. . . �4 r. � } � ��S � . ` . . . ,<,.. }... . _ .k V . . .. .-i�iPr�.�..a... .
<br /> . �"
<br /> � f.. �� ���� --�_t
<br /> . 'I�GSPABR WTI�ail che m;prover,�°at�aow ar�eat�a er�ted on the propeaty,aad�Il easem.euts.aFPmtanaaces.snd '��;`�
<br />` � ���� fixtr�s¢ow aY h�a g�t of tJse pmgYaty.All*�+�?rremensc�td gdd'ttiuns sh&U alsu ise coveted by this Seaaity Lns�unenL _
<br /> ;� Ail of the f�eg�m�is ntbmed to�n shis Sa:mriry Instiuumeat a9[ha"Pcopelty." :.'�
<br />.:.�, � BORROVIiER�COVV�NNANTS that Sarr�wta�lawFully seased of the estars haeby conveyed and has the right to grant and „ `'�
<br />�`�:: � c�nvey the Prope�4y aad thai the Pte�ey is an�ns�nn�sered. exe�pt f�r eucarabraus:es of recard.Borrower wanaats and wHi "�`�.�
<br />.. defatd geaVtaliy tb.�ttita to t�e P�opzaty against nll claisn��d dt�a�s.sublect to aay ettcum�ances of recard. =�`r:
<br /> : � THIS SECURITif Il�iSZRUNi�N'T combines �coveasmts faY national uss and uon-ani,fann covenanrs with limited _
<br /> v�auotts by jurisdiction tn constimta a w�ifo�sera�rig►inst�umeat oovesing�1 pmpe�ty. �~
<br />- UNI�ORM COV'ENANTS.��ower aad Icnd�coveaant aad agnee as folIaw� �
<br /> nee ��_�
<br /> �;` 1.Payuixn4 0!Pria�pu9�d Iittterc�t;Prepaymeat�d Late�tiarge4. Bo�c�uw� ahall gramptly gay wheu dua the .• ..`
<br /> p�cipal of aad mtrrest on u�te debi evideuc.�d by tlte Note end any pre��yymaat a�d late ck�es due under t�e Note. �:LL,.y.;:
<br /> m
<br /> .: 2.Faa�fo��'�s aat9 II�.r�u� Saab}ect to applic�ab2e taw az tfl a�wafver 6y Lendrx, Borroaver shari pay to r' t°
<br /> •�.•�.. II.endes oa tLe day r�4nthty gaymenm are d¢e aadu the Nate.an�1 th�Note�s paid in full.a svm("Ftimds")for:(a)Y�Y�� �°
<br /> n-_;
<br /> amd a�w�:ch ma auaa ' ' ovrr this Seauigr In..�ent as a li�on the Pmpea�y;(b)Year2Y I�aseha2d payme�ts �;==��y'
<br /> Y P��S' --
<br /> �g�ouad reats oa the Pcopaty.if any;(e)Year1Y 6u�ard or gmpetty ins�rettoe premin�.�(c�Ye�rly fl,�od m��an�gremnuns.�f . ��`��
<br /> �Y;(e)Y�Y�e��P�►aunn,if�y;�d(�anY sums Dai+aLls by Barmwea to Lc�dsr.ia accardanee wiHt the �
<br /> �rovisianp of g�r�gtapd 8, ro lieu off the gayc�ent of cia�tgage insucance piemmms.'It►ese items are caDed "Fscrow Items-"
<br /> c�e
<br /> L�nder may,at any 6me.callect aad�o��1mds ia aa acnount nat to excad the ma�umum amaunt a lmdes for a feda^��2ted =.:`.:,.
<br />,•:. , �,ge Iaan may re�ire faz Baaower's�w account tmder the fecicml Real Estate Seittemeat Pmcedntes Aci of r3'yTT4 as �
<br /> �necded from Eiaaa tsa time.l2 US.C.Secu�on 2601 et seq- ("RLSPA`�,iml$ss anotltea}sw that apglies to the Fnads sets e Iesser - '
<br /> . A,�Rw;..�f so.IFmdes�ay,at�ay enae,ooltxt and hoId I�mds in a�amount not�o excced the tess�a asno�mt Leuded may r.:,.:
<br />- �^�,,,,�,a.�a�o�t of�aMnd's due on die1,,6.a�s of carrent data snd reasonable e.sGmates of�of faUUe Esaow Items ar y`=:_
<br /> _ . 4�#•Y��II Fmt7R��RPP_Q/W]��L�lYN. �..-_.
<br /> ��s shaI!be held'm�ins�n wl+�degosits are msa�ed by a fede�al�euc,�,���sy,ar ea�ty Cmc1n�� ��s_•-
<br /> L�if L,eoder is sac4 an in�n)vt in scr�Fedc�al�ome I�an BanSs.Leades shall aggly d��ds ta pay the F.caow �;
<br /> Ite�na.L�d�er may not ch�ge Baaower for hotdin8�BPWY�B We Ftuid:,att�aaaTlY�Y�B tbe es�w a�t,as v�ifY�B . �::�-
<br /> c g
<br /> � Ihe�vv It�ms.�Lea�der gays Boaower inteiest on the��a�d ur;�,icaF►2e law pe�ts Lreuder tn maYe suc�a c�arge. �':�f'-
<br /> ,:�:'.. Hac�7�,r,Ix�der maY reciuire B�ower tfl pay a ane�time cd •r��n�drut mal cstate mx repomng se:vice used by =�.�
<br /> xrr �� �':�.
<br /> . I�en,skr in conner�an wilb this IaaA.unless applicabts law pto�o',3i«.�.Uniess an agreemeat is made or appl3cabSe 1aw �N$:
<br /> �,. � reqnfiecs imer=st to be gaid,I�nd�r shail�t Oe�qufr�d tu pay Ban�we�,'a�9�r int�est ar eamin�aa the Flinds.Bosrawe,r aad �1�-;
<br /> .. Iu�der may a�ee in ariimg,hawever.tt�at inter�st shaU be paid an the Fuads.L�dea shari give to Buao:rer.cvithout cbarga.an �`r
<br /> •• : tve
<br /> . �::
<br /> � '�:`� aanc:3�tmg of tbe Famd�.�.wmg credits and debiis b,�ta Funds aad tht puipose faa wt�icb eaGh debit to tlse�r:�s was e_--
<br /> -"� '� msf.�.'II�Fimds aie pSedged ag�Ji�nai securitY far a!1 s�:��aue�by tLis Sea�rily I�eat -''
<br />::;a�1�..•
<br /> =�--�� � ..
<br /> -��f;:".`''- �r1�Fa�ds be�?d hy Lerlde�c�us�i d�suno�parmiued�n be 6eld by�Tnle 1aw.��sha�1�ocovnt to Ba�mwer faa ��;
<br /> � �" " ' ". thz raic�sv Fur.ds ia�udanee a�Ith Nhe res�aire�e�ts of app4'u�ab2e k�w.1f the r�no�t of die Fu�s P.e'r�ib,�i�der ai any time is �•':
<br /> �.I,`.r ' uot�t ro pay�Lsizaw Itea�vrhe,n du:,tLc��may sa notify��r ia��ri1ing.sud,in c�¢�Haaowea shaII gay �
<br /> � ta I�ec�r t�a ac�aunt nece,ss�y w m�ke up di: '.�;Sclerecy. Brn�wea sh�i r��e up the de�sg�'sn ao raora tS�nirelve f�==��'�
<br /> : wonthly paymeats.at I.eadra's so!�disaetion.
<br /> `:;, Upoa pay�aeat ia fWl of aU su�s sec�od 6y thin Sec�iry Insuument,�3�a►''.�er shali pco�ptty refimd ou Bo�mwar any Fimds
<br /> hek!by IR�i.tf,tmdet pasagta�h 21.1�s��11 a�q�e ar sell the�y.Ir�der,pritu w t�e acqaesttia�ai sala of the
<br /> ptopr�y,shaD�gSy muY F�ads held by Lea�r�e�c rlise timeme of acnuisitian�sale as a ceedii agaiast the sum.s secuRd by this ��-_.
<br /> �3.�App�ot AwXmmta U�iess agpli�bla taw prov'sdes othe�vuG a)1 pay�neats c�odved hy Lwd�r aader p�hs
<br /> .;,`;,� , 1 aaQ 2 s6al!be a�}kd:fa�st,om ar��'�s2 c1�S�s due unda the Note:second,to amo�ts payable andcr pa�graph 2:
<br /> tt�l.to��d:f�ip�i+iu�a�3t�,,ro eny late cl�uges dae undes the Nate. .
<br /> 4.C�ts;I:i�e: �bri�na�er st�ll pay ei�r�rs.a�.ctu�Be�,fines aad imposiri�a�sqm�tcsable to the PmQeity —
<br /> .. . :.w��y��ty ovci tLis�c.�rity�at�unxat.aod t�.sehold paymaits ar giannd rmts.if a�r.�+awu shaA g�y thes� —�
<br /> ' . � ob '�ia tfie a►�ner grovid�Q ir��a�b 2.�if aot pmti�i,�that manac�.Bamwer shall pay tDem an dme �'�ct'n�oo @�e � . . _--
<br /> ,� pasoo oaro�paymmt Barmw�sit�D pmmptty famisb to Lasr�ar a11 no�of amuomrs 0�bo paid undu tui9�aph.If =__
<br /> Bacmwerr.�st?xscpsym�r►tsd3�tly,Baamwer shaD ptomptty famish tol�ader�evideacing the paymcais. :
<br /> .�'-••.. Baamwer sba�pmmP�Y�Be�Y Hw��irb�priaity over thin Seaulty Ins�ammt mnless Ba�mwer.(a)eg�oea in
<br /> . � � .��� wrising io the p4ymeat of tBe obil�ation s�uad Dy die liea In a manaer socep�ble to Ir�dt�;(b)�in good faith the liea . �'
<br /> ' ". " by.a defead4 egaia�t eaffa�r�ttt of the li� in, ie8�F�8$ wLfch in t$e E.aar�t�r.'s apinion ope�ate w pmv�t the �`�,
<br /> . • . �faoemcut�af Qie 1kn:ar(c)se�.s fr�n the holder of tJ�e�+ea an�t sati�s+ars�ry,,iv Leader subord'mating the 1i�to --
<br /> : d�Ls SxarieY�as�at I�I.�G�detamtnes r�,.l:�Y P�of the Pt�npeny is subjoci to a�en w��p:�iaia pdaiiy over this
<br /> �. + Sd�tity Tn�*+�,�r*,Leadet may�ve Bcarow€�sc+nc�ice ideniafying tt�e li�t.Borcowu sI�a11 satisfy d�l�r�or�e one oi ma�e —
<br /> ; ''.�I . of tbcs ac�ons setfa�th above within 10 days ofthe giving of notiee. � .
<br /> Fora�902s 41D0
<br /> , .,.;� ��iRialk�or�rat.os vaa.ame i�rjlh♦
<br /> :����a{�'� ° , �—r
<br /> 'a7�t���. .
<br /> !"�_!-'_
<br /> .r r. k
<br /> .. : ._ � .. . . � . , .{�' �'j' , ' �.,•l�s���; . .. ' . QS4�1`�� � . .r ,i, Y
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<br /> ' � , ... ` . � ' . • � . . . , ,. ., . . .. . � `•'.,
<br /> . . . : .� . � . . . •. ' . �. . • . • . ' ; , � � ... �. • . ,
<br /> '_ . ' . . L. . . . � • � . . .. ' . .. . . ' . � � � ' . . .
<br /> ' • • , � .. . , . '" � . . . • • . ` • . . � . .
<br /> I � • , • 1 , � • •,.•. - _ � '` . � � ,, • . • , ' ti` ' � _ ' � � ' .
<br /> _ - I�A�i,' . . " - _ . � •
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