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<br /> '��• '"� Rider to P'lortqage/Deed of Trust-UA
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<br /> - �I �'��" � Thia rider supplementa and emends the Mlortqaqe/Oeed of Trust of eudn date here-
<br /> n.. '�.:� °��'�.:i�� '
<br /> t ,� . �.,Y . with by and between Hume F�deral Savings end Loan Aesociation of Grand Island as �__
<br /> - , _, ;. I�ortgaqe/6enef iciary end THOI�AS L. JA�IIESON and
<br /> � �,. "° �� .�� KqREN JAI�IE50N � husband and wife. k�(---------------------------
<br /> �.:�?'::. ,.to/'s,�.;�L._- --��W((X��Xft.VO�(1p14X3�1b'�X�1tJE0( -----------------------------------
<br /> __—._-_ —� r�..����.���������.�� w �
<br /> ��;`;�,��' A �..,�, a aingle person as A1ortgagors/Grantors� and thi.s rider �s incorporated in and by
<br /> ,,, �; , �:•. refarence made a part of the eforeseid �lortgage/Oesd of Trust, as follows:
<br /> � '�`��"'L"'' " � ThLs loan ia immediately due and peyable upon transfer of the �
<br /> _ .�,.. ,. • , .
<br />;`°�-�;�.,�,-•L�� .������ praperty securing such loAn to any transferee. Unla�� the �
<br /> - acceptebility of the assumption oP the loan is established c+ur-
<br />" . .� suent to sectifln 1817A oF Chapter 37, Title 3A. United Stetes
<br /> __ .�i;::, • Code. __
<br /> � ��,e�.,;y,.,�l+ �;;�.
<br /> ::��' �
<br /> ��� =°�N .< ` A fee equal to one-half of 1 percent of the balance of this loan --
<br /> ��,�� . �'}�� ���'�.,."�:: ar all be payable at
<br /> _ .�;,k�,, as of tt�e dete of transfer of the property
<br /> the time of transfer to Home Federal Savings and Loan Association
<br /> 4 of Grand Island or its authorized agent. As trustee for the
<br /> Y.=~�.� � ,'�•�•�� . �� Administretor of Ueterens Affairs. If the assumer faiJ.s to pay
<br /> � . this fee at the time of transfer, the fee shall constitute an
<br /> "'`� ° '. additional debt to that already secured by this instrument� shall
<br /> - ' •� „ � beer interest at the rate herein provided, and� at the aption of
<br /> _ ' . , Home Federal 5a�ings and Loan Association of Grand Island hereby • _
<br /> -� . " � "� „ secured or any transferee thereof, shall be immediately due and -
<br /> ����'_ peyable. This fee is automatically waived if the assumer is exempt P
<br /> = ---�-.� under tt�e provisions of 3@ U.S.C. 1829(8). , -
<br /> ' ' Upon application for approval to allow assumptton of this loan. —
<br /> . • �� _ a processing fee may be charged by Home Federal Savings and Loan
<br /> � Qssociation of Grand Island or its authorized agent for deter-
<br /> mining the creditworthiness of the assumer and subsequently re-
<br /> vising ounership r.ecords when an approved transfer fs completed.
<br /> �;,,,,. . The amount oF this charge shall not exceed the maximum established
<br /> :'-�r� by the VPterans Rdministration for a loan to which section 1817A
<br />!'�';,j.j�';: of Chapter 37, Title 36, United States Code applies.
<br /> ��..j��ti. Tf th�.s obligation is assumed. then the assumer hereby agrees to
<br />� � '•��'�'�ti'` '� assume all of the obligations of the veteran under the terms of
<br /> ,�.•;;� .:
<br /> � �,, �;;�7��?���'� °. , the instruments creating and securing the laan� including the
<br /> ',���.���. �` ' ,. :;,�;; nbligetion of the veteran to indemnify the Ueterans Administration
<br /> . ,�,�.;:
<br /> •�!�i;;;;;,�� .�• �,a;, •: ' ��ji to the extent of any claim payment arising fram the guera�ty or
<br /> '''��ti:`��,
<br /> � _"�:'�. •:���•,,.,� insurance of the indebtedness created by this instrument.
<br />-°}'�'!'��+;�� • .. � ^ In witness whereof� P'brtgagors/Grantors have executed this rider this
<br />" ��' ��` 1 ST Oate of pWY . 19 92.
<br /> •�,�. .� ,
<br />-- ��J':� ::}y. ':}.t,�'•'i:, �. ,/ ��*� _ �� s� • -
<br /> '�}�;;,;::t!-� The title "Secretary of Veterans Affairs" TH0�1A� L. JAm �50N •-
<br />• ��'`�" shall be substituted for that of � �; ,� �,
<br /> o "Administrator of Ueterans Affairs" each �'" •ti-. ;
<br /> time that it appears in this document KAREN IESON
<br /> pursuant to the provisions of Section 2, -
<br /> Pub. L. No. 100�,27, the Department of
<br /> ,• .
<br /> Ueterans Affeirs Act. '
<br /> �� �• • • ,
<br /> -... _-------, I
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