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���• . 1N . ,li T� _ ��_.�_ _"._" ..... -N-L`� _'_ ___ <br /> — - -----���"w"."�"A--- ... _ _ lr, � <br /> , <br /> �� ,)�.�irta�oi�> .. . " „ , -''`-:�_. <br /> — 92,� 1o3~�3s <br /> ' �•..,��.;�:. • <br /> �'sk'�.�u":'':1'`t:;�' ?��. <br /> �{�� ... <br /> y;�• �1 TOtlETHER WITH all�he imprnvcmcnts nuw or hereuftcr emc�cd on Ihr propcny,und ull cuKmcnt�,uppurtenunce+, <br /> ��•°�;� —w��"'- end fixturce now or hereA('ter a pan of the prapehy. All replacemenlx and uJdUionh shall ulsc► be rnvrred My Ihix Srcurity __ <br /> -�°"���;.'..• Insttument. All af the forcRoing is rcfcmcd to in thia Securfry Inctrumrnl a+Ihe"P����xny." <br /> ��=^`•,:�;�� �^� a� BORROWER COVENAfYTS lhnt BoRawcr ix Inwfully sciscd uf the c��utc hcrrby c�►nvcycd u�ut hus Ihr right to gmm <br /> , �� ,. ,,.t.:. <br /> . "��� ��� wf I defend�enernll ethe titic authe Pro�nnA �ainnt all clu ms and�k:m�un,ds�wbjebt ta u y cmumhran�i�crci�l'rer�r�J.��tx�� �. <br /> ° B Y Pe Y 8 <br /> '''•°4�~���`� r� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenanlr� for nnti�mul use und n��n-uniform covenuntK with <br /> ..., >_...,.� •.. . <br /> - �•,f limiled variations by juriMlicliun�u consti�we u uoifomi u:curity inst�ument covrring renl propeny. _ <br /> _. .. <br /> �`�� `�� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender covcnunt und ugrce us fullaws: <br /> �'�.:,;..�,��..•� . _�� _ _ <br /> l. Payment of Principol and Intertwt;PrepAyment and LAte Chprges. Bormwcr�hall promplly pny when due thc <br /> � �a;.v:�;l41;�,,,,,, r;,,; " princlpal of and intereet an the debt evidenced by ihe Notc und uny prepuymcm anJ lutc churgcg due under�hc Nac. <br /> -- . � 2. h�nds for 71�xes And Insurance. Subject to opplicuble law ar�o u wriuen wuiver by LendeG Borrower shull pAy ro <br /> _::��.��•�� v. - l.ender on the dny monlhly payments urc due under Ihc Notc,untH the Nale i+puid in full, a+um("Fund.+")fur:(v)yeurly <br /> '�� :���� • tazes and assessments which muy uttuin prioriry aver lhis Security Inytrumenl ar u lien on�he Property; (b)yesuly leusehold _ <br /> �?: , � .,;�� • payments or ground rents on the Prapeny, if any: lc) yearly huzurd ar propeny insurnnce premium.r; (Jl yearly flood <br /> - „_-�>...•.,,,;': inaurnrx:e prrmium�, if any; (c) yearly oinrtgage in.urance prcmiums, if uny; und (fl any sums puynble by Borrower to _ _ <br />;,��I�, * ,,..wo,• l.ender, in accordance with Ihe provisians of parngruph S,in lieu of�he paymem of'mortgs�ge insurance premiums. These <br /> � n items aze culled"Escraw Items." Lender mny,at uny time,collect and hold Funds in an amaunt not to exceed�he mnximum <br /> -��+� ' umaunt a lender for a federally related mortgage loon muy reyuire for Borrawer's escrow uccount under Ihe federal Reul <br /> °�� • Estate SetAement Procedures Act o(1974 as umended from time to time,12 U.5.C.#2b01 eI sry.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> '�'� ,' ��� ° � � law that applies to Ihe Funds sets u lexser umount. If so.Lender may,ut any time,collect and hold Funds in un�unount not lo =_= <br /> �• �. ' . . exceed thc Iesser amount. l.ender may esdmnte the amnunt of Funds due on the basis af cnrrent data and reasonable L <br /> ^ " ' ' estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordnnce with applicuble law. <br />° ° The Funds shall be held in an ins�ilu�ion whose de sits ure insured b a fedcral u cnc instrumentalit , or entit <br /> -. • po Y 8 Y� Y Y �' --�= <br /> '• � � (including Lender,if Lender iti such an institution)or in uny Federul Homc Loan Bank. Lender shull upply the Funds to pay '"" <br /> � ' " the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrawer for holdin und o I in �he Funds, annunll anal zin Ihe escrow �---�.. <br /> B PP Y � Y Y � F,",.�'_;,`a,� <br /> � account. or verifying the Escrow Items, unle+ti Lender pays BaROwer interect on the Funds und applicable luw pem�its «_�-- <br /> � � Lender to make such u ch+uge. Howcvcr,l.ender muy rcyuirc Borrawer to puy a one-�ime chsuge for on independent reAl ��-- <br /> e,�_:= __ <br /> � ' estAte tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with Ihis loun,unless applicable luw provides otherwise. Unless an --__ <br /> agreement is made or opplicublc law requires in�crest lo be paid,Lcnder shull nat be rcyuired�o pay Barrower Any intereat or __ -__- <br /> , � earnings on the Funds. Bonower und Lender muy agrec in writing,however,that intcrest shull be paid on the Funds. Lender _ <br /> � . ahall give to Borrower,withoul churge,s�n unnuAl uccounting oP the Funds,showing credits and de6lts to�he Funds smd the <br /> � � � purpose fbr which each debit to the Fund�was made. The Funds ure pledged as udditional secudty far all sums aecured by �`_`�"� <br /> � • this Security Insuument. — _ <br /> _ -�' -�_ - - <br /> - � if the Funds hcid by Lender nxcc�d ti�e,�oiounis permiticd sa bc held by� applicsble law, Lender sh�ll ncc�a�nt to -_ y� _ _ _ <br /> �� ,. ; Borrower For the excess Funds in accordunce with the reyuirements of applicuble law. If the amount of the Funds held by <br /> t�. Lender At any time is not sufficient to pUy the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so natify BoRawer in writing,und. in ,�`��o ' <br /> owe shall a to Lender the amount necessary to mnke up the deficienry. Borrower shall muke up the ����,.+'_`-__ <br /> , such case Borr r p y �-- <br /> • � de�ciency in no more�han�welve monthly paymems,ut Lender's sole discretion. �"":��s�e�- <br /> Upon puyment in full af all sums secured by�his Security Instrument,Lencier shnll promptly refund ro Borrower Any '���';.' ' �': <br /> J Funds held by L.ender. If.under parugruph 2 I,Lender shull acyuire or sell the Propeny,Lender,prior to the acquisilion or '�''��' ` <br /> �� ' �ule of the Propeny, shall upply any Funds held by Lender ut the time of ucquisition or snk as a credit ugainst the sums `�.::a.� ,.:... - <br /> � , secured by this Security InsUUment. : <br /> ` 3. Applicallon of Payments. Unlcss upplicublc luw provides atherwise, all payments received by L.ender under <br /> �� nrs� rs hs 1 und 2 shall be a licd:fir.t,tu un rc a ment chur e.duc under the Note;sccond,to amounts payable under `�u.,a�-:_- � <br /> " p B P PP Y P P Y F � --'� <br /> „ parugmph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,ro principal due;and lust,ta uny lute charges due under the Note. �:`�-,- <br /> . 4. Charges; Liens. Botn�wcr shull pay all laxex, �ssc,xmcntti, charges, tines und impositions uttriButublc to the ;�+�,±f•�,�:-.- <br /> ' Property which mny attuin priority over thi+Security Ins�rument.und Irusehold puyments or ground rents,ii nny. Borrower ��'"-� <br /> �e..— <br /> �" � shull puy thesc abli�;�tions in thc m;umcr providcJ in puragraph 2,or if not p•rid in thut munner, Borrowcr shull pay them on ^-*�':;;;, ;.;- <br /> �� � time direclly ta�hc penon uwed paymcnt. BoROwer shull prompUy furni.h t��Lcndcr ull notices of�mounts to lx:paid under •` �•'�•r' <br /> �� �':�.c:.;• this paragraph. If Borrower mukes thrse puyments direcdy, Ba�rowrr shall pramptly fumi�h to Lender receipts evidencing ��.,.,.�,..:� - <br /> '.,. ,.��,., ' •,T..ri -- <br /> .�,,,,:r;= . . Ihepaymen�,. a��:° <br /> Bormwcr shall promplly disrh�rge uny lien which hus prioriry ovcr this Sccurity Imlrummt unlexs Borrowcr:(a)u rees �>�'�`�"== <br /> '. I g d.�a -__ <br /> � ' � in writinp ro the payment of the ubligation xccurcd by Ihe licn in u munncr accrptuble to Lender; Ib)contests in good faith the ' �"�:�."-�.��= : <br /> ,�,1:+.�� lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement cf the lien in.Iegul pra:eeding.which in the Lendrr:opinion operute ro prevent the `�J v - <br /> ' enforcement of the lien;ar(c)secures from thc holdcr of thc lien�n ugreenxnt suti+fuctory lo Lender subc�rdinuting the lien ;-�;�_ <br /> , ' ' to this Security Instrument. If Lendcr cktermines thut any purt of the I'iropeny iti subject to a licn which mny attuin prioriry ��=:�;, - <br /> . , over this Security Instrument,Lender muy Rivc Borrowrr u notire iJcntifying thc lien. Borrower shnll satisfy the lien or take �'��+��"•_.�`�-,;`_� <br /> � � � one or more of the uctions set fonh above within 10 duy�of the giving of noticr. � <br /> �';':'. 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Born�wer shall kcrp thc improven� existing or hereuQer erected on ihe <br /> ' Property insured against loss By tire,hazt►rd+ includcJ within the irrni"extended covrrage" and an}•athcr hatards,inrluding � <br /> � , tloods or flaoding, for whKh Lender reyuir�r in�urunce. Thi� in+urancr ,hull be muintuined in the umountx and for the N <br /> � <br /> ' . Fwn 392N 9190 (puqe:njA�Resl � ; <br /> � �� F <br /> F° � <br /> . . I . <br /> � I <br /> r <br /> 1 <br /> f <br /> � <br /> . 1 <br /> . : � _ - <br />