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f►Zlj[�I��Y�:�I <br />Order ID: 9872577 <br />Loan No.: 0311155�36 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />1'he following described properry: <br />Parcel 1: A Tract of land comprising a part of the East half of the Northwest Quarter (E1/2NW1/4) of <br />Section Faurtaen (14), Townshlp Eleven (11) North, RangQ Nine (9) West of the fith P.M., in the Cfty <br />af Grand Island, Hall County, Nebrask�, more particularly described as follaws: <br />Beginning at the northwest comer of said East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E1/2NW1/4); thence <br />running eesterly along the north Iine of said Eest Half oF tha Northwest Quarter (E1/2NW1/4), on an <br />Assumed Bearing of 589 degraes 28' 02"E, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty Saven and Fifry <br />Nine Hundredths (327.59) feet, to the northwest wmer Caf Windolph's Subdivision; th�n� running <br />SOq degrees 08' 46"W, along the west Itne of W(ndolph's Subdivision, a distance of One 7housand <br />Three Mundred Seventeen and Ninety Seven Hundredths (1317.97) feet, to a poirrt on the south Ifne <br />af satd East Half of the Northwest Qu�rter (E1/2NW1/4); thence running N89 degrees 30' 49"W, <br />along the south Ilne of said East Half of the Narthwest Cluarter (E1/2NW1/4), a distance of Three <br />Mundred 1'htrty and 7wenry Seven Hundredths (3�0.27) feet, to the southwest comar of seid East <br />Half of the Northwest Quartar (E1/2NW1/4); thence running N00 degrees 15' 45"�, along the west <br />Iine of said East Half of the Northwest Quarter (�1/2NW1/4), a disUance of One Thousand Three <br />Hundred Eighteen and Twenty Five Hundredths (1318.25) feet to the point of baqinnln� <br />Parcel 2: A tract af land comprisinp a pert of the West Half of the Nor[hwest Gluarter (Wi/2NW1/4) of <br />Sectian Fpurteen (14), Tawnship Eleven (11) Narth, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., In the Ciry <br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northeast comer of said West Hatf af the Northwest Quarter (W1/2NW1/4); thence <br />running southeriy along the east 11ne of said West half of the Northwast Quarter (W1/2NW1/4), on an <br />Assumed Bea�in� of S00 degrees 15' 45"W, a distance of One Thausand 7'hree Hundred �ighteen <br />and Twenty Eight Hundredths (1318.28) feet, to the southeast comer af sald West Malf of the <br />Northwest Cluarter (W1/2NW1/4); thance running N89 degrees 30' 49"W, along the south tina of safd <br />West Half of the Narthwest quarter (W1/2NW1/4), a dlstance of Ten and Fifry Flve Hundredths <br />(1 Q.55) feet; thence running NO3 degreea 14' 46"W a distance of 7hirty Three and Forty 7wa <br />Mundredths (33.42) feet; thence running NO3 degrees 02' �6"� a distance of Sixty Four and 5i�een <br />Hundredths (64.16) feet; thence running NDO degrees 28"33"E a distanae of Ninety Seven and Eight <br />Hundredths (97.08) feet; thence running N00 degrees 43' 52"W a distance of Sbcteen �nd Tv+renty <br />Eight Hundredths (16.28) feet; thence running N00 de�rees 30' 10"W a dlskance of Seven Hundred <br />Nine and �Ight Three (709.83) feet; thence running N00 degrees 13' 27"E a distance of Three <br />Hundred Ninety Seven and Seventy Three Hundredths (397.73) feet, to e point on the north line of <br />said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W1/ZNW1/4); thence running S69 degrea� 2$' 02"E, along <br />the north Ilne of said West Half of the Nurthwest Quarter (W1/2NW1/4), a distance of Nineteen and <br />Fifteen Hundredths (19.15) feet to the actual point of beginning. <br />Assessor's Parcel Number. 400146045 <br />
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