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<br /> " •. • . : _ • `c` W�_�G i ��4i.3'�� `�a-�l a^1R'X'f�M'[•�%.,"' _ _— �_
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<br />- y9,'r�er of th:Fsa�erty or a BeaeStcial Ynterest in f3tssrosvRr. If all or any paet of the Propetty or any inter�st in ii „
<br /> � is sold or transferred(or if a benQfrcial interest in fiorrower is sold or transfemed and Boaower is not a naeural person)�vithout •
<br /> Lend�r's prior writtEn oonsent. Lendes may. at its optior., :�uire immediate payment in full of all sums secur�d by dus
<br /> , � Security Instru�ttent.However,this optian sha11 nui ue execcised by Lender if exerc�e is proi�ibite�by f.dera!!aw as of ths date �'�
<br /> of this Securiry Insmiment. -
<br /> lf C.ender exercises this optlan.Lender shall give Borrower natice of aoceleration.The noace shall provide a period of noi d:�
<br /> less than 30 days fmm the date the notice is deGvered or maile�tivithin which Bosrower must pay all sums secured by this �;_
<br /> �ecurity[nstrument.If Borrowes fails to pay these sums prior ro the expiration of this pPriod,Lender may invoke siny remedies �-.
<br /> • permitted by this Security tnstrument witliaut further notice ar demand oa Borrower. _
<br /> 18. diorrower's Fdight to Re�a§Wte. Tf Borrower cneets certain rnndltions. Borrower shall have the right to hav� ___
<br /> ` ` enfoscement of this SecuRry instrument discontinued at any time prias to thz eartier of: (u)S days {or such a[her periad aa -==
<br /> � applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Properry pursuant to any power of sale cantained in this �
<br /> ��- S�curity Instntm�nt;or(b)enny of a}udgment enforcing this Securiry Instivment.'Ihase conditions are that Borrower: (a�pays ��
<br /> • • Leader all sums which then would be due ander this Security Instiument and the Note as if no aviceleration had occurred: (b)
<br /> ' caares any default of any other oovenants or agreements: ie) pays all expenses incu�sed in enforcing this Seairity Inswment. �,,
<br />� including, but nat limited to. re�sonable attomeys fees; and(d) takes such actian as Lender may r�asonabiy tr�qaire to a4sure
<br />; that the lieu of this Security Insaument, L.ender's rights in che Praperty and Bomower's obligaaon ta pay tha sums secured by �
<br /> this Security Instrument sliall arntinue unchanged. Upon minstatem$nt by Borrower, this Security Inrtrnment and the �:=
<br /> ° obligations Secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no accele�ation had occumed. However.this right to reinstate sh1l1 ���
<br /> ` • not apply in the case of acceieration under paragraph 17.
<br /> ' " 19. Sale oi 1Vat� C�aQge of Loan ServIc�r. The Note or a partial interest in the Nate (tagether witb this Sec.vrity
<br /> Instrumeret)cnay be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(�cnown �`"
<br /> ` as tke°Loan Senricer")that cotlects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.Th�re also may be ane
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Senricer unrelated to a snle of the Note.If there is a chaage of the Loan Senricec,Borrower will be �:-�
<br /> - � given written notice af the change in accoidance amh paragraph 14 above and applicabte law.The notice wi[�state the n�ne and �._<.
<br /> , ' address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The nodce will also contain any other
<br /> infor�ation required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Ha�edaus SnDstaitres. �orrower:s�not cause or gemut the e�esence. ase, disposal. storagc.or rele�ve of any . . -°_
<br /> . Ha7ar�dous Substance� on ar in t'�:gc+o�yt. JSattr.wer shall not do, �r�ow anyone else tn de, �ytlung �i�w�� t'he =
<br /> .... Property that is in r-�i�v�ba�on oE a��:r�:�r.•:ta�';�ti�.saw. The preceding�a�tences shall not ap�sty rn ttae prese��...�e,ar .:. . �,
<br /> .,., storage on the Prape�i;P•of small�y�-�n�`��ct']H6'�tbus�'x�nces that are generally�:�.ed tv?�:�spropri�i��omr�f : � _
<br /> , resideatial uses and to mainte�.�tcif�g rrix�:s. -.. --
<br />" ' 8orrower shall promptly�xe�i.:tnder w�-3-:wt�nadce cS'�r.r�� investigation. claim.d�-*.,1,lawsuit oa+ other at�^r�i�r any �`.
<br /> � governmenta!or regulatory a;�:�x..�r private�u.-,,�u involvcc�%'�`,..�P[OpCPIjr Sild 8D}r I'I2�'.++�''.1Il�i$ub5I2IICC RT Fd1VIiPNSF2IIt8�I.aiV ' . �.,�
<br /> ' , of wiuch Horrower C:�-,actual J�?R•ledge.I£tdicamw+�er leams,or is nobfied by any gae•„�ental or re�upatory aothoriry.that :. �___
<br /> ... any remava}or oshr�r.�me�iiatr,x�;rt�ra�y Ha�:3 Sabstan�e affecting t&e C�coperty is Qe:�ssary.Ec�ower shai(promptly tu�� '� � __' '
<br /> all r.�;�s�y reme�l Ecaans'r,�.a�n,'dance w�i��nviranme�3 3aw. � �
<br /> w
<br /> � � . /.4s�in tnis�ar�,.,.�-'���. °Hazardous Substances'":irrF �h�se ss�+�;,si-�s deficiad�c:���ve finzardous ss�l�nr.:�by �� --__
<br />- Fmi,r�rass�iwi,�! �.a.N a� c�±e fnr�ra�g substances: gasotiure, �'.ebm��*--a, �a2hw flamm4.�1e�+: toxic petroieum pr�3ust�a. taxic '.:.
<br /> � . aso
<br /> � � pestici+�s�d her��oir�rs.roIaa'::s-s�3veats.materials conta�r��;a�s;J��r��rlaldel�ycie,aad radioacti�e usaterials.As ased in : �,���:.
<br /> '��'' �. tlus paragraph 20, "lErus�nmental Iaw" means federal laws and laws erF t�:jurisdiction where the Asa�erty is tocatat that .
<br /> : relate to health.safee�ar environmental protedioa. ='�
<br /> ' � NON-IJN�ORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender further covenant and ugree as follows:
<br /> _ '� 21.Atceieration;Itemedies.Leader shall give noitce to Borro�prior to acceteration follnmlmg Borro�re�'s 6� _
<br /> . o!any wvenant or ngreement in tmis Sacurity Iastr�ent (bnt not prtor to ao�2erattoa �dar PpraB+�mPh 17 untcas_ -. .
<br /> • appl[r�6Ye law provides othenvLse).TE�e�atice s6aU spoe[ty: fa)t6e defaWt.(6)tlee adtos9 r�quided�Qa c�rr�ti�a dwM�lk .
<br /> (c)a d�te,not less than 30 dAys imm the dstte ti►e natice is given to Borro�se�,by wLfch We deCmuEa�ntos2 be cw�mafq antl � r"
<br /> . (cq that tailnre to cure the defaWt on nr 6efore.t6e date sp�ifled In thc notiue may re�it io ascceY�raNs�04 tP�o ssunu�
<br /> • s�ecar�d 6y thts Securt►y Inst�varant and sale oP the Property.The natice sbuC!further inform�o�wer off tho�ht tu�� -
<br /> .. rd�tate ofter asce9eratton and We rI�►t 4o brZas a cow3 ac4ion to asserE We non�existence�L+o d�fanit or an�oti��r�� _
<br /> � defetse of Borrower'to aaceJeration aud sate.If the dePaalt is ao!cured on or befare tfie daht spe�ciflal in ti�o natIo�,,, —.
<br /> . I.cnder, mt its optfon.mny reqaJ�e immedinte PsYmeat in fiill of aU sums setured by tbis Setxi�tty IIt�h�meat a�Qt�ut+� -_- -
<br /> • further deaaa�9 an8 may invoke the power o!sale and any other remedies pesmi4ted by ayp2�b6e 1nw.I.�ndrr sbhaH be _
<br /> ,A • entitte�to coUec2 all expeases incor�ed In pu�sviag the r�edtes proWded in this pa�grapl�2l,Gcct�r�3a�g,bn1 aot Wnited�� __�.,-
<br /> •- '� to,reasanabte nttorneys'fees and casts oi title evideaoe.
<br /> �. . �` U�he power ot saIe is Ia�ca�'ced.Trastee shal�record o notic�of detnult tn etch munty•in w65cb any p�c,�tifa� _-. _
<br /> � Pto�rty is iocated and s8ali a�copf�of sucls notice jn ihe manner prescribed�q ap�vliraQ#�!��uvi to Burro�r and ta�
<br /> � the other(cetsoas psescsf bed by applIIcable law.After the timereqnired by appSl�t61e Iaw,Trut�tac sha1D give puUllc notiva� _--
<br /> . � � o?sale to tHe peisons smd in We maaner prescriGe�by appliplte law.Tnistee,wft6oug dema�a� Bonotiorr,sC�ai)ss�1� -
<br /> ' the�ropPr4y ut pnblIc aactton to t�e hfgt►esi bIdcler ut thc ti�e and place and nader tbe terata de�i�ted in ti�o natlu�o� =
<br /> . �ie�m one or more par�els antl in any order Trastee determ�ines.Trastee may pastpone salo�o$+a14 oe any pam.�l oY ti�u �.�
<br /> ,i Fta�ty by�tnbllc�unouncement at the time and�is�r,,f aqy prevtoasly schedntet!ss�e. �nder or[tg d�g+u�rna�
<br /> . pur�use tDe Property at tu�y s�te.
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