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<br /> If du amnunts held Ixy L�nder fi�r Escraw ltems excced the�mounu permitted to be held by RESPA. Lertder ��
<br /> � shall accaant to 6arr•ouer for the exctiss fun�ds ac cequired by RF�I'A. If the amaunts o�f�nds heEd by Lender at any �_°.'
<br /> . tirtte is rtot safficient to pay td�e Fscrow items when due. Lender may notify the �oaowe�and require Horrotver io ____-
<br /> make up tlte defeciQr.cy as pamiitted�y ItF�PA.
<br /> The Eurou, C�nds are pl¢dscd as a�ditio�al securicg+ for all 5URI5 SCCI1f�C1 by thic Security Instrument. If �:`.'.
<br />�.�. Borrower tende�s to i.enQer the fuil pay�tent of all such sums,Sorru�ver's aceouret shnlR be cn�dite��vith the brcla�r.e �_�_
<br /> ° �� reinaining for:ill instaltmer.t items(ai.(b).ar.d(c)m?d uny rnort�age insur�nce prPmium ins3�Ilment th:t L.erider has o�.c_--
<br /> < rtat become obfigated ro puy to the Secretary. and Lender shall prosnptiy ref�attd any excess fue�ds to Borrowee. _:._-_`.
<br /> '' •' i�mediatefy p�ur tu a foreclosure sate of the Propeny or its�squisition by I�nder, Borrotiver s acooant shali br °�"'
<br /> �. . .—�;..�.
<br /> credite�v+ith uny 6alance remaining far afi installments for itrms(a).(b?,end(c1. �'
<br /> ; 3.Ag�iFca25�u oY Fn�uents.Ali paymctus unde�parsgr'aphs 1 and 2 s6alt be applied by LendeP as follows: �;
<br /> '�e_ ,t�tke mortgage insur�nce pramium to be paid by Lender to the Serretary os to the mauth.ty ch3rge by the ----
<br /> S�sr�tary inste�of the monthty awrs�a;e insurance Pmmiuin: __–.-
<br /> S r�►ncf.to an}+taxes.special�c��*++-�nts.leasehntd Qayments or gound rents.arcd fire.ftood and othei t�aard _^,.-,--
<br /> ',���:. insur�..nee psemiums.as requita�:
<br /> 7'hird,to interess da�tsnder the I�Tote: '���
<br /> ` ,urt .to amarti�ation of the principal of the Nate:ansf ;�;�::
<br /> �'gR�,co lase cAarges dae ander the Note. �°'`'"`
<br /> �..
<br /> � 4.Fire,FTood atW�th�H��I�svr�.San°wer sh�ll insun:all impravements on the Propetty.v+l:ether _�
<br /> now in euisteQCx or subsequently erected.against:uiy ha�s.casuuldes,und contingencies.iacl¢ding fire.for whia� �':
<br /> • Lender requires insurance. litis iaswance shal! be m�'sntaine� in the ar�:ounts and for ttse p:riQds th�t l.ender ���;,,
<br /> .. r�quires_ Barrower shall also insute all improvements on the Propc�ty. whether now in eaistence or sabs�y --
<br /> , �cted.against toss by ftaods to the extem required by the Secretary.A!1 insu�ece shrill be carriad wie6�as�st(?�rssies t��'•t.�_'
<br /> agproved by Lender.The insurance�licieg aad anY certewa�s shall be held by i�nder and sha11'+aclade Los�prtyable �._•:
<br /> clauses in favor of,and in a form 2cce�tabte to.Lender. � ��t�
<br /> cep
<br /> . ;;� In the eveat of foss.Bomnwer shII11 give Lender immediate notice by mttil.d.ender may usalce pmof of tan`�if nai ��'�
<br /> • made m d b Borrower.Fach insurance oompanY con�med ds hemby autha3ized and d9zec�ed to nta�e�t{�Sti�ai -".''=
<br /> P� P Y Y ■�;�:
<br /> ': .r.' for such lor�iiirectly to Le�der,insiead of to 8orrower and to Lender jo3ntIy. All or any part of t��irt�ttaano: �_t?,.�,
<br /> ',;'�. Froceeds may be applied try l.ender.su its option.cither(a)to the rzduciion of the iadebt�mess andta dti�I+�i�te a.nd =:=;,;-;,
<br /> • ttus Sscvriry insuument.first to aay delin,quent amounts applied im the order in ura gh 3,a�d then to .. ;�"-��
<br /> .. • P 8� P�D''�� ...?,,r;
<br /> ��,�����: af prtncipal. �s(b) to ttce r�,*.orarion or repair of the damaged Ptnperty. Any applicc.sttaom of tl:e prooe�ds ta tha
<br /> .;;r,..�_ ��,��.
<br /> .,.}•.�. • pr�tci�al shnll not exteud:vx postpone the due date of the rtrontlily payieents whicb are ceferred to in paaagtuph 2,ar _ '?��_
<br />.: ��>� chan�e the u�rzouat of�pnyments. Any exoess insuiance proce�s1s over an arrco�nt rquired ta pay a11 ou¢aS�',�n3ing �:s;j};;
<br /> -,�:, �:
<br /> ;,�.r'�� indebtedrtess under the h�^.�and this Security Ir�suument shal�6e paid w thc en�ry legally entidod ttwreta. .. �.•. *tr_
<br /> ,. ���
<br /> °``�`f'�1.� _ In the event oF fa�eclosure of this Sewriry Instrum�nt or otl:er transfer of tisle ta tise Prupe�cy t1u.i ext��i�r5a��s�s
<br />;i;�;;;t . _--
<br /> Y�,-„y�,} �� ;•,
<br /> ��,�,, the indel�t�ness. all right. title and i�,�est of Borrocver in and ta insurance policies i� foraa sha�i p��s to th� �"�
<br /> �, .
<br /> '.,4• .: � pure}�aser. ; . �`:�
<br /> S. Oca�pan►.y,Pr��ervet�an�169atntea�aace aad Fratec�ion oY t�e P►ro�ty+;FSm�mce�z's�an!i j�(��i�tiaa� `�t;k$�
<br /> �, FS:w,"
<br /> � :Leas�botds. Borrower shall occvpy,establish. and use the Praperty as�rcower a p�incipal reside�;e ttii7hl�su;ty
<br /> days aftet Yhe execution of this Security Instrument(or within sixty days of a latet sate or truns�'er of tt���'mp�tyb =
<br /> . �.�'�,! ; sinnd<hafl continue to uc�upy the Property as Borrower s prlaci{tttl.residence for at teast o�;year.ait�e th4�.'�a of + �
<br /> d h
<br /> '�.:`;,F�`.`:,,•,. , occupancy;imte�s�.ender detemunes that requirement will caur,e undlse handsh9�for Bosrouer,or unit�edt,�ur�in,� #�,,
<br /> � �' exist w�it�'.a are be ond Bonow,er's contral. �arn�er shuid �tify Len�cT of�an•�c�itt�i � "
<br /> �.::.. �rcums'tance$ . Y � ci�i �kil'`_ �i����--
<br /> ' �i'1i�.`: � ' circumsta�gs.Borrower s�a11 not cammit wasie or destroy,dam��ar subslane;�I:y chsuige t i ta P r o p�tY.m�a�l i��v x lti�.: . `�•.��'.`;,.
<br /> ':�""` 1� property�s�rtorate.reasombte wear and teas exce�ted. l.eadr��ay inspest the Property if tha Ptop�cy ls:v.�iit�•
<br /> �� �.�'.
<br /> � � f or abandctuc�i��ur the loan is in defsult. l.ender may take reasoa:,�:e aciion w�mtect ntxl ptcseive su��.*r�ail��r .
<br /> .,'f1 �_;
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