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<br />S£. Coc SEI 4, 5ac.
<br />� "' �16, 712N - 17W,
<br />Found Bni9s Cop
<br />�urVeyor's Certl(lcate `
<br />l hareby cerllly !hol orr Seplembar d0, 2010, ! complefad on accurale survey al fEI,SK£
<br />SUB01VIS10N; Hall Counly, Nabrasko, as �hown on !he accompanying plof Ihereal,� lhal !he
<br />lols, blocks, s/reals, avgnues, aNeys, purks, canmans and ofher grounds os canlolned !n
<br />sold subdiv/s/an as shown on Iha accompony/pg plal Iherao! are we// ond occuralely
<br />sloked oll and markad,• Ihal lron morkers w9�e placed ol o!l !of carners; lhal lhe
<br />dlmenslons nl epch lol pre as shown on Ihe pfpl; lhol eoch !ol 8aars lls own number,�
<br />ond lhak�s�lcl.,survey wos made w!!h relarence lo known arrd racordad monumenls.
<br />r9"o R s tiR�,
<br />Subm!lled la and app�ovad by lhe Ragionpl Planning Commisslon o/ Ho!! County. Giand
<br />rnr/, Wood River und !he V(llayes ol Aldv, L"alio and Donlphan, Nebrasku.
<br />�
<br />� r ' / b �Ohl���
<br />oirmon
<br />4 proved and pccepled by lha Hall Caunly 6oard v/ Suparv/sors, /hls, �„doy of
<br />" 10/0.
<br />_._.. Chulrinon d l
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<br />Legal �escrl t on
<br />A lipcl ol land comprlsing a purl o/ qia Soulhedsl Ouarler (SEl/4) ol Secllon /wanly
<br />S!x (26J, Townshlp Twe/ve (11) Nor/h, Ranga fleven (i!) Wes/ oJ /he 6Ih, P,M., /n I!a/I
<br />Counly, Nabrpsko, more porllcula�ly descrlbed as lollows:
<br />Aeglnning ol lbe soulheual corner ol sald Soulheael Quarler (Sfi/4); lhance ru�ning
<br />weslerly on !he soulh !!ne v1 sold Southeaal quorler (SEl/4), on on Assumed Baoring ol
<br />S89'00'! J"W, o dlsloncs oI NMe Hundred Thl�ly Thrae and /h/r!y Two Hundredlhs (9JJ.JZf
<br />Iael, /o /he AC/UqL Po1n/ n/ Beglnn/ng; Ihenca can//nWng 5H9'00'/ 1"W, on Ihe soulh /!na
<br />of sold Saulheosl quorler (Sfl/4J, u d/slance a1 Twa Hundred F!/fy flghl and rwenly
<br />Elghl Hundradlhs (259.28) /eel,� lhenca rui�nfny NUO'42'l5"f o d!slpnce a1 5even Hundred
<br />lhlrly �lve and Forly Hundredlhs (735.4D) /eel; Ihence running S5J'32'l0"f o dlalance ol
<br />7wo Nundred rwen/y Threa and lhlily Four Hundred/hs (229.94) /ea1; lhence runnlny
<br />506'33�06"£, o dlslonce o/ SIx lfundred Three and ren Nundredlhs (603J0) /eal, lo lhe
<br />AC/UAC Palnl o/ Beqlnn(nD und canlalnlpg J.d16 ucres mnre or less,
<br />pedlcat/on
<br />KNOW ALL MfN BY THfS£ PRES£NTS, lhal CHES7fR �. i'fLSKL ond JOAN 1. ffCSKf,
<br />hu�6qnd and wl(e, being 1he awnars ol lhe land descrlbed hereon, hove cqusad spma lo
<br />ba surveyed, subdlvlded, p!ol1eJ ond dealgnolsd aa fELSXf SUBpIVIS(ON; Nall Counly,
<br />Nebraska, us shawn on !he uccomppnyMD plaf lhereol, dnd do hareby dedlcole Ihe raad
<br />rlghl a/ woy as s/iown lherean la Ihe publlc lar Ihelr use lorevar and Ihe easemenls, lI
<br />any, us shawn lheraon /oi lhe lacullon, canslrucflon ond mulnlenance o/ pu9/!c servlca
<br />ufUlf(es /orever, logefher wlfh /he r/gh/ o/ Ingress and egress lha�elo, and hereby
<br />proh/b/l/ng Ihe plonl/ng al traes, bushes ond shrubs, or p/dclnfl o/her abs/rucl/ans upon,
<br />over, olong or undernealh lha sur/pca o/ auch eosemenls; and lhal lhe Iorepolny
<br />subd/v/s/on as more parllcularly dascrlbed /n !he descr/pl/on herean os oppedrs on !h/s
<br />plal ls mnde w!lh lhe frae consenl qnd ln accordonce wllh lha deslies o/ Ihe
<br />underslgned owners ond proprlefars,
<br />!N Wl/NfSS WHfR£0� we hpve oJllxad our slgnolurea haralo af Grand lslond, Nebroska,
<br />Ihls�doy al��, 7010.
<br />��C ealer L� e/�tea-� ��""_r���
<br />Y
<br />Acknowled,qement
<br />51ote DI Nebraska
<br />Counly Ol Hall ss
<br />On /he �oy p/ �r , 7D10, belore me r�� � o n r�l
<br />o Nolory Publ/c wi/h/n ond lar sald Counly, personally appepred CHE51fR 4. ffLSKf and
<br />JOAN L, ffLSKE, husbonJ und wl/a, la me personolly known lo be lhe ldanlicpl pprsons
<br />whose slgnalures ara o/1lxed herelo, and lhol epch dld acknowladge !he exacu/iorr /hareol
<br />l0 6a hls or he� volunlary ocl and deed.
<br />lN Wl/N�SS WHEREOf, l hove hareunlo subscrlbed my ndme and o//Ixed my of/!c%/
<br />saal dl Grond Islond, Nebraska, on /he dqle lasl qbove wr/!/en.
<br />My commisslon exp/rss—�t6dee_+�, zoit. , ,
<br />ClfG144 Atl W IY- HYe d Nw�y,j�
<br />...�� �E�IY��OAnFN2al) I
<br />Y Nalory 4d .f. S � f
<br />