. .. . `-a.�114C3"ic.__'"!' r/ .S "t• _— -- -- –�
<br /> 9�-����� =-=
<br />' 17.'IYe��of the�oresey or p IIau2itdu!Iadc�4 i��arro�er.lf all or any part of the Properry or any interESt in it —_
<br /> is sold or pansfe�d(or if a b�eficial intetest in Eocrower is sold ar uansferred and Borrower is not a naturaD person)without �f�
<br /> 1L�er's prior written oonsena. L�nder may. at its aption. rec�uire immediate payment in full af a!! sutris secured by this �
<br /> Secu7ity Irs�numu�t.However.this option sha11 nnt he ezercised by Lender if exerc�se ts�rohibited riy fed�ra!1aa as of the date
<br /> of t1�is Securiry Instiument. � rovide a riod of not °' ,
<br /> If Lender exercises this apuaa.l.en�er sfiuli give Harrower a+��=of�ccele�auan.Th�Ronce p P� �:�
<br /> tess thaa 3Q days fivm the da3e the aot�ce is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay al! sums sesured by this �
<br /> Sr.curity Instrtim.°nt.If Barrower fai�s to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may iavolce any temedies �. _
<br /> permitted by this�curity Instrumen!without furthtt notia ae d�mand on Bor�ower. �
<br /> 1�. �on+ntver's Pit�t t� ReinsEete. If Borro�rer m�ts certain oonditions. Barroarer sha11 have the right to have ��..
<br /> enforcentent of this Security Instrumeat disccntinued ai any time �rior to the eartier of: (a) 5 days (or such other geriod as ---:.
<br /> �� applica6te law maY s�ecify for reinstasement) befora sale of the Property Putsuant to any power of sale oontainad in this Fc�`��_
<br />,�'" 3eeurity Instruasent:or(b)entry of u jud��nt enforcing tiris Sasurity Instrum�nt.'l�ose condirions are that Bnrrower:(a)pays ��
<br /> I.c�er t�li sums which ttien would be due under etus�xsrsty Inst�i�raent and the Ncete as if no zcoeletaaou dad occurred;(b) �t`'"'
<br /> ` c+uYS any default of any other covenanu os agre�ments; (c)PaYs ail exgenses incwred in enforeing this Security Insnwnen� �___
<br />'��;�r�: including.6ut not limite�to,reas,onable utto:ne�+s'fees:and(d)takes sucb aciian as Lender may reasonably require co ass�re v--
<br /> �`;- dutt the lien of s�is 8�uriry Iastrumesu,l-ender�s rights in the Property and Borrower's obli�ation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> thIa Security Insuument shull continue unchanged. Upon teinstatement by Borrower. this Security Insdvme►►t and t6e �==
<br /> , obli�tioas sezund her2by shall ranmia fuily effective as�f uo aooeterarion had occurred.Hawever,ttris righi w reinstate shall p;�'-`
<br /> notapp!�in tha c�se of acoeEer.�tion under paeagraph 17. �
<br />' `;.;, 19. Sa�e oi Note; Chnnge of Loan SPSVinxr. 'Itee Plote or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Sewrity �F Y_
<br />;.:�,:;; Insuument)mqy be sold on�or more times without prior aotioe w Eorrower.A sale may result in a chan�e in the entity(known �
<br /> as the"L�oan Se�vvicer")that colleccs amathly payments dua under the Note and this Securiry Insttument.'There alsa m3y be one -
<br /> Se
<br /> � or more c,�an$es of the Loan S�vicer�mrelated w a sale of the Idote. 1f theae is a c4�ange of the l.oan ServirPr,Bormwer will be ��
<br /> . given writien aorice af the cUange in xooardance wlth patagraph 14 above an�app!�cable law.The notice wi�l state the name and ?;-:,
<br /> ttddress of the new Loan SeYVicet afvl the add�ss to tvhIch payments shauld b�e made.The notice will also contain any other ,;,�;•
<br /> _ information nquired bY aPPUcable law. =-
<br /> Z0. �t�Sei6�nc�es.Borrorrer sh�ll not cause or pe�t the p�.ase,d'uposal, storage.or re���� _;�
<br /> � D�Iar�rdous Substanoes a� or in the Property Borrower shap na! do, nor aIIow anyone else to do, anything r.,_;
<br /> . Ptoperty that is ia violation of any Fa�vironmental Laa. The precesling tavo sc-ntffires shall aot apply to the presense,use. or
<br /> storage on the Pmperty of s�nal]quamitias of Ha7atdous Subs�tances that aae�tIY ieoognized w be�ate t°a°rmal . fs,. •
<br /> cesi d e n t e a 1 uses an d to m a�n t e n a n c e o f t h e P ro p e r ty• h�
<br /> Horrutver shall pmmptly givo Lrender writcen norice of any investigaaon,claim,demaad.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> �, guvetnmenW or regula�ory ag�acY or private party involvin$the Property und any Hazandous Su�stance or Environmentai A.aw �•`'.
<br /> �s�."' of wiuc�Bnr�ow��l�as ac�al i�owle�e. If�ormwer le�ams.or is not�f'ced by any govem�s�af or regulatory anthority.that �"
<br /> . any removal or other remediation of atty Hazar�ous 5af�stance affec4ing thx��Y u neoessa�Y.$orro�ver shall prompttY take �:��
<br /> ' alt rteo�ssaty reffiedi�'il actions in aocordanse with Envirnnmeu t a l G a w.
<br /> "`''•' h Z0. "Hazaridous Substances" are those substamcFS def�ned as touc or h�raidnus substances by
<br /> �':,1:A. As Used in this par�grap ��-
<br /> ;:,�r.. F�vimnm�tal I.aw and tiia foltowing sub�tanoes: gasotine. It.nnseae, oshes fJnmmzble or toxic p e u oleum praducts, r�a�cic �
<br /> :.•`i,. pesiicides.ar,d herbicides,volatile solveuts.m�teriats ooutdining�sts�:�ns or formatdehyde.and radioaciive matc�rials.As usr�:.:�n ���`
<br />%',r`,, chis , 2Q. "Envimnntxntal Law" means federal laws ur�ri:iY�cvs of the jurisdiction wtse� the l�mp�ty is tocattxU..C,�at —
<br /> c�late�W h�tb,safeiy or environmeutaf pmtecuon. �� '_ . �•� :�
<br /> , 1�I01�I-IIJAi�OItAIE COVENANTS.Borruwer aad Lender further oovemant ara�';a,�ee as follows: - ___
<br /> :::�� 2!.Aceel�atton;Remotl�es.I.�der stwil gire�otice W Bor�ow�r prtn�t�ae�x2�9�C►n foliowing Borrmnrer's b�rh -�...
<br />`�"" " of an�sxs�tess�nt or agrz�eat in this Secarlty Instram�i (bmE noY prkor w aooe3eratton an�er paragr�iDh 19 ui�
<br />:�i:::..` . appli�(c i�sv pt+ovide�otfleiwise).The sotice sl�all specif�y: ta)the defauIt;N)th�a�oGi:�required to cm+e t6e d�it; �.�,
<br />'.�4r.�. (c)s�ds�te,not iess ti�aa 30 days from t!►e dute 48e aotiox fs giv�n to Sorrowcr:by wAtcti t�e dc�'anit must be ca��aad
<br /> '"' � (d1 tt�aY f�ure to cur�the defualt on ar 6efora idso dnte ¢e�in the notice may resolt in aae7�tPon of i�he soms
<br /> ..,�.:.
<br /> .. secmed by th�s Seau�t�s 1�c�ent and sale of We Frope3ty.The�co2tce shal!faither inform Bono��a'of the right to ``
<br /> ��r''�;. er
<br /> � ret�tate aiter acs��t�9��.9nd the r�ttt to 6rirn�cnur�adlnu to a�ei4 ihe nou�ststcnoe oY a d�i'anit or any otIter
<br /> .". 8efease,ufi Borrmwrt 4r���ra�czlcratiau sad sale.If the deianit is nat cured oa or beYore the date sgecifeed in t�e n�otise, �
<br />:;.'.;;::'; L�des,e�t it�optioa.m�Y reqair�e immediate payment in[tiill oYall sum.S s�ed by tbls$eearity Iastre�ment wi2hant �.
<br />.'t;r;s�:.: fartlker dcmaad s►nd oaay invoke tlie power of sale and any atlne�neuee�lcs peranitte�by AppliraDle law.L�adet sAafl be
<br /> � :+ c�iued to coiiect atb�incurr�tn p�usfltng,t�e r�ncdies provided in thts poragc�P6 21,includiag,b��t uot timite�
<br /> �.�°�°;�:� •� to�,ressonaMe a�tomc�il'•���es and costs of tttte eWr�nce. � of the =-
<br /> � � Yf l6ce Qower af s�e is imo{crdl,Te�ste�r uf1�1B reaord s�aotke of dtfntili in each county ip wt�n any�wtit e._...
<br /> '�.�.ip�- �Ttxatefl and s�fl malt c�'s j�tres oY s��tIce in the manner prescrt�sed by appfic�bie taw to BoROwer aa�i to w
<br /> �' e Trustee shall glee p�L1Ic notioe
<br /> .. � IIiie�p�,�{ic�.,�ona prestribed by�ppi,zx�le law.A�er tiie tipne�qnired by a ��W taw, —
<br /> � . � 4f sal�r`�Ue persons and tn the mannec prescrlbed by apptic�tiie taw.Tet�st wttttouk tii�tat►nd oa Horrower.s�aiA.se11
<br /> sc
<br /> '`� '.c�e Prop�+at pabUc aaaiom to the highest biddr.�at the tirne and p4aee znd am�es thE tr�ms d�stg,n�t��9.iun the ni�tce of ! .:
<br /> � � sa{e in ene os more purceis�nd fn any order Tc�si:�deleimiaes.�ee maY P�Pnn�saie oY a41��{�sy par�cel oY thz
<br /> p�p�r�y p�lic anna�cement at the time�ptace o4 any pr�vluusty sc�ednle�s�le.i.ender.Qu 'f;s designoe a�ay
<br /> �urc�tu:l�2 Property at nay sale. ,���
<br /> ''.•i . —,
<br /> ��:.'�' ' � • ' Form 30Z8 �J190 �-_
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