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, 4' �,' .. �l. � ,a•), '' r h<(� -- - <br /> _.�.a��.�_ _ . , l`` .,,. .. . <br /> ���J � :��''' "r. ..��.�1� . .. /1�'AOlR.� '—_ _.----'__ _'.___. .- ' <br /> N ...-,..µhrlYtyS:�:a:• : <br /> - - . ,..._ r, M trM:>� . , ���� _ - .,,' --- <br /> __--- -- <br /> - <br /> , --° - <br /> —=���::������ 92-- io��Y � <br /> '�L���,�?,�,�• TOCjE7'HEK WITH all�he imp�uvemcn�r n��w �K hcreut'trr crcc�cd �xi�hc pro�:ny.und ull cukin�ot+, uppurtenunce., <br /> �?�� — <br /> ���.,�_.,,.'.�_:...- . nncl fixlurez now ar hercafte�u part of ihe prapcny. All replucrmcnt+und uddilium tihall ulx��Ix covc�cd by thiy Securi�y <br /> ��_ - - <br /> �����^� Inwrumcr�t. All of Ihc fc►regafng i�refemd to in�hix Security Inctn�ment as�hc"F'n►�ny... <br /> � �z-- �---�m,--• <br /> '!'��'"`=�=��c>� BORROWER COVENANTS�hut Burruwcr f. li��d of 1hc ctit•rtc hct�by cunvcyrJ unJ hu.thc rigM to granl <br /> b�t�r��+=:c�{a'y und conva:y 1he Property und that�he Property i.un�ncumberrd.exrrM 1'i►�encumbmncer ol rc�unl. Norrow�r wurrunlx wa! <br /> will defend generally�he dUe Iu Ihe Prapeny agum�t aU rlaimb and�k manJti,whjcct to uny cncumhr,mre,nf recorJ. <br /> �_..�;4��_��� I. <br /> TNIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT�umbinc. unif�►rm cuvcn+�m+ for nati�rwl ux anJ n�x�-uniti�rm c�wcn;un. with <br /> �°,._ .. limited v�riation�hy jurndiction�o ron+titutc a unif�mi+ccurity imtrumcnt rnvcring rwl pruEx ny. <br /> �,. •, ��'` � � - ,. <br /> �.nts:,L�lA:.:� � ;y;� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowrr und LcnJcr ravcnunt und ugrcc as fallowz: <br /> -- '�;-':'•:..; ° �' l. Pwyment of Princip�l nad laleresl;Preps�yroent aad l.ote Cha�'Bes. �'R'�wcr�hull prumptly pay when duc�he <br /> --' �':-�ti>=,• ��` " pri�cipol of and interest an the cieb�cvidcnc�Yl by ihe Natr und uny prcpuymcM und lutr churg�.r•Jur undcr�he N�►�c. <br /> - �����"�'i�••`�'��''°�' 2. Ftind�i'or Taxes and Insurance. Subjccl to applicablc luw or to a written wuivcr by Lrnder,Burrower shull psy tu <br /> _..�„ .,._. <br /> ' • Lender on�hc day mon�hly payments urc due undcr thc Note,until thc Notr ix paiJ in full,u�um("Fundti')for: (a)yc�uly <br />''.�; ± --• - h'.� wxcr And Assessmcnt.r• which may Attuin priorily over thi+Sccuriry Instrument us u lien un thc Property: lb)yearly Icusehold <br /> '°`^�� ' "" ' payments or gmund re:nts un Ihe Prapeny. if apy: Ic) yr:u�Y huurJ ar prapeny insuruncr premium�; (d) yearly tlaod <br /> riicf.��: � ;..� " - <br /> ;, insurunce premiums,if any:le)yeurly moh@Age in+urance premiumr, If any:und (fl uny sums pay•rble by Borrower to <br /> ,�;� � , . . �` Lender,in accordance wiih U�e prov�cioi�ti of parngruph R,iu licu uf the paymfen�of murtgage im��nm�•��premlums. These `_ _ <br /> � . d ltems are culled"Escrow Item+.' Lender muy,ut any timc,coUec��nd hold Funds in s�n umount not to exceed the maximum <br /> �• ^ •��• amptlnt u lender for a federally related mortguge loan m�y require for Borrawerb ezcrow account under the federal Real <br /> �`7 �•::" „� @state 5etdcment Procedunes Acl uf 1974 us amended from lime to timc, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er sey.("RESPA">,unlexs undher _ <br /> _ - •'° '' ' •� Iaw thal upplies to�he FundK sets u lesser umoun�. tt'r,o,Lender may,at su�y time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to <br />-'•`.�" �`.t.: •. ' exceed the lesser anounl. l.ender moy estimale the umount oi Fundti duc on the basis of current daa and reasonaMe <br /> ��� � estimates oi expenditures of future Esc�ow ltems or otherwise in accordance wi�h applicuble luw. — <br /> ' a ' The Funds whall be held in an institution whosc depasits are insurcd by u fede�ul ugency, instrumentality.or en�ity <br /> �� � � (including Lender,if Lender is such un insti�wiun)or in any Federn� Home L.oan Bank. Lender shAll upply the Funds to pay <br /> � �� . the Escrow Items. Lender muy not chnrRc BoROwcr fur holding vnd applying thc Funds,annually unalyzing the escrow <br /> � . � accoum, ar verifying the Escrow Irems, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits <br /> :, � Lender tu make aucli a charge. However. Lender map reyuire Borrower to pay u one-time churge for an independent real <br /> � esu►te tax repoiting�ervice use�by Leixier in connectian with this loan,unle+s applicuble luw pruvides otherwise. Unless un <br /> ,--- agreement is made or upplicable law requires intcrest ta bc paid,Lender�hull not be reyuircd to puy Borrower any interest or <br /> eamings on the Fundc. Borrower und Lender muy ugrcc in writing,however,that intcrest shull be paid on 1he Funds. Lender <br /> �� ' ` •• shall give to Borrower.withaut churge,an annuul uccaun�ing of ihe Fundx,showing credits und debits to the Funds und the <br />„ 4 , purpose for which each debii to�he Funds wus mude. The Fundw are pledged as udditional security for all sums secured by <br /> ti�_ tbis Scauriry In�wment. <br /> - - =�•�� �� _— —__ !f the Fs+nsls hel�J hy Ixn�� exceed �he wnoun�c pertnitled tu lx; held by upplicable luw, Lender tihall account to <br /> � � Borrower for Ihe excesx Funds in accordance with the reyuirements of s+pplienblc luw. It'the amount uf the Funds held by <br /> ° •�� Lender u�any time is not�ufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may xo nu�ify Borrower in writing,And,in <br /> such cuse Bortower shall pay to Lender the umoum n�cessury to m�l:e up the deficiency. Borrower shall muke up the --- <br /> .. deficiency in no morc thun twelve monthly payrnents,•rt Lender ti sole discretion. <br /> Upon pUyment in full of all sum�secured by �his Security Instrumem, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower Any <br /> • ' Funds held by Lendcr. If, undcr purngraph 21,Lcndcr tihull acquire or scll the Propeny, Lender,prior to the ucyuisition or ��=a�. <br /> �� , • �ale af the Properry, tihall upply uny Funds held by Lender at �he time of:�cyuisitian or xale as u credit against the sums _ <br /> s�aurcd by�his Security Instrument. �-'�`°"� <br /> , � 3. ApplleaUon of Payments. Unle�+ upplicublr luw provides otherwixe,ull payments received by Lender under .,; <br /> r�r-='= <br /> pamgmphs 1 and 2 shs:ll be upplied: tin4 to uny prepuymcnt churges due under the Nutc:ticcond,to amounts payable under ---- <br /> -�' ° paragroph 2; third,to interest due;founh,tu principal due:and luxt,to uny late churges due under the Note. <br />� ` � � 4. ChA�es;Liens. Bat'rower shall puy nl) luxcs, asse,sments, chnrgeti, finex und impositions uttributable to the �,�„ <br /> • ° Propeny which muy uttuin priorily ovcr Ihi.Security Instrumrnt,und Icu,chold paymcnts or ground rents,if uny. Borrower <br /> shall pay thesc obligatiom in the munner prnvidcd in paragraph 2.�r if nrn puiJ in tha�manncr,Borrower shull pay them on =—_+ <br /> time direcdy to the pertion owrd puyment. Borrower shall promptly fumi.h ta Lrnder ull noiices of amounts to be paid under '�4'��-=- <br /> , thi�paragrnph. If Borrower mukes the.c paymcnts dircrUy, Bormwcr shull promptly furni.h to l.endrr receipts evidencin� � ,�,�-_-_ <br /> ' ., ' the payments. � <br /> . ' ". Borrowcr shull promplly dischargc:�ny licn which hu.prioriry ovcr�his Sccuriry Instrumcnt unle+ti �_.-- <br /> ' „ in wriling to the payment uf the obligation scrurcd by the lien in u munner accept:�ble lo Lender.(bl contetits in gaxl fuilh Ihc F:, ,� <br /> lien by,or defends ogainst enfurcemem of the lien in,legal pr�redings which in the Lender,opinion operute In prevent the �-'-`__, <br /> ' enforcement of the lien;or(cl secures fiom the holder of Ihc lien an a�;rcrmcnt.atist'actury to Lender subordinating thc lien � <br /> - to this Security Inswment. If Lcnder determincs that uny p•rh of thc{'ropeny i,subject to a lien which muy ultain pri�xity �_ �� <br /> over this Security Instrument,l.cnder muy give Borrowcr a nu�ire identil'ying the lien. Borrowcr shall xatisfy Ihe lien or�uke }, k��_�; <br /> • one or more of the uctions,ct fonh ubovc within 10 Juys uP the giving of notice. ! ' <br /> � 5. Haz�rd or Property Insurance. Bom�wcr�hall kerp the improv�mem�noN•exi,tin�,ar hercafter erectcd on the � <br /> • " Propcny insured ugain�t loas by firc.huzurds indudeJ wilhin the trrni"rxtendrd covrragc"und any othcr h:uards,including <br /> � floods or flooding,for which Lcndcr reyuirc+in�urancc. Thi� in,urancc �hall lx mainlaincd in the amuunts and tix thc � <br /> , �• . � <br /> I. � , . <br /> � • F'i�rm3011i 9'90 qwge:uJnpuxr.,� t <br /> . . I , <br /> . � , <br /> 1 <br /> _1�_ <br /> • � . <br /> V <br /> I <br /> • � <br /> . � <br />