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�. .. ��.r.qF....�.�.�...�..............��.� � . . <br /> - Ir�� �.'.. .. . �" ,)'.�.._. �.�._ _ <br /> �If �•a..��.'_�wor w,. • <br /> ..a lc r <br /> .,;u�.. .rr�.. ,�i.� .. __ . J -___ <br /> ' i � w �x.::�_.��.. --' <br /> _ ' ' .'r iO3�i� FNAR <br /> • • �=,{ �81217 �� --- <br /> �° +'"AE� �.�.> • . 92� <br /> r�t ��'� � ' • ADJUSTABI.E RATE RIDER <br /> �. � <br /> - � "'�'^"'�'�� tl YeAr 71re�wu� ladex—Rwtc l'Aps—Fixed R�►te Converalou Uptlonl <br /> ��� ..�;v,e., y <br /> � �.�.. _+��,:, <br /> � :�,�;_�, ;�.�- ��: THIS ADIUSTABLE RATE RIDBR is made thi� 18T dayof MAY . ly 92 ,and fs <br /> '' ' ,`•ti*`��-r;�^ �6'�' " incarparuted into und shall be Jeemed to�mend und supplement the Murlgage, Deed of Trus�t or Security Deed <br /> '� M •, • .. ^ ' (the"Security Instrument"1 of the tiome Jute given by the undersiRneJ(the"B�rrower"1 u►secure Barrnwer's <br /> :, . � .. <br /> �,- . "����^;:;'" ' Adjusts�ble Rate Nate Ithe"Note"1 to NQRWEST MORTC�AC�E� INC. , A MINNE80TA <br /> � " � � CORPORATION (the"l.ender")�f the same dute and coverinR the prope�ty described in <br /> .m"�:'����:�° .� .. the Security InYtrurnent ond IacAteJ at: _ -_� <br /> •:r .;� .,� . . <br /> ._ � . , <br /> :� ��� � ' �'. .� 414 SQUTH SHADY BENA RDAD GRAND ISLAND, NE 68901 <br /> [Property AJdre�+� <br />'"�% • THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWINd FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />'�`>� ', .':.1 __�; `' AND TH� MONTHLY PAYM�NT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AWIOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br />�':. ,;:,- �. . -- ADJU37A�LE fN i ERES'i RATE CAW CHANGE AT Afs1Y ONE Tli�l�Al�D THE 14AA?t!{�lo.P�A _ _. <br /> �<<' � RATE THE BORROWER �AUST PAY. THE NOTE AL30 CONTAINS THE <br /> ���'t�. : ` OPTION TO CONVERT THE ADJUSTABLE RATE TO A FIXED RATE. <br /> ,:.: . , ,:, , -- <br />�;^��� � . � ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.In addition to the cavenunts and agreemenis mude in the Security 1ns�xumenl. <br /> ���.� - . -'' � ."-� � 8arrower nnd Lender fu rther covenunt und agree as fol lows: -- <br /> � � • � A.ADJUSTABI.E RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANG�S <br /> ' "' The Note provide�far an initiul interest rute of 5.250 �/c.The Nate provide.thc chun��s i�e the adjustabte �'`� ' <br /> 1� � � :�::•, <br /> . �..,s��' � inrerest rate und the manthly payments,Ar follows: ��� <br /> � ��:::,:,,._.,•� F <br /> ;�.,;;,:, .�:�. <br /> � ';+.°'' � q.ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE AND MONTHI.Y PAYM�NT CHANGES -- <br /> . " IA 1 ChAn�e pates - <br /> The udjustable interext rate 1 will pay mny ch�ngc on the first duy of MAY . 1�9� . __ <br /> � ^ � �� � • nnd on thnt duy every 12th month thereufter. Each dute on which my adjustnble interest rAte c:oulcb change is =._:- <br />� cAlled a"Chunge Date." _-_._. .. - <br /> =°- . (81 The Index = - <br /> � - :1;;1��� ' Beginning with the iirst Chnn�e Dute,my udjustuble interest rnte will be bu�ed on un Index. The "Index"is ' � —___ -�- <br /> ' �r''•�'� the weekly averuge yicld on United Stutes Treusury securities udju�ted to u constunt a�aturity af I yeur,a,mude __. <br /> ' '�;�1 <br /> avuilable by the Federul Reserve Bourd.The moxt recent Indax figure avuilable as of the date 45 days before each �,,;.�.�r�_1, <br /> . Chnngc Date is col led the"Current Index." '• ' '' <br /> , . If the index is no longer uvuiluhle. the Note HolJer will chaose u new index thut is based upon campArable �-_•_� •� • �= - <br /> ' ' ' " information,The Note Hnlder�vill give me notice nf this choice. <br /> IC)Calculudon of Chan��s -- <br /> � ��' Bcfore euch C'hange Dute, the Notr H��Ider will ralrulute my ncwintcrcst rate by udding 2.7Sb R,�,,,�s„---- <br /> t���i' � • . ' percentuge pointsQ•750 �/1 to the Currrm Indrx. The Note Holder will then round thc re,ult of thiti uddition -_°-_- <br /> ;.,�. �,r <br /> to thr ncare+t on�-�ighth of one�rcentuge point 1(1.I"_'S�/.1.Subjrct ro the limitti tituted in Section�31D1 below,this �dra:��� '=" <br /> ' � . .,;�• rounded umount will be my new intcrc,t rat�until thc next Chungc Da�c. FF's�...__.__.. <br /> � '' The Note Holder will�hen drtcrminr thc umnunt ol'thr m�mthly puymrnt thut woulJ bc sufficient to repuy °''�"�, ;.� <br /> ,.;;�,��,, <br /> the unpaid principul that I am expert.d to c�w•r at thr Changc Dute in full an thr Muturity Date at my new intere.t � • ' <br /> ' � rate in tiubstuntiul ly equal puymen�+. Th�result c�t'this cnkulation will hr the new s�mount oi mc monthly pAy- ' �•,,.:,�;;._.. <br /> ' ment. ��:��1-__---, <br /> i.�' "" ' <br /> � • (D)l.imits un Interest Rate ChenRes =� <br /> a C a..i:'..�?�'=l�- <br /> ,, Thr interext rutc 1 sun requircd ro pa� ut thr fir.t Chungc Date will n��� hr gieater than 7.�,.�O.f nr les� <br />"�� • thun 3.c54 'G. Thercafter,my a�ijutiti�hle intcre.t ratr��•ill nevrr ir•increaticd or d�rrea,rd�Ni any•ingle Change Date <br /> � � by nx►re thun TWO percenlugc�x�inuti►�• ''/)frnm the ratc�f intcrc�t I have 1+ren pa}ing ior thc prereding 12 manth.r. �_._.._ �,..M. <br /> My intcre.rt rute will necer t� greater Ihunt 1.250�/�,whirh i.calkd the"Marimum Rute." r =�•++'�=: <br /> ��`�w.,F.���',.F—. <br /> � � ,�,,;�;,. IF)EffectiveDateofChan�es ,. � <br /> ';;.":�;'.;,�. My new intcrest ri�te will hec��mr effer�i��c�,n e:ich('hangc Du�e. I �vill pa� the am��unt of my nrw monthly t ;°`'� <br />� '�::����'s.;•`' payment hr�:inning�,n the f'irxt m��nthly p►q•mcnt J:ur ul'ter thr('hungc vatr until the am�un� �,F m��munthly � . , <br /> �• paymem changr�again. 1, <br />; : � IH 1 Nutice of Chen�;es ;� <br />� ,,;�t�'��'; � Thc Notc Nal�lcr�vill Jrlivrr ��r m��il tu mr u ni,tirc uf any chunEr, in my aJju.tablc imere�t rutr anJ the .. .. <br />� . ,. �;;.'��:; amoum uf my nu�nthly pa►ymcnt hcti�rr thr el'frrti�r Jiitr��I'any rh:m�r. Thr n��tirc «ill �ncludr information �: <br /> • :;s�:•� :' reyuired hy lu�+•a► Ik�i�rn me iin�l ul�u thr titlr anJ trlcphonr numhrr��f u per,�m who teill an.wer uny��ue.lion � ,. <br /> � • .,��;� <br /> ' ! I m;►�• ha�r rcgurJing ttk ixairr. � <br /> ,,. , <br /> d.KIX1:111N'1'M:KNti'I' KAI'l:OI''I'ION <br /> , . Thc Nutr providc. li�r thc Borrow•cr'� uptinn �a r�,mrn Ir�,m :�n aJju.t,�blr uilrre.t ratr�vith intcrc,t ratc <br /> limit�tn a fi��d int�rc.t r;il�. a�tidln��r. � <br />- --__.._..—= 5.MIXEb INTEItFti7'R�►1'E('(1N�'b:RtilON O1''17ON <br /> IA)Optbn to Con��crt to Mixcd Rutc <br /> ' I nu�c a Cumrr.iun U�,ti„n that I ran r�rrci.� unlc,. I :un in drl;iult ��r thi. tir�tiun 5�A1 ��ill nnt permit <br /> mc ai do.��. i'h� "('umcr.iun c)ptiun" i. m� �,puun to ramrit th�• in�rm.� ra�r I.un r�yuirr�l t�� pa�� h� thi,Notr <br /> from:m aJ.ju.lahlc rair��iih intrrr,t r:ur limi��a,tlk li�rd ru�r ralrulat«I w�drr ticr�iun S�li►hrlo��. <br /> . 1'hc run�rninn c:oi unl} lal�e rlarr�,n a d;ur�•�•�,rrifird 1.� �hr N„t� H„I�Icr�lurin� �hr periud he�innin�an <br /> thr lir.t Change t)atr :utd cnding un Ih� I'il'Ih ('han�r I)ntr. I•:arh dalr ��n ��luch m� a��u.tahl. int�rc.t ralr can <br /> r�m�crl I��thr nr« tirrJ rate i�r:tllr�l Ihr"('��mrr�iun I):Ue... <br /> YULi18TATECONVHRTIBLBADJUSTABlBRATHRIDHR—ARMPLANS7-5���0'cF.o�i�i� tYearT�e�aurylnd�x•F�nnI�YuUnlformin�lrum�ntFOnn�1101's0 <br /> NMF! r06B3 A9D � ' � � ' ' ' � <br /> . � . _ ._ _ . -- <br />