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2010083b8 <br />o�EQ oF r�usT <br />�Continuea? <br />Page 2 <br />thrsatened Iltig�tfon or claims of any kind by arry person relaHng to such matters; and (3) Excep# as previously disclosed 6p and <br />acknowledged by Lender in writing, (a) neither "Crustor nor �ny tenant, aontractar, agent or ather authorG�ed user of the Property <br />shall use, generate, man�facture, stara, treat, dispnse of nr rele�se �ny Hazardous Substance on, und�r, about or from the Property; <br />and (b) any such activity shalE be conduCted in ccampl�ance with sll applicsbie feder�l, stats, and Incal kaws, regulatiar�s and <br />ordinanv�s, including without limitatian all Environmentet Laws. Trustor aufhor�es Lender and its agent� to enber upon the Properly <br />to mak� such lnspectlons �nd tests, at Trustor's axpanse, as l.ender may deem appropriate to determir�e oorr�lfance a� the Prnperty <br />witt� this section af the Deed c�f Trust, Any insp�etlons ar tests made by Lender shatt be for L.ander's purposes qnfy arx! sh�tl not 6e <br />construed ta creat� any responsibiliry ar liabfiity on fhe part af Lender to Trustor or to any ather persoq. Tha r�pr�s�ntations and <br />warrantles ccx►tained hereln ars based an Ttustor's due diligence in investigating tha Properky fpr Hazardous Substances. 7t'ustor <br />hereby (1) releases and wafves any tuture clafms against Lender far Indemntty or aontributivn in the everrt Trustat becnmes liable for <br />cleanup or other casts under �ny such laws; and (2) agrees ta Indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any anc! a1i <br />plaims, lossas, [labifitles, damages, perialties, and expenses which Lender may dirently nr indir�aotly sustain or suif�r resulfing fram a <br />breach c�f this section of the �eed aF Tre�st or as a c4nsequer►c� of any use, generatian, manufacture, storage, disposai, r�elease or <br />threatened releasa occurrin� prlor t� Trustor's owr►ership or Intarest in the Property, whethar or not the sama was ar should have <br />been known to 7rustor, The pravisions of this s�ctlon of the De�d of Trust, Including the q6ligation to indemnify and defend, shall <br />survive the payment of the indebtedness and the satfsfaction and reconveyance af the iien vf this Deed of Trust and shall nat be <br />afFected by Lender's aa{uisition af any interest in !he Praperfy, whether by far�ctasure ar otherv✓ise. <br />Nutsance, Wasfia. Trustor shall nat cause, cpnduct or permit any nuisanoe� nor capmm�, permit, or suffer any stripping ot ar waste on <br />ar ta the Property or any partian ot' the Property. Without limi�ng the generality of the toreqoing, Trustar wili not remov�, or grant to <br />any other party the riqht to remove, any tfmk�er, minerals (including oll and gas), coal, day, scoria, spil, grav�l or rock products <br />wfthout Landers prior written conaqnt. <br />itemovai af Improvemer�ts, Trustar shaii nat demolish or remove any Improvsments from the R�a1 properry without Lender's prior <br />written cortssnt. As a conditfon ta the removal of any Improvemants, Lender may require Trustor to make arrang�rr�nts satisfactary <br />to Lender ta replaoe suah Improvements w{th Improvements aF at teast equ�l vafue. <br />L�ndaCs Right to �rrter. Lender and Lentfer's agents and rapresentativeg may enter upon the Raal prvperty at all reasonahle times ta <br />attend to L�nd�ar's intere� and to inspect the Real Property for �urpases o� 7ruato�s comp�iance with the terms snd canditions of <br />this I]sad af Trust. <br />Compltance with Go�ernmartWl Requiramer�ts, l"rustiar shall promptly compfy wlth afl Isws, nrdinances, and regulations, now or <br />hsreafter in eifect, af ail governmental authorities appficabl� to the use nr accupancy nf tha Prop�rty, Trwstor may oontest in goc�d <br />fait� any such law, ordinance, ar regulation and withhold compElance during any prvaeeding, Including appropriate appeals, sa Iong as <br />1'rustar has notEi9ed Lender in writing prior to deing so and sa long as, in l.ender's sole opinion, Lende�'s irrteraste in the Property are <br />not jeapardixed. l.ender may requfre Trustor to post adequate securlty or a sut�ty bond, reasonabty satisfactory fo Lender, to pratect <br />Lender'a lntere$t. <br />Duty ta Prabect. 7ruator agreea neither fo abandon or leave unattendeci the Prpp�rty. Trustor ahall do �II ather ac#s, in addition ta <br />thnsa ants set farth above in thls sectior}, which fram the character and use af the Property are reasonably necessary to protect and <br />preserv� the Property- <br />TAX�S AND LIENS. The following provisians ralating tn tha taxes and fiens on the Property are part af this Deed of 7rus� <br />Payment. Trustor shai) pay when due (and in all eventa prior ta cfe[inquency) alt taxes, spectal taxeg, asseesments, charges (inctuding <br />water and sewer), �nas and irr�ositions �evled agalnst �r on accnunt o4 the Propsrty, and shalf pay when due alf clairr� far wark dane <br />an or for aervices rendered or material furnishad to the Property. 7ru�tar sha[I mairrtain the Property free of al] liens having priority <br />ovet or equat to the inta�rest of l.ender undar this Deed af Trust, except for th� lien of ta�ces and asaeasments not due and except as <br />otherwlse provided in this Deed aF Trust. <br />Right tn ContQSk Trustar m�y withholc! �ayment of amr tax, asr,�ssmant, or clalm in cvnnacfion with a gopd faith dispute over the <br />oblbgatian to pay, �o long as Lender's intarest ln the Property is not jeopardlzed. If a Ilen arises nr is illed as a resu[t of nonpayment, <br />Trustar shap within fiiteen ('!5) days after the lien arises or, K a lien is flled, within flfteen (15) days affer Trustar has n�tice pf the <br />fliin�, se�cure the diach�rg� af the ii�n, nr if requested by Lender, dapoait with Lersd�r cash or a sufficient corpvrate surety bond or <br />other security �atisfaetvry te Lender in an amour�t suffaerrt to discharge the I�Sh pius arry rrosts and attomeys' fees, or atlter charges <br />th�t could accrue as a resuft oT a foreclosura dr sale under the lisn. In any conte�t, Tru�tor sha11 d�Fend itsetf and I�ender and shall <br />satisfy any adverse judgm�nt before enforoement agalnst the Property. Trustor shall name l.ender as an additional obligee under any <br />surety bond fumished in the contost procaedinqs. <br />�vide�ce af Paryment. Trustor shali upon dem�nd furnlsh tfl Lender satisfactory evidenoe aF paryment of !he taxes or assessments and <br />shaU authorize. the appraprlate governm�ntal pfficial tp de�iver to Lender at any time a written statement nf the taxes and assessments <br />against the F'roAerty. <br />Notice of Construction. Tru�tor shali natify Lender at least fifba�n ('13) days beFore any wark ls cvmmenoed, any se�vic�s are <br />fumished, ar arty materiats are supplied to the Properfy, if any m�hanic's lien, materfalmen's lien OF i?�16P (bF3M COUId bB ffiBECb�d btl <br />aaaourrt of the work, services, ar materlala. Trusfor wi�l upon request of �.ender furnish to Lender advance assurances satisfaotary to <br />E.enrl�r thaf Trustar can and will pay the cost of such improrr�ments. <br />PROPERTY i7AMAt3E INSURANCE. The tallawing prpvisior�s relating to �nsuring the Properiy are a part of this De� of'Trust <br />Nlaintanance of lnsuranee. 7rustor shalt procure and malrrtaln policies of fire insuranae with standard extended cflverage <br />endorsemer►ta on a rept�cement basis for tha full insurable value covaring a1) Improvements v� the Real pmperty in an amaunt <br />suffic�ertt to evoid �pplfoation of any coinsurance ctause, and with a standard mor�agee clause in #avor ot l.ender, tiogether wifh such <br />ather hazarr! and liahility insutance as Lender may r�easonably require. Policies shall ba written in f'orm, amourrts, coveragas and basis <br />reasartiat�y ac�ptable to L.ender and issued by a r.ampany or companies reasonably aoaeptable ta Lander. Trustor, upon request � <br />Lender, will detivar to Lender 1rom tlme to ttms the poltcies or oertiflcates af irtsurance in form satisfactory ta Lend�r, inoluding <br />stipulations that eoverages will not be cancefled or diminfshed withaut et least tan {10) days priar wrltten notice tq t,ender. Each <br />