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<br /> �.� 1 1 V �_. —"'"'_'"__ ..
<br /> ;_:.�b.,--o, �..�..�,� --
<br /> .��`:���;:�.�;.�. . � ADJUSTABLE RATE it1DER gZ- 103�4
<br /> ��yy�yy�,yt� ' U Ywr Treuury leda-Rate Caps)
<br /> _..- _.�..��,; •
<br /> j�f4v:�a��'�
<br /> �;r"� THI9ADJUSTABLBRATE RIDFRI�m�delh{s._�.ZTH d�yof APRIL �-.--_..-----.19�__,
<br /> • •��•�:pu:,k.�,LW.....•-
<br /> .:� uid fs Incarporned Into�nd�hall be deemed�a unend�nd supplemmi�h�Mon�e,Deed of Trua,or SecurUy[ked(ihe•'Securf�y Instrumrni")ot
<br /> ;���;.,,�r,,.,'' ' �•• Ihe�ame d�le 4iveo by th�undenl4ned(the•'Borrower")10�ecure Borrower'�AdJuslable Rue Nae Ithe"Nou"1 ta
<br /> �Sa�:a.,'M�:i��-: �Q ItM"L�ntls►")of�he wnt dn��nd covain��M WaP�ny detcrlbed in tM S�cwitY IoNrumtnl wtcl located n:
<br /> = A� •^��-��-.�+.�';, , .�..
<br /> -��;�'��..+�...... 2907 HANCOCK PLACE, GRAND ISLANQ� NEBRASKA 68803
<br /> ._�.. W�•��� � .-- - - .- -- - - -�-
<br /> -- y„yy;.�•:. ;-�.��,o�- - (Proprrty Addrus) _
<br /> ), .:ht w...•a��
<br /> �.;�`���: -,:.� V TMIs �ae cwtaln provWaa dlowiy /w cY�a IN �y I�tenal nq u�d �y �wl�ty
<br /> ;s;.:v:.eb.:�� .. . p�y�e�u.Tlls�We alw Ilwlu IN�woM�l mY I�Iera1 nu c��cM��{o�I�rf or qwe u�d
<br /> :,::,�...�, ���•.,;`�... �Yo�M�I�aw ad tM��nu 1�W P�f'•
<br /> -—ra�rr�' ,?•.r,;r,;: ..
<br /> �, - - .,
<br /> � ADDITIONAL CUVENANT3. In�ddltlon a the covenanu and a�reamenu m�de in the Seaurity instrument.Borrown ead Leeder
<br /> • . . e•.- as tdlovrf:
<br />-" furtber covan�nt and�rae --
<br /> ,.. .., ,.. .., . .
<br /> .' ' ''i -° —
<br />----".�--�.4��'� A. IN7'ERFSTRA7'BANDMONTHLYPAYMFM('HAN4EJ _'--_— . -
<br /> _ � � • The Note provida for an iniHal interat rote oP G.D �.Section 4 of�he Note provides tor chat�es in thc inurest rate and the °---
<br /> �Ssf��� .
<br />-- �..,: . . monthlY WY�nu��s iallows:
<br />,:� —-. _ . .. ... U) Cla�e Data ---__� .�— -
<br /> - � �'�";"� �interat rate 1 will pay may chanpe on 1he fint day of mRY ,19 93 .pnd on thu day every �
<br /> , ..;.<: 1Z
<br /> .,.. ';��;�4 _ montha theraftar.Each date on which my interat rote could chanQe is called a•'Chnn�e Daa."
<br />,;_, - ,i•,.: R�+h.S�..�,t.d + '. (B) TMe Idex
<br /> �-- . Be�innin�with the first Chanae Date,my interat rato will be bued nn an Index.The"Index"is the wakly averoQe yfeld on United Sta�a
<br /> • �� ` Trwsury secu�iUa adjusted to a constam matudty of 1 ywr,as made available by�he Feder�l Raerve Board.The mmt recent Indea fiQure ��'=--=
<br /> avail�ble as of the dau 43 days befoa each ChanQe Date ia calkd the"Current Index."
<br /> � ' � If the Index i:no lon�er avallable,the Nae Holde�will choose a new Index which i�batsed upon compatabk iniamation.Tho Note r
<br /> �� °. Holder will�ive me notia of this chdce.
<br /> . . (C) Gticrl�lio�o/ClwKes
<br />:� � " TWO AND ONE-HRLF rantaQe ���'�
<br />_ _,. __ __-,�:...__ Before each Chan�e Date,the Note Holder will calculau my new iMerest ratc by addin¢ P�
<br /> poina( z•� �'i)�o the Curtent Index and round�ea to the nearesi ilSih ut i�.,subject ta tfic limits stated!n Sectlon 4(Q�bstew. _—_—_--
<br /> �.r Thia rounded unount wfll be my new Mtereat rate until the next ChanAc Da�e. _ _
<br /> ' Thn Note Holder wfll then determine the amount of the monlhly payment Ihat would be sufficient to repay in full the principal I am
<br /> �' � expected to owe on thut Chan4e Date io substantiAlly equal paymems by the maluri�y date At my new interat rate.The re.+ult oi this calculation _
<br /> . will be thc new amount oi my monthly payment. �
<br /> (D) L{�niu o�Iqterest R�te Cb�n�cs 8.00 9i or Icss Ihan
<br /> , Th�1lue�a� rate 1 am required to pay
<br /> at the first Change Date will not bc grsalcr than �- �-=�-` �k
<br /> 4 0 �ry,Thereattcr,my Mt¢rcst raie will never bc incrcascd or dccreased on uny�ingle Change Da+e by mure Ihan T� �"`�"�',°.'.°',���..,
<br /> . . �•,.. - ' r Z•� itom the rnte of in[erest 1 hove been payfng for�he prcceding twclvc momh..The minimum interesi ra[e on this loan wfll never be ��.--�,_-.`-'__:�'
<br /> • ' las Ihan 4.00 _oI�ond the maaimum Interes�rate wfll never be grea�er thpn _�� •QD n�• �4"-=`: ,,.;
<br /> . (E) EHative Ihle of ClunRa � -_-- F�;
<br /> . •.'i.'.
<br /> • My new inurest ratt will become effec�iveon eac h C hange Da te. 1 w i l l p u y t h e a m o u n t o f m y n e w m o n t h l y p a y m e n t b e�i n n i n a o n�h e f i n t y A�T�_
<br /> 1.r--•
<br /> - ' � _ monthly peymem date at'ter the ChanQe Date untfl lhe amount of my monthly payment chanQes aaein. � __
<br /> �. . F . .
<br /> , � " IFl Notice ot ChrnQee �
<br /> ' .. � The Note Holder wlll mell or deliver to me a no�ice before each Chanee Date.The nafc¢wl ll advise me ol': �,;,__�-_=
<br /> � (i) �he new interest rate on my loon as of the ChanRe Date; — _��,___
<br /> . �ii) the amount of my momhly payment following the Change Date; �,r'���=
<br /> �� (iii) any additionol mauers which the Note Holder is required�o disclase;und �:'';%'�;�_:�-,..�
<br /> • ' � � (iv) the address of the usaciadon you could contact reQnrdlna eny questions about�he adjustment notia. w - � "� -
<br /> �e.-===- ---
<br /> �:i;;��°���
<br /> � Uniform Covmant 4 of the Security Instrumcm is amended to read t+s follows: �` ��, "'`'�`'�
<br /> 4. Chana;l.lero.Borrower shall pay all taxa,assessments,and other charges,fines,and imposi�ions attrfbutable�o the Property which mny �>
<br /> sttaln a priority over thls 5ecurfty Instrument,and leaschold payments of ground rents,if any,In the manner provlded under paragraph 2 hercof E
<br /> • or.ii not paid in such manner,by Borrower making puyment,when duc,directly to the paya Ihereof.Borrower shall promptly furni�h Lender �
<br /> • all notices of amounts due under thfs para8raph,and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly,Barrower shall promptly iurnish to
<br /> f Lender receipts�videncing such payments. Borrower shafl promptly discharge nny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument; ,
<br /> however,8orrower shall not l+e required to dischorge aay such lien co long as Borrower:la)shall agree in writing to the payment of the
<br /> ob8yation secured by such lien in the manner acceptable to l.ender;lb)shall in good ip�th comext such lien by,or defend against enforcement of
<br /> � such lien in,legal proaedings which m the opinion of Lander operare u�prevent the enforcement u(the Ilen or forfeiture of the Property or uny
<br /> part thereof;or(c)shall secure from the holder of such Ilen un ugrcemem in a fnrm sausfyc�ory �o Lender�ubordmating such lien to this
<br /> Security Ir.slrument.
<br /> li Lender determines�h�t aU ur any pan uf the t'rupcnv i+wb�cct to a Uen wh�ch may a�rrin a priority ovcr�h�s Se�ur�ty Instrumcnt,
<br /> Lendet sha0 givc Borrower a ni.uce idenut'ymg+uth hen. HurroNcr+hall,atii(y wch lien or takc one or mure ot Ihe uctions ce�forth abovc
<br /> " ' —"-- -- - • within ten days M Ihe B�Ymg oi tne nouce.
<br /> C. NOTICE
<br /> ' ' Uniform Covrnem 14 of�he Strurny Instrumcnt�s amendeJ lu rruJ u+tolk�wti:
<br /> � 11. Notke.Except fur any nuucr reyuired under apphcable law tn he gi�en m anuther manner,�;i�:iny miucr tu Horrowcr pru�ided Wr m thi,
<br /> Securitg Instrument tihall he giarn by Jeh�ering it ur hy mu�Gng it hy Ur+�cl:��+mad�o Horrouer at�hc Pru�+eny.'1JJrr,+ur rt w.h��ther addre,.
<br /> - - �• ' 1 as klorrower may uesignuie oy nonre u�i ender as pru�wcu nere�n,and IM am nuucr�o Lcnder�hull hr gi�rn h� hn�cla„muil tn I ende�'�
<br /> Iuddretiti NatcJ hcrcw or iu wch.aher.l�ll�l'titi 0ti I cnJrr ma�JctiiKnatr h�na�i�r n,11�,rruwcr a.pro��:Icd hcrc�n.:1m noucc pn,�idrd I��r in�hi.
<br /> Security Ins�.rumem sh•rll hr J�Ym�tl to ha�c hecn R��en w Horrawrr or I cnJcr N hen K��cn m�hc m•rnncr dc��gnatcd hrrcm.
<br /> ��
<br /> �I
<br /> �
<br />