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.� ...« , . , » ' ' --- T. ,. <br /> W` � y :r�e.x.=� ;�y� „ __—._._ � .� _ -__ <br /> _ ���`' i6� ,-^°;�. . . .,... .+✓,y : ...• ',. , ^-� =- <br /> .. — :_��.��J...v - 'n�lc'. - �r� :. <br /> . .�•t,�!�]xr�wl.:er«. • - � __ ... - <br /> ' __. ___ _ �'i <br /> . • , , __ <br /> .�.�Q� <br /> ' ,p.. , <br /> ►'�yh. .•� '� 1pf�S.. <br /> Ni� <br /> ,�.:r:��,µ;�;�x..� 92 �._ --- <br /> " - 103".'��t <br /> ��r-�-�. <br /> z.,�._ . .�..� <br /> f_ � f;�*�� , . <br /> � <br /> ' • . • =° ..�c <br /> ^ . A a�ht;,�� '`. ��� 1 UQV I r <br /> . „_ ..' .... _... .. . <br /> � " � .,'���'"� � 2. 1lannitanls, es of the date hereof, ae�ign to graa�ors all `-- <br /> - ----,_ <br /> � "� �� � .� ����� the balaaaes in all eavings aaaounts they have and certifiaate• of <br /> ; deposit they now own and to add graator� to acaonnt� and acaount _____ <br />�� ° � eignatur� aazdr to faailitata er.d effectunte euah assignment, ouch °-= - <br /> f� , � balanaea to be u�ed in the disaretion of grsntor� to nwet the <br />'�?•i�, �' obligations and costs of aare incurred by tham as a result of the = <br /> . �, , , , ° �._,.�'�. combined livinq arranqement aontemplated and to reimburse graatos� -- - <br /> � � for amounts paid hereunder from their own funds or from amounts _- __ <br /> .. �� borrowed by them to meet the medioal and liviag co��a of or =-___- -- - <br /> . � � �, allocable to anauitsiats. <br /> '°A.,'� � � 3. 1►annitants further aasign to gr�ntora the reimbursement <br /> . paymenta m+�de by Medicare aad a�her a�ediaal and aaaident insuranae -- r <br /> � .�-�',` �'� ' � carriere and to arrange to have their sooial security inaome 3-.r. <br /> ' � .. . deposited in a joiat account af graators or either of them, all of ��=° <br /> �'� which shal l be ueed to reimburae grantors for any advanaes paid ' ;� <br /> _ �.:F-.n�� .' �rom their o�m funde or funds borrowed by them or to pay direatly �,��:� <br /> ,,. �'=— <br /> ��, .. ,. • tho mediaAl aad livinq expenaea of aanaitaat�. __ _ _ <br /> :.�,;.,�,. : ;;" . ; � --- <br /> 4. In aonsideration of such agreements, transfers aad ��+��: <br /> ' �• ` ��'���:� � '� aseignmenta, grantors hereby aqree to pay an l�ehelf of anauitants �;�=- <br /> ..,;;:�;�. <br /> '�� �;� � all "rent", utilities and other housing costa, �nd all <br /> ;'.� :� � � transportation, Medicare and ather medical iaeuraACe premiume, <br /> .-.._... . - � <br /> food, clothinq and cther livinq expenae� and uncovered medical ---- - <br /> :,•► .� • .. � aosts and to provide a monthly cash allowance cf not leoe than $35 =r�Y, <br /> for eaah of annuitanta. It is contemplated that monthly auah costs ���"�''r`--=-�- <br /> will equal or excesd $1,500 in additioa to social security income � � �° �'�; <br /> aaticipeted in the combined amount of approximately $1,200. Suah ° ' � <br /> • support ehall continue for eo long as aunuitants coatfaue to reeide �t <br /> " with graator� and are a►ble to mana e their dail live• in ssfet � '� '.t. , ' � <br /> 9 Y Y <br /> � and without constant euperviaion or continuing nur4inq aupport or ��.,;;;�; <br /> , l until the dQath of either of them, whichaver oacurs firat. ' �_._ <br /> .. ��'r. .,.___-- <br /> � 5. I f and when annuitants are no longer able to manage th�ir :,..�,_,.�,,,:;;.'- <br /> � dailp liv�s in safety and without constant supervi�ioa or � •• •,� �-- <br /> . cantinuing nursinq support, qraatora agree to aasist them with the � �,-_;�;�__ <br /> location and their placement in a care facility auitable to thoir - � :_:_ <br /> needs aed in completinq wha�tever assignment might be i J� � <br /> �� , required of their sxinl sscurity benefits. In tho event of suah i <br /> inability, grantors obliqations hereunder shnll cease and be � <br /> limited to the payment of $3,000 toward the funeral expeaaes f each .-�- <br /> , „ of sanuitants. � - :°'�''- <br /> :::�;;,-: <br /> �h.l'1 nAr[a <br /> . � , 6. If either of aanuitatnts should die while still residinq L � �. - <br /> with graator�, gsaators' responsibility hereunder shnll be limited ' •• <br /> . to the sane extent specified in paragraph 5 above, i.e. aseistance ! <br /> in placement in a care facility and S3,000 towards funeral expenses � <br /> of eaah of aaauitaats. <br /> . �� <br /> r <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . , <br /> � <br />