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<br /> 12. Suoee�cor�utd Aerl�n�Buundi JoIW w�d gcverAl I.it�bllltyi C o-�l{u��• T� ���venant�. aid agrccment� of Ihix
<br /> Securily In�rumc�t Wwll bind aod bcncPit Ihc nucrcrcan,wKl �criyny uf I.cnJer iu�l Burcuwcr, rubjctt lo Ilu� provitii��nA �i
<br /> �'°"°� put�raph 9.b. Bc�rrowc�r ��ovcnwu� and w�rcemcrux xhull hc}uim an�l +cvcrul. Any Bnrn�wer wh�� c�rxianti this Sccutity
<br /> — Inatrumcnt i+ut d�►es nM execule the N�NC:(+�l iK co-�f�niap this Sccuriry Inurumem nnly tu ur�rtgygc, grant �nJ ci�nvcy thw
<br /> —°—;� Bacmwer'a iqteresR�n the Property undcr Ihe temu i�f Ihi�S�xurity Inrtrunu:iu; Ib►i.r n�►�perMmully�►bligatcJ��►pay�he Kumx
<br /> � f . " •;;;;;� ,;e�vrtl,i hy Ihi�SecyritY lasteurocnt:anJ Icl ugrecy llwt IAixler aixf uoy u�hrr&�rrowcr muy ugrcr to exlenJ,m�Kiify.fortxar ur
<br /> . --�— myt�o any popOprqod�tiaru w11U rrQiud to the lermr oi thi�5eaurity Uuururncnt nr thc Nwe wltb�wl Uu�t Hurn�wer'f con�en[.
<br /> .=�s�'-�'' -_:i:�t _._
<br /> —_ __�� 13. NWk�. Any nwice lo Borcower pruvicicd fiir in�hiti S�tiunty Inurumrnt�Irrll tx�givcu by d�li�ering it ur by�n�ilii�g
<br /> - �_���y� it by f�nst clas.s msiil unles�applicable law rcquirc`ul,e of�mKher ttkth�xl.The naicc shsdl be dfrecteello Ihe Prupehy Acldre�x
<br /> �-ti.,�„�„�_, or uny other rrdJrexs Bcirrower desi�{nates by txHice tu Lender. Any nutice tu l.cnJnr �Iwll he given by first cla�s muil to
<br /> ��o--- �•xi,..
<br /> ��r:;�t •. Lrnder's Address stated herein or any uddresg Lemkr dexignutev by�x►tice lu Burruwer..�ny�x►tice provided for in thir Security
<br /> Insln�ment shall be deerrred ta have been given lo Borrowar or l.ender whco given as pruv idod in this parugraph.
<br /> ::�_ ,� ;—� —
<br /> _ w�t,
<br /> _ �-��;,,,,�n^`� � 14. G�uvemfog Iawi Severabflity. Thia Socudty In�uument c�hall be govcrnal by i'eJerul law unJ ti� luw of Ihe
<br /> _ ��:� jurirdictian in which the Propeny is Icxuted. In the event thut yny pruvision or clau�c of�hi�.Security In.rlrunknl ur Ihe Note
<br /> '�_� --- —
<br />- -,--•- —
<br /> •� - � ���� � conflicts wlttl�pplicable IAw,such mntlict�hyll not Atfect uther provisions ui ihis Se��urity in�trunxnt or the Note which cen --
<br /> ���'�������^ given effart without the con8icting provision.To�hie end the pruvisions of�his Secunty Instrument and the Note�ro declued _
<br /> -- .�._�=_y�:� to be severab4C.
<br /> _ ,yS,�r''e�i �..
<br /> -lm3s_'" 'ff�n`: ,�'
<br /> -- �:->,`1"�"'-=�''�' '= IS. �tI'awer's Copy.Bnrrower shall be given one cronfonned copy of this Securily Instroment. _
<br /> ----_ ___-,,..,,-�:r,,�_.
<br /> �� M�1i.tA+ �f,.^�. �..
<br /> r ;�:��r�:�,l,t , 16. Ax�igameot ot R�ts. &►rrower unccx�ditianully ussignr und trunsfcrs to l.cruler ull the rems nnd revenues af the _
<br /> — . �. . Propeny. &�rrower authorizes Lrndcr ur I.ender'x ugenty t��coUect thc rents und revenueti ond hereby Jira:ts cach tenunt af the
<br /> ��` �`�'�' ���,�`�'������ Propeny to pay the rents to I.ender or I.ender's ugents. However, prior to l.ender's ndice lo Borrower of Borrower's breach of
<br /> ..:,:� .;�..
<br /> '�,�;, Y,;"'�°� any covenant orAgreanent in Ihe Security Intitrument,Borrower shall collect and rereivr ull rent�unJ revcnucs of the PropeRy
<br /> � �J'ity�;5+�i�_.;�de .
<br /> ��`. , es truslee for Ihe benefit af l.ernier und Borrower. Thia wsignment uf rents canstitut��un absolute ussignment anJ not an
<br /> �=�_ ,. ... , _ arsignm�rN,for additional security only.
<br /> _"��
<br /> .��• ± � If Lxxder gives natice of breach to Borrower. (a)all rents received by Norrnwer shall be held by Barrower a��rustee for _
<br /> __ — '%�=�,u.x.:aan.. benefic af.l.ender only, to be applied ta the sums sacured by�he 5ecurily In,�rument:Ib> l.ender.h:�l be entitleai to a�llect rnd _
<br /> �.�:_�5'.:.'�i::.:�.a._ _ receive o1l.uF the ren�s of the Propeny: und Ic) euch tenant of the Prapeny Khall pay all renis due and unpuid to Lender or
<br /> ' =-o- — _ - Lender's t�gent on Lendcr's Written demand to tha tanent.
<br />.�;�r- '��.; . �
<br /> _., ..,;;•�.:.
<br />�H: ' �'�,�"�. " Bormwrr hsu not executed any prior assignmeot uf the rents an�! has nai urnl will na perForm uny act tlwt would prevem "'
<br />``�`'' I.ender fmroexerciaing its rights under thisparugrLpB 16.
<br /> ;••;° • .,
<br />:�:,�.� ' . -_.
<br /> .:�,� . , Lender t,hWl not bc:required tu enter upon,tuka control��f or maintuin the Propcny bcfi�rc or af�er giving noli�c of bre:wh
<br /> . ' - � '�. to Bormwar. However. Lender or u judiriwlly app��imed recriver may Ju�o ut nny time therc is a breach. Any upplicution of �
<br />�=°_.��'�� rems shnll nui cure or wuivr any del'uult or invulidutc uny uthcr righ���r rem��iy uf La-nder. This assigmnent c>f ren�s of the _
<br /> i;•; ' '. Property shalt lerminate when the debt secured My th�S��rurity In�trumm�t i.paid in tull.
<br /> ��Y' NON-UNIFnftM COVENANTS.&�rrow��r anJ I..enJcr furthcr covcnaot anJ a�rcc a�fi►Il��w.: -
<br />=�� ' -
<br />- _. � 17.Forc�cbsure Pracedure.Ii Ixnder reyuire�;immediutc pu}•inent in iull undc� puraRraph 9.Lendcr moy iovuke the
<br />_.� 1�� power of sale ond any other remedics petmitled by applic�blc luw�. I.r��der �hall I►c entiNcd to collect wll expci►ties �
<br /> - " incurred in.pursuing the remedles under thia par�raph 17.fncludin�, bW not limited to.reasonwble wKurneys'fers s�nd —
<br /> ='=;:'- ca�s�ta aP Htle evWence.
<br />•;_::�7,`,_ a. . .. ;
<br /> 6. .�, r If thc power of sale is imoked. Tn�tilee shs�ll recurd s� notice oF dcfuult in cach caunty in which any {wrt oP the �
<br /> Property is Ic�rnted and shall maU copics oP�uch nMice in the munner pm+crilx�d by upplicable law to BormK•er and to
<br /> • � the other persaus pr�cribed by applicable luw•. After th�:time n�yuin�d b,r opplicpble la��•,Trustee shall give public notice
<br /> -L'.�' , of sale to tke persons And in thr munner prescrllx�d by appllrublc la��. Truxtm. s�itho�t dcmuad on Bnrn�wer.�hall r�ell 4
<br /> '�' ' �� the Property s�t publtc auctlon to thc highrst hidder at the time and plt�re and under thc termti desi�naled in the aaNce of
<br /> _ � �,�: �
<br /> =�;', ,. : ,' sale in one or more parcels und in�n} urder Trustec determin�w. Trust�r ma�• past pune�ale uP ull or any parcel oi'the �=
<br /> :''. . .�,!!t'.„•'� Prnperty b�� public announcement ut tlx time and pluce nf unr pre�iuuJ� Kh��dulad wle. I.endcr or i/ti dr�fRn�r muy �'
<br /> . •t' '.`•'' punhaKU the Property at any sale� �.
<br /> , ,. �•4RINE1 �'��b�•'��'� �
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