.. .<.� . . . . . _.� .
<br /> .Y.� � � `��� � "Xr�::-��'���i}` r1� -_-- ..
<br /> �. .`. TO(3ETHEL�WfTH all the improvern�zm+�n�aa i�sr�i9`�r eracted on the properry. ur_d ali eas�e��nss.�f�� n�.E�s;aad �-
<br /> ��y.
<br /> '. � fixtores naw or hereafter a pa� of tl�e p9rJ��+.y. a.ld cr�ptii�ments and additions shalZ nlso be c�vered by this SECUrity =_--
<br /> `�.';,� fnstaument.A!1 of tht foregoing is refemed ta in d�iu S�ri.�t�i�str�ent as the"F'rogerty.' t�''-=
<br /> � • �ORRO�R CQ�l�TAN'i'S thai Eornn�ve:er F�rvk'itfJ�t s�c3sed of the estate hereby canveyed and has the�ight to grant aad ---
<br /> oanvey the Propatty aad thai th: Froperty is unancumitam:d..Bxcept fot encumbrances nf rernrd. �orrower�vurrants and wilt _- -
<br /> defend generully ehe dtie ro the Fr+o�rty aBa�nr�afi cluim�and:demands.subjea to any enrumbrances of moosd. .
<br /> ..� THIS SECiJRYTY W�'[`RUMENT cumbina�unifm�►crt�enants for natios�l nse azcd nnn-unifann cavenants with limir�d �.
<br /> va�iarions by j�risdiction to constitute a unifmm�c�tri.rr in�.�lrircgni covering real property.
<br /> UMFORIbl COV�IRN'FS. Bomover and i..c�tQa�cazr��strt atcd agree as foilo��s: ���_':
<br /> �'� � 1. �y�2at of f�ehaa�p�7 antl Intea�Y;. �tre�a:mtt:�G s�3i! I.mte Ch�es. F3orrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> .��� principzJ of ar.d interest on the debt evidenc�by di�in.�r:a anci�a�ly p�payment anc!late charges dae under the Note.
<br /> �;,.:
<br />-: - 2.F[tnc�s fmr Ta�aes ssn�3 I�snrsucc. �ub�t ta a{r�tii�a'1i ttt tav�or to a written waiver by txr.dp'. Bosro�r�r shsl! pay to �,._
<br /> � Lender on the day monthly paym�nts am dus anslvr ttia�inar..unffl t�e Note is paid in ful1,a s�►n("Fu�ds")for:(a)yeaz;y wx� �
<br /> ' " and assessments�vlrictr may at[nin priu�ir�over�t�in Sert,tri,t;t�its�cuhzent as a lien on the Fraperty;(G)Yearly Ieasahold payments [�' �
<br /> . ar growW rents on the Property.if an�+;(c}y�ar�Y hua��+J at p�rty insurance pre�iums:(d)Year1Y ttaod insurance premiums, �_
<br /> ` if any;(e?Y�Y mortga;e insueance premiun't�, if am,r;and{�>apy sums pay2]�ie by Boxrovrer to Lend�r. in acoordance�vit�
<br /> �.��`'� ehe provisions of Qaragraph 8.in lieu of dta gn:rmani�g mact�r�e iosurasi�9e prernivais.T6ese items ase cuUed"Fsrrovr Items." --
<br /> .tG.,
<br /> 'a:? Le�der may,at any time, callect and 6o1d Fund�c in un.mnaaur'i,aot to exc�ed the maximum arr.r�uns a ler�d�r for a federally
<br /> '��•; miated mor[gage Ioan may iequire for Eoimcvr.�'a e,�m�+v aa�4uin under th$federal[teal Fstate Settlement Pmc-.dures Act of �"
<br /> ��f�4•• 1X14 as ameaded from time to ti�e, 12 IS.S.�..3artian. 3tf�1u�m•seq. (°RESPA").unl�.ss anather tavr that applies to the Fuads �,.
<br />'.•.•t.,�` seLs a lesser a�ount. If so. LeadQr may,�t,a[�,r•timu.•cqilnat:�rttd hold Funds in an amount not to excecd the tesser amotuu. �=;
<br /> ' ." Lender may estimate the aucauni of Fapd�stuu Qa:thn but�in crfi murent data and reasor�2e esti�eatea of expenditures of futiue
<br /> . .. EscYOw Items or otheiwise zn accoidanw vtittt•aQ!fl�1��lu tmw.: �:�
<br /> . The Funds shall 6e 6eld in au invtitutfpU,whrt�t s3�Q#a�irs_are insured 6y a feQeeal ageacy. instnuuentatiry, or eatity ---
<br /> ' � (inctuding Lender,if I.Ender is�ch aa.ins.itutinnl.cir tfr.�y Fede"ral Homc Loan Bank.L.ender shall appJy the Funds to pay the _ _
<br /> . Fscrow Items.I.ender may rtat cha�e Bomm4�far hotding and applying the Funds.anat�ally analyzing the es�av�ascaunt,or --
<br /> . �, verifying the Eszraw Items.unless i.ender�uyis Barrower interest on the Fuads and applicable lavr pemuts Leader to malce sucix —:
<br /> .„: .. a c8arge.However,Lender may require Barnawer to pay a one-time chnr,�e for an indepeudeut mu!estate tax repurtin8 serniaa �•_`
<br /> , used 6y Lender in amnaxion with this toan. unless agplicable laa provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made•�e �vi:
<br /> apg2icable law aequ{res interesi to be paid.Lender�hall aot be required so pay Bmrower any interest or eurnings on the Funds. �;°-
<br /> `, . Bomawer a�F�der may agree in writing.however,t6:.1<«feresr sball be Qaid on the Funds. Leader sha1I gve to Sorros�et, _
<br />:��'�,�.4fLl ` wit8out charge. aa aniwaf accounting of tlte•Buuds.sitc���.credits aud debits to the Funds and the purQose for wh�ch ea�h
<br /> . m
<br /> >` r` debit to the Fuiids was made.'t'�e Funds���ed as:dir��cal ss�iig for a91 snms secured by ttu�Se.carity Institt��en�
<br /> :.,.f:•,,,.
<br /> F� ' ' . If the Fwtds he�d by[.ender ex�eeed tt�;�%unis�ed to be t�by applicable law,Lender shal{aecomu;ers!�Bosrower �_:
<br /> for the excess Funds in aeca�+'.kmu;,�with the�rea�uirements:,;applicabfe taw.If the amount of the Funds held by;Pc�aedrr at.any __--
<br /> � time is not suffi.�cient ta pay the�scrow Items wheu due,L.ender may sa antify Bartower in arridng.and,in such+�e�orrowet __:_-
<br /> ��,.:;.i�` • shall paY to L�cr th,e amount aecessacg r�,maice up the deficiency."I3►��ower sh�ll make up the de�ciency in no more than _
<br /> .. 'ys� ' tyirEhre mnnthL��'�qn�ents.at Lender's saie��?rscretioa. • •� :�� . —j
<br /> , ,,,. ,.. LTgon p�'�.�'in fWl ci,;�l1 suau secpred by this Security Inst�nunent, Lendes sHall promptl��?rw�d.t�.Bomswer a�f .
<br /> ' ,.,�; ,t;. Funds hetd 6y LenQe•r.If,an��.�u�.giaPb 22,Lender stmll:acquire or sell the Prope�ty.Lertder.Prior i�i�i�ru�a�tion or sale --
<br /> ,. •f;�.,, of ttt�Property,;sbial!appiy uny�unds held by Lender at tlte time of aequisition or sale as a eredlt agzimlt:t3he.yvc�cs s,ecurod by
<br /> .°..,'<`, this Secariry L�aen�
<br /> 3.App[is"s�}n�u'af P9�ym�uts.Unless�licable laay provides otherwise.all paymenss received���P,::nder under paragtaphs
<br /> 1 aad 2 sh3ll�ae'a;�plied:firstr co arry prepayment charges duo under the Note;s�cond.to amounta�srsr�ab2e undet paiagaph 2;
<br /> third.to intcr�E due;fautrh;fmn g�:ndpat due;and tast.tn:i:r��late cburgcs due under the Note. :: •
<br />. �;",:. �.C9��;IId�.�a.�+onr+a:r s�all pay all taxes.��m.•,,pnts.charges.fines aud impositions.ami6utable to�h,a Pcoperry —
<br /> ���z � wTuch may atvcii�a��:���er this SecuriC;•Snstrument, and leas�otd paymhnts or ground mm�-�,f�,any._Boaower s�all PaY
<br /> . ,.yt,�. ..�
<br /> j��;. ': these o6liga�i'�,i iit 4��p�videa icl.�nr�graph 2,or if�aot paid i�e that manner.Borroaer cis��aY them on tinse dieedi��
<br />• . to the peison ou�',�T�syment.Bormwer sfnall��pdy furaish to I,ecdc�;s,E!notices of amaunts ta��qa�:sid u�der this yat-agt�s::
<br /> p so
<br /> If Boaower tr�ices st�,ese payments directty,.Sarrower shai��promptly famish to Leadu�.c�eoeipt3 evidencirig.tAe n�✓s�tt�. �
<br /> � .. Eorrow�r shall pmmptly discharge any lien which ha�priuriry over this Securiry Instrument untess BormN��r.¢�t�:agrees in
<br /> w�iting to the t:ayment o£.�he obligation s�,•.-ed by th�lien in a mann�r acceptable w Lender.(b)�atests in goa�C�tth tbe lien
<br /> � � by. or defend�.a�f�s�st enforcement uf ds�:ititm in. legal proceedings which in t1�e Lender's a�rftti�r,�n opeiatt to prevesY,�ittr. _
<br /> • .'�� enforeement afi ift�lr�n;or(c)secures fr�n the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subotdlnadng the Fic�.;fru.
<br /> �"`� this Security Iust»sctent.Ig[..e^•.der determines that any pnrt of the Pro is su6j,raat Lo u lien�vhich ma attain riarity ovet�
<br /> pert}+ Y P �::
<br /> :,:' this Sccarity Ii'tstrai...°�t,Lender mny give Borrower a natice identifying the lien.I#t��wer shall satisfy the llen.or ta�e one or .ruii�:,:
<br /> ..,,;,...
<br /> ' more of the acEtona.:rti forth above wiWln 10 days of the giving of rtatfor_. ' '.��`t�'::
<br /> „ Fom�9028 O/Qf�� �,'.
<br /> �2of6 �, '
<br /> _15�CBi,"!±"
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