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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Aew jepuel se sluawnAlsul Lions Aapual 01 'pnAnnpnp eq of Bsnoo An 'Jenpep II!m AolsnAl pug 'e31oy3 um0 a,Aepua1 10 1@suna0 Aq <br /> 6uipaao0jd 8141 ul peluesajdeA eq of pue 6ulpsaopjd eyl ul eled!o111ed of peppue eq !lays jepuel lnq 'Bulpaaowd Lions ul ,flied !au!wou <br /> a41 eq Few AolsruL -0suodxe sdolarul to uopoe a41 pustap slugs jolsrul '1snJL to peep s1141 Jspun jepuel in setsnjl 10 tsajetul <br /> 041 Jo still s,AolsnAL suapaanb leLp peauawwoo el Suipasoojd jo uopoe Rue Juana 041 ul 'suosjad lie to swlelo Inlmel 0141 isu!e6B <br /> AlJadojd 041 01 atilt 041 Puatap J8AOJOt aim pun sluejjem AolsnAL 'ahoge LideA6ejed aqt ul uopd@oxa a41 of toafgns -still to asualo(1 <br /> 'Jepuel 01 lSrUL to Pesq 9141 Aenpap pup atnoexo 01 Alljoytna pus 'Aemod <br /> 146U lint @41 say AotsmL (q) pus Limit to poop si41 yllm uopoauuoo ui jspual 'Aq poldooog pug '10 JOA191 ul ponssl unluldo Opp <br /> laug jo 'lAodOA app 'Ao!!od aoumnsul app Aug ul in uopduosap Apedojd lees 941 ui 4Uol les 9sogj L1941 Aaylo se0umquwnnus pup stroll <br /> its to Jeaio pug aalj 'aidw!s eat ul Atjadwd oLil of pjoooi to still algelaljew pus pooh sploq AolsnAL (a) apgl slue,uem AolsnAL 'al8l <br /> :1snAL to peed sl41 to lied n eje Atjedojd 8141 to dl4sJeumo of BupeleA SUOISIAojd Bulmollol a4L '11.1.11 40 33143AM !ALNY88VAA <br /> OA04 p!nom asinuaylo 11 leyt ApeweA Aug wojj jepuel Aeq at so og linelep @qj Buun3 as panjlsuoo eq sou llays jepuel Aq uollos Lions ,tub <br /> pnelop Aue to tunoane uo pappue aq A(sw jepuel 4olgm of selpaweA Aue Jo slyelA jagtn Aue of uoplppe ul aq Ilggs LideA6eAed $!41 ul jot <br /> POPlnojd slgBlj eqL 'slunowe osegj to 1uewAed ajnoes Illm osle 1srul to paeq a41 •AIIJnjew s,etON 941 18 elgeAed pun anp 9q illm 4o14m <br /> lu@wAled uoopaq n se poleejl aq (q) In :aloN 9141 to uuat Bululewej aqj (Z) j0 :A(nllod 0omnsul a!geOlidde Aue to uuel 941 (t) Ja141ia <br /> Buunp enp awooeq of sluawAed luawpelsui Aug 411m elgeAed eq pue Buowe pauolyodde eq Pus MON ayl to aoueleq syl of pappe aq (g) <br /> :puewap uo slgeAed aq (y) aim 'uopdo sdopual 1e 'pus ssoupelgepul ayl to lied a awoooq Illm sesuedxe Lions IlV 'jolsnjL Aq lu@wAedaJ <br /> 10 91ep 8141 01 jepuel Aq pled in paunoul step 941 uJOJ1 eloN ayl Aapun paBAayo eleA @141 191sojolu! jeep u9Li1 Illm sasodjnd Lions lot Aepuel <br /> Aq pled in pejjnoui sosu@dxa ilV 'slsojalul s,jepuol loeloAd of alepdoidde eq 01 S@Aapgq jepuel legs u0113e Aug alel '01 pojmbaj tau 9! 1nq <br /> 'Aew 119yaq s,tolsnAL uo Aapual uayl 'AliedOAd 041 u! S1saAalul s,J9pu01 l3etJ9 AIIRIJ@1ew plnom 1e41 peauawwoo sl BulpasooAd in unpne <br /> Aue 11 os op A9w jepuel ungl Atj@dO'd 041 01 sJledej slew of (0) An 'AyedOJd oLit uo eoueAnsul pojlnbei Aue @plnnjd n1 (g) 'swlelo <br /> Jagjo pus 'seoueAgwnoua 's18aAalul Alunoes 'suep 'saxes lie to eejl AtjodOJd a41 dael 01 (V) s[!ep AolsnAL tl •smnLICINUX3 S,M30N31 <br /> 'jeedde Am s1saislul sdalsnAf, se AolsruL of pled aq pegs speeocud Lions 'ssaupelgepu! 841 <br /> 10 linj ul 1uawAad jaue speabojd Aue apioy jepuel 11 •sseupelq@pul o41 to aoueleq led!awjd ey1 of pol[dds aq pe4s 'Aue y 'japmewaj <br /> a141 pup 'jawalul pamooe And of ueyl 1snjL to peep a!Lil Aapun japual n1 6ulmo lunowe hue And at lsj4 pasn eq pegs AUadOJd 0141 <br /> to uopejola9j in AladaA out 01 poulwwoo sou sou Aapual 4o14m pun ldisow 11041 A040 9Aap oB I, ui4Um pasjnggip uenq tau enp4 Li3Aym <br /> spoooojd AuV 'Isnij to Pon(] slgl Aapun llnepep ul sou sl AolsnAL 1! uollmisaA jo AledeA 10 lsoo elgauOsnaA a41 ja1 spoe3ojd 8141 wOAt <br /> AolsnAL osjngw!eJ An And 'eAnllpuodxa Lions to loojd AAOloulspes uodn 'Bays Aapual •Aapual of Alolaelspes Aauuew p u! sluewenojdwl <br /> poftlsep jo peBewsp @141 Baeldej Ao Jludoi pegs AolsnAL 'jiedoi pus uopeAolsoj a1 speaawd eq1 Aide of stasis jepuel 11 'AlJodOJd 941 <br /> to Jtedej pus uopeAolsaA a4l jo 'AjjodOJd 841 Bupaage ugl Aue to lu@wApd 'ssaupalgopul 0141 to uopanpaj oql of spaaooAd 0141 Alde <br /> pus anugjnsu! Aue to spe@oojd ayl ulntet pus aA!00@J 'uogoala sdapual In 'Aew Aapual 'paAledwl sl Alunoae s jepuel IOU in Aagtaghh <br /> •Allanseo eLil In shop (g 1) ueegll ul4llm os op of suet Aotsnjl 11 ssol to loojd al9w Aew jepuel Op•OOo't$ speaoxe luewaoeideA <br /> jo AledeA to lson polewpso oLit tl AuadDJd aql of o6ewep in ssol hue to jepuel Atqou Apdwojd pegs AolsnAL •spaeoad to uolleapddV <br /> 'treat <br /> agl to Lwal ayl jot aaupAnsul Lions ulelulew of pup 'lapual Aq pegnbaJ as!mleglo se in 'weJbOjd e*UWnsul PODIA leuOlleN 041 Aapun <br /> tea stlwp A0![od wnw!xew ey1 of do 'unol 041 Buunoes AtJSdOJd OLI uo sung joljd Aug pup ueol eLit to enuelaq ledlouud pledun tint <br /> aql Ant 'ggje pjeze4 poop iepods a ul peleool -Al AuedOJd a41 19141 Aapual Aq u9A16 al sopou joue shop g1) u!yl!m 'algepene 11 '00uejnsui <br /> POOid lejepazl uielulew pue u!etgo of semBe AolsnAL 'ewe pAezey poop laloWs a se AoueBV tuawa69uniAi AoueBAew3 iej@pad ayl <br /> to AolosAla a41 Act palouBigep eeje u9 ul polanol aq ApodOJd Igea e41 pinoyg uosAad jeLito Aue jo jolarul In linglap in uolsslwo 'Joe <br /> Aue Aq Aam Aug ui pamedwl @q sou illm Aepuel 10 Janej u! aBOJQAO3 18141 Bu!plhojd luawasjopue ue apni3ul Iinga os!e A3!lad soumnsul <br /> Lioe3 •Aepuel of 0311ou uettum Aoud sAep (Ot) ual tseel In lnoytlm pogslulw!p Ad pell9oueo eq sou IIIM s0091aho5 tegj suoltelndps <br /> bulpnl3ul 'japuel of AAolae;sees mint u! aaupAnsul to ssleopilA83 in sal3pod 041 9wp 01 amp wnJt Aepuel of JOA!18P II1M 'Aepuel <br /> 10 lsonbaA uodn 'AolsnAL •Aepuel o1 aigeldoooe Algeuoseej somedwo3 jo Aundwoo a Act pensal pup Aapual 01 olgeldeme AlgpuospaA <br /> slseq pup 9089JOA00 'slunowe 'wAOt ul u0uum eq pegs Ss10110d •aA!nboi Algeuoseej Am Aepuel all aouejnsui A1111gep pus pAezey j@ylo <br /> Lions 4l!m A0419601 'Aepuel JO JOA94 ui asnela @a6@15ltow pjgpuels a Litlm pup 'asnelo eouejnsuloo Aue to uogeopdde plane 01 tue13102 <br /> tunowe ue ul AljodOJd ieea ey1 uO sluauAOAojdwl tie 6u!AeAO3 anl9A aigajnaw lint 841 jot s!seq luawana!dej a uo sluawasiopua <br /> OBejen03 papuatxa pjepuels 14llm sauejnsul Bill to selopod uletulew pug ajnnojd pegs jolsnAl •someArisul to eousunlulew <br /> •larul to peaq slgl 10 }tnd a cue A1jodOAd 841 6UPnaul 01 BupeleJ sua!s!Aojd Bulmopol eqL '30NV nSN1 3!DVWVO A1H9dOMd <br /> 'sluewonojdwl Lions to lsoo aq1 And plm pus ueo Aolsn1L lpgl jepuel <br /> of AJoloelspes seoueAnsse anuenpe Aepuel 01 gslujnl Jepuel 10 laenbeA uodn II!m jolsrul 'sleliolew in 'seowes Thom eg110 lunoooe <br /> uo pouesse aq pin03 uap A0g10 in 'uoli s,ueuJ!euetew 'uap s,31ue4oew Aug 11 'AtjsdOJd @41 of poliddns eja sieuolew Aue Ao 'pagslujnl <br /> we ssowas Aug 'peouawwoo sl jjom Aue eiot@q shop (gl) uae1)y tseal to jepuel Atpau peps JOlsru 'uoll3rulsuoo to 8*11ON <br /> Aljodojd syt lsu!e6n <br /> stuawssesse pup sexat 04110 luewaluls ueuum a 9wp Aue 1e Aapuel 01 ABA!100 of 1010pto letuawweAan aleudoAdde a4t ozuoglne pegs <br /> pue sluawssossa jo saxel aqt to luawAed to e3ueplAa AJ0139tspes Aepuel 01 491wn; puawep uodn pBgs jotsmL 1uswAe41 to e3ueplA3 <br /> •abuipesooAd tsaluoa aLit ul peys!wn; puoq Alajns <br /> Aue Aapun aaBpgo leuop!ppp us so Aepuel eweu pays jolarul 'AljadOJd 041 lsu1960 luewe3JO1u8 eJO;@q luau16pnf 9eJenpe Aue Alspes <br /> lie4s pue jspual pue Vasil pualep Ile4s Jolgnjl 'ls@tuo3 hue ui 'uail 041 Aapun ales in einsopejot a to tinsoi a as gnjooe plnoo le41 <br /> se6Je40 Ae410 Jn 'seat,sAawatlg pue sign Awn sn[d unit o4l @Bjogosip 01 tualolgns lunown us ul Aapual of AJnl3e;spas Alunoas jBg1o <br /> jo puoq Atejns elejodjo3 luel3!gns a An yseo jepuel gum t!sodep 'Aapual Aq pejuenbej 11 in 'u@![ @Lil to e6jey3s!p eyl ajnoes 'Bupu <br /> 841 JO 9011Ou seLi AolsnAL Aaue shop (9 t) uaagp u1411m 'paid sl uoll a 1! 'Ao sesu9 uall a41 Ja4ig shop (g L) ueeup ul4llm Ileqs AolsnAL <br /> luawAgduou to tinsw a se pe!p sl An sesue uap a 11 pozipiedoof tau s! AlJedojd 841 ul tseAelu! s,JnPual se Buol os 'Aed of uope6ggo <br /> 041 JOAO atndslp 411e1 ponB a Lil!m uoti3euuoa ul tule!3 jo 'tuewssesse 1x81 Aug to tuewhed pioLi4Um A0w jolsnjL 'jualooo 01 1461a <br /> lanJj to pesq 914101 pePIAOAd eslmJaLilo <br /> as tdeaxn pue anp sou sluewssasse pup sax@1 to call ayl Ant tdoox0 ysruL to peep s!Li1 j@pun Aapual to lsajalu! 04; at !gnbe jo JOAO <br /> Atijoud Bu!Aey su@!i tie to sail AvadOAd 041 ulelulow IIeLis jotsnAL •AV@doJd ey1 of payslujnl ielAalaw jo pejepuoA seoltugs jol in uo <br /> euop ljom jot swlelo tie enp ue14m And pays pus 'AtiedOid 041 to tunooou uo Jo tsu!eBe pe!Ael suoplsodwl pus saup '(AamaS pug Aamm <br /> Bulpnloul) s@BAe143 'sluawssassn 'soxnl inloeds 'soxel tie (Aousnbupep of joud s1usA0 tie ul pus) enp uagm And 1104s jotsnAL WGUJAed <br /> usnjl to pesq s!Lil to tied ejs AtiodoAd ayt uo strap pue sax@1 941 of BupelgJ awO[alAOjd Bulmopol syL '91413il CINV 93XVL <br /> me! elspjgaN Aq AO mal Injapal Aq potlg!4ojd sl aslojuxe Lions 11 j@pu@l Aq pes!ojaxe Aq 10u Bays uopdo 51141 'JnAQmOH 'AUadojd <br /> ie@a ayl ul lsajalul us 1o eoueAOAUOO JO po4taw joLilo Aue Aq Ao 'AljadOJd ieBa aqt of app Bulploti isms puel Aug of in ul 1saislw 1910118uaq <br /> Aug to jalsueAl An luowuBisso 'elps Aq in yanjtuoo uopdo-esea! 'sjeeA sajyt ugyl jolowts what B gum tneJntul p1OLieseal 'peep Jot <br /> 139A1u03 1312Alu00 pus[ 1oeiluou ales twawlielsw 'peep 'ales 146ulno Aq A9141agm 'AAaludlanul Jo AjgtunlOA j9LitagrA :sig01lnb9 jo leloy9uaq <br /> 'IeBei AeLite14m'AlAedoAd ieea 941 ul 1swalul Jo 91111 '146u Aue in Aliedojd lead to soueAehu00 eyl suesw „Aal8ml jo ales„ V •AlJedojd ieaa <br /> e41 w 1sej9tw Aue jo 'AtjodoAd ieea 941 to tied Aue Jo lit? In 'lunsuo0 u9tlljm joud s,jopuel lnogllm 'japsueg Ao ales 8141 uodn 1snAL to peaq <br /> 5141 Act pajnoes scans tie 81geAed pup anp Aiate!pawwl ajnloop 'uopdo s,Aapuel to 'Aew Aepuel 'a3ON3l AS LN39NOO - 31VS NO 3110 <br /> •Aljadojd a141 6AJasaJd <br /> pug tootojd o1 hjessooeu Aigeuoaeej @is AljodOJd @Lit to esn pue JalOeJe143 a41 waJl golgm 'uotiaes slgl ul enoge gljo1 lea stop asogt <br /> of uop!ppe ul 'sloe j@ylo tie op pegs AolsnAl •Avadojd eyt pepuallaun 8Ae81 10 u0puegO al Jagllau SOCOW JOISWJ •1)OWd o1 Ana <br /> •19eJelui suepuel <br /> 13@lnjd of 'jepuel n1 Ajoloetspes Algeuosueo 'puoq Alsjns g in Alpnoas atenbepe land at jotswL ajlnbaj Aaw jepuel 'pox1piedoef IOU <br /> cup AlAadOJd apt ul ss0J8lul s,Japu01 'uOluldo alos s,Aopuel ul 'an Buol on pue Os Bulop of Jo!Ad Bupljm u! Jnpual pail!lou sey Aotsnjl <br /> as Buol os 'sleadde ateudojdde Bulpnioul 'Bulpoeoajd Aue Buljnp o0uepdwoo ploggllm pup uoge[n6aj in 'eoueuipjo 'mel Lions Aue Litle1 <br /> poOB ul lsoluo3 Aew AolsnAl •AlAedoAd ey1 to A3uednooo AO esn aql of algeolldde sepuoLilne IetuBwujenOB tie to 1301)8 ul A@1)eeja14 <br /> Jo mou '91101join6ai pug 'saoueulpjo 'smel Ile 41!m A!dwoo Apdwojd pegs jolsruL Asluswailnbaa l1quaulujnno0 411m n3unpdwo0 <br /> 1sni j to paaQ sl4l <br /> to suoplpuo0 pus swjel a4l gum aaugiidwoa s,Aatsnjl to sasodjnd jot Atiodojd luou eqt toedsul 01 pus slsaJalul s,JapuOl 01 puattp <br /> Z 9Bed (penul;uoo) CV9ZZ4 :ON 11801 <br /> lsnal :iO 033a <br /> 91MOzo9 <br />