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. ��� FS?'�1�i I .*1+I�Rf�r++.-. �� - � -__---__.. <br /> - Iall'�M�SY�ir. <br /> . .. .i.._�;'+, ���. . .___ _- <br /> �-._,� .. ;�,:.�,. � 92_ �o�-��'o - W- - <br /> -����.�:;��;�,=��=•_���v� <br /> _��r<r� 17, T�ucter of d�e�a'o B�e�C�allMere�t In Borrowcr.if all or any�wrt oP�hc Pmpedy or�ny interest in it <br /> � -�'-�'` is eold or t�ansfemed(ar if A benc ci�l intcrc�t in Bc►rcowcr is�Id ar�ronsfcn.xl anJ&�rrawcr ix ni►t a nwursd person)withaut <br /> _ _�_-����r��,,� <br /> ,,•,��,���-_., Lender's prior wrilten rnnsent. l.cndcr may, ut itx op�iun, rcy uiru immaliatc �wymcnt in full ��i ull tium� �cxutal by Ihis <br /> �„� Security lawtumcnt.Hawever. Itii�option s�iwll nat bc cxcrciaxl by Lcodcr if cxcrcirc i�prohibit�l hy fakrul luw tw of thc data <br /> --�,,-.,.��-rs�=,,'` of thls Secu�ity Ins�rumrnt. <br /> �zc.: � If t.encicr czercises thiy optlon. Lcndcr�11�ivc Borrowcr noticc��f u���cicrntion.Thc noticc�hutl proviJc a perfad of nai <br /> '�`� � tess than 30 days from the date the notice is delrvcrcd or mailal within which B��R��wer must pvy all �ums r,ccurod by �hio <br /> • • �''�'"::>�.;' Sccurity lnstn�ment. If Banc►wcr faiis to pay thc�:sums prior t��fir cxpiration uf�his pern�l. l.�:ndcr�rury invu4c any rcmalirx <br /> � permittad by this Sccurity Instniment withaut funher nc�tice or demund on&�nuwcr. F � c <br /> ' ..+....,1..�,'+•_..:'.:�... ; IB. Borrower's lZiR6t to Rdnstale. If 8orn�wcr mccts c.:nain ronJitiunx, &�rn�wcr shsJl havc thc t1gh1 to havc <br /> + `'iti�"�7 •. • enfoncearent oi thi�5ecurity Inslrumcnt discantinucd�t uny time prior ta thc carlicr af: lul 5 dnyK I�r xuch c�thrr periuii rw = <br /> - c •, '� ' applicable law may specify Por reinswtemcnt) bcfare rale of the Property purs�wnt �o any powcr oF wlc conuuned in thi� <br /> ` ' `•� � Security Instrument;or Ib)entry of a judgment eniareing this Securily Instrument.Those comlitinn.g aro that&�rmwer: (a)pays <br /> -c��r����` � Lender all sums which Ihen would be duc under this Security Instrument und Ihe Note av if no ucceleration hsd accurnod;(b) <br /> '�'�".`��'��:*__� `� curcs ony default of uny other covenancs or ngrocments; (c) pnys �ll expenses incumed in enfarcing this Securlty Inctrument, <br />_ ��i�������, :t ineluding,but noc limited to, rp.conuble attomeys' fees;und(d)take�such n�:tion as L.encler muy rca+onably rcqui�to usaure <br /> __ -r-�--�-��x�: that thc lien ai this S�xurfty Instrument, l.endcr's rights in the Properiy and Bomuwer's obligation to pay th�sums sccured by ` . 4i_ <br /> - � ��,.,��• ' this Socudty Instrument shall continue uncbanged. Upon rein4tatement by Bormwer, �hic Serunty In�rument iu�d the <br /> _�.���F=�. " �'��t'� . �° obligations secured hereby shnll rcm�in fully effective as if no�cceleration had occumxl. However,this right to rcinstsue siwll _ <br /> =_.�'--: <br /> .�`=°"_,.�:�-- �,.��„ not tipply in thc case oi a�.Y�clei:itiuu undcr paragraph 17. -- - �-- <br /> `� 19. Sale ot NWe; Clwt�e ot l.o�t Serv(cer. Thc Natc or a parliul intcrcst in the Note (together with thib Soruriry ���._-- <br />--��.•' ."' • '����� � Instrument)m�y be sald one or morc times without prfor notice to Qormwer. A sule may result in a change in the entity(known ___ <br />---�;y�,�,;�,,�;� as Ihe'[.oan Servicer')that collects manthly puyments due under the Nate and this Secu�ty Instrument.Thero nlw may be one �:-,,,a,___ <br /> ...,� ''''� or more chonges of the L.oan Servicer unrelated to a snle of the Note.lf there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be �_ <br /> �'. � " ��-�'j`=� '•�•- $iven written nntice of the chnnge in accordance wilh parngrnph 14 above and s�pplicable luw.The notice will stotv�he name ud <br /> -_ ;'-;iJr7�i;L __--. <br />- ��;t:'• �' ' .;, . � • eddress of the new Loan Servi�xr and the address to which puyments xhould be made. The notice will ulso rnntt+in any other �=� <br /> �'' .:�`::<��,��� infotmation required by applicablc law. � <br /> � ' -� ' �'�'-:� 20. HazaMous Substances. &►rmwcr shall not cAUSC or permil the prescnce, usc, disposal, storage, or af any <br /> " '.�:�,:;:. �:_..__ <br />_ `�' Hazardous Substances on or i� the Property. Borrowcr shall nw da, nor allow anyone clse to do. anything nffccting the ��„�„r:- <br />- , � ��y�"�� ... •'`- ' �� property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shull not apply to lhc presence. use, or �_—_-- <br />_ • storage on the Property of small quantitics af H:ua�dous Substances thu�arc gcncrally r�cognizcd to be apprnpriatc to nornwl �-. <br /> , _, . " �sidentitil uses und to maintenancc af thc Praperty. {=�` <br /> ° •:�� � �"�"c''�;r;�+ <br /> •. ��'�� Borrower shull promptly give Lender wrinen notice of nny investigation, clairn.demand, lawsui� or other�ctian by any <br />� - � ��:�3���;,' - governmcntal or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hsu.urdous Suhs�unce nr Environmentel Law <br /> ,..�: �.� - <br /> - of which Borrowcr has actual knowled�e. If Borrower Icurns, or is notificd by any govcrnmcntal or rcgulutory uuthority, that <br /> � �';;�• .< <. • w any rcmoval or uther remediation of any Ha�rdous Substance nffecting thc Propeny ix nccescary.Bormwcr shall promptly wke �— <br /> .;,�.�, � - "� all necessuy remedixl actions in accordance with Enviranmenwl Law. <br /> � '•' _-�� As used in thiA�,aragraph 20. 'Harardous Subswnccs" arc thosc suhrtancrs deflnal tu;toxic or hozurdous substances by �� <br /> ��'•+��- ' Environrnental and the following substancec: gasolinc, kcrosene, othcr flammnble ar laxic petrolcum Qraducts, tnRic - ��ti +t' <br /> r �i <br /> ��''��� pesticides und hcr6icidcx,volutilc solvenls,nwtcrials c�rn�uining uxhcstos or fomwldehyJc,and radioactivc matenuls.As ur.�4 in • <br /> • '"!� this puagrapb 20, "Environmcmal Law" mcan4 f0dca'al laws and luwx of thc jurisdiction where the Propeny is lacatal �hat - <br /> ' . „ '� relue ta health,r.afety or environmentstl protection. ______ <br /> ,,,,,;.,�.,. , .:•1. ,. �• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. &►rrowe.�and l.tncizr further covennnt and agrce us follows: _ <br /> 'i',.. ' . 21. Acceleration;Remedies. l.ender shell glve notice to�rco���er prior lo aoceleratian folbwing Borrnwer's bre�ch - <br /> "�-` ' ' ot An�• coven�t or ag�tement in thls Security lnstrumer�t�(but�not prior to acccleration underpa r�raph 17 unless �'=�- <br /> • • '� � ° . appUcabk law pro�-Idce otherwise).The nutice slwll Kpecifyr� (ul the defaulh lb)Ihe action required to cure the default; ��'��: <br /> � � •• ' (c)v date,not lesv tlwn�r0'da}•s frum the date the notirn Ls given to Bmrower, by whlch!he defaull must be cured;und ,�:,;�,;;;�,�;� <br /> ' � ' � (d)that fpilure to cure t6e deqault on or before the dale specii'icd�n the noticc mpy result in s�cmlcration of thc sums •,..,,,,,, , ___.- <br /> ���;��; ' ° secured by this Seeurity instrument and sale oP the Prnperty. The notice shall fbrther inform Bo�tnwer oi thc r(Rht to �•� �_ <br />_ - relnstate after�cceleralfon and the riqht to brins o court �ction lo �csert the non-existence of a def�ult or any other ?:,;,;;�°,�;-� <br /> � " detense ot Borrower to AccelerAtlun and salr. If the default is nM cured on or before the d�te specitled in the notice. "=fr�r.►r�: <br /> _ I,ender. �t Its opNon.mAy requlre immediate payment in 1'ull nP All sums sccund by thts Securfty Instrument withoW �'��F-� <br />� �� [urt6er dan�nd and may invoke thc powe�nf sale and any uther remedi�permitted by �pplicable lew.l.ender shall be ' <br /> � � entitled to rnllect all expet�Incurred in pwsuing the remedies.provided in Ihis p�rograph 2I�Including�bul not limited �-y-�•---� <br />-',��� " •• i to,reaconable atlorneys'iees and cosls of title evidence. =�-�`_{_° - <br /> • , ' It the power of wle is invoked.Trustee sh�ll record a natice of defAUlt in each rnunty in which Any �wrt of the ���_ <br /> . � . . ' propaty Is located and slwll mail copl�of such notice in the ms�nncr pnwcribed by applicable law to Borrower and to _ _ <br /> ,; • ��;�Y:� t6e otlier persons prc�crfbed by Applicable I�w.After the time reyuired b�•�pplicabte luw.Tnutee shpll�ive public notice � ___ .__ <br /> � � of sole to Ihe persoac and in the mAnner presc�ibed b�•upplicable I�w.7'rustee, without demand on lbrrowcr. shall sell ��—- <br /> " . � , the Property pt public auction to the hlRhest bldder at the time und place and under the term.r dasiRn�ted in the notice of �.'�r�--" <br /> � �,'..,t;`, � sale in one or more parcels and in yny order Tructec detcrminr.�.Trucice ma�• pihlp►nc wle uP all or Any psircel of tMe :� ,,' �.. ._ <br /> Property by public�nnouncement �1 the time und pls�ce of an�• prcvi��u+l�� ,cheduled wle. I.endrr or its desi�nee may <br /> � .. � ` purcluse the Property al any sale. i;,f,,. <br /> � `•1 .. � •. � . <br /> ! <br /> , F01111$�Z8 sl$� ! <br />, � Papc b ol 8 . • <br /> . . ! <br /> � � <br /> r <br /> 1. <br /> . � .� <br /> ' „ � <br /> - � � _ _ _ __ . ' ___ <br />