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/I 11.�: <br />�EED OF TRUST <br />(Gontinued) <br />Page T <br />Severabflity►. IF a aourE finds that any pmvislnn c�t thEs Deed nt 7"rust fs not valid or shoukl nat be eriforced, that fact by itseif wi11 nnt <br />mean that the rest of this I?eed of Trust wil! nat be �al3d or erlfivrc�d. Therefqre, a caurt wfll er�fvrrs the rest af the provlsions af this <br />De�d af Trust e�ren if a provlsion of thfs Deed af Trust rnay be fnund to be In�alid ar unenfom,aable. <br />5uccessors and Assigna. Subject to any limitations stated i» this beed of T'rust an transfear pf Trustars interest, thi8 Cle�d of "frust <br />shall be binding upon and Inure ta the beneflt af fhe partiea, their successors and assigns. If awnership af th� Prpperty becorr►�s <br />vested in a per�an ather than Trustor, LendBr, wtthout notioe to Trustor, may deal with Trustor"s succ�asors with r�rence to this <br />Dsed af Trust and the Indebtedness by way of forbearanoa or extension without releasing Trustor fram the nbligatians of this Deed vf <br />7ru�t or 4iabfilty under the Indebtedness. <br />Time is af the Essenr.e. Tirr� is of th� e�sence in the perFor�ance af this Deed of TrusC. <br />INalver a� Homastead �xemptian. Trustor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefif� of the homestead exemptinn laws nf the <br />Stsate c�f Nebr�ska as ta �I{ Inde�eriness secured by thia �eed af'�rust. <br />p�FIN!"CIQNS. Tha faiiawing words shafl have the following rr�eanings when used in th�s Deed a# Trust <br />Beneffalary. The word "BanBficiary" means BAMK OF TH� WEST, and Its successore. �nd �ssi�ns, <br />8orrower. The word "Borrower" means JAMES M LAMBERT and includes al! co-signers and ca-makars signing the Npte and al3 thsir <br />suc�essar� and assigns. <br />dssd af Trust. The wards "Dead of Trust" mean this Deed af Trust ampng Trustvr, Lender, and Trustee, and incfucfes without <br />I€mitatinn all asslgnmerrt and securfty iri6eresi provisivns rvlating to the Persahal Properly and Rer�ts. <br />F.ftvlronmenta!�. The wnrds "Envfronmental Laws" mean any and all �tate, fec�erai and lacaf state�tes, regulations and vrdJnances <br />relatin� to tMe protection of hum�n heaPth pr the env3ranmsrit, including with�at limitation ff�� Comprehensive Environmer►taf <br />Rasponse, Compensation, and Liabii€ty Act of '198Q, as emended, 42 U.S.C. Secfion 9601, et seq. ("G�RGLA"), the SupQrfund <br />Amendments and Reauthorizatian Act vf 1986, Pu6. L. No. 99-d99 ("SARA"), th� Hazardaua Materials 7ranapartatfan Act, 49 U.S,C. <br />Secttan 18D1, et seq., tha Resaarce Conservatinn and Recovery Ack, �42 U.S.C. $ectian 69Q9, et seq., or other applicab[e state nr <br />federal laws, rul�as, or regulations adopted pursuant thereta. <br />�ver�t of pefauit. The words "�vant aF Defauft" mean any of the evertts of default set forth in this Deed crF Trust in tI� ��ents of <br />default section of this �eed of Trust. <br />Guaranty. "1'tte word "Quaranty" means the guaranty iYom guarantor, endor�er, surety, or aoc�ommodation party ta l.ender, Inciuding <br />withaut Iimita#ion a�uaranty vf all or p�rt rrF the Not�, <br />Hazardaus Substances. 1'he words "Fiazardous Subetancss" mean mate+riala that, becquae aF their quar�tify, concen#rat�an or <br />physicaf, chem�cal or infectioua c�aracteriatics, may oause or pose e p�esent or potential hazard to hum�n hea�th or the environment <br />when improper9y used, tre�ted, stared, dispc�s�d of, generated, manufactursd, franspart�+d pr atherwise handled. The words <br />"Mazardous Substanc�s" are used in thefr very braadest sense and include without limitatian any and all hazardous or tnxic <br />subst�rices, materials pr wasta �s tte'�ned by or listed under the Envlror�met�tsl l,aws, Ths term "Hazardous Substances" atso <br />inciudes, without timitation, petroleum and petroleum by-product� or pny fr�ction ther�saf and asbestos. <br />Improvemerrts. The word "lmprovements" means all existing and future impravemenfs, buildings, struckures, mobi{�+ homes affixed an <br />the Real Properry, Facllitles, add�ions, r�plaoemants and other constructian pn the Rea�l Praperty. <br />Indobtednass. The word "ind�btedrress" means a!I principal, interest, and other �rr�ut7ts, nosts and expenses payable under the Note <br />ar Related pocuments, together with a(I renewals of, ex6snaions of, madlfir�tians of, cansalidations of and substltutians far the Note <br />or Related E7ocuments and any amaunts e�qa�nded ar advanced by LQnder to dfscharge Trustor's obiig�rtlons ar expenses 3ncurr�d by <br />Trustee ar Lender tp enfvrce TrUSto�'s obligafions under this Deed af Tru�t, together with ir�terast on such amaunts as provided in this <br />Deed of �rust <br />Lender. The word "Lender' m�ans BANK OF THE 1N�ST, {ts succ:essars and assfgns. 1"he words "successors ar assigns" mean any <br />p�rson or company that acqufres any ir�erest in fhe Note. <br />n�ote. rne word ��Note�� me�ns tne promissory note dat�d Novemper �, 2oio, in the original principal amourrt af <br />$32,400.�a fram Trustor w 1»ender, togemer wlth atl renewals of, extenslons af, modiflcations of, reiinancings of, consalidatlons <br />of, and substitutipns for the promissory no�s or agresment The rr�aWrify date of this D�ed of Trust is Navember $, 2025. <br />Personaf Property. The worda "F'ersonal Property" mean al) �quipment, 'Fixtures, anc! ath�t' articles of personal praperry now or <br />hereafter owned by Trustor, and naw ar hereafter attached ar affixed ta ti7e Real Properly; tagether with alE accessioris, parts, and <br />additions to, a�l replacements cf, and �8 subsli6utlons for, �ny of suCh property; and tag�ther with alf proceects (inaiudin� without <br />lirnitation al( insurance proceeds and refunds of pr�miums) fram any sale or other disposidan af tha Property. <br />Properly. The word "Propert}I" means aallec�ively the ReaE Property and the Persnnal Properiy_ <br />Real Property. The words "Real Property" mean the reaf property, int�rests and rights, as further described in this Daed of Trust, <br />Related aacuments, The warcis "Relratsd Documerds" rr�an ali promissary nntes, c�edik egreamants, Ioan agraemer�ts, environrnental <br />agr�emeriEs, guaranties, security egr�ements, mar�gages, deeds aE #rust, security deeds, coft�ter�l mortgag�s, and alf Qther <br />instruments, agreemerrts and documerits, whather noW ar hereaiter existing, executed In conn�cNon with tfie Indebtedr�ss. <br />Rents. 7he word "F2ents" means all presertt and future re�fs, revenues, incomB, issues, royalties, profits, and ather beneflts derived <br />firom the Proparty. <br />Trustes. The word 'Trustee" means BANK OF '1"HE WE51', who�e address fs 945p 7R�AT B�W, WALNUi" CR�EK, CA 84597 and <br />arry sub�titute or sucoeasor truata�s. <br />Trustor. The wprd'Trustat".means JAM�S M IANiBERT. <br />