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� 1�1 1 .��t�. . ���y�y��yy� V ,1. :�':.._.--. <br /> ';5 ,p'�:i"�it�\'� - {'�� 'i-.1 i �YG`".��yy �i�1�.�i�. , ��.: ��"'Z!P 7r�:7, �k :...: ��. <br /> �' • '�t.iri fki�:c �t -,_ _ , ' � ��i t1' ,:���.%' 4' "' �'"'C�''•`1trl��i . ., � I�Y , . �- `.-F,. • ',.� � i•_ __ <br /> � i . ,; t 1 �Y.;,:s'� <br /> �,���'a��it•'`«• �i � � �''' .h^. �, .. ,,',rA.�+n.a�a:w��J�s� �.r. � <br /> Y; f41 I .�51 ,�� IF�.�'!` <br /> A ,y� <br /> '����� <br /> ��. . ..'..{'T'If. ''.��. �,. • <br /> n. . .I�..--.. <br /> ._. . � �. .___ rc— <br /> '——_ � •-._' .�,_ _'_ ' . • �'!T.Y's�•�_--.� <br /> �4_ <br /> �"°�i .'_',":- <br /> � �• � lnswanco premlums,pround ienfa,und all oiher charges whatsoeve►leviod upon or asaessed,pleced w made agpinsf fhe Trusf . _ <br /> proparty.7ruito�tunn.r a�rees,upon wrlBen►equeat by Benellaary,to prompfly dellver to Benepclary a/l recelpfa for the payment ol -e��_;•-:,.�-'"��-` <br /> �� tuch ch�rpss, T�uefor Ilkowlso apreas to pay ali taxos,�sseasmonta and othor ChorQea lavlod upon ar a��ossad,plac�d w mada __ _ <br /> • apanrt,a measured by.fhls Deed ol Truat or the racadaHon heraol. ��__ <br /> � 8. Appllcatlon ol Payments.All paymen►s recelved by Benellclery as fo any debt,Hablliry a abupetlon owed to BeneNclwry by Tivalor � � _ <br /> „ � . � m�y,b��pplad by Bendlo!�ry M flw paym�nt ol fhe Indebtedneaa o�ta any such odwr debt daWll ry a abllpadon,in eny ader a _ <br /> ° T ° manrw►ol appJlcatlon whlch BonoHclery,ln!ta abso/ute dlacratlon,deema appropdate. Unleaa otherwlse elocted ty B�noNcl�ry,any _�V_ <br /> ' � � auch payment ah�lf b�deemed appded Ilrat to the payment of any debf,llablllty or obllgedon other fhan the Note. <br /> �iee Irom all llona end encumbrances whlch ln an wa ma !n the ud menf o/ �`��-`t�� <br /> • � " B. Charpes;L/ens.Truafor wlll keep the Tivat Prope►ry Y N y� � e -- <br /> � � . _ � " Benellcl�ry,heve prlor(ry ovar,a lmpalr the secunry ol,fhls Deed ol Tiust but TiuB(oi I16ed nOt d18Ch6►Qe any BuCh llen So lalg a8 �,'r-,_ <br /> � Truator shell eg►ee,In wrltlng,to pay the obllgallon aecured by such llen!n a mannereccepteble b Benellclary and shell!n pood lalth ..-.•.�;____ <br /> • � ° contest auch Ilen by approp�lafo lopaf proceodinys ollecGve to prevenl thb snlorcement of the llan and tho los8 of eny Intorost!n a �-•••- _ � _= �_ <br /> part ol Iiw Tivat Propary. -" <br /> ~ 7. Hazerd Insurance.Tiusta shall keep tha bulldlnys end othor lmprovamenta now exlsdnp o►hereader erected on fhe 7rusf PropeAy `�� <br /> - Inau►ad by Msurance canlera satlslectory to Benellciary apeinst loss by Hre,hazerdslncluded!n tha te►m"sxtended coverape"and �..�'_ <br /> . " � � auch other hazarda,cesu�ldes and contlnpencles as mey be requlred by Bene fldary,!n aucb emounts and foi such pedods as may ba <br /> N requlred by BenelJclary. The pollcy af lnaurence ahall be!n lorm acceptable to BeneOclary,provlde that the same may not be <br /> � � canceJled or modllled wlthout IlReen(18)days pda wditen nodce to BeneNciery,end shall heve loss payable provlslons!n favor ol and ���-_ <br /> - In lorm ecceptabfe to Beneflclary.Alf premlums on lnsurence pollcles shall be pald!n the manner proWded under paiap�aph�1 hereof `-- <br /> � • .,� „ or,!f nat pald Jn such manner,by Trustor maWrtg payment et least/Ilteen(15)daye pdo�to fhe due dete,dlrectly to the lnsu►ance �` <br /> ' cenler.Beneflclory ahell have the d pht to ho/d the pollcles anU renewals tbereol and Tiusto►shall prompdy lumish to BeneBclary efl __ <br /> - ` renewel nodcea and a11 pald premlum recelpls recelved by!f.!n no event shalf BoneHclsry or Trustoe be held respons�ble lor Isilure ro �_- -_ : _-- <br /> ' pey lnsu►ance premlums or lor eny loss or damage edsing aut o/a de/ect In any pollcy or ads/ng out ol any felluie o!any lnsurence � <br /> � company to pey for any foss or damage Inaured ayalnst or lor lellwe by Tiustor to elfect the lnsurAnoe►equlred hereander.ln the evant �.. <br /> . ol kss,Tiusror shall glve prompt notice by mall to�he lnsurance canler and BeneNclery.BeneNclery may make proo/ol loss!/not _ <br /> � made prompdy or�n proper lorm by Tiusto�All pollcles o/lnsurance end any and a/1►elunda ol uneamed premlums ere hereby �_ <br /> �� esslgned to BeneNclary as addldonal secadty lor Ihe payment ol tAe Indebtednesa. !n the event ol BeneHclary's exerdse ot fhe power �__.: �i <br /> •� ol aele contalned hereln,or in fhe event ol loreclosure,all Nght,dde and lnteresf of Tiusror!n and lo any Usurance pol�y thon In lace E::-_��. <br /> ahall peas ro tha purchaser at the bustee's sele a loreclosure sale.In case o!anyloss,the Insurence proceeda the opdon ol • ;��� <br /> � BeneHclary,be applled by BeneBciary upon the Indebtedness,or eny peA/hereol,end ln such ader and amount es Benellclary may ° <br /> determine;or seid Msurance p►xeeds,at the opdon ol BeneHclary,may elther be ased In replacing or restodng the Trust P�operry �,`'::',�..�.- <br /> � • perdelty or totelly daahoyed to a condldon s�ds/actory to BeneNclary;a seld lnsurance proceeds,or any porGlon the►�eo%may be ;,,:'��==�� <br /> released to Tiustor.Unleas BeneNclery and Trusta otherwlse ag►ee!n w�ldnp,any such appllcadon of lnswance procesds ahaUl not '".°`L=__ <br /> � ".`F�,;�_ <br /> exlend a postpone Ihe due date o/the Note,or eny Inatellmenta calfed lor thereln,a change the amount ol such lnstellmenfs.U the .:..�_ ,::�. <br /> Tiust Pioperty Is acqu!►ed by BeneBclary purauant to the exerclae o/the power of sela or othei b►eclosu►e,all rlpht tlde and Interest ol '� .';' <br /> Trustor ln end to any lnswance prxeeds payabfe as a resuB of damage to the Tiust Propeily prlor to the sale or ecqulsldon shall pess . . .�y: ":, <br /> to BeneHclary and shall be aNplled Ilrsf to the costs and expensea,Includlny eHaney leea,Incuned!n collocdnp such p�a�ds,then ...�W:��: <br /> In the manner and in fhe orde�provlded herein. �;;.���F�"'�1= <br /> ,�,:N�., <br /> 8. Precervadon end Malntenance ol Tiust Properfy.Tivator wlll keep the bWldinga and other Improvementa now or hereaRer erected on �;�:;;,:.�::::,.; __ <br /> _ __ _ the Tnrat Proper1y�n good repalr and condldon end wlll not commlt or permlt weste,will not a/te►the desJyn or shucturel cheract�i +�;Q F�.}_�s.==�� <br /> consUtudng eny buJlding now or hereaRer erected on end consUtudng Ihe Tiust Properfy wlthout tAe pnor wntten conaent oi `'��-=�:-= <br /> Bene/iclary,wlll not do any ect or thing whlch would unduly lmpalr or depreclete the value ot the Tiust Properry and wlll nof abandon <br /> . the Tiust Property. Tiustor wlll not remove eny/Jxtures consdtudng the Truat PropeKy unless the same are lmmedlalaly repleced wlth �,�`'T "_s� <br /> qke property sub/ect to the Ilen end secwlry lnterest o/thls Deed o/Tiust end o/at feast equal value and utlliry.T�ustor wID comply wlth ��-'��v <br /> all present and luture ordlnances,regulatlons and►equlrements ol any govemmental body whlch are appllcable to the Trust PropeRy + ����.:-_ <br /> end to the occupancy and use thereol.ll thls Deed ol Trust ls on a unft!n e condominlum or a planned unlf devefopment, Tiusta ahall <br /> rm a!I ol Tiustor's obli adons under the declarations or covenants creadng or goverNnp the condominlum or Ihe plann�ci uMt �_,-,,.±-_��_" <br /> , perlo 9 --_ ..u,._ <br /> devefopment,the bylews and regulaHons o/the condominlum or planned unit development and the consdfuent dxumeMe. <br /> ' 9. InapeaUon.Bene/!clary or!►s epents may,at ell ieasonable tlmes,enter upon the Tiust Property lor the purpose ollnspectlon. " <br /> BeneNclery shell have no duty to make such lnspecNon end shall not be llable to Tiasta or to eny person in possess/on!/R makas a :_,�__'' � <br /> � lalfs to meke any such lnspectlon. ��=�^��::�= <br /> • 10. Protecdon of Secudry.U Tiustor/alls to perlorm eny o!the covenents and agreements confelned in thls Deed o/Tiust,or!1 any acdon _ <br /> , .. • or proceeding Is commenced whlch does or may adversely aHect the Tiust Pioperry o►�he Interest of Tiustor or BeneHclery fhere�n a :..: <br /> , � the tltle o/Trustor thereto,then Benellclary,atlts upfion,may perlorm such convenents and agreements,make such eppeauances, , <br /> �� de%nd agelnst and Investlgate such action or pixeeding and teke such ofher actlon as BeneBclary deems necessary to protecf!fs i • _ <br /> �� lnterest Including,but not Ilmlted to,dlsbursement o/reasonable aKOrney lees and entry upon fhe Trust Property to rneke►epalrs.My <br /> emounts dlsbursed by BeneNclary pursuant to fhls paragraph 10,wlth lnterest thereon,shall constltute Indebtedness ot Trustor _ <br /> secured by thls Deed o/Trust Unless Trusto►and Benellclary agree to other terms o�payment such amoun►s shall be peyable upon ___. <br /> noNce lrom Benellclary ro Tiustor reque�tlng peyment thereol,and shall bear lnterest Irom the date o!disbursement at the deleuft rate, i , _ <br /> U eny,set lorth!n the Note,o�otherwise af fhe hlghest rate permlt►ed by law.Nothing contelned!n thls paragraph shall requlre ( ;-__- <br /> BeneNciery to lncur any expense or fake any acNon hereunder. Tn�stor Inevocabty authodzes end empowers BonellGary to enter upon � <br /> the Tiust Property as Trustor's agent and,In Trustoi's name or othen+�lse to pedam any and ell covenants end egreemenfs to be <br /> • perlormed by Trustor as hereln proWded.Beneliclary shall,at!ts opllon,be sub►oyeted to eny encumbrance,llen,c%Im or demand i <br /> • and M afl rlghts end secudlles lor fhe payment thereot paid or dlscheiged by Benel�clary under�he provlslons hereof and any such � ,, <br /> " � subrogallon dghts shall be addltlonal and cumulafive secu►Iry lor fhls Deed oi Trust. � , <br /> " ' 11. Condemnatlon.The proceeds ol any award or clalm lor damages,direct or consequent/al,in connectlon with any cdndemnaUon or . • <br /> � othe►taking ol the Tiust Property,or any part thereo%or lor conveyence fn deu of oi 1n anticipatlon o!condemnallon. are hereby <br /> , essigned to and shall be pald lo Beneliclary.Trustor wl11 Ille and prosecute,!n good lelth end w(fh due d(1lgence,ifs daim/or any such <br /> award or peymenf,and wlll cause the same to be collected and pald to Benelictary,end,should rt lail to do so, Trustor fnevocebly <br /> authorizes end empowers Benellclary,ln the name of Trustor or othe►wise,to Iile,prosecute,settle or compromise any such clalm and <br /> to collect,recelpt lor end►etafn the proceeds.If the Trust Properry Is abandoned b y Tiustor,or,alter notice by Beneliciary to Trusto► <br /> fhat the condemnor oNers to meke an award or sett/e a clarm lor damages. Trustor la!!s to►espond to Bene/iclery w/thln thirry(30)days <br /> aRer the date such notice(s mailed,Beneliciary!s aufhorized to collect and apply the proceeds!n the manner indlcaled he►ern. The <br /> proceeds o!any award or cfa(m may,e/ter deducting all reasonable costs end expenses,mcluding attorney fees,which may have <br /> � been/ncuned by Beneflclary ln the col/ection thereol,at the sole discrebon o/Benepciary,be re/eased to Trusto►,applied fo <br /> restoratlon o/Tiust Property,or appfied to the peyment o/the Indebtedness. Unless Beneliciary and Trustor otherwise egree in wnhng, <br /> , any such appllcafion o/proceeds to lndebfedness shall not extend a postpone fhe due dete o�the Note or the payrnent ol any <br /> lnstallmenfs called lo►theieunder. <br /> 12. Tiusto►Nof Released. Extension o!the time lor payment or mod�l�cadon o!any amortization vf the Indebtedness granted by Beneliciary <br /> to any successor!n lnte�est ol Trusto►shall not operate to►e/ease,m any manner,the liab�liry of Trustor and Trustoi s successo►s in <br /> .._ ...., <br /> lnte�est Bene/lC(aryshal►nof de►equuod ro commence proceedings agamsr sucir succa�avr u�ra�uso io o�io.-�d��To.v:j+af.::�.�...: <br /> othe►wise modity amortizatron o/the Indebtedness by reason ol any demand made by Trustor and Trustor's successors <br /> in interest. <br /> 13. F(nanc�al Information.Upon request o!Beneficiery. Trustor w�ll piov�de to Beneliciary,withm rnnery(90)days of the close o/each 6sca1 <br /> year of Tiustor,the consolidated balence sheet and stafement ol earnings o►Trusta and any end all guarantas of the Indebtedness <br /> secured hereby,!/eny,and will provide and deliver to Beneflciary such ofher linanciel inlormehon and m such manner as Beneliciary <br /> , may reasonably►equest Irom tlme to hme. <br /> 14. flnanclel Covenents.In addlflon to any other Imanaal covenanfs o!Trustor made�n any other agreement inshument or document, <br /> Tiustor shall comply with and shall ceuse any and all guaranfors of the/ndebfedness secured hereby to comply w�th,or be in <br /> CompqenCe wdh,the lollowing linancia/covenants:(Thrs paragreph shall nof apply�►covenenfs and requirements are not set <br /> � /orth herein.J <br /> 18. Schedule o/Leases. Wifhln ten(10)days aRer demand. Trustor shall furnish to�enetic�ary a schedule,certdied to by Trustor.setting <br /> � foRh all lesses of the Trust P►operty.or any pornon thereof.�ncludmg�n each ca�a,fhe neme o!the tenants or occupants,a descnphon <br /> •of the spaCe oCCUpied by suCh ten�nf o►ocCUpent,fhe renfa!payable lo►such space.and such other mlormahon and docu�nents wdh I <br /> ��, respect to such leases and tenanc�es as 9enehaary may ret�sonably request- <br />