{1}`C ..�,. . t � �r,,.-.. Y 1 ��t a •;�% �y ;.� ' ' i .. __
<br /> � t. . 'r�. - t' .:lu r •1 .i:l t.. � . . �1 ,r� .
<br /> (C_���.', t Z ' ' :s" Ci�''••t�� �ii' ;t 3���� �y� ii. �5:,... `%�,;':' {�17 �•. � i� (� r: i�.u:p`•....,aY� �t n z
<br /> _ .'�.FB�:��iy,'`'.7! Y ii': 4� 4 1�4 �f 1!'•',�iX�{°j't•-'i ��!�w;l� � ��.S'j`'+��f.; -e1�_ b � . ' " . .,.._�.
<br /> j,..,j,�� `.'a� i�.,) �;;,•,r i �� �F t ;,�'� ;.r�iK'
<br />_ .'�+^a ➢1�':1�f. � �.�' � -- ---___--
<br /> .,��f �� ��.,+�+,-.-.... - -t�—
<br /> . ir • . , . .. , — -
<br /> - •f�-• '.'-�--_ --
<br /> . -::_-r^3:e�
<br /> .., � ._....r.rr�awl�r/R.. .. _ _
<br /> �u ,....��..._ LOAN 11: 0107�0438 �---�.�' _�-------
<br /> � . CAR06T �.�'`.;�
<br /> �
<br /> ; � . �;= .� �.. - , AnJUSr��t�►�t.nro���.� 103'��U --
<br /> . ° ^ � (6Mme T•9�,Weet�r Au�iim Av�ni(1o�e�lme�t)
<br /> 7HISADlUSTABLERA7ERIDF.RI�mwdetAr27TH dryd APRII. 1992 ,an0i�in°°rP°f�0d�oan�l � -
<br /> .,�• x,p ." � r
<br /> g �.'. ::J`r` �� �Ilbedeemedto�mend�od�uppknkat�heMonp,e�DeedalTnutarSauriqrDeed(Iho"BecuMrylr�ln�a�ent~)ofU�s�aAed�ejlvcnUyehe
<br /> �� � aud�rrip�ed(�bo"eanower.�)to�ea+ro earrower'�Adjuuab�o 1We Nae(�ho"Nate'�w
<br /> ud r
<br /> • .. COhMERt[AL fEDERAI MORTGAGE C�OR�R��T�ION���a����: �-`��
<br /> ' ; ., , (ibe"l.ender")af the�rt�o dsto md aoverfoi tba I�R�
<br /> .: , -- ,,.� . . 1012 PLEASANT VIEW OR. 6R�N0 ISlANO, NE 68801 �-.�,�__�___
<br /> , ° (napwM AeM.)
<br /> , �,...
<br /> � ..��;,;�.,� RATE THE BORRO�IfER�AUST PAY.
<br /> '�� .�, , �� ' � H�rrc�wer ano t�enaa � ., - �-- -
<br /> '; ,°�.,��w .� �� AnumoNAt.aovel�AN7s. m.dauan w u�e ooMeoinu.aa�reemena aaae m u,e se�uiry trotruman,
<br /> ���''.�'� • .d. 1 • ---
<br /> .. _ _ ��� . WIIIIEt OOYG1sOt���'00��OYOW�: �'=-:—: -- _
<br /> , ,..�r�;
<br /> ..�.i, `,�.,'.' ... `.
<br /> � " • A. II�'fERPST RA78 AND M0T�7�iLY PAYMBNT CHANOBS --- -
<br /> .� ``��{�'�'' The aote prwides tar m iaiUal iatuat rate ot 5.125 9i.7be Nae pta�vldea[ar�hen�ea b�ba Intara�t rete mid tbe monlbhr -
<br /> ��`�, _
<br /> . paymepts�n failo�vs: .,
<br /> - .- - 4. M'IBR�SP RA1E AND MOM73LY PAYA�MP C.�IAN(3BS , -
<br /> • q `_.:� ---
<br /> (�) ��a �19 9 Z ,ond a1 tlwt d�y eve+Y 6tb nlontb . .�,._� �',;-°'
<br /> . The interat tate I wip pay may dwnBe on the Snt day ot N 0 V EMBE R „ ..•�..�-�•
<br /> U�ereaAer. F�cd date m Mhld�my interest rate ooukl d�nge i�pllod a"Qa�ny,e Dua . --
<br /> . (B) ,Ibe lndes .::r�c':_;,_ -- —
<br /> Be�ianin8with Il�e 8ru chaage Date.my Interest rate w111 bc b�ed aa an Inde�c.1Tx"U�deu"t�theaeekly aucdon avcrage(invatn�ep�)au ��
<br /> �'' b.month treawry bW�,as mada Avallebk by the Foderal[Werve Ba►d.'IUe mo�t�eaat lad�flgure avs�ilabte r d the cLta 4S d�ya be[art wcU ` •
<br /> ' � . .'�!`�:►: epan�e Date a eaI1M the"e�rm�c u�dac» � I�''�
<br /> � 1 ��� U tde iadac i�ao longer avaiiwble,tbo Nda Haider wfN clwo�e�aav ioda��hiCh d E�upoa aompareble iafarnation.'!Ue Nae Nolder _
<br /> will�ive mo aotioe ot tAir clfoioe. �'..�•."i�i1�:'
<br /> �,.. : s.,
<br /> ' �--_ � . (�1 �°f� roeatsBePoino( 2.750 `�) �:.._,_ _ ,�` .
<br /> - ------- iieiaeeacbt�SnyaDa�o.�NaeHoi�erwUiralculatesny�riaesrGtsesebre�ing z 3/4 4x � .
<br /> ' ���"� to�hcCLrrentInda�.TheNaeHotderxillthenra�nd�ereaultoJ�hiiadditionwthenearc�tone�ei8hlhofoncperaatagepdnt(0.125`�6).Subjxt �
<br /> ' . to Ufe Iimits itated in Sedlon 4(D)below.thi�ruuaded atnaiat w1U be my new interat rate un1U tAe»aa Chaa�e Data � .. �.
<br /> , „. 1.
<br /> .. The Note Hotder wW ihen detemdnc�he amount of the monchty p�nent tdat aau{d be wffldeat to repay�be uapaid P�iPel Uwt I aai :.�"',�
<br /> e:pectodtooweatthe(:hengeDateiaWlloathemaWdtydateotmyaewlntereurAteinwhaton�iRllyequel�au.'Ibee+ewlto[Wscakutation -, }
<br /> wiN be the aew amount af my moathty p�ymen�
<br /> � ' :, (D)[lmiu ao Wuat Rate C6�nga .. ;��
<br /> <<
<br /> 1Ue intarat rste I am requirod to poy at the firat Change Date wiU na be greater then 5.8 75 `�a�t� 4.3 7 5 `�'.�a� � '-
<br /> my interat rata will neva be W�reased or docreasod an wry�iagk Clwnga Oate by mae than 3/4 porantage poinu(0.7 50 `x°) � . �
<br /> . from tbe rate o[intuat 1 have baa paying for tbe proo�fin8 ahc moathi. My intercat re�e wiB neva be g[eatar tdsn 9.125 96.
<br /> . (B) FJ(axlve D�te dCh�aga . ;
<br /> • My aew ialerau rate wil!beoane ef�ective on each Change Date.I will pay the amount of my new munUdy p�Yment b�Biaain8��� F ,
<br /> � . u�oathly pvyment date after 1he Qwnge Date untU tbe mrwunt o[my mon[hly paymeat cbanga again.
<br /> �
<br /> , (�Nalfoa d 4�n�n nt be[arc t6e ' .
<br /> Tl�e Nae Holder wiU detiver a mail to me o notloe of any cUanges in roY intercst rate end the amount ot my maathly peyme � .
<br /> . etfoaive date of oay d�ange.lUe notia will includc intarma�ion roquired by I�w to be given me ond abo the titkaod lekphooe oua►berota pe�son �� --
<br /> who wW ansvver any queation I may heve rcgarding the notia. f �� -
<br /> Unifarm Cavenant 17 ot the 5eariry Instrument b amcnded to read as[diavs: a interest in it b wid a traus[ecred(or if �
<br /> ' 7ta�fa ott6e prnperiy ar�beae6dyl iatearat io bonowr,�. If all ar any put of the pro�ertY anp ..`.
<br /> � a bene�al interest in Harower b aold or I�roferrod and Barrower is aot a natutal persan)vnthaut Lender's prior wrktea aooseat.�r�may. ,
<br /> ' at its ,requirc Immedl�te payment in full ot all auma�eaued by tdis Sa.udty Iustn�meM. ��r�O�����°� ( )
<br /> Borraarer causes to be wbmNted lo l.ender informatian requircd by Lo�er ta evaluate the inunded transfera aa if a new loan were bein8 made
<br /> to the trans[eree;and(b)Lender roawnably determines chat Lender'a security wlll not be impaired by the lo�n assump�ion and tdat ihe rtsk of a
<br /> bteacA otamr aovenant or ageement in thu Socuriry ltutrument b axaptaMe to Lender.
<br /> To t11e attent permilted by app�lpbte law,Lender may charge a rcax►nebk fee a+a�onditian to lander'a oonsent[o the toan amumptlon.
<br /> �on
<br /> . I�ender rtwy atso�equirc the translera ta aig�an assumption agrcemeM thet b 000epwbic to Lender and tlwt oblig�ta the transkr+eo to keep aU
<br /> � the peomise.+end agrcemenu made in the Nde and in�his Sccunry Iratroment. Borrawer wiA oontinue to be obligated under tbe Nae and thfs
<br /> Socunry Inurument unless Lt»der rekasea i3orrowcr in writing.
<br /> I[Le�xter acercises�he optic�lo requirc immedfate payment in fu0,Lender shaU give Horrowec ncxla o(aooekratlon. 'tbe notioe shal!
<br /> � � powide a pufod of not kss tAae 30 doys from thc date the notia b delhered or ma�kd within�wt�kh Borcower must poy ell awfn tecurcd by thb
<br /> Sxurity U�st�ument. If Borrower faib ro p9y thesc sums prior to Ihe acpiration ot thi�period,Lender maY irnoke any rcmed�a pecmuted by thh
<br /> • Secudry lnstcument wn�hout funher notice�x domand an Borrow�r.
<br /> BY SIC3NiNCI BELOW,Horrower aocap�s and agrca tn the urtro wid aavenants oonta�ned+��hb ndfustabk Re�e Ri�er.
<br /> . � �. ��—r�- • --s, � � -��! r
<br /> ��•j,(�U l,(� f�yr 2�fi��, (�e.1�) f ' 1t t.:L �C1 ' '�L...�'_�J•)r•�. �t.s._.(�cai j
<br /> RONALD W TREMAINE �eono"" � MELVA D TREMAINE -8oio""`
<br /> . (Scal) (Seal)
<br /> _BarowK
<br /> Oa�ow�r (Slgn Ongulv/Urt!)'�
<br />' j MULTISTAlE A0.IUSTABL.E RAlE RIDEH--MM�2-Sinple Famiy-Fannie Ma�IFreddfe Mac Unitomt Irmrwnerk Fonm 3C-3033(AEV o�19�1
<br /> i
<br /> ,
<br /> . �i . � _
<br />