� - . . . ... . . . . . . . . �p•
<br /> ��_ ���� ��
<br />�. < S. �rd or Peo�riy Ics�car�aEe- Borro�rer shall keep the ui►provemenu nnv+ e�cfsting or hereafter ertcied on tha �:
<br />' pivpeay insnr�again�t loss by frre.ha�ds iaduded withln t�►e term"eateuded mverage" and any other haaards. in�iuding �c�:.
<br /> �..
<br />.�i.s• tIoads or flooding.fvr�vhich L,end�requires insurance.This insur..uis2 sball�maintained in che amauats and for the ge8iads �.
<br /> .,i: thai Lender requires.'i4se insurance carrier provAding Yhe insuranee shall be chose� by Borrower subjcsi to Lend�er's approval �;
<br /> wSnich shail n.ni b$ucueasonably cvithhsld. ff Borrawer fails to main�in rnverage described above, Lender may.at Lender's =__
<br /> r� ogaion.obtain raverage to protsct Lender's rigtits in ti�e P1ope�ty in accor.iance with Fr�ragraph 7. �'"' �_',
<br /> pll insuraace policies and renewals shall �e acoept�ble to L�der aR� sha11 include a standasd mortgage elause. Lender
<br /> �-'=
<br /> shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If I.ender requir�s.Eorrower shall prompily give to Lender st1 receipis of �
<br /> paid premiums and renewal nodces. In th�e e�ent of lass.Barrower shall give prompt notice w tf;e insurrmoe ras�ier snd II.end�r. __
<br /> I�dex may make proof of toss if not masle p;om�tly by Borro�c'er. ��'
<br />�c� ----
<br /> Uniess Leader and Barrower atherwise ag�in.vtiting.in.surance proceeds shall 6e applied to restoration or repair of ehe --
<br /> �-'�..:__�.,
<br /> � proparty damage�,if the zestoratiun or repair is eoonomically feasible and d.ereder's se�urity is uat iessenad.ii the restoration or �-,
<br /> repair is not ecouomically feasible or Lender's s�urity would be tessenad,the insurance Proc.�cls shnit be apptied to the susms ��°
<br /> secured by this Security Inswment.whether os not then due. v+itia any excess paid to Eorrower. If$�nre��rer abandons the �'`�'``
<br /> Feoperty,ar daes not answer within 30 days a notice fsom Lender that the insurance carrier has offem,si to settle a claun.then �•-:y,
<br />' I.en'!:r may colled the insurance proceeds. Lender may us. the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums —
<br /> s�s�se�by this Security Insuum�ent,whether or aot then due.The 3Q-day psriod wiU begin when the natice is given. ��-
<br /> Unless Ixnder and Bormwer otherwise ag�ee in writing, ar►y agpiiratian of p�s to principal shaU not extend or ____.
<br /> f'��� postgone the due date of the monthly pay�nenLs referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the Rayments. If — _
<br /> . under paragraph 21 the Pc+operty is acquired by Lender.Burrower s rig6t to amf instuance policies and proceeds resulting from �,.
<br /> d�3csrr,��to the Property prior to the acquisi�on shsill pass w Lender tn th:ersent of the sums secured by s6is Sexurity ins2n��nt
<br /> �._� .
<br /> ��� imt»�liately priar to the aar�isirian.
<br /> .;S��� 6.�acupansy,�atfos,9�n�a�e aad Proteetlon of tlte E�vperty;Borrower's Y.aun Appfisat�an;d.�o4ds. r__
<br />;,.'� Bamower sfiall o�s.ipy,es�tabfis6.and us�the Pevperty as Borrower's prim��al residence within sixty days after the ex�an of -
<br />`:t"� � this Secvrity Insuuuwnt snd�haU continue to�xupy the Property as i�rr�c�rer's principal residenre�sa at least one year aRer p�•
<br />"F:��•' � the da1.e of oocvpancy.anitss f��er w.it�nvise agtees in writing.whicCz c�unsent shall aot be unr�aanbly withheld.os un4�ss �•��'
<br /> ,.c�•. . �`,
<br /> .:`�:,; eatenw�ng circumstanc�s exist:..�vhic6 are �eyund Eorrower's cantrol. Borroarer sUat! not destray. dacnage or impair the °�---
<br />;;;'r? p�openy, aIlaur the gropeity �rs.�eteriasate,or commit waste on tlae Property. Bamsa�s st�a11 be in default if any farfeiture -�:•�
<br /> te
<br /> �'s�j a�don m ptaceeaing, whether v'ivil or criminal. is began that in l.eacier'�.�aod faidti 1;�"meut caula resu�t in forfeitu�e af the �-
<br /> :"rS',l . —
<br /> .,.<. . pra�l�y o:oil��risr_materially impau'the lien create�f by this Security Tis�rrament or Leader's senuiry interest.Borrower r�y �
<br />' `�'��.. euro s.tcb a dcf�tsJl�ra�d reinstate,as provided in parag�ph 18,by awsia�ti��t:action or ps+nceEding to he dismissed with a ruling
<br /> ,,,. .
<br /> thYj�1�'(,euder's f;coA faith determinarion, pr+ecludes forfeiturz of the Bo�mwer's iuterest in the Pr�perty ar onc�t mai ' �
<br /> ;�+; isnpairment of�ta.(iea creatad by this Security Instrament or Lender's security interes� Borrower shall also ee in d�efanIt if �,;
<br /> �:�:�'
<br /> ,•�t� ! g�unmwer,duric�.�n.>.ioan appllcatic,��pmoess,gave matereally false or taua�rate infcrmabion or ssatements to Lender(as failed �,Y
<br /> . •'�� to provide Lends�arir�►any matesp�.f'iutqxax�s�s�n)in connection witl�the Pe.w�evidenced try the PIote.including,bat not Eimited _,;
<br />>?,;; eo+representations concerning,Sf',�twer'�a:�ugancy of the Prope�y as a principal residence.IF this Security tnstrument is on a �?r
<br /> ' '�w.tehold, Bomuwer shail mrss�{j.S with aU the provisions of the lease. If EaRacv:�:aoquises fee atle ta tho P�I�ertY. the �`:o�_::
<br /> -%„�4-, 2ei�cehnid and the fee title shall.r�fi merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writi�.: -:::::-
<br />::x:sa�.:. y.Ftts4e�din�o�L�aal¢r's E�te i�the I'c�perty.If Borrower fails to perFcrFm i�e wveaants and agreement�aontained in �
<br />;`:�;",��',. this Sesvr�ty!•S�ttuaeen�or there is a 1ega1 pmceeding that muy significansly affect LendePs rights in the ProPertY(such as a �,
<br /> ;���:._• . y��n�eeding in�Yr�ptcy,prob2te.for condemnation or forfeiture ur w enforce laws or regulations).then Lender may do and.
<br /> ' Ryy�'far whatever is necessacy to pmtect the va9ue of th.Property and Lender's rights in the P[operty. I.ender's actinas may' ��
<br /> '' ' include PaYing any soms secaued by a lien which has i7�uairy over this Secarity Iastrument. appearing in..u�w!'r., paying �M T-:
<br /> ,'.;,. � . reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Pmyerty to�e repairs.Although I.ender may take�ion under t�is paragcaph =
<br /> ��%1�' ' 7.I.ender does not 6ave to do so.
<br /> �'"f," � Any amounts disbursed by Lender uader this paragmph 7 sha!]'�F�nms addi6onal debt af.�:orrower serured by thi� �"�..
<br /> -;,•,;.. .
<br /> �;�
<br /> 5xurity Insa�nrnent. Untess Bonoaer and Lender a�ree to other tern�s�Y�,aymeat...r�t�^..�e amoun2s�SCi16ear interest.fcom the .. �
<br /> �ti�tfi of Gisbu�sement at tha flFar� rate and shal!bo puyabte, cvith intetest,.u�oa r.�mic.cc from Lender to�orrower stquestin& ' ,A,;;:
<br /> � � � 12i�bt^-
<br /> ' �s3yrtiftlt• ' --'
<br /> ' ;'.� 8.Niort�e Ittsurance-If Ixnder myuired mortgage iasurance a�a randitian of maldng the Iar.Yi seWred by this 5ccuri�,�
<br /> •;..'1.'• Tnstn�meat, Ht�rrawer shall pay the premiums required to mai�u�in�9in mortgage insurance in effe�. If. fat any reasan, tli6�:
<br /> '" mortgage insurance covemge required by Lender lapses or ceases im Qr�effect,Eorrower shail pay the preraiums requir�i�b• �
<br /> . obtaiii ooverage substnntially equivalent to the mort�nge tn�`ur�nce previously in effect.at a cost substanUaLly equi•�alent to the
<br /> �;{1�;,, cosi to Borta�ver of the rr�ott�ge insurance previou^Sy i�effe�t, frorm an altemate mortgage insurer approved 6y Lender.lf
<br /> ::;';a�; subsusnri�lly eqrrav�tent mortgage Hnswanse�c►�•erage is noi available,IIF�rrower shall pay to Lendar e�ch montf�a sum equal to _ _
<br />;�;:��i;- ane-twelfth of iflr'�earty mortgage insuran��z'emium being paid by B�rrrower when the insuranoe ooverage lapsed or ceascd to —°
<br /> {►k ia effect.�.eci;�.r arill acxept.use and r2tain th�e payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mo�4gage insurance. I.oss resetve
<br /> Cii
<br /> _t`.�.ii\�,
<br /> Fam 3028 9I9O — -
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