li ber�eot. �tD Sorem�rrs�a 6�reacb of a�ap
<br /> ., ��` eavea�d oe a=remknt af Bosro�wer W tBis Deem of Ts�J,ir,.tII�,:�armwer'e fi1lu=e to pay,Oy Ohe e�d ot.10
<br /> ea2end�r d�ys a�s�they st+e d�e,any sums sec�ue�by tbis Qced of 7'ea�t,Ler.der,Qs10Y to�t�t3I00 bhfll�,"��8 �
<br /> ` � natke W Boer�w�r as pmvided tn para�apb 12 hereot a�pecifyQnE:p)t�e br�ct�; tZ)t6e acticm c�es�estred to euce
<br /> " :� s�M�r9cta;(3)o dttts.aot I�fi�t�a ZO dqqs fi�t the a7ate tbe aotke t�maikd to i�',a�+aw�,by wWcro sucD Dr�tach },
<br /> �, :
<br /> m�t!�a�r�;acd t�t6a4 Eailt�u2 to cvre�sd brac6 oa ar b�ore t6e date�d in the aatke may resait(n� __
<br /> ,� � aood�tian ot t0e suais secvu�adt�bq thte Dced.aP'iYast oncl sate ot the Propety. The notke si�fcut6er infor�.
<br /> �•. B�orrovrer oP t6e rty'dt to reln�te c�'ter r,�t��end�he N�3 to br�n=a cawt actton to assert t�{e nooexiste�ce of
<br /> a�.. a de!'adt�an�athar deferoe of Borrox�a ta aocder�tioo aad s�le.If ttrQ bnssrh 9�aot aared o0 or belw+e tbe d�te
<br /> specltied ta tQre aotte�i.eader.at L�e'e option.may devare aU ot tbe s�seccQCd by ti�a Deed of Tnat to be
<br />' �>:. im�y due md p�yeb[e withou� Pu�4t�damsa�d and ir�p Invoke the powa ot sfk and any dha�ra�s.dies ;-,`
<br /> `,�'�(�:.. Pecmitt�er� bY a�)�tlt�bie 4w. i.en�er sL�11 De entitkd to aWiat all reasoeabk casts � a�p� ta�E[�
<br /> �i� �y tDe exmsx{9cer rravi�ed in tht��raSr.;�h 17,inciudin�,but naE(;�[tHl 40.reawn�Me attoantys'tces.
<br /> • �� it the�rv�re4!�t�t�tnvo:ced.'i'�tc�r.ilttf�r¢oop+d a ccttae of d¢fffuid in eas8 cnuot�'in witialh t)je Prmpciiy or
<br /> ;k�':" � bed by appftaohi�(�aw W _
<br /> ;.i�: . aome E�as th�eot�v Iocated aad e1�mail �opits at surh naNse in t�e mariccc��r,rsa�i -
<br /> :,F�: BoRUw�ou�eo ehe�pec�,nns prc,�rribee Dy appftcai�te[�w.Aiter the fapLB af svrc�ti�e av ca�ay bQ r¢�u[r�1 bY
<br />"" � applkai�ie t�w,7Yaeta sh�ll�re pubite notice ot sAle to t�e persaa4 aed in the m�mer presari6ed by appUtabte E
<br /> `��� l�tw.Trastee,widhw�t deemad on Boerowar,si�ll sdl ths Prnperty d paWic aueHon to the h��st Gid�r at t�e timo ..
<br /> .�� and plgae cnd amder tbe te�nns deslgnaied tr�t6e mtke ot sa�e in oae or mor�p:e+ceb aad in sue�orcS�as 7'r�stec
<br /> .�� . � rnay Q�ersaslas.'f re�r�r�vnY Dost�ao��ile o?a0 or araq p�ef tRa F7�+n�4y DY P�4itc n�a�se��rt e�i�ttate �
<br /> ;;r.: . aiW ptstce of aay Pr�lousi7 s�ted sate.I.�or l.mder's deslp��ay purcbase the Paoperty at anyr seIe. �_
<br /> �! � UP��P��Po7m�a�aCe psfce hl��Tetutee sh�U ddtver to tlte��Tr�i�'s�te�aoae�ytag the �.
<br />�'� Pfropdrt�sWA.'i�e aeeitais in tt�Tn.+�tee's de¢d stu116e pri�6bete evtderce ot the tniW oP the statementa mack =
<br />- � t6erein.Tn�stec at�all appiy t�2 pruaee�af ttic s�ie in the lallawing ord�:(a)to�e�.���"e cosis��expe�rse�08 f
<br /> ' !he snYe,ind�dina,6u!n�t limlt�to,'i'neic2's�'�c�duatly Ensam��J o7 au!�ore tlLn S;'�ot 86tr�s r�le�eire. L
<br /> re�soaaDk�ttoret9s' P��ca��19 a?tttl2 eot��tei (b)4o all stvn9 secau�ed by i�Dttd o?Tru37:aad(c)the [
<br /> exces9,3i any,fofii�µwrsu�o�{3�sfn��i�+��'.�'t.`'�..�a. -
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> w
<br /> . Alcbroat�26876-2 5195 Qrigiaiai(RSCOSdad) Copy iHrnac$1 Copy(Cuo4oa�r) pa�3 ots fF_.
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