r,����� t •�;t�� `�ti •SITf,�'V: . ry' ��� .',�l`��1• � ����(�i:T�,•�,P• •��1�k�;�y;y ? '..• .;ri.. t �+���d`fi�x� - _
<br /> , ` �� o k�t'�:`•r� , , - -
<br /> .�.. �° „
<br /> �.� .,x�+rro �u� '�
<br /> ;, � ,. ..
<br /> n ��Y• ;. 'a.r
<br /> '�:' -,t_.
<br /> - ��. ,� '. ... . Ni'i..._n ^_Y�..�r W w,. - _ _ --
<br /> :��= ���.�_ �_"_�. "
<br /> .. -!. • , , . .. �I�� ��� -- . - " _- _ ' v
<br /> ' � .�...� �r"�r-rs.: ...�.
<br /> � , � � r cr� - - - - � �!-
<br /> j '�`,' �.p ,e:,ir. • P 80 60t t(6•90) _ -- —
<br /> ' ' " $w'�``�i�' . Iphlb FNin G�dit D1�1r1o1 Y
<br /> �-�ix�,ap.,+-tl`"r� l'Y...-...-._-
<br /> � " � ,'.;�.`�`•::''� 'ry x ACKNOWL8DQ�18NT:
<br /> .., .� , T�und�nlaned Tru�tot(al hatahv�eknowkdpo��nd undwat�nd�thu(a)tlw taeutiry document hetow lo bo axeeutad I�o Tru�t Dood,rnd not� �_' �
<br /> : '' mortp�p��nd(b)the pw►ror of�de providM fa In fha Twt D�d proYldot tub�Untf�qy diHerent dphlt and oblipadom to Ihe Truswr(�)th�n�
<br /> ., . .ti,,,: mortpap�In fho ownl of�d�laWt or brwch of obli��tbn. Tho 7ruttar(s)lurther repre�ents and aproes UW Wt oerdNesdon h�s boan rood nd
<br /> .' t`�"�i's3 .�a., •� ax�euNd in oonn�ctlon with,but pdor b.tM Trwta�'oxooulbn M thNollowinp TnnlOoad.
<br /> - ?v `,�-.• .. � . Daro ml� de ot Mgy �0,�.2.. �' . �r_�._���.,-
<br /> . ° • . �, r
<br /> ' . � .� rvin E. Sto tenberg (a a Marvin r.eMae E. Stoltenbsrg
<br /> . Q*nl*anhnYUl
<br />�*' �'�
<br /> This Tni�t D��d and Aetipnmanl oi ReMe relerred to in Uw�bove acknowtodpmont Is rnpda U�L+ 1 at �Y� � �'`i� —
<br /> U�
<br /> `.. =,c:�--. -, , � 92 ,byand�aip Marvin E Stoltenbercz (�/k/�Marvin I �;,,�...:::;__=---=_=_
<br /> }i'�`s°/1":.,,..��
<br /> � ? :�'. :,.,,. . stoltenb d w�f �d ;��t�j;;�i': _
<br /> � •.:;� ,,,'�,:�'.: ' •Trustor(s)'wh e 13 R d ,: , . '
<br /> ,}: i :�:,
<br /> • .• Farm Crad�t Addnss is 208 South 191h Svaot.C1mah�,Nabraska 68102.and Farm Cr�dit -- —„i�,.
<br /> ' • •• eank o£ Omaha � �-.�°�'
<br /> . � I" .8ene6�r�r,whate ma�ling addnss is 206 Sauth 191h Sheet.Omaha.Nabraska 88102.In canaidoratlon of the advenee by Baneficlnry to TNetor(s�of � — — ����;_�.�___..
<br /> 1.,��
<br /> � , . . tlw prinppa!sum�p�cified balow.IM�oeipt of whlch Ic hereby acicnowkrdped.and any�uture.addUonal,or protecdve edvancea made to or on behslf �;:%'.�.•,;k,� r�ari
<br /> � ` of Tru�be(s)at Bo�ry's opdon,Trusta(�)Irrevooebly tran�fen,conveya and as:lpns to Tru�tee, IN TfaUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the
<br /> �� ,. ' � , f! nd secu' of 8eneflda , iK suooes�ao and uslpne,urWer and wb�e�t to the terme and wnditlont ot thls Tru�t Deed,the proPe�1Y� `��,..v'`L';"_�}�.� •-
<br /> bene A nty ry . .,,�,� :
<br /> .�� � .�. bcatYd in
<br /> t�' w.�'..
<br /> , . Ha l l Counry,State of Nobraako.and doauitwd a�tollowr. ��g::--F-°
<br /> ' ' • ' p ]� ..�' L3� IIW 6th P.B. _, . �a;�
<br /> .. �Y1���A ��������������`w����r�������������������������� .P,.�t.Y A{1---
<br /> ' � That pss� o! tih� NEk86� lyinq North o! tho Noctih�rly ` '
<br /> ;��.:�,:r1;F�
<br /> . ' . riyht-ol-way lin� of th� Chiaaqo, Surlinyton � Quinay ; „ � ,�;�--
<br /> • Railroad Company, boin� ona (1) aarQ, rtwr� or 1��• --- 26 1�N 11W 6eh P.lt. • , �
<br /> . IiBk ---------------...._..---��-------------------------- 26 1ZN 11W 6th p.![. � �
<br /> --- .�-= aKa�pt a tract a� 2esnd laora particalesr�y �eeQxib�d r_,�¢ � �'.:
<br /> `����
<br /> , . in Warranty Ooad, roeordad a• Doaum�nt No. 80-001825 ��'" '
<br /> , aa lollow�: a traat o! land aompriainq a part o! tho . �� ���• �
<br /> , N�1�t0B4 0! S�a. 26-12-11, Hall Co., NE, mor� �4� ,r �:' �.
<br /> � partieulariy do�cribad a� loliow�e Boqinninq at th� `.�',= �
<br /> N� aorn�r o! •aid S�a. �6t thanc� Southorly alonq th� - .''� ' _
<br /> 8 lin� o! �aid S�o. 26, a di�taao� oi 534.44 F��t j ;._,.;,�..,�����,
<br /> tihona� dolloatiny riqht 118°20'48� aod runninq `
<br /> . Northwootorly, a di�tanco o! 524.95 Paatt thonao •• �`,`�". .",r-==-
<br /> d�ll�atinq riqhti 06°07•30" and runninq Northw��torly, �'A" ..'���`--�
<br /> a di�ta�a� o! Z18.2 1oet� th�nc� doflootir�q riqht �� ~ "`-
<br /> 3Z�05'45" and runninq Northwo�torly, a diotanao o! '... �`
<br /> 79.87 lwt� thonca dofloctinq riqht 39°31• and runninq ,� �-ci'. ��`'
<br /> NorthQriy a diatanao ct 89.21 Feot, to a point on tha -�_�
<br /> _._r..�;.-.. ... .
<br /> North lina o! �aid Soc. 26j thanco Esatorly alonq ' � `"i;��M._
<br /> tha North lino o! �aid eoc. 26, s di�tanc� ot 702.69 , _
<br /> • ' , Faot to tho ylaaa o! boqinninq and containirtQ 5.324 ' .' . ,.;;y`�.=
<br /> .. ,•I, �;�,'.; aar��, anor� or 1���. , �-�.
<br /> • topethor with all Truetora�Ight,title,and Interest In the property.now orheraaltor acqulrod,includng: all buildinpe,fixtwes,crops,and Improvementa 1 '�`"�
<br /> ',',,,;' �t..:,
<br /> • • now on or hereeRer placed upon the property;ell appurleneneea,water,Irrigetbn,and dramage rights;all rents,166U6f,usea,Ineome,proRta,end rtghta -`. .-.,, �_:
<br /> � i ravel rxk or other minerats ol whatevor nowre,fndudng geothermal resource¢:dl penonal properry thnt may Integretly � •:�+�'
<br /> to poaaoselon;all oll,ga ,y , , .
<br /> belong to or hereafter become en Intepral part of the real ettate whethor atteched or dotaehed,ineNding any c�ppurtenancoa and aecautrements of eny � �
<br /> strudure a resldonce eecured hereby;all above and below pround irtiga0on equ(pment and aaessories;and al lenses,pormfts,Ifceneos,or privilepea, ,
<br /> appurlenant or nonappuAenent to the properry,now or hereafter i�suad,exlended a renewed by Truaar(s),any Smte,the United 3mtes, or any �
<br /> � department,bureau,Inatrumentality,a apency theroof. The foreyoinp Ic collectivoly roterred to In this documont as the'proporry.' �I '
<br /> 11 Is undustood�nd�pned b�IwNn Tru�tor(�)and B�n�tlolary that thb Tru�t M�d 1�y lven io s�cun: i� ,
<br /> (a) Promfaaory note(a)exeeuted by Trustor(s)lo Bonof�clary descnhod as lollowa: ' '
<br /> Q�ite of Note Princlnal Amoum Dale olNote �Jncloal Amount . .
<br /> NSay 1, 1992 $53,400.00 •
<br /> May 1, 1992 5111,G00.00 ,
<br /> .
<br />, payab�•:according to the terms of tho note(s),and any oddondums to,roamortization or rostructunng of Ihe notc(s) I
<br /> (b) T-�o repeymenl In lull by Trustor(s)ol any and nll fuluro and add�UOnal loans or ndvancea whieh may bu macfe hy Bc ncliaary.at�ts opGon,at tha � �
<br /> reque•t ot,and to or lor the account ol Truator(s),or any of thom,lorany purpose,plus inceroston nll loans or,;d�ancc::,undor any noto(s)or other �
<br /> fnatrwnont(s)modilylnp,refinancing,oxtonding,ronawing,roamortizing,or resVUCtunng,�ow owating,oradd6on�i indcbtednoss or any part thorool.
<br /> ell payablo accordinp to�he terms o1 the noto�s)a other inatrumaMls);provded. howover,that the totnl pr�nc,pc�l uid�zblodness outatandinp end
<br /> . .. _ . � securod heroby at any onc time will not exceod Iho aum of ONE NUNDRED S�XTY—FI V E THOUSRND Alyp N9�Q4�---'---'—
<br /> _ __.aOLLARS(S 16 S�UUU.UU ),oMGluswo Ot mtorest and pro[ecnw i
<br /> advancos authorized hore��a In the loan agraement(s) provided lurlhor,thal THIS PARAGRAPH SHAiL NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT Tl?
<br /> (e) The repayment In lull by Trustor(s)ol all amounta ndvanced by Bunuhciary nt ds opuon.lo o�on bvhall of Trustor(s)as prou�ct�ve advancas
<br /> authori2ed herein,m Ihe loan agrooment(s�.or in othor mstrumont(s)whwh ov�donce auch adv:vicos. p�us �ntorost on oll such ndvanc�?s,payable ns
<br /> providt�d In the�ote(sl loan Aqroamant(s1,or othar�natnimonrys)
<br /> I (d) Tho payment in lull of any and all other pnat,prosant,or luture,d�recl or contingonl.debts and I�abil�bos o�Trusto�(s)to 8unehciary o1 any neture
<br /> whelsoever.
<br /> Thls Tnut Deod wdl bo dua �'ebru�ry 1,_2006_ _ a upon�hu pnymoM�n lua ol eil sums secured hmeby I
<br /> Truftoqs)hereby wanontf tnat Trusto�(�)no�tls tee yrp���,na ro�he aboro desa�bod P�ODt��ry.Ihal iru5ty151 Hs gOOA a^a�.�w':a�+��o���fo nccn a�e a�c�mtr�ro
<br /> aom�.U�t tha(MOpe�ry�s Ireo enE C'ea�ot a�l i�e�s a��a Mambr�ntos.eacUPt�ncum6ronus of�eCO�d 7nd Ih.l�LV SIOq<1 w..�w,r�a^t.r�n ci•'a�n•^i�o•oPe•�y .n
<br /> T�u3IOr�t)@MpBhS@.8Q8�n31 BII CI7�manq 1MhOmlOOVQr j1Y7IOh1)Q��hO�OD�Wa'W{MO fBLnqWShpb 0�n(�h19 O�tlOWMf. hpTUSIPdC.O�SU.U�bvl•S�.PO a��a e�e-rpPOn.n
<br /> ane�o th��bove deacnbed propa�ry �
<br /> � , �
<br />