t . _ " ..'� i " - ,. ... . � `��._.
<br /> � . . 9� �� ��.
<br /> � ��
<br /> • 5. ��or I'�a� I��. Bor[c�cvtr shall k�ep the impmvements now eni.ttictg �r��reafter e�ct� on titr ---
<br /> [�
<br /> �P�Y�`•���loss by fire.hauurds iec�ude�wif?ii�the term °e�ueud�d cisv�age" and arn other f�rds. iudnding
<br /> h rd
<br /> ' Qoods or ft�odin�.far whic6 I�ader requires insuraaoe.'l�as i�ura�sN.s�atl ba isr�.�ttt�s�.in th:.:.mcunts attd far tI�pxriads �`:j-._
<br /> that I.crt�.a reqturzs.'l9te in�tsnae caa4ier providin�the ansurance sha116�chosea L}�.Rorrucvsr$ub}ect to i.ender's ajsprovts! .
<br /> ` �`�° w�ich s6all aoi ise anz�asarablyr n�rithhetd. If Sareower faiLs to maintain coverega d•�c�rib�d at�s�ra.i.ender�y.ui I.ettder's 1'r.__
<br /> `•:`:�r,�, opiiom.obtaiH oovesa�e to pmtsct t.eader's r�g6u in thz Frap��ty in�000rdasice wit1�p:sagna��n 7. _—
<br /> • Atl iasuiance poYicies aad miewals shall be aca�table to Lender a�shall inchtaZa a stunda�d mor�age clsus�. Le�der
<br /> �.�',' s.'�aif have the right w hold the p�u}icies�rencwats.lg Ler�der reqaires,Borroues sF�sli prcratptly�ii�e tu[.et.,a�ta a!I rereipts of �;��^
<br /> prid premiams and renewal notices.Ia the er•ent of loss,B�orCOtvet sS1311�ive pT�o'ttp2 molip:Io ih0 t7'eSWr'i�09 f2?t[d'!s`8nd Le�der �"'���
<br /> �;.. , Leader may ma3ce prdof of loss if aot tmzde promptiy by Bomnwer. --
<br /> _ Unte�s i�er aad Borrower othenvise agoee in�vritinS.ir,svmnce pra�ds shrJi b:tvppllM to rc�€taration or rzpair of the _
<br /> '• preperty dam�ge�,if the restordriun or cEpair is economicalIy feas�Pe and�ad�r s�s�rFt;r i�an:�a.�ssc:��f+.Sf t@�e restoration at _g=':`-;
<br /> '�_�:
<br /> tepair is not econvmicalIy feasibte or Lender's se�usiry woutd be lessened. the inszacunoa psoa'u1s,sht+11 De applied w the ssu� �,,;:.:,
<br /> s�ued by this�ecvrIty Ynsunmeat. tivhether or aa2 tttc� due. witte any exoess psid ta Bairos►�.=r.� �orrower aban�ans thE �m:
<br /> Peap�rty,or do�nn3 answu Evithin 3Q days n noiia from I.�nd�c that the insursna�ca�ri�r ha�offc�d•eo settle a claim,thea __-
<br /> Leader may c�iiex�t�e ir�svrzace proe�s. Y.e�der may eise the ps��ds to n�ir or r�tare tho&'sa�:mj or to pay sums ---
<br /> s�red by tlris Seeurity Instrument,whesher or aot:hen due.Zh�3Q-d.a�pzr'tad ai116egin when the nattp3 rs�,p«a. _-
<br /> Unless Iendcr and Eoaower atherwtse a�ree iD writina. anY aPPticzseon af pmc�ads m piin�pxi��A�i}.�ot exteac�or —
<br /> Psry�sone ths due date of the monthly payments referred tv in paragaphs 1 and 2 or chat�ge the amaut�Y of t7�$paytnents. If �:;_
<br /> . ��P��P�►�1 the Proparty is acquired by Le�der.Boaower's rigbt to acry insc�mnoa�nlicies r�n�proneeds resulting from �,�
<br /> damage to the Pcoperty prior ta the acquisition shall pass to Lender m the excent of the sum�s�urr�l b�°this Security YnsLwnent �._.
<br /> immediateiy prfar to the acquisidon.
<br /> � 6.mcaapancy,�ttan,Nlainsena.nse ssad�faetlon aY Eh�Prog�rdy3 Dnr��s l.�rs�n l�sP.lt�nu.Leasehulds._
<br /> . �;
<br /> Bomswer sE:alt oc�cupy,establish.and nse the Pmperty as E�rrower's principal tesid�•�viWin s�:t,�dtry�aRgr t:te exeratian of �u.;,',-
<br /> tius�ecurit�r Instrumem aad shall continue t,o oocapy the Pra�erg+as Bomoonrer's ptutcsgal.Yesidanaa fm.ut teast on�pe�r a�tar �{'__-:=
<br /> � `��`. the date of��acy,uhless Lender othecwise a8re�s in writing,whii�:consent s�uot be �ut�c�aso�bT�wethheki,ot unlf� --- -
<br /> :{�'}.`4, exteauating clixtisiastances exist w6ich are beyond Sorcower's onntmi. HoYrowgr sl�all nur tip�lnY, dturm$e ar imp3ir tPis
<br /> .;u:` $aaoarers�all��tn�darftwh�if,an �brfeitttt�
<br /> . Accspeny,31luvi the Froperty to d�riorate.'or commit�vaste on the Frape�y. Y
<br /> ` uct�'pp or proceedin$.whether civil or criminal,is be�u.t�iat in Lend�r's gaod fssith judgmmu could resvltifin.fbrfetWre o�f the —_
<br /> �•:•,:,, �dtii�rErty or otkerwise tnatenally tmpau tLe Heu creatsd.l�',►this Seauity TnsUumenE or Lendar'�e,�rtty interest.Barrower may _,_,,
<br /> ",_�4:, eure sach a default aad ceinstate.as provided ia paragraph 18.by ravsing td►e aRion or procx�dln�;to,bs dis�mssed with a niling �.
<br /> .�.. that, in Le,nder's gaod faith de2ennination, Preclud�s farfeiture of t�e Banower's int�est:ni:iit[�Praperty or ot�er matsri3l �.
<br /> `y��: impaim�eng of the lien created by this Sc�uf+ty In�nm�i ar I.eader's security intxt�:�- &sizoa;ci s$aI1 a1�6a in defaalt if ;'
<br /> `;�-:` Bojrower.during t9e lnan application pnooess.ga�r.t��s�Iy fals�or inaccurate in�n'}is�ioa or sEatemEnts.td.uender tor fa�led �i�#;ss
<br /> • to provide�qder with any mateseal infomr�r.,}•ir;ia:lsri�.'tion wiW the loan evidet�l'try t�s N�te.inctudInB��i�t ndt limited ���`:.
<br /> ..:y;`i= to,rePresentat�si�rnncPming Borrower s�y�q,s�iss:��aL'ti��progeriy�r�.�stncipal resi8ea�.:I�fh'i:5:�^ecnrity In �,,, nt i��{y;'�y�
<br /> r r� tea�old, Bdtai�+raer shall coatply c.rittt �i�t��ir=V�i�cs.of the teu5� If Sorroiv_r ao�4irps ft-�'Ri€!� to the Fra�erty. ff"s� r'
<br /> `� �old a�d t�e fee ti8e shnfl�tat cnerge aiu2ss Leaac��►`c�es to the merger in writing. �
<br /> ' .�:;:�.Prot,ettt4a of I,ender's gtights in tt�e Pcoperi.yi:tY��3omnwer fails to getfirrm tha oai�eacnts and agc�a«nis conrained ia
<br /> �j�'�ecurliy Insirument,or theue is a legal pmceedin�tt�at may slgnifirandy aff�:L�ndcn's�ights in th$Property (such as a
<br /> � ��e�edias in ba�tkruptcy,probate,for coademn�tton or forfaiture dr w enforoa l�Ka or�ul�tia�s), tl�en I.ender may do acd __ _
<br /> Pay;for whatever is s�essary to protect the vatue of the Frnperty aad Lendar's righw tti-xiia At�p.seY. I.ender's actions may . •-
<br /> � ini�til�te,gaying any sums secured by a lien wtuch has �riority or•er this Saesninc•Tcut�amc.�t: a�ea�ing in oovzt. P?Y�fl� --
<br /> . ' �bte aiwmrys'fees m�d entering an thc Properdy W n�1ce repaiis.A6thau�b=L�titP�'-cmY take�ction un�es this paiagraph °'::
<br /> �`��<
<br /> . • 9.I.ender does nat bave to do so. ' ;_::��, ,,�.- ��'�
<br /> � Any amounts disbu�zd by Iender under this puYa�raph 7 shrll�b�mr�i�J�ill�fd�.l de�tt,_Qf�onawer secured by t r� •. .
<br /> -J�' �/ ���
<br /> $¢Cililty'/A&t7�i1n�8DI.UIIICSS BOIPOVI�C!flI�I.ClIQEI 8b'[IC�t0 Ot�61'tfSYlfIY O�Q8yA�4IIC:L�lSC uuxJ�lJllf.iF.�18}I T9C2i�{I1iC[CSt f14A'!'�:
<br /> .. •�te of dI��t�terrt.at the Note rate a�d shill be payable,vrith ini�a�t, '�Pu�,nutice froin�;�ides to Barmwer�chsif�� • ----
<br /> �'€?ieht. � . ..� �:;. . • �r
<br /> ` _:��8.R+I�g2lastsr4nce.If t.ender required motY�;t�.�insutance as a coadiditi��7xi•inxiCinB the toan�d by this 5ee,vrity
<br /> � .'Yiosirumenr�I�tifa.^a,�ver shall pay the premiwns requite�t�inaintain the mortga�r�i�;ar�iu effect. if� for any zeason. the �,,
<br /> mortgage ir�ri'u�'s�e c�verage requind by Lender lapses or ceases to h�in effoy,$ct�roare�e sbill?pay the premiums rexNired to _
<br /> obta3u oovera��:'substantiall�.equixalent�to the tnartgagg,insurance�prevta�sly,in��r:t.at a o��k��s+sbstantiaUy equivuteat to t�e --
<br />+;, . � cost to Borrower of ehe u�uVaf�`i�e insetranoe previousl�.� i�effect,froaf mn�alitrmfil�i�5rtgage insater apprmv�d by LQnder. If
<br />• - substantialty equiyalent rGU��i�insumnce covemge iy nvt available,Borra��t�.��a1!l�p�y to Lend�r each montfs a sum equal to : ii��
<br /> one-iwelt?h oFthe yesuly tao�tgage insurance premium 6eing paid by Bormncr�Nr.'�ihe insumsne cQVerage lapsed or ceased to ;;�
<br /> . . . be in effect.Lender will aooepi.use and reta'sn th�e paytnents as a lass re�erro in lieu of�rn�st�,gg insurcnce. Loss tG��.�c� _-
<br /> � � Cium3028 9i3o t:�•�
<br /> � -.,��.. . . P�pe3ofs . - � _ . ... � �r�,�
<br /> '� 1 ���'
<br /> . . . . � -_ - . - . . • � � 'r� , .� . " • , " '- ' .
<br /> ,�.�, , . . j4k;��� �„t . � • ; �
<br /> , , ��'t . 1.� t"! ,
<br /> �,:�;�c • :1l'f, , �' .��,�ti� '� � , .
<br /> . , _ _ . (; .. .. . . ' `jjrt,4 ,ir.� 1 � .. , : - ..
<br /> ���y� _ .�•' .
<br />•- , . '- - ' ' . . ' ' , ', . . � i�-. - ` , . . - . • ".
<br /> - . " - - - ... �� . .... . �. � . , . . . . . . , .
<br />. . • .. -' - , . � , � . . . -.�- . . .. . .
<br /> . . .. . . . . � .- . . . �, . • . ;. � ' .. � � • , e.
<br /> � • ' '. . .. � . ._ .. .. t,:: ' _ . _ . . . _ _ _ - ,
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