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<br /> �+��.:�ii KNOW ALL 11BN SY THSSE PRESENTS� That Tht Ov�rland National Bank of Graad Ieland. _
<br /> Y��- --- �,,, a corporation, the p�rty of tM� iir�t part. in conoidoratlon of th4 sus uF Portv-aix
<br /> - �x"t� thouoand eiah� hundr�d fiftv and no/100-----------------Doilare� to it in hand paid by
<br /> ':�;�.::. a Cor oration. tha party of th�
<br /> �!� •• • ,.x,'' • Firet Cowaerce Mortaaae Comnanv P
<br /> ��=�: ' �acond part. r�c�ipt wher�of is haYaby acknowladgad. hae �ranted� aosigned and
<br /> � ._;. e:.•���`��� transf�rr�d and, by theo• pr�e�nts doo4 grant. as�ign and transfRr unto it� euccooaora
<br /> �� + aad aeriguv� a cartaia Truet Daed Wherein the aaid The Overland National Bank of (irand �_
<br /> _+��'�N'^-~'�,� Island 1a B�n�f iciasy. Chaxles P Bi,eh and Janelie L. Heider. &inAle Pecsons. —
<br /> �r�..'.�(�'`^•...��' .<•
<br /> ,�.: ;., .. . �1"
<br /> ie Truetor, and National Bank of Cow�rco Truat and Savin�s Aasociation ia tcustea.
<br /> • a:�,�:�x�•�.�,� wh�ch Truat Daod was dated tho ]�t day of Ma . 19 92 . and recordad t e _
<br />�� ,--""-""-'-""'�" 18t day of Mav � 19,��. ae Docuueat No. -10377D of th� MORTGAGE
<br />�, .. . �:�� �.
<br /> � ltacords of Hall County� Nebraoka and all ita rigBt� titla and inCereat to
<br />� 1 . ,, tha proporty therein described, as followe, to-wits Lot Eleven (11), in Fonner VieM _
<br />�� Subdivioioa. ia the c3ty of Grand Islaad, Hall Couaty� Nebraeka. u�
<br /> -��---"-_---.. _ "`---- �
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<br />;. � Togethlr �iit the promisaory note therein doscribed� and the money due! r to �� _
<br /> f'" �. ° become due thereunder, including intereot thareon� sub�ect only to the provie�! ns � ___
<br /> .�. ��
<br />�'-- • �' - �� of aeid Tr��At Dead therein contained. --
<br />,�, - _-�
<br /> . • IN WITNE38 WHEREOF, The Qverland National Baak of Grand Island, a corporation, ..Y_._._
<br /> . , �—.�.-:.
<br /> has caused this Assignment of Truet Deed to be executed by ita Preaident . ;. '
<br /> '•�;;��, , and atteated by its Sr. Vice President/Cashier . and its corporate seal to be
<br /> . heraunto affixed this lat day of Mav . 19 92 .
<br /> : _
<br /> , ' . �"�.;:-�_.�:_
<br /> '` � � The Overland National Bank af Grand Island� �{ •
<br /> � a corpo ion ��„�-_��^-
<br /> <1. � �-.-,
<br /> , BY; �:--
<br /> . �--
<br /> / ` a�:-��--
<br /> � . � . . � ' Atteat:d'�I.v.-,���w,. � �;:�_ _
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<br /> t �''f; s� COUNTY OF NAI.L ) �,_-_---_--
<br />'y��,�'1,� :1�, :�)' `•��__""_
<br /> , �` `°`�`'" On this lst day of May � 19 92 � before me a notary public duly
<br />±"`�'�',.�:• �' '� � � commiesioned and qualified in and far said county and state. personally came the above �-� � ���`����'
<br /> ,:•�.,; 'f;;:'_ � . �
<br /> Robert A. Morris '
<br /> ' • � � and David D. Swanson uf The OvQrland National Bank of
<br /> � Grand Island, who are personally known Co me to be the identical persons whoae names '
<br /> are affixed to the above Assignment of Trust DeeJ as the President
<br /> and Sr. Vice Preaident/Cashier of eaid corporation and they acknowledge the
<br /> . instrument to be their voluntary act and deed and tha voluntary act and deed of said � .
<br /> , corporation.
<br /> • � WITNESS my hand und official seal aC Grand Island, Nebraska � in said
<br /> �
<br /> county� the date aforesaid.
<br /> � ', Notary Public
<br /> MY COI�Q+lIS5I0N BXI'LRES: � �� � ���M�
<br /> � RET[J1tN T0: 1 ��VOMO�1�
<br /> G.I. Abstract
<br /> I
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