.. _ : . . . . .
<br />,: . �. . �;. . . . .
<br /> - . • . . . .<. _ _ .
<br /> ��°�,���e� �'.
<br /> - r�-�,,_
<br /> 19.Tr��Yep o�tit��n�Ry Q�o Be�+efTc3s�l HaterFS4 in Bm�or:ee.If aIi or any part of the Property or any interest in it �,-�
<br /> is sotd or uansferred(or if n bendficial intcrest in Barmwcr is snld or n�n�fcrn�d and Borrowsr is nat a n�tural person}withouY �"'
<br />• Leader s prior �vrine�, oanssnt. LeEUler m�y. aS its dption. reqaire imsnediate paymer+t in full of af� sums secured by this ��
<br /> - Seruriry In�tr��nt.Howaver,this apriat�shall noi i►s exeecised by Len�r if eacrcise is protu�itai�y fa1e��S la�a�of t�e date
<br /> of this Seruritp[nstnuaent. �-
<br /> . If Lender exeec;ises thi�option, Lende�shali give Borro��er aaticx of aceelcratian.Thc aatice shall provide a geriad of aot ��•
<br /> ' t�;s th3n 3U ds�s from ¢he daic:tke notite is defiven�ar maited �vithin which Borrower mnst pay a�l sums secured by [his �-
<br /> � �� S�svrity Instnun�nt.If Borrow�er.f�ils to pay these s�+rns prior w the expiration af this period. Lender may invoke any remedies ti
<br /> ' pemutted by tPtis Secu�ity lnstrutt�nt without further aotice or demand on Sono��•Pr. ,c
<br /> 18. Botiaower's �fg to R�►stsdte. if Borra�ver �ets certaim m���tions. Barro�cer shap have che right to have �.��
<br />':,'s� enfomerscent�uf this Secvrtty;l�trum�att discondncec!at any tim� priar to the c�vlier of: (a)3 days (or surh other period as "
<br />��'�� hcabte law mra s for reinstatemsnt) before gale of itte Pro e ur�uant to an ower of sale rnniained jn this
<br />:.,..�. app' Y P�9 0 nY p Y P �..:
<br /> �' Security Instn�meni:or(b)eatry of a jud�tt�ent enforcing this Serurity InstrumPnt.Those wrnditions are that Hnrro�ver.(a)pays �.�.
<br /> `�` Lender ali surt�s which t�++wautd be due emdes ahis�rity Insuvm�t a�tiu l�utc�if IIa�celeratian hsd amiRe�l:tb) �°
<br />:�>.::� cures any defa;iit of any other cavenants or ugn.-�ments;(c)pays all expertses incurred in enforeing chis Securiry Insteumeni. ��.-.
<br /> inciuding.but not limzted to.reasonable suomc�rs' fces;and(d)eakes such�°tian as bender may c+�asonabiy requiie to assur�e _
<br /> th.v the tien of this Se�uriry instrument,Leridee's rights in the Prapzrty and Bomnwer's obligadon to pay ttte sums secured by �=:•;
<br /> , thls Securiry instniment shall oontinue unoh�sge�. Upon reinstatement by BorrawEr, civs Security Instniment and the �
<br /> obligations secar�ed hereby sh�ll remain fully effective as�f no acceleratien h�accumed. Howevea,this right to reinstate shall �
<br /> not upply in che case of acoelemtion under paragraph 17. ---�-
<br /> 19. Salp of Note; Ct3ange of Lo� S�toer. The T�tote or a partial interest in the 1�3ote (tugether witb this Serurity �}rr._'
<br /> [nswment)may be sotd one or mane times cvithout prior notice to•Borrotver. A sale may result in a change in the enrity(known
<br /> . as the"Loan Seryicer")that collects monthiy paymeau dae under t�e I�Iote and this Security I�.uument.There also may be ore ��-a.
<br /> � or more changes of the l.o�n Servicer c.^.:elated to a sale of ttts No*,e.If there is a change of th�L�an 5ervicer.Borrot+er wiU be __
<br /> � . given written natioe of the d�nnge in a_000rdtmce�viti�paragraph )4 above and applicahle law.'i'irc notice will state the�same and � •
<br /> �'��'- ` addtess of ttte new Loan Serrioet an�the addtess to which pay�ueats should be made.The uotice will al�o contain any other --
<br /> ,'�� infotmation requimd by a�Hca61e lavv. �
<br />"�'}�,;: 2!!. Ha�rdaae Snb�ances. Bnrrotver stiall not cause os�mrit the pr�ense. use.disposal. storage. or mlease of any �'
<br /> �'•'{!� Hazardous Su�.stances on or in the �rapzrty. Borrower sh3l3.rr.rs do. nor allow anyone etse to do, anything affecdng the �;�;�,
<br />:�;i:�< . I�openy tl�is in violation of any Environmental d.an+. TEus pmceding two sentences sha!!rsoi apply to the presertce.use,ar �,�
<br /> storage on the Peoperty af sma9l quantitics of H�zardous Substxmc�s that are gen�tally recagnized w be appropriate t�nonna! �
<br /> " residential�ses and tm sss��:xaance af the Propc�4}r.
<br />` •° Bor�awer shall pso�tty give Lemier wrinen notice of any imEStigarion.claim. demand.la�rsuit c�r a�er action by aay �
<br /> ,,.;'.•' govemmenial or regulaiory ageccy or private party involving the PropeRy and atry Ha7ardous 5uh4tance or ra�vironmental laxv �-��°
<br />:z,�`�f of whIch Borrower has actual kaowtedge. If Borrower teams,or is notifird by any govemmgrnat or negulatory authority,that ��:,;�
<br />,�::;;�:'� arry retnova9 ar other remediation of uny Harentous Sabstano�e affecting the Pmperty is aeeessary.Borrower shall prompdy tuke �_-
<br /> �__- all neae�sary remedial actions in a000rdunce aith Eavimnmental[aw. �,.�:
<br /> - As u�ed in this patagraph 20. "Harardous Substances"are those su6stan�es defined as touc or hazardous sB6stances by
<br /> `-��'�'�,• �.nviroameatal Law sinc�thc folto�ving substaaces: gasolir.e. ker+osene. other flammabie or toxic peunteum pr�ducts. toxic
<br />--- pesticides an,d @erbicides,volatile soivenis.materials oontaining asbesios or formaldehyde.and radiosctive materials.As used in ,� ��
<br /> = tlus Qamgrt�20. "Eavironmentef Lav+" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicaaa where the Properry is Iacated thai -!�
<br /> relate to izt�tl,tF.;.�'ety or enviconmental protection. '�`'"
<br /> NON-�'�iiFORIt7 COVENANTS.Borro�ver aBd i,ender fard�r covenant and agree as follows: �-
<br /> 21.Accela�ation;ldr�edies.L.ender sbsill gir�r�ot�tv Iivrrawer pria�to aoeet�on fallowin�TB�trrower's bsricb -
<br /> o�•any oovenunt os a�gec�tent in t6ts Secarlty tn�i��t.(but aot pr�ns ea soce[erition anMr p�ap� 17 anies —
<br /> . agp#ic�6ie taw provides oMerwise).T6e notice s6u!!speafj: (a?t�e deTaalt;(�)tL�e actFon requir�ta�tlie defaWt;
<br /> '`"'' (c)e date,not lezs than 30 days from ti�e date the notice is gtv�to R�cmwer,by whicL tRe def�vtt anmt 6e euced;9nd
<br />�4: (�dD tBnt failu�se 4o care the deYuuft on ar before the date specfffe�m the nottc�c ros►y��I3 in arseteration of�e sums
<br />`"�'`;.�.��. seca►�by tttin Secadity Iat�wient and sale of tee Frope�ty. T6e afltioe shaU fartiser tafaut Boranvicer ot t6e rJght to
<br /> .�`��: rcfmdate�,r�r�zZez�ttinm�nd the rlght to bcLRg a coart ssction to ac�es4 the non�existen�e of n da�nit or atry other f*e."'::
<br /> �>�i f�?t',':.
<br /> i$e?a►�e of Borr�er tcn�ror�ler�tfon.and sate. IE We defaWt is aot carPd on ur 6efore the d�te s�:if�ed irt the aouae, �
<br /> �: ' '' �.�nder,at dto o�tIon,�ss3►mNirt 3mm�te paytaeni tn dnEl o?allt s�s secut+ed 6y thts Secmity'Pnstram�t witLoat ..
<br />�' ��. fariher d��and may�nvo�e the p�wer of sale and siny o7i�c�s remedIes permitted 6y rJ{,�i?pble Iaw.Lender s6a116e
<br /> • antittcd tiR�al�s�et a11�xpenses Inc�red in pm�saing t6e reme�lic$g�rvtdsd in this p�nragr.�gfc Zl,including,6trt aot Um{tetH �
<br /> to,re9�soasi"�is attarqeys'fce8 and casts of tlUe evid�ce. --
<br /> ::,.. ," Zt tbe power of•'�:is tnvoked,Tr�tee shait reoosd s n�u�rr of de4'sts;St in exch county in wbIc3�any pwrt�f the :, r,�,
<br /> ., �: Ptopert�y t�loc�te�una�s�tall mail copies oi sucb notice in th�manner�by�ppItcable Inw to Bacsrower and to
<br /> ` the a�6er pe�sans grescrr.'�by appficaWe law.After We time re�al�d by�•r�3kaabie[aw,Tr+rsteP shafl giee pn6lic natke ,•�
<br /> .. `;
<br /> _ ot sale in t�e pe�aas�nd in We rt�r�aer prescribed by applk�Isle law.Trustee,withoai demand an Borrower,shait sell �•a,
<br /> ; .�� � the PrQperty at publk nucttoa ro tl�rt�ighest bfdder at the ttme and place and tmder tde t�i�ms�eslgnafed in the nattce of
<br /> _ ��.;�; sa[e in aae or mar�e parcels and tn�ny order Trastee deRermtnes.Trostee snay postp�vF_+;a:''e of aa or�ny p�reel ot thx �"�. �
<br /> °� Pk�npetty 6ypn bllc�ano�ncrmaa! at the time and p4ace of any prevtausfcj�a."�ediuted c�Y.ent�t es I�desdgnee msi�r
<br /> {��� ��h �rurhstse t6e Propertq�t azry ssile. , ..
<br />;;: .;; ' �:
<br /> . �:`? Form 8028 91�J0 �
<br />•�ti.,.�:.�, FageBme � �..,
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