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.�eYf:�t�S7c, iL dir.x .^ .�.. , ,.1- - ' -` <br /> �y��r� ,;,;T��^^ ", -- <br /> -.7.«.,-_. : n• . . .< ,.tL;.� .... . � � _ _ . °- <br /> _-+�•�SH1wsiYi�f�K,.t]N� �.,a. . — . <br /> ' . . . ii0�1�Aq:� �1.�. _. <br /> �!'���•.J,' b -T.. <br /> . , �f i�M .F�:, ._.. �__. _ <br /> i. .� ' I . . ��— �Q�?V I <br /> _%5 y ,� ^.� ..'1:...-qM <br /> .. 8.��.... '+it-14'�.,'. <br /> �ri�w.J <br /> ��7�.Ja�l� <br /> ' — S'R� <br /> :����� TO(l�TfiER WITH all ihc improvementK now�►r I�rcuf�c�rnc�ed�N��Nr pro�xny��m�l u0.�u�roicm�,n{�p;�rtcnuncc+. <br /> ����'�'�"=:� and lixturcx nuw�tt hc�cafirr a puh nf tho pnq+cny, All rcplurcmrnty und udditiun�,hull ulx��hc covcred by �hiw!iccur��y <br /> � 4��' Inwrumem. AU of�hc forcguln�t iK rofirrcd tu in�hix 4�curily Inrirumrnl aw�hc"1'��qxny." <br /> '.�'��s:i't.►� ''�;,u; BORROW�R COVENAN'fti thu� Nnrr�iwc�ir luwfully�ci+kd of'tlt�c.u�lr h��r�hy r��veycd und hu��lic rl�hl la�trunl <br /> �M.M, <br /> '�.x'°�''`►'��`i" • und a�nvcy the Pro�xhy und tha��he 1'�0�hy ic�unencumlxrrd.rxcrp�IiK encunihrunrr►af�ecurd Horrowe� wunWnlx und <br /> , ',: . ,. . �...Y; will dcfcnd gcncrully'tha Ullc N�Ibc Pro�xrty uguin�l uq cluimx und�kmm��lti.�ubjccl io uny einunihruncc,nf rr�•urd. <br /> - �. . TH13 SR.CURlTY INS7RUMEN7' c�►mbM4� uniforn� .�ovcnum++ tor nuUunnl uµ und non•unili�nn ���wcnnnt� with <br /> , �'''°'"`i•:' .�k', "•. :imited varfptiuns b u�isJictinn tn n,n.tilute n unil'nrni�c�•urJty in��rument covcrin�e roul pnqx�rly. . -_ — - <br /> ���<���� ����� ' UNIFONM COVENANTS. Bnnowcr a�td Lendcr cuvcnum und ugnc uti foll�►wR: � <br /> - ;:,�.���:��'... - � <br /> .�..,ti,,,i,.,,,, 5 .,,, 1. Paymenl of Principal Aad Interext;PreppymeM and l.ale l'hwrReA. Horruwcr+hull pmmplly pny when duo thc <br /> • ;�,'rt�; ; ,. � principul af und in�crest on thc delx evidenced by�ho Nate und uny pn�puymen�und Icne churgc�duc under the Nute. �� <br /> � �• 2. M�undx for'Ibxex nnd InsurAncp Subject u�upplicuble law or to u wrl��en wuivcr by l.endcr,R��rn►wer xhall puy lo <br />�,-�`� 1=:� '•4;-,�;..� I Lender on the duy man�hly poymems ure due under the Nute.until thc No�e i�pufd in full, :��um I"�unJ�i'►ti�r.(a1 yQUrly <br /> ' ' ..'� tnaes nnd us.rexcments which muy uttAin priority over thiw Secudty Inxlrumenl u�u Han on Ihc I'mpeny:lhl y��+rly Ieuschold � - - <br />}`-: � •�" I pnyments or gmund rems on thc Propehy, if uny; (c) yeurly haxard or pro�ny inr�uruncc premiums; Id) yc��rly fl�xid �,______ <br /> Q <br />�;', ,'.;,���o�r:.-� . ,� insurance premiums,ii any: lel yearly mortgage insuronce prcmiumx, if uny; und ifl any sums pAyuble by Bormwer lo Y <br /> � • Lende�, in Accordance with the pravisions of pnrngruph lieu uf Ihc puyincnl uf�uc�rtgagc In�.urance prcmiums. These � ,_ --- <br /> •'� ` -� • items are cAlled"Escmw Items." Lender may.ut,�ny time.collect und huld Fundn in an nm�unt nut Io exceed tiie mazimum �•'" <br /> -•<'.:�. .: ���.�;-°- <br /> ; ?�. � �} ;.. . amaunt a lender for a federnlly reluted mortgage loan mc+y require for Borrowe�!c escrow uccoum under the federal Real <br /> ' . Estate Settlement Procedure+Act of 1974 as amended from�ime�u time, 12 U.S.C.�2b111 e�seq.("RESPA"),unlegs nnMher <br /> ��;. ' .��� �•�'� law that opplies to ihe Funds�ets A les��amount. If so,Lende�muy,ut uny t ime,collcct nnd h�ld Fundn in an amourn na to !`��- <br />'�''a� - ,:' � exceed the lesser amount. l.eoder may es�imate �he wnaum of Funds due on �he baslx of cument du�u and reasonable — <br />,-�� . , <br />�, ,, � . estimutes of expendi�ures of fwure Escraw Items or otherwise in accordunce wflh upplicuble luw. `- — <br />�. .,� - :',r',' �' � I The Funds shall be held in an iostitution whose deposits ore insured by n federui ngency, ins�rumem:►lity. ��r entiry ��•'• <br /> �� �� • -.��"7�A�r; (including Lender,if Lender is such an instiwtian)or in any Feder�l Home l.oan Bunk. Lender shull upply�he FunQs to pny w _ <br /> •' � "^':�'''� � the Escrow l�ems. l.ender may not �fiurge Borcower for holdinF and applying thc Fundx, annuully unuly�ing the escrnw �-- <br /> ' `',"'^�y��''r'• ' nccount,or verif in the Esaow hen�s, unlesx Lender pay+ Borrower interest on �he Fundz und applicable luw permits _`—�_��:"�` <br />;°:;� .� t,,: , Y B <br /> � � •� :.''4%>;�'� ' Lender�o make such a chnrge. However,Lender mAy require BoROwer to puy u one-time churge for an independent reul �,�t��;:�;. <br /> ,r , �:?::� s <br />;�,�r , 'r.:�1, � � estale lax reponing service u�ed by Lender in connection wiih this loun,unless upplicuble luw provides othenvistie. Unless un •�;�e,�;� - <br /> , ��1 :.� � �..� <br />�;�,•,„ �.�,��;r;•.���i f,k .- , ; agreement ia made or upplicable luw requires interest to bc paid,l.ender xhall not bc n:yuircd ta pay Borrowcr uny incerest or �::.�c'u.:=�_:• <br /> �� •. ��?�'� , �{;;�t�� � I eamings on t h e Fun ds. Borrowcr and Lender mu y a g�+ee in writin g,however,thut intcrest shnll b�puid on the Fundti. Lendcr �F,r _,-� <br /> rs����i�E �•t,!�f i� � shall give to Batrower,without unnuul accounting of the Fundx,showing rredits And debits to�he Fundx und�he *-•��� ��+-— <br /> .�.'1.�:,� ,•� .,(�,,,i'd.�;`�:;,�;`,�.., . ��_:_� <br /> •.;';;;;1 ��y�s7ti+;1��f�c..�.p, ,;�., , purpose for which euch debit to Ihe Funds wus mude. Tt�e Funds nre pledged us additional s�urity for ull sums secured by __.___ <br /> � ? �;.�,,n�,;fS'1�;;,"� , �,.-T,�-- ,_ <br /> ,, y�, ,` , ,,, ,,,, 1. �hia Security Instrument. _��� <br /> � ;,,� �,, � � ! a;s ' !f the Funds held by Ltnde[e±scrr�i Ihe nmounts �ennitted to be held by apolicablc luw, l.ender tihull uccaunt to � <br /> '�� ir., , ,�,;,.,�,t,;.�,i��',;;;a,..�.�.��), • Borrower for the excess FUnd3 in accordunce with the�eyuirements of upplicable 1•rw. Ii the umaunt of�ho Fundh Neld by � <br /> �� 15i 1� / ' .(1��..�.� <br /> ,;.t:',',;� i l.cnder ut any time is not sufGcient to pay�hc Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bnrmwcr in writins,anJ. in <br /> '�'��''�:: such case Borrower shull puy to Lender the amount necesswy to make up the deficiency. sorrower shall make up tlxe �____.' <br /> '' ��"'; '" ' deficirncy in no more thun twelve monthly puymentx,ut I�endcr s sole dincrction. <br /> , ' Upon payment i�full of nll sums xecured by this Security Inxltument,Lender�:hull promptly t+efund to Barrower uny �=�� <br /> Funds held by Lendcr. If,undcr parograph 21.Lcndcr shvll acyuirc or xell tho P►vpc�rty,Landcr. prior to thc ix�yuisi�ion or •�"'�,'"�" �. i <br /> ' " sale of the Property.shall c+pply uny Funds held by L.ender nt Ihe time of ucyuisition or zule us o crcdit uguinst �he sumx _ �` __� <br /> � secured by this Securiry Instrument. - � <br /> 3. Application of Pa�men�4. Unle.. upplKUble luw provideti atherwisc, ull puymems reccivcd by Lcnde� under <br /> uru ru s I und 2�chAll he lied: firsl,to un rc v mem rhar���duc undcr�he Note;+ewnd,�o umuunts payablc uncler �'YT:T=� .' <br /> ._, ,,..... P � ph' uPP Y P p Y 6'�' ��..�_ <br /> � psuugraph 2;�hird,to intcrest due;fourth,to principal duc; and lu+t,to uny lute churgeti due under the Note. _�=-- <br /> J ' � �• 4. ChArges; Liena. Borrowcr shull naY nll tuxex,u�xc.,menu,rhargcs, fineti und impcnition+ uttribu�ublr to thr �,�,�_„_ <br /> � property which muy unuin priority ovcr thic Securiiy Im�rument.und IeuxcholJ puymcnts or ground rent�,if any. Bormwcr =__- <br /> �• sholl pay these obligutions in the manner provided in parugruph 2,or it'not puid in thut manner,Borrowcr shull pay them on �,,;-�_� <br /> time direcQy to the person owed paymenl. Borrower,hull promplly fumish to Lender ull n��tices�if amaunts k�be paid under �� <br /> this purugraph. If Bormwer makes thesc paymenlx direcUy, Borrower shall prompNy fumish lo I.enckr reccip�s evidencing �w° 'T-�- <br /> . u � , <br /> .. ., �he payments. °.'�:x _ <br /> ' • . ,,. Borrower shull prompNy dischnrge any lien which hns prionty uvcr�hix Scrurily In�trument unless Borrc►wer:(ul ugrees : _y <br /> '��„ -�.�• in writing to�hc paymenl ot'�he ohligution sccureJ by thc lien in a munnrr urccptablc to Lendrr,lbl comcslz in ga�d faith the �• 1 .` �� <br />''`� � ;��:+'� lien by,o�defends aguinx�enforccment of thc licn in. IeEul priw�eding.whirh in thc Lender�opinion operate lo prevent�hr <br /> ,,.� <br /> • ' •'?�}'�•;� enforcemenl of the Uen;or(c)secureti 1'rom Ihe holdrrnf thr lien un ogrermcnt,utisfurtory ta l.ender subordinating Ihe licn �.-=.•d:°. <br /> - ���%j:;:"��" to this Security Instrumenl. If I..ender determinrs thut uny pan uf�he Property i.subjrct to u Ifen which muy attuin priority �`-�'�: <br /> ' � • over this Securiry Instrument,l.endcr may givc Borrowcr u nn�icr idrntiiyinF ihe lirn. Bor�rower shall satixfy the licn or�ake �•�: <br /> ''x'i�^`i:%si==..�. <br /> " one or morc of thc actionx sct fanh ubovc within Ill days��f�hc giving of mxirr. .,rr�:', <br /> � � 5. Hazard or PrapeMy Insurence. Borrowcr shull kecp thr improvemcros now exiwtin�t��n c�rcutler erectcd on thc .• ,:•,;.,;:, <br /> � •���"�� Property insured againtil losti hy firc,ha�urdx inrludcd within thc Icrm"rxtrndcd ri�vcrage"und uny uthrr har.cud.,including ••`��._'i• <br /> � t�,;�,,;� fl�wds cx fla►ding. for wh�ch Lender requires inwran�r. This in.uruncr .hall be maintuinecl in �he amaunts and far the <br /> ( <br /> � ' Forml9L1 9/90 �/H�xe:.�/n��Yesl <br /> E. . <br />' � � �. . <br /> ; <br /> . . � . <br />� �_. . _ <br /> . <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> � �• � _ _ _ _ - <br />