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, , __ .. ._—...,.�.. . �_ �_.�. _..._. <br />�rT��A�� 2Q10085'74 <br />A tract af ta�ud comprising a part of the Nortbwest Qnarter (NW1/4) of Section'�venty-four (2�), Tow'nship Ni�e <br />(9) Noart�., Range Ten (�4) West of the �th P.M., Hall County, Nebrasl�a, mare particularly described as follaws: <br />Begi�ni,ng a# a�ai.iut an the North line of said Narthwest Quarter (NWl/4) said paint being Three Hundrec� <br />Forty-two (3�Z.QQ) feet Wsst of the Northesst cur�er of said Nort�west Qusrter (NWU4); thence running <br />Southerly paraIlel fo tl�e East line af said Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) a distance of'�`vvo Ha.ndred Forty-five <br />(245.00} feet; thence running westerly parallel to tlie North Line of s�id Northwest Quarter (NW�/4) a distance of <br />Two Hnndred Thirty (23Q,Q0) feet; thence rwnning Northerly, para�lel to tbe East line of said Northwest Quarter <br />(NW]./4} � distance uf Twa Huudred Fariy-five (245.QU) feet ta a point on the North line of said Northwest <br />Quarter (NW1/4); thence runni�ug Easterly aIong the Nort� line of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) a disCance of' <br />T�vo Hundred Thirty (230.pU) feet to the pvint of be�i�xnf�ng, subject to road �ght-nf-way on the Narth. <br />.� <br />