• .. . • . . . •. ,� :; ••:<'��.F�xo���� � � - �,-.,-� o.�..� ..•._
<br /> � • , ,;._,�-„��.� ...�..::,���.:::F�' �,
<br /> �.A.:--
<br /> �` g����� -_:�
<br /> 17.'�rans��'o�tdie Pro�arty or a�enP4Tsir�I�e�st 1s►�ur�o�e�'. If all or any pa�rc of the Prapeity or any interest ia it �c._.
<br /> is sold or uansfsrted tor if a bertsfici�l9nterest ia Borrouer is sold or uansferred ansi Borrower is not a naturai persan)vrithout -;_
<br /> Lenc�r s prioz�veattea wnf�nt. Lender may, at its option, require immedi:te iry-ruent in full of afl s,�ms serured by this �F'""'
<br />' Sacurity instrumenc.Hoit,�sre,this option shzt!noY be eaerriseQ by Lender if ex¢trcue is prohibited by federal law as of the dat$ �
<br /> of this Security Instnutt:nt. �,_-
<br /> If Le�ader exercises this option.Leuder shal!give Borrower notice of�cc,°.lEnatioa�.'I'h�not�ce shall provide a�eriod af not
<br /> Iess than 30 days from the date the asrtta� is delivered or mailed within weich �orracv�mti�sE.pay all sums secured by this ,�
<br /> ' Insa�s�nsent.If Borsower fails to pay t�cse suuLS PrioT to tho e�pirun°a°f this p:r+�r�,E.�der may imoke any remedies ��
<br /> Secunry
<br /> permitted bY this Sec�rity Insttument withoui f�*nauce or aea��en�amni•wt_ �':..
<br /> I8. �£orra�csf's �tt�Qet to liedns4a4�. If Soreower meeu certain condition�. Barrower shall have the right to have ��„
<br /> enfo�m�nnt of this Serunnj Tn�tnsment diswnt�ed at any time prior to che earDier of: (a)5 days !or such other period as �.
<br />� applicabtc Imr may spQCify for reinstatement) tseforz sale of the Propsrty puzsuant to any power of sale contained in tivs
<br /> •�,,y Se�rity Ins�niment:or(b)entry of a j¢dgment enforc4ng ttus 5ecurity Instrnment.'I�ose conditions are that Bomnwer.(a)pays �'�
<br /> • • Lender u11 scmu.n�Mch tlien would b:dite under this 3erurity In�rumeuY and the Nutz as if no�eleratirm had occurre�:(b) ----
<br /> s all ex incu�red in enfoscing this Secwity Instrumen� <
<br /> • cures any dcfaidi af any other covemints or agreem�r►ts: (c)paY Fe�s�
<br /> mn
<br /> '�' including, but nat litqited to.reasonable attomeys fee�:and(d)takes snch acticm�1-end,er may r�asontsb�y re4u�re to assare �`:_`:;
<br /> that the tien of ihis Securirj Instnunent, i.ender's rights io the Property an+f Eorrmver's obliga►ion to pay the sums secured by ��,;:
<br /> h.,`�_ this Security tnsa�ument shall oontinue unc�ged. Upon reinstateme�t by Barrower. ttus SECUrity I�utniment aud the ■^z:_-_-
<br /> a� �.�. .. .
<br /> .;;;� abligatian��h�Y S����lty effeaive as if no aceeiera6on had occurm,d• However,this right to reinstate shall �r�_
<br /> 4r'�,'" noi apPly in the ras2 of acoelerarion under paragraph 17. ��=
<br /> Y4. Sale of PIate; C6ange of Loan Servtcer•77ie Note or a partia! interest in thv�ute (together with this Security _� „
<br /> '� Instrumcnt)may be�ld ar�e or more times�vithout prios notice to Borro�ver.e���te may resuit in a change in the entity(fu�rcln �.,_.,.:
<br /> �� xs thrt"Lo2n Servicor")thnt enllecu atonthlY P�Yments due under the PIcRo and d�i�Security Instrurnent.There also may be ane :��
<br /> ,��'�`•� m more ehtm�es af.tha l.os�Servicer untelated to a sale of the Nate.If thECe i�tt�:(tt�tre=of the Loan Servicer,Borrovrer will be :,�:.;n;._
<br />`�5' givcn wriqtsn.n�tice of-the change in accordance with paragraph I�i tsbm=c and anpticu4�{s taw.'ft�e norice will s[ate the name and ;�,
<br /> :;f';.,, addtess of.!ha necv Loan Sesvicer and the address to whic�i paym�c�ould be m3de. The a�tice we�l also e�ntain any othez -
<br /> infora�ttnn.t8qui�d by appticable laa.
<br />% : Zp: �,nmrdQUS�uin,�aees. Borromer s6al! nat cause or pcannic the p�e.ose. dns�sal. stoiug�,or releass of any
<br /> ` ` ca
<br /> i��' ga�dous Substanoes on or ia ¢he Property. Barmwr.r shall not do, nor slltrcv anyane etse to do, anything affecting the —___
<br /> t'�� _-- -
<br /> propt�#;�.ti�t is in viotatian of aay F��ironmental�.a�r_T#�e p�.:eding two seaE�nces shall nssi a;sply ta preseuce.use,ur ----
<br />` stor.�a un:a'he laropertS+of small quaniities of tlarmdm�s 5i+bst�t�at are gene*aliy:eca��to he appropriate to normal �—
<br /> residt�n�titsY�u�es and to maineenau�af the Properry.
<br /> ti��.• � Hosttmver shall promptly give L�nder written notioz of any ist�+.sstigation.ctaim,dem�m3',.:zwsuit or other actian 6ry any �,��
<br /> �- goremmwttal or i+�gulatory agency or private party involving the E�ioperty and.m}�Harardous 3ubstance or�nvir�nnmec�Law �..
<br /> '``° of which..Y�rmwer has actual tatowle� e. If Borro�v�r l�s. ar is norifiod fiy��cv goveramental or regututory audtority.that ��.
<br /> g +�: .
<br /> �. a�ry[emos��l:nr ather cemediation of any Hazardous Sc�6stance afie�ing the�'cr,�c�:-�r is nec�saiy+.Borrower shall�romPUY� �.._.
<br /> m
<br /> a11 ne�Y:manedial actions in accordanre with Envitentrcent�i La.iu•. . ��':
<br /> - ps t�ti�@a this pa�agraph 20. "Haaar�dons Suhstances"a�FiSr,-�z�.s defined as toxic or harardous subst�,�by
<br /> - Environn�al Law aad the following suhstaaces: gasoiine. 4�aur�• c��-�ble or toxic peuotwm prodnct�:.�.�ic �,'';,�
<br /> " pYstieides�d het9�ieides.volatile solvents.muteriitt�c�as�ining�+'-.�."JS c���asF�Ebyde.and radioaccive m�erials.As+ued in =
<br /> �� ,,,: " ihis paragraph 20. 'Environmental Law" means f�L 3aws and tatvs of�v S+s�isdiction n+here the Pru�;x�ty is located that
<br /> 1 15
<br /> relate to health,safeey or environmental protection. . ; �_
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.ender furitter covenant and agrec as foitows:
<br /> �:,'`'� 21..�9�xelerstion,Rgmedie5.Le�s�er shall givc notice w Bmrrower prior to aoceYerat��r��ollowing Borrower'a l�5� �'_-_
<br /> - _ o�aoq €.r,►��.omat ar agreement in fi�E� Secvrity Iaszrument (6�z►t a�t prIor to acoelerct�a umder paragraph 17 �n� • � . �
<br /> �....�,� app�icuble S�r gm�rt�es othe�wisel.'i'�e notke sbaD spoctfy: (a)the default;(Ib)fhe act�oa,reQuie¢d to wse tbe dd�Zalis:; • . .�,-�...
<br /> .,., � (c)s dste,not Qess tl�n 3�da9s from t�e datz tbe aotice is given to Boerower,by which the defaul8 must be c�ed;,��a►3s. ":
<br /> ' ar�•;;
<br /> Y (d}tt�stt�etIare to e�ee the defstNt on or befoee the date spect�iea in t6e ex►t�e awy result In aeoeieration of ti[e s� � :. ���:_
<br /> � ; seaured�fiy t�is Secaritp Ittstrament aud sate of the P��opezdy. The nottce s6a11 furWer iflform Borrower of tl�e r�,'�ii�4� �;,�'
<br /> rcinstata�dier�eeteratton aad tlhe right to 6ring a cuurl-�t4ian to�rt td�e nou�e�oe of a defanit or stn�:n�sxs --_
<br /> ;:1� defense o���rr,orraaer to s�!¢rat�on aud sa[�. U the def�ulti 6"s not cur�d oa or before the date s�eci�ied f�the�t.�ce, �
<br /> , ''• I.e$der,ni iis option,mmy reqai�immec3fate paymeztt in full of nll sums sec�u�d by this Secur�tY In�am�nt�r!'�sout �:_-.:
<br /> , �. ��, [�rther demaand aad ma�t��e the powv of sa�e and any ot6xr remedies pesmit3ed 6y a�plicabie law.I.�►dcr s�al!be
<br /> e
<br /> :,. �, ea�rtfed tc3 c�lled a11 expe�s inGUY'ed in pursa�ing the r�edies pmvided in this paraSraPh 21,tuclndiug.�ut not limItetl .,-
<br /> f �;_
<br /> to,rea�aru��+is attarn�qs'fees s�nd ousis of title evldence.
<br /> If.�t,it+te povicer ot sele is invake�;,Trmstee sbaU e�eoord a nodce ot defaatt tm eacb cx�.nni�tn wWsh any puYt,�?tl�e �
<br /> °; .• ptapestx.i�lacaied smd sl�ll matl'��zs af sacb nottcc in t�e uian.ger prescsiUred by��C�I�ble law to Botra�oat'�r�j�d to �
<br /> pest �
<br /> �<� ' t6e o�her petsoas pr�scribed by ap�[fi�3sie taw.After the tbme seqafred by appi3cable f�cs;��rm�s1�aQ give pnbi,�r rnt�ice �___
<br /> � e �bYePP
<br /> �. �'.; of s�fe W the persons wEtd in the m�er presci'' 1Ic�Dt�Iaw.Ttu�e�wittecsi[,+dem�nd on Boraawer,s:.�S3'sdy
<br /> t
<br /> •�:�; We Ya�gerty Ai{�a�ic aud�on to the 6ighest btdder at tHe tinte and ptace antt Qnder 't�ax terins designated in the a�tice of �-�-
<br /> :� r. saie in a�or more pACCfls�nd ia ut►y order'IYast�detesmfne9.Tflutee mtty�Gu��'a sale of all or any parce��?t� ,..
<br /> .. ��f��'(Poblic anacoanceracni:sstc the Nme and ptace ot any prevtouslq sese�rl�r:ti;�e.Lender or its ded,�:c�Y . __-
<br /> '�: ; purcb�m.tdhZ�+apza�ty�t anq saie: c--:-
<br /> _ . � G�`..
<br /> ' �� �,y`
<br /> . . � Form 3028 9/90 ��"'�
<br /> ,...ti
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