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201008527 <br />amount that xnay vary fram tume to time up to a maaciznum principal suxn outstanding at az�y one txnne of, <br />TWENTY THOUSAND AND 00/100THS Dollars (U,S. $20 0• 00•00) plus interest. Bonrower has promised to <br />pay t,lais debt in Periodic Payrnents and to pay the debt in full not later than seven (7) calendar days after <br />Decem er 03 205 . <br />(k� "Property" rneans the property that ie described below under the hoading "`Transfer of Rights in the <br />p��, » <br />(G) "Loan" means all amounts awed now or her�eafter under the Debt Instrument, including without limitation <br />pz�incipal, interest, any prepayment charges, late cha�rges an.d. other fees and charges due under the Debt <br />Tnatrument, and also all sums due under this Security Instnunent, plus interest <br />(H) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security Instrument that are executed by Sorrowear. The following <br />Riders are to be executed by Borrower [check box as applicable]: <br />/� T..easehold Rider <br />/A Third Party Rider <br />� Qther(s) [specify] N/A <br />(n "Mastelr Form Deed of Trust" means the Master Form Deed o£ Trust dated Au�u�t 14. 2007, az�.d <br />recorded on Se t ber �.9 200 , as Tnstnunent No. 0200�,, 708091 in Book n/� at 1'age n/a in the Office of the <br />Ragister of De�ds of al! County, State of Nebraska. <br />TRANSFER OF RIGHTS 1N THE PR�PERTY <br />This Security Instrume�t secures ta �.en.der: (i) the rcpayment of the Loan, and all future advances, renewals, <br />extensions and modifications of the Debt Inscrument, including any futurc advances made at a tirna when no <br />indebtedneas is cuirently secured hy th,is Security Tnstrument; and (ii) the perforniance of Borrower's covenants <br />aud agreements uaxder this Security Instrument and tb,e Debt Instrumen� For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably <br />grants and conveys to Truatee, in trust, with power of sale, tb.e follvwing described property located in th� <br />County of Hall <br />[Type of Recording J'urisdiction] [Nazne of Recording Jurisdictian] <br />THE �OLLOWING DESCRISED FROPERTY IS LOCATED I'N TSE COUNTY UF HALL, C�TY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, STATE OF NEBRASKA AS FOLLOWS: FRACTIONAL LOT 8, IN FRACTXONAL <br />BLOCK 1Q, OF CHARLES WASMER'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AND FRA,CTIONAL LOT $�N FRACTIONAL BLOCK 2, ELM �LACE <br />ADDITION TQ TAE C1TY OF GR.AND �SLAND, HAY�L COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />which currently has t}�e address of <br />01410 W KOENIG ST <br />[5treet] <br />Nebraska d8$O1 <br />[Zip Code] <br />("Properiy Address"): <br />GRAND ISLAND <br />[City] <br />TOGETHER WTTH all tho improvementa now or hexeafter erected on the property, and all <br />�asements, appurtercrnances, and �ixtures now or hereaRer a part of the proparty. All replacements and additions <br />shall also be covered by this Security Inatrument. A11 of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument <br />�s the "Property." The Property shall also include any additional property described in Section 20 of the Master <br />�'arm Deed of Trus� <br />BORR�WER COVENANTS that Borrower is lavvfully seised of tlze estate hereby conveyed and has <br />NEBRASKA — Sx#ORT �'ORM OPLN-END SECURI7'Y 1NSTItCJMENT <br />I��Illllllll ln�ll�vllll�ll <br />(page 2 of 4 pagea) <br />Documents Processed 11-02-2010, 12:46:35 <br />