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<br /> - -- � %���i (U ���R�b.��tbn of th�tim�tor paym�nt or modfllcadon of�mortiatlon of the wms Mauad bp thu
<br /> °`�"F�°'"��'�'�� ONd of Trup arant�d by lMd�r to�nr wcc�ssor in Ut�rNt of BoROw�r�hall not op�nh to rNs�w,in any mannrr,tM Il�bllih
<br /> ����Ft�_��_;;�
<br /> — �~ ol tlM ariqinal Bonow�►�nd Borrow�r's wccnan In IMarK4 Lsnd�r�hill not b�requind W comm�nc�proc»d�n��pa1nN
<br /> q n�s suCh wtcM�or or rMuN to�xt�nd tlm�tor p�ym�nt or olh�rwiN enodity�rtwAizetlon ol tha wms acurod by Ihla DNd ol T►uq
<br /> �:. • by nawn o1�ny d�nyndr nwd�by th�oripirnl Bonowe�nd Borrow�r's weeason in intere��
<br /> -��.,�,�;.���,4 .; . �_ (b) �rnd�r'�pow�n.Without�flscUnp th�li�blllty of any other panon liebl�for the p�ymeM of any obll�aGon h�►Nn
<br /> � •�r�. mmUon�d.�nd without dhctlnp th�Ilen or chara�ot th1�Doed of Truh upon my portlon of Uw Praperty not Uwn a Iherotoforo °
<br /> ��+�•'� �Nas�d u trcurlty lor lhsiull amount of all unp�id ob1i��Uon�,L�nd�r m�y,hom tlme W time and withoul noUc�(1)rNqt�anr
<br /> ` '>.;i�; pK�on�o Nabl�,(ii)exlendth�maturlty or altor my ol the term�of any such oblipadone,(Iil)�rant other Indulpencw,pv)rel�aw
<br /> ���-n"`T":''. - or nconv�y,or ceuw to be rdqsed or reconveyed at any Qme at Londar'�optbn any parcel,portbn or all of the Proparry,
<br /> — ���•� �� (v)hke w relp�s anr othrr or addidonal�scurity for any oblipatlon fwnin m�ntlon�d, or(vi)maks compo�itlons or oth�r
<br /> �'. ..
<br /> .':?,3�:�+��.�.1'i r.,:,:�a
<br /> ,� . . �rranp�menb wlth Mbton fn ralauon theroto. _
<br /> �"—' �►_�;•...�, • (c) Forba►anc�by I.�nd�r Nol�W�Iv�r.Any lorbearance by Lender f�Qxercisinp any ripht ar remedy hereunder,or
<br /> '-`—_•;,�,;,,Wa,����. oth�rwiee allorded by applicabte taw,sholl not be o waiver o1 or preelude the exercise ol eny auch ripht or remedy.The �_
<br /> -_ ---_,R.u�,_.,,,� procuremeM of fnsurence or the peyment ol texes or other Iiens or chArpea by Londer�hall not ba a w�ivar of Land�r's ripht to
<br /> "--T=,s•;�r,�.�sx�ta . a�l�rat�thp maturny ot the indobtedness uncurad by this Deed ot Truat � -
<br /> -- _��?-'��'?-,�.�;, (d) 8ucatson u�d A�Ipn�8ound:Jolnt�ed 8w�nl WWlfty:Captions.The coveoanta and ap�eemente herein aon-
<br /> ::ra'��.5�...,•° tain�d thdl bind,�nd tAe riyhts heraunder 4tw11 inure to,the respecUve�uccea�ors and a�sipns ol Lender and Trusb�.All
<br /> -- " covanont�and apreemenb o1 Truator shell be�oint and several.The capqons and headinga ot the p�raprephs o1 t�is Owd of -
<br /> _• _.�_,<;;�;�a;;;j',, ! Trwt are lor convenience only and are not to De uced to interpret or define the provtalons hereof. —
<br /> - �_,n ��,�����• _ (e) ppuNt 1or Not1eM.Tho partiea heraby request that e copy o1 arry nodce ot de(ault hereunder pnd a copy of any notke
<br /> - . ol fele hereundar bo maltod b each party to this Deed ot Truat at the address set torih above M ihe man�er prescrib�d by _.. _
<br /> ^ s.,; ' epplicable lew.Excopt for any other noUce requlred under applicabte law to be give�n in another manner,eny nodce provided _
<br /> a� �, tor In thi�Daed of TN�t tht116e plven by mallinq such natice by ceRifled mall addressed to the other partks,at the addras s�t
<br /> o forth above.Any nodce provided for In thla Qeed ol Trust shall be eftecpve upon malling in the manner desipnatad fwnfn.If
<br /> , • � Truttor la more than one person,notice sent to the addresa set torth ebove shall be noUce to all such pe►sons.
<br /> � • (f) Imp�CNon.l.ender may make or cause lo be made reasoneble entries upon end fntpections of the Properly,p►ovlded
<br /> " thet Lendar ehall yive Trustor notice prlor to any euch fn�pection apeclylnp rea4onoble couso therefor rqlatod W L�nd�r's _
<br /> .. . ., intsrat fn the Properry.
<br /> � . � (�) R�onv�yanc�.Upon payment ol all sums secu�ed by thls Deed of Trust,Lender shall requeat Trustee to reconvey ihe _
<br /> � Property and shall aurrende�thia Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by thia Deed of Trust to Trushe. _
<br /> n Trustee shell reconvey thQ Property without worranty and without cha►ye w thQ person or pereom lepally endtlod 1Mnto.
<br /> „ • Trwta�hall pay all coste ot recordepon,II any.
<br /> ��' (h) P�on�l Propufy:S�euriyr Ay►Nm�nG As additfonel security for the peyment of the Note,T�ustor hereby prants
<br /> .. • :- ""."' l.cndor under!l�8lVebrssske 11nlform Gomme►elel�'.�x.lp a,wcurity Interesl in all lfxturea equipmen4 and other peraonel P�oP��
<br /> • ueed In connection with the rael eafete or Improvements Ipcated thereon,and not otherwlae declared or deemed to be a part of
<br /> -., ,, " ' . the�eal eatele secured hereby.This Instrument shall be construed as a Securlty Agreement under sald Code,and the Lond6r
<br /> � ' � ehatl heve all the riphts and remediea ol a secured party under said Code in addit�on to the�Ighta and remedies created under _
<br /> . �� 1�'� � ` and accorded the Lender pursuent to this Deed oi Trust;provided that Lender's rights and remedies under thfs parapraph shall ---
<br /> , �� be cumuladve with,end in no wey a ifmitatio�on,Lender's►fflhta and remadles under any other securiry epreertwnt sipned by
<br /> �',•.,r.;'. BonOwer or TrustOt.
<br /> � `�'!''�','��� (1) I.I�ns�nd�neumbrancn.Trustor hereby warrants and representa lhat there is no default under the provislons of any
<br /> . ,. ' • mort�aye,d�d of tru�R lease or purchase contract describinp ell or any pert of the PropeAy,or other contract,insbument or
<br /> , . • . .' epreement Constitutlnfl e Ifen a encumbrence egalnst all or any part of the Property(collectiYely,"Llem"),exfadnp es of the --
<br /> ,� , dete of U�is Deed of TruaR and that any and all exlating Llens remaln unmodHfed except ae discloaad to Lender in Truetor's �;;
<br /> ; , � wdtten disalosure of Ilene and encumbrances provided for herein.Trusta ahall timety perlorm all of Trustor's oblipetlona, �[.�-
<br /> ' covenena,representatfons and warrenties under any and all exisidn�and future Uens,ehall prompdy lorward to Lender copies
<br /> • of all noticea of default�ent In connectlon with any end all exispng or tuwre Liens,and shall not without Lender's prior wrHton �''"
<br /> �� consent In eny menner modlly the provislons ol or allow any future edvances under any exlatinp or future Llens. ��
<br /> ". a (j) Appllc�tlon ol P�ym�nb.Unless otherwlse required by law,aums peld to Lender hereunder,InaludMg wlthout IimitaUon _ �
<br /> � peymente of princlpal and interest Insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceeda and rents and profifs,ehall be epplled by �_-
<br /> Lender to the amounta due end owing lrom T�uator and 8o►rower in auch order as Lender in Its sote dlscredon deems dealrable.
<br /> . .�. .,, . (k) Sw�►a611i1y.If any provlslon ot this Deed of Truat conflfcte wlth appliceble law or Is declered Invalld or otherwlee -
<br /> � unenlorceable,auch conllict or Invelldlry shall not aHect the other provlsons ol thls Deed of Truat or the Note which cen be _-
<br /> .'� ylven eHect wdhout the coMllctinp provision,and to this end the provlslona of thls Deed o1 Tru�t and the Note aro declarod to be �"
<br /> �`•`�'y_ � sovarable.
<br /> (1) T�rmt.The terms"Truator"end"Borrower"ahall include both singuler and plural,and when Ihe Trusta and Borrower �',`
<br /> • �'' �>�' - are the same paraon(e►,lhose ferms ea used In thls Deed of 7rust ahall be Interchangeable. --
<br /> � • (m) Gowrnlnq Law.Thle Deed of Trust shell be governed by the lawo of th6 3tete of Nebraske.
<br /> • , ° � Tru�tor has axecuted thl8 Deed ol Trust as of the dete wntten ebove. =r
<br /> �;,,;, .. . - �u
<br /> '�•,;� Trustor
<br /> JQrry tolt� bQrq. �,,�
<br /> � � - ,� r
<br /> �,:, . , i-:
<br /> �� KIMBERLY A. LTtT(B�RG
<br /> , .,
<br /> , � �
<br /> i
<br /> . `
<br /> �
<br /> . , .. , i
<br /> .� . • .. . • ,
<br /> . r, . . ,
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<br /> i
<br /> - �.
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