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<br /> �`�"..�"'3'�:�._ , ccpy showfng the insure�nce to be in full foraa end a£�eaL• at all timos during __
<br /> r.�� the tarm oP thio De�a of Trust.
<br /> _". Q 1 ir`F9f� 4.,
<br /> '����-� ��- 4. ACTIONS AFFLCTING TRUBT ESTAT�. Truetor sha�l �p ar in and contoat
<br /> �� y,.,,,�,..,,, , areof or the
<br /> , any action r procea ng pu ng o a faat th� sacuri�.Y
<br /> �n,,• � •.�_ .-.�•.. rights or powers of Benaf icisry or Trustee and shall pay a�1 coets and
<br /> .: '• expensos, including coet of evidenae of ti�le and a�tornaY's faes. in any euch
<br /> " ;;K„_ . ac�ion or prxeeding in which Beneficiary or Truetea m,ay a��aear. should
<br /> - �_ �:-•n�;.:;,r,: � Trustor fa31 to mako any paymsnt or to do any aat aR end in the manner � .___ s.�.,,,,,
<br /> '=�":,"f. - �' s , provided in any of the Loar► Instrwnents, eeneficiary andfor Trustee, each in —
<br /> � ��� 3ts own diacretion, without obllgation. maY malce cr do tne same in such mannQr
<br /> �•
<br /> �' `''�:�'�� ""^ and to such ex�ent ae either may deem neceasary to pratect the security
<br /> °— � �:�•=� ��°�'"•h�. " hereof. Trustor shall, i.mnediately upon demand thare�on by Beneficiary, pay -
<br /> _' _:�`�_..��Y�. all costs and expensee incurred by Benefin�alxY in conn�ation with the exercise
<br /> -_ — ,�� � . by Benefiaiary of the foregoinq righte, uding, w�� uut limitakion, costs
<br /> „ „�v • of evidence of title, court costs, appraisels, survoye and attorney's fees.
<br /> �` r Any such coste and exp enses not paid within ten (1Q) days of written demand �_.
<br /> ;:_�__:�,;�;i_iy�:. shall c]raw interest a� the degault rate provided in tha Nate.
<br /> �ji�" -� "" - . 5, g,MINENT DOMAIN. 9hould the Trust Estate, uz: ar�q part thereaf ar ° < -
<br /> � � � " ' interest ere n, e en or damaged by reasan of en� public impr�vement or
<br /> ,:;$� . .. ; �' condemnation �roceeding or in eny other manner inalu�ing deed in lieu of f�%+<s�
<br /> _�,� � � _ �`. Condemnation "C on demn$�ion"), or should Trustor reaeive any notice or other C�:��"„
<br /> •;s.;�•
<br /> 1- - :. 'z,w. inforntation regarding suah proaeeding Trustor shall g.�ve prompt written
<br /> ~�° °� notice thereof to Heneficiery. Bo�ef�aiary shall be entitled to all _
<br /> - ���"' compensation and condemnatian awtirds and other peynran�s or relief therefor ---- �_
<br /> r
<br /> -'•..� • � and shall be entitled to make any compromi.se or aettlemen t i n c o n n e c t i o n w�th ,. �
<br /> such taking or damage. Al1 euah compensatian and aondemnation, awards ���=
<br /> ' datna e s, r ig h t e of action a�d procee7s awarded to Trnetor (the "Proceede") are �,^.
<br /> -- ,,- n' � assignments ofdthe Proaeads as�Hene�ic3aryrorgTruetee may�require further = --
<br /> - ��� . ! �...:.o:a
<br /> � " � 6. APPOINTMENT �F 3UCCE330R TRUSTEE. 8enefiaiary may, from time to �;�:'����-,�---_
<br /> ' „ ,� • „ .. ,; time, by a wr en ne rumen execu e an acknpwledged by Beneficiary, mailed p��-n�_.
<br /> • � to Trustor and recorded 3n the County in which. the Trust Estate is located and �,;���,
<br /> ' by otherwise compl ing w�lth the pravisians of tha applicable law of the state �__,�_ _ _
<br /> . . of Nebraska substi�ute a successor or succesaora to the Truetee named herein
<br /> . or act ing hereunder.
<br /> 7, 3UCCE880R8 AND ASSIGNS. This Deed of Truet applies to, inures to �� :. r
<br /> � - the banefit ot an in e a par iCa hareto, their heirs, lac�sstess @evis�s, ' ''- -- ---
<br /> �."'� �' personal re reaentatives, successors and assigna. The term Benef�ciary° .���—''
<br /> '� • shall mean �he owner and holder of the Nate, whether or not named ae —�--
<br />_ Beneficiary herein. �
<br /> � 8. IN9PECTIONa. Beneficiary, or its agenta, representativea or ���- -
<br /> workmen, are au � r aed to enter at enZ� reeAOnable time upon or in any part of ��"'�=:-�.i1,^=
<br /> ° the Trust Estate for the puz�ooae of ina�eating the same and for the purpose of � '`�1""�
<br /> i •> • ' performing any of the aats i� is au�harxaed to perform under the terms of any �-
<br /> ' . ., of the Loan Instruments. ���
<br /> � 9. EVENT3 OF DEFAULT. Any of tha following events ehall be deemed an ?`'�'�*` �-
<br /> • ' event of de au ereun erc "��
<br /> , ����.
<br /> � " (a) Truator shall hava failed ta make payment of any installment of �''I '"'. ::"."':_�
<br /> ' � _ ' interest, principal, or prinaipaJ. and intereat or any other eum secured hereby �;� ���-�,-�_',._
<br /> " when dua; or, � ' � .
<br /> (b) There has occurred a breach or default under any term covenant, � :••
<br /> � agreement, condition, provision, repreaentation, or warranty con�ained in any f � �{�,J��,.�.v..
<br /> of the Loan Instruments. �''�
<br /> :A.. 4 _
<br /> . default oacur ene c ary may ec are a n e e ness secured hereby.to be �
<br /> due and payab�e, and the same shall thereupon become due and payable without ' �- '"
<br /> r�- ?:•-��
<br /> ' ., any presentment, demand, protest, or notice of any kind. Thereafter the �.�,•�._
<br /> Benef iciary may: k.." `.
<br /> . •;?""�,„'_
<br /> '': ' ' ...
<br /> (a) Either in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action • .
<br /> ,��: I .; or proceeding or by a receiver appointed by a Court and without regard to the ,
<br /> � �� adequacy of 3�s security enter upon and take possession of the Trust Estate, i
<br /> �' • or any part thereof, in �.ts own name or in the name of Trustee, and do any
<br /> � , acts which it deems neceseary or desirable to preserve the value,
<br /> marketebility or rentability of the Trust Estate, or part thereof or interest
<br /> therein, increase the income therefrom or protect the security hereof, and • .
<br /> � with or without taking possession of the Trust Eetate sue for or otherwise
<br /> collect the rents, issues and profits thereof, incLud�ng those past due and �
<br /> � �`� unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and . .
<br /> ' •�•�'�• - collection, including attorney's fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby,
<br /> all in such order es Beneficiary may determine. The entering upon and taking
<br /> " possession of the Trust Estate, the collection of such rents, issues and ,
<br /> profits and the application thereof a� aforesaid shall not cure or weive any
<br /> default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done in response
<br /> , � � to such default or pursuant to such notice of default and, notwichstanding thc�
<br /> continuance in possession of the Trust Estate or the collection, receipt and
<br /> _„_..�:,... ..F .-e..r-d ;�R„aQ �r nrnf i r a_ Trustee or Benef ic iarv shel l be
<br /> �� en�itled+to exercise�every right`provided for in any of thQ Loan Instruments
<br /> or by law upon occurrence of any event of default, including the right to
<br /> exercise the power of sale;
<br /> f (b) Cortanenae an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage,
<br /> appoint a receiver, or specificully enforce any of the covenants hereof;
<br /> (c) Deliver to Trustee a wrStten deciaration oi 11HldULI. d���S �iruiand :or
<br /> sale, and a written notice of default and election to cause Trustor's interest
<br /> in the Trusr Estate to be sold, which notice TrueCee shall cause to be duly
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> . . ; �
<br /> I _ -
<br />