�� .\� � iVr� � . '�.�:.. �. ..iv� 4 i C,�y,3}.�I .�It�:� 1 � •�ii�. '. i��(... . �ii,f�uSibl�if•.�:•„� �� ___'
<br /> Y" el �1�. •'e � If 1UIJ ��i�i4ir� I ..tf�.::�..l�Nww1l+-�-w-.�.�-^�---^^_---_ -
<br /> . i�.:. �M�►� I� — .. ------
<br /> _ 4�Aj.�x. ._.
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<br /> ' _' .....u.. . t :�y • .. . '�_. ����
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<br /> �.�_•_��._-. ..
<br /> .:�`-.,..�_ :..�.._..aY!" —
<br /> �r_:_...'.� �,;. . ACKNOWLEOQEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST 9Z-� j��� —
<br /> 4.�,''z k�:.;.'a.�������':'�
<br /> t.y,' T�IlJBTOFi RBAD THIB BEFORE 810NIN(3:
<br /> _—_,�,.;._�.� —
<br /> � ====T;� Trustor undKWnds fh�t tM doaumrnt th�t Trusto�1��baut to�ceaut�i�a D�!of Trust and eot a martp�p��nd that th�powM
<br /> �,',r'.'�!'� , at�al�provfdsd lor in th�De�d of Trust provldy�ubRLndRlly dlfhrent riphts and obllp�UOns ta Tru�Wr then�mortp�po in th�w�nt ___
<br /> .�..•.,�;, .. .
<br /> ,; ' ..�,,,.,�, of a d�tault or brpah ot oblipapon und�r th�QMd ol Tru�t,Includinp,but not Iimit�d to,IM Lmd�r's riphl lo haw tho Propsrty�old
<br /> �, by th�TruatM wlthout any judlcld prxwQlnp.Tru�tor r�pras�nu a�d w�n�nts thal thl��cknowl�dpem�nt wu�x�aut�d by
<br /> �` �:'r�:.�:�,:•,� . e Trwbt Wlon 1��CUtlOn of th�D�o}Troq. �
<br /> y.�,�;��•• J�rr ol n ra Truuo c �.
<br /> -- =.y'"' �
<br /> ru�:j; .. . . KIM Y
<br />��-
<br /> > K, �
<br />� ,. '
<br /> • ± � ���" "' THIS pEED OF TRU8T,fs made ef ot Ihe�_dey of �pr• ,19 92 by and amonp
<br /> �.'�- �,-�, .�... t. ,. ... --. .. _
<br />�"� ttw Trustor, J�req Stolt�nb�rQ i RIM�RLY A STOLTEMB�R�i . AuMbae►d and �ii� ,
<br /> e',' . 1516 Po�t Plaa� 13r�nd I�l�nd N� 68801-703�
<br />��tl� .
<br /> "•. whoso mafllnp eddrew f� (herein"Tru�Wr;'whethor one or mo�o),
<br />��' the 7rusqa, Fiv� Poin�� B�nk� � M�br�tk� Corporation —"
<br /> . ,� � �. .�_
<br />���,�': � P.0. 8ox 1307 Gr�nd I�l�nd. NE 68802 j,,..r.��
<br />�.,. , ,° . whose malllnp eddress is (�eln"T�'1,and �---��. "`
<br />� � the Bonoffclary, Fiv� Point� Butk . —.
<br /> ti�'r ' P.O. Box 1507 Ii�'and I�l�Ad� NE. 68602-1'JO7
<br /> whose mailinp eddr�s ie (hQrein"Lender'�. ti•.----
<br /> o.. � ° • J�rry Stolt�nMrp �'�`--
<br /> r � . ° FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,I�oludfop 6ander's exten4ion ot credlt Identllled heroln to __
<br />�� .. � i KIMBER4Y A STOLTENBERO (herein"BorroWer",wheMer one or more)and the trust hereln created, —
<br /> � � the receipt of whlch is hereby aeknowledpeci,Truator hereby irrevoaably grents.Iranslers,conveys and asslyns to Truetee.IN
<br />�''' ` � . TRUST,WITH POWER OF 3ALE,far the benefit and securitr ot Lendar,undef and sub�ect to the terms and conditlons horelnafter sot �„�.,-
<br /> forth,the►eal properly,described as fdlowa: �� '
<br /> ,-- ,., '. LO'i t3INE t�3 ISi :3£RITALiS ACltL'S 9!lBDIYISIQ!! I!1 Tll� G�T11 � IiR�MD ISLAMD. HALL �'`�:.
<br /> `�;'.�•' ' COUMTY. NBB ASKA
<br /> - -- , . ,�.,;
<br /> " � . Tqflether wlth all bulld�ng6,imp►puamanta,llxturQR,stre�ta,alleys,pessayeways.easements,riphts,prlvfleyes and appurte- �,,,��.�_
<br /> " nences locatad theraon ar in anywfse perteining therato,a�d the rents,issuea and prolits.reverslons and remalnders thereol,and --
<br /> ' auch parson9l property thal is attaGh�d to Iha improvements so as to conslitutd a 6xture,fncludfnp,bul not Ilmited to,heatlnp and --_
<br /> � . • . coollnp 6qulpment;end tt�ather wdh 1he hpme9tesd or marital Interests,ll any�whiqh iMereats are hereby released and waived;all �,.;�,,�w,�,.
<br /> ' ol which,inCluding repfaCaments and additions Ihereto,Is hereby declared to ba a pert ot the real estote aecurad by tho Nen of thla �
<br /> • � • Dead oi Trust and all oi the forepofny beinp relerred to he�ein es ihe"Property".
<br /> . ��...
<br /> '':" �� This Daed ol Trust ahall secure(a)the payment Of Ihe princfpal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit ( -�
<br /> .. .�.,-„•, • �+;s;r:,,.-
<br /> ♦nr� '1� A 1�2 M�y 3th 2002 ��'----
<br /> Ai;.. �
<br /> • • . ayreemont dated ..�_L�_ ,havinq a maturity date ol . `,;,•„j °v
<br /> . . in the oripinel prinCipal amount of s 3s��Iig•80 ,and any end all modllfcations,extenaions and renewals t�-a:.�
<br /> ' • � • thereo} or thareto and any and all tuture edvances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them il more then one)hereunder f�',,_:_-�.�`
<br /> � , r-:::L-�-
<br /> pursuant to one or more promlesory notes or credlt agreements(herefn called"Note");@)the payment o(other sums advanced by ��;.:_;-
<br /> • Lender to protect the aecurlty of the Note;(c)the performance o1 al�covenants end agreements of Trustor set fohh herein;and(d)all
<br /> �" preaent and luture indebtedneas and oblfyations ol8orrower(or any of them if more than one)to Lender whether direct,lndirect
<br /> •� abaolute or contingent and whether arising by note,puaranry,overdrafl or otherwisa.The Note.thls Deed of Trust and any and all �'„v:
<br /> �� � . Other doCUents that 88cure the Note or olherwise executed In connect�on therewlth,fncluding wtthout Ilmltatlon guarantees,securily
<br />" • � ` „ � apreementa and esslgnments of leasea end�ents,shall be relerred to herein as the"Loan Inetruments". �a���,;,;���-,
<br />' Trustor covenants and agreea with Lender as lollows: ��.�€�;;
<br /> � 1. Paynwnt of Ind�bt�dnns.All Indebtednesa secured hereby shell be pald when due. ������',�.'��•�':'
<br />' 2. Tlp�.Trustor Is the owner ol the Property,has the rlght and authonry to convey the Property.and warranta that the lien � •
<br /> ti created hereby Ia a flrst and prlor lien on the Properry,except lor hens and encumbrances set torth by Trustor In writinp end
<br /> • deNvered to Lender belore executlon of Ihis Oeed of Truet.end the executlon and dellvery of Ihis Deed ol Trust daes�ot vlolate any •
<br /> . � conhect or other obligatlon to wh�ch Trustor Is subject.
<br /> 3. T�x��,A�wm�nb.To pey belore delfnquency all taxes,spec�al assessments and all olher chargea aya�nst the Properry
<br /> now or hereaker levled. ,
<br /> 4. IMUrarlC�.To kesp the Propertylnsured againsf damago by tire,hyxards included withm the tenn"uxtended coverage",and
<br /> . � auch other hazerds as Lender may requlre,In amounts and wlth companies acceptable to Lender,namin9 l.ender ae an eddltlonel
<br /> �� , nemed insured,with loss payable lo the Lender In case ot loas under such polfcies,the Lender ia authonzed to ad�ust,callect and •
<br /> � compromise,alt clalms thereunder end shall have the optlon of applying all or part of the inaurance proceeds(I)to any Indebtedneas �
<br /> aecured hereby end In such vrder e6 l,ender may determine.li�)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoratlon ot the Properry � •
<br /> • � or(lil)for eny other purpose or obJect satiatactory to Lender w�thout attect�ng the I�en of th�s Deed of Trust for the tull amount secured
<br /> � hereby before such peyment ever took place. Any applfcation ot proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend or poatpone the due
<br /> dete of any paymenta under the Note,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. E�c►ow.Upon wrftten demend by l.ender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,�n such manner as Lender may designate,suNlcienl
<br /> aums to eneble Lender to Dav as thev become due one or more of the followinp.(i1 all taxes.aesessments and other charaes aaainat
<br /> the PrOperty,(il)the premiums on Ihe property msurance reqwred hereunder,and(iif)the premwms on any mortpeye msurance
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 6. Mdnlsn�nc�,p�paln and Compllanc�wllh Laws. Trustor shall keap the Property in good condition and repau;shall
<br /> � , promptly repafr,or repl8ce eny Improvement wh�ch may be demaged or destroyed;shall not commit or permlt any waste or
<br /> deterloratlon al the Property;shall not remove.demolish or substantlally alter any of the fmprovementa on the Properry,ahell not
<br /> commlt,sutfer or permft any ect io be done In or upon the Property m violetion of any Iaw,ordinance,or regulalion:and shall pay and
<br /> E.`!O!lt�t1�i�l�rh�raa af T��1!t^�!COGt 3�� CX�C�,".0�::!:C^S�C.^.CU.^.`�C�:1CC°.��'��!:9�QE4!9V!B�.!m�naoA!�f Ol4P44WI 8laA�l1Q� �IIP
<br /> Property or any part thereof.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Domdn.Lender Is hereby 3ssignod all compensatlon.awards,damages and other payments or reliet(here�naRer
<br /> "Proceeds")In tonnection wlth CondemnstlOn Or other tekiny o1 the Property or part Ihereol,or for conveyance�n I�eu of condemna-
<br /> rion.Lender ahall be entltled at fta opt�on to commence,appear In and prosecu�e m�ts own name any act�on or proceedings,and
<br /> ' shall also be enlltled to make any compromise or seftlement in connection w�th such takinfl or damage tn the event any port�on of
<br /> N�C]467�Nonp�cunm��Ow01�1F 10 !� ,
<br /> O 1N/N���I��N W Co�nnwp frutl uM 4n�rq�Arau�wM l�neqn N�b�W �
<br /> � � .
<br />