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<br /> . a�'�Fi=`
<br /> i)Elpi or aa�ttt of the Pro rty.or a bene9icial intemst in u trust owning all or part of thc Psoperty, is sold �=���+'
<br /> ` ( P � �r►-.:
<br /> ,�.,,.
<br /> ,; or ati�etivrisc transferned iaiher than by devise er deccentl,snd �
<br /> ,�-�; (ii)The P�ugerry is ttot occupied by the�umiu7.ser or grnncee as his or het principal cesidemx, or the
<br /> 4"� �SUn:haser or gruntee does so attv(�y the Prog�aty but his or her credit has aot been approvFd in �,;.
<br /> �rconiance�vith tne requirem�nts ef the 9�:retary-
<br /> (e)lVo 9dnSver. If cin-umstznces occur that would perm'rt Lend�r to reqedre immediate p�yment in fWl, but �
<br /> �` ��
<br /> ➢.ettder daes«at roquire sucb payments.Lender daes nat n�zive its rights�vith res�ct t�subsequent events. ��-K,:
<br /> ' fd)Re�ulattons of S�IUD Ses�tary. In many circumstunces regulatians issued by the Secretary weil iimit —,�-�..
<br /> Lendir's rights,in the ps�e of payment defaults,to require immediate payment in fup and foreciose if not 11��:':
<br /> p;sid.Tt�is Security InstrutrtQnt daa aot auihorize accelera�on or for�eclosure if not permitted by re�;ulatians ;�h:-`
<br /> �._.�.:
<br /> of the 3ecxetary. _��_�
<br /> � (e)6iartgage Piot I�md.Eorrotiver agrees that if ttiis Securicy Instnum:t►t and the Note are uoi deiertninEd �.
<br /> � to be eiigible for insurance under the Nationa! Hausing Act within 60 days fmm the date her2of. Lendcs �
<br /> taay. at�its aption. require irnmediate payment in full of a!1 sums secwed by this Sec�rity Instcumem. A �=,=
<br /> w-riuen statement of any authoriz�agent otthe Secretary datad subsec�u�nt to 60 days ftom tha dsrta hereaf: __.._
<br />' decli�ing to insure this Sc�curity Id�trummit and ths Nate, shall be deemect eonclusive pmaf 'of.sucb. . ��-_
<br /> ir�eli�i6ility. t�otwitQ�sumding the foregoiag. Wis aptitm may not be exetcised by Lender whG� Qha �,
<br /> � , urravaiiability of insuranc��£soiety due to Lender s fm'Iun:to�mit a mortgage ii�.,urance premium to thtt" �:,.
<br /> '<;:�� ��TY' —
<br /> �.., ''- Y0. R�tu4atement. Eornawer ims a cight to be minstated if Lendtr hn, rec�ired immediate paymerct in full � ;`
<br /> becausc of Borrower's fuilure to p�.y an�enount dt�e under the Note or this 3�cauity Irutraietent.'I�is rig6z applies ���'�'
<br /> 1t:tr:4s•
<br /> . even after farectosvm pmceedin�trre insdtuted. To reitnsrate ttie Security iti€liumenx, Btmower shn11 tender in a �'`-"°`
<br /> `x���• � lump sum�11 amounts required to bridg Eorro�ver'�account current indudln�, to the eutattf:theyr are obligavons of ���'''`J
<br /> '""�'� Borrouer under this Securiry J�uamcnt..fosectasure cosu aad reasonable ared cvscomary rstt�meys'fees and expenses �
<br /> :�".'.',.� property associated wiil�.the fareclnsui�e pmceedin$.U�n reinstatement by Buaower.this Secprirl Instcument and ° '"-��`
<br /> .°w u
<br /> � the obfigations thut it srxures shsill remain in,nUecz as if Lender had aot required immediaie �ayrir�M:.in fu11. �v��
<br /> Tiawever. iender is nat required to �rsemdt rr�1�s3�tement if: (i) L.ender has accepted r2instatemerif�.:s�ter the �"�
<br /> - eommencement of foreclosure pmce�d{ti�s�vid�i►��t.�y�x years imtinediately preceding ttte commenoe�ent of a cumeat �
<br /> forec@osure praceedin�. (ii) raimtut�u�t will prr�t�tde forecltrsure on different �rounds in the fumre...or (iii) � �
<br /> -'- reinstatement�vil)•ast��.P�ol��nffect tbe priority of 11tts Iten created by this Security Instnment. ��,_�::.
<br /> , 1I. Borro�rar'hirk 1��sed: e�or6ear�tnce�ti�,�•IIxnder Not a Wuivtr..�ntension of tAe ame af paymxnt or :ii;:.ti�...
<br /> ° � mnstifcation of amarti�tiri�i of the sams.secured fiy this Securiry Iastrumeni��anted hy Leasd2r to any sucoessor in �-._-
<br /> ; intm�t,�f Borrowe�shall nat�opemt�.tp.retease the liability of:rlie origina! �o:rower or.Borrower's succsssor in,
<br /> intcri���L•�nder sh�ll�not be mqulr�t.on.cumin��proceedings againss any succ�ssor iu�iMtmut or refiis�ta eatend� __-
<br /> ; time for paymenl.�1'�trtliChvise mudify amortixtli�t�iit_nf the sums secured by this Security Ins.uument by t�a-�an of anY �:-_
<br /> demand made by tb��an�inal Borrower or Bomr:�i�:'�.�uccessors in intenst.Any forbearance by Len�9ur•iti c�crrising ���'��
<br /> any ri$ht or remedy snall not be a waiver of or pr�s:iiu�e thc exercise of any right or remedy. �`'_..: ' , _—
<br /> � �2.Stt�sso�s and Asdgps Bound;Joint stnd Severat Liab�I?y;Co-Sigaeis.The rnvenants�c,�rsements :
<br /> of this.Security Isistwnent sha11 bind and benefet the saccessors sind assigns of I�ender artd Bonower,sub}e�z to the :,: � `'
<br /> R
<br /> . ±'�r.
<br /> . provisiosis aF parRgraph 9(b)• Borrower's cn�enants and agneements st�al! be jt�9nt and sevetal.Any Botrmryer who
<br /> t�
<br /> casigns this Seciirity���n,trument hut daes aot execute the Note: (ai is co-si�irag tttis Security Ynstrum�i;'onlY ta _`:�`;.
<br /> � >.' mortg,xge.grant and m�tvey that Soaower's interest in the Praperty under tt�i'�1�s of this SecUrity Irrsttnriient:(b) `�;¢;�:
<br /> , is not�nally obliga�e�to pay tl)r�srtis secured by this Sec�rity Instrumeru;�and(e)agrees that Leader�and any =
<br /> � otlser.Bofrower may agree to ext��if,.:m�dify,fncbear or malce�y aecommo�tYens with rc�^Id to the terms of thts _ .__
<br /> ��-
<br /> � Secarity Instrumeni or the A[crto witlnni6U'7at Boarmve�'s Fonsent. . __
<br /> . . ;
<br /> , , � ��.
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