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<br /> � TRIIS'I'fiE'S DL � RECON�tEYA1tTCE �
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<br /> ���:� WI�RI3P,S, all of the indeb�edneas secured by the Deed of �' .
<br /> .�:
<br /> �;` Txuet executed by BRB'i� L. HAMESHERGER and CHRISTY L.
<br /> �;; HAY+�SBERC#ER,• hueband and wife to ARBND It. HAACK. Attorney at Law, -
<br /> Truetee, for the beaefit of PRINCiPAL RESYD8I�TIAL MORTGAGE, INC.
<br /> �' An Ia�ra Carpc�ration, ae assignee af iiome Federal 5avings and Loan.
<br /> � .Assa��tion ot Grand Island, NebrasIs�a, the Beneficiary nataed _
<br /> �j • ther�xn, dated 'June 17, 1988� and re�rded �Yune 17, 1988 in the —
<br /> �:`� Office of the Regieter of Dee�s o� Hall Cour�ty, Nebraska aa
<br /> Do�ment.Ne. ��8-1Q3232 and re=recorded J�.n� 29, 1988 as Document =-
<br /> • � ;;. No. 88-103507, l�ae been paid, an�d said Beaeficiary kaas requested
<br /> in wri�ting that this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and deliv- _
<br /> '�f: ered. � ,
<br /> � . . _
<br /> NOW, T�FORB,� in con�ideration of auch pay[nent in ac.cc�- . � -
<br /> dance �vith the request of the Benefcia�iary na�aed the�ein, tl� un.-
<br /> dersfgned, ae_ Truatee, doea by th�r�:.�}��esents, grant, r�mise, _
<br /> ' release and �convey to the persan ����oerso�$ ent3.tled thereto,
<br /> a12 the 3nt@�at and eetate dex�fver� ta ga��':�`�stee by or thraugh -
<br /> ,� `:� , sairl Trust D�ed in the following-�deacrabe$f';�-�v:�mi.sea, but only as __.
<br /> ;f: �� � to auch premisea: � . � � � .
<br /> -k- . . �
<br /> A tract of land compriain,g part� of Lottd Ten (10� and
<br /> � F � Bleven (11) , in Blqek One (1� , fn_ Stew�:.�t Place
<br /> _�:t<�. Subdivf aian, beiag a part of the Northvaest Quarte� of -
<br /> � • the Nor�heaet Quarter (NW��i) QF Section Twenty-Nine �
<br /> ��, ; � E29} , in To�nehfp Eleven (2iI .�_1?�a�th, Raatge Ni.ue (9} .> .
<br /> , west oE th� 3ixth P.M., in Ha}:g�;�'ounty, Nebraaka mare
<br /> '-;�t;� :�.' � . particu.�.axly described as fo�lawt�: Be�inning at the _
<br /> �s,,l,f Northvr�?sz corner of said Lot 10,� Bloclt�.i, Stewart. Place
<br /> ,���;<.
<br /> ,�.j�4���i;; , ' �'� Subdivis§ioa; theace running southerly along .aad upon ;
<br />°>��;�y� the westerly }�.i,�� o� said l�ote 10 and 11, a dietance of
<br />,_,;��, �.
<br /> =�°�=�� . 130.0 feet; tl}�r�icye running easterly parallel to the � _
<br />=�-;�;;',� northerly line ►;r� ea�.�' �wot 10, a distance of 92.0 feet; _.
<br /> :�.,�.. th�nce running r�orthe��y parallel to tY�e westerly line -
<br /> o£ said Lota l0 .and 11, a da.etance of 13D.0 feet to the
<br /> `�::���;'s�� ,, northerly line of eaid Let �0; thence �unn3ng weSterly � -
<br /> alung and upon the Northerly ki��^e of said Lat 10, a
<br />_ distancs of 92.0 fee� ts� the �S��.ce of begfnning.
<br /> �:,,` � . ;ANA . � .� ,
<br /> '�;�
<br /> ';;�;��' �i eract u� �.a.:�; �:.. :.ot� T�n (I�, ar.a El:��ren (1y 1 . Block
<br />:��_�:<; , One (i) , Ste���a�� Plac� �ubdiviefon, in the Ci�y of =
<br /> �'•�� Grand Zaiand, l�all Gr,�;r�r.tt��, Neb�aeka, more particularl.�
<br />;;'.'., ' deacrii��d as fvllcws: 1��ginning at a point on the Wes�,c
<br /> �:�;'c;; :� line of said E.,�t E].e-r�s� tii� , aaid point being 130 fee�
<br /> �'�-��� South of the Et'i�ri��hweaC Comer. �f eaid Lot Ten (10) ;
<br /> ,,;;,;
<br /> thence �asteri:t,� paray�:�l. to the North line of aaid Lo� -
<br /> � 10, a ��tance o� 92.� *eet; thence southerly parall�� ' =
<br /> . to the West line of s�.�,� Lot Eleven E11) , .a distance: r�� -'.
<br /> 53.0 �eet; tlzr_��e westi�rly para21e1 to the 9ou::h line _
<br /> � of eaid Lot ��l��cen i 11) , a df st..anc�e of 92.0 frr�t. to a -
<br /> , point on the �.��t liz�e ,of sair� Lot Blevea� (115 o thence ,•
<br /> . Nortla along the Weat �b�i�e of eai.d Lot Eleven(il), a
<br /> � dfatance of 53.0 fe�t.. s�o the point of beginning.
<br /> together wie.h all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurte- ._
<br /> • nances belonging to such premises.
<br /> �.:... �� :.: . . .. .. .
<br /> . . . . . . :. .:. , . . ,
<br /> , . . . . . . . . �'. '
<br /> _�-�:� . .. . . _ .. . , . . , . , . . . . • ... . . .. .. , �,• :,. . . . . . ... .
<br />